• Member Since 12th Jun, 2016
  • offline last seen June 28th


A good story displays a moral, the best ones attach you to the characters who display them.


New Chapter Out, and New Cover! · 3:02am Apr 7th, 2023

Background shamelessly stolen from an actual SoT book
I'd recommend giving that one a read!
(Sea of Thieves; Heart of Fire)

Report Amethyst_Dawn · 159 views ·

Marooned! · 1:34am Mar 28th, 2023

New chapter out for Coves of Courage, take a gander as Applejack and Rarity get a taste of this strange new world!

Report Amethyst_Dawn · 144 views ·

Featured?! · 6:00pm Mar 24th, 2023

Y'know for a moment there I was scared I'd lost my touch when it came to writing after I took those years on hiatus... this is a really encouraging sign.

Thank you all so much for showing me I've still got it! It's reassuring, and more than a little flattering. Don't think I've really processed it yet, since I basically just woke up.

Report Amethyst_Dawn · 183 views ·

Good to be Back · 12:20am Mar 20th, 2023

I won't promise that I'll be able to return to my old projects immediately, or even at all. But I did mean it when I said I was coming back! I've spent too long not doing anything about my passion for writing, and that needs to change. :twilightblush:

So, in I come with a brand new story to tell! Please, come and tell me what you think of the beginning to the Coves of Courage! :twilightsmile:

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Report Amethyst_Dawn · 147 views ·

The Old Bones Creak · 4:34am Mar 15th, 2023

The pegasus' eyes fluttered open blearily. How long had it been since they closed? Weeks? Months? His coat felt uneven and unkempt, his mane was longer than he remembered, and thick with tangles he could feel without even moving yet. When his eyes adjusted to the low light around him, the dusk seeping in through a boarded up window; everything he had known was coated in moss and lichen. Vines crept over his furniture. Mold and insects had conquered the last meal he prepared, leaving a small

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Report Amethyst_Dawn · 139 views ·

It's Decided. · 9:45am Jan 20th, 2021

After careful deliberation, I've decided to go through with my plans. I'm packing up my stories, and reworking the salvageable ones into more original fiction. A Dragon's Hoard, The Black Beast, A Land Without the Sun, An Exit Untaken, What Am I? and The Treasurefruit Tree are all going to undergo immense, immense reworking to remove them from the context of MLP to see if they can stand on their own two legs. Not sure how I'm going to get them out there, but I gotta

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Report Amethyst_Dawn · 372 views ·

About the Future · 8:06pm Jan 7th, 2021

I've noticed that I've lost a lot of my motivation for writing lately, at least as far as this website specifically. My passion for storytelling is still as vibrant as ever, and I love developing worlds and structuring scenes for proof of concept, but I have a hard time finding it in me to continue developing the stories centered around our favorite pastel horses. I've gotten the feeling that my more involved projects on here- A Dragon's Hoard, A Land Without the

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Report Amethyst_Dawn · 286 views ·

So an old friend recommended an anime... · 9:57am Dec 7th, 2020

Some show called Your Lie in April. I thought screw it, might as well finally go full weeb and binge some anime. Wouldn't hurt to be a good friend and try out what my friends enjoy, you know?

One episode in: good start, strong introduction to characters that feel alive and resonant.

Three episodes in: some minor complaints, but nothing that damns the overall show.

Two days and 22 episodes later:

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Report Amethyst_Dawn · 314 views ·

You Know What? No. · 8:26pm Nov 19th, 2020

Me: I need to make an entire creation mythology to explain one small part of--

Me to Me:

Report Amethyst_Dawn · 269 views ·

When you start writing simple worldbuilding exposition but end up writing an entire creation mythology · 5:54pm Nov 17th, 2020

Yeah, Reflections is going to be explaining a lot, folks.
Don't worry, though, this should be the only exposition-heavy chapter in A Dragon's Hoard. Plus, if all goes according to plan, it'll have more functions than just exposition.

Report Amethyst_Dawn · 189 views ·