• Published 21st May 2019
  • 4,399 Views, 69 Comments

Anon's Therapy Service - SoulSpirit

Anon is the only human in Equestria as you would already know, but here he is also the only therapist in Equestria too.

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I awoke on the seventh day in a guest room of the castle. For anyone else, it would have felt like a great morning. Waking up on such a luxurious bed and walking onto the balcony to such a gorgeous view, just about anyone else would be happy. Not me though. I was too busy worrying about where I was going to sleep or how I would get food when I returned to Ponyville. My time was up after all. As soon as I returned I would be homeless. I had a good run while it lasted. The few clients I had whistle I was there were fantastic. You know what? So was I. I helped each client to the best of my abilities. Knowing that I was ready to accept my fate without question.

I was making my way to exit the room when a pony knocked and entered. His coat was white and his main, tail and eyes were all dark blue. He was also wearing golden armor, leading me to assume he was a guard.

“Sir Anonymous,” he addressed. “My name is Shining Armor, captain of the royal guard. Princess Celestia would like to speak to you over breakfast.”

“Well, I guess some tea or coffee wouldn’t hurt,” I thought. “Lead the way,” I told him.

“Yes Sir,” he responded before taking the lead.

I was lead once more through the maze of corridors. If it weren’t for the doors or windows, I would think it impossible for anyone to learn there way around. Eventually, I was led to a large door. On it was engraved a very beautiful golden sun.

“Here we are sir. Please wait here as I inform her of your arrival,” he instructed before going in. it didn’t even take a minute before he came back out. “Please, head on in.”

Doing as I was told, I opened the door and let myself in. I saw Celestia sitting at a round table on her balcony. I checked her facial expression and, comparing it to last night when I first saw her, I’d say she’s feeling a lot better.

“Good morning Anon, she greeted, placing her drink down. “Please, come and join me.”

Doing as I was told once more, I took the seat opposite of Celestia. In the center of the table, there was a tri-tiered serving plate with a variety of cake, fruit, and muffins. Beside it was a teapot and two teacups. One of the two cups was already full. Using her magic, she poured me some tea in the other cup.

“Please, help yourself,” she insisted.

“Heh, who am I to say ‘no’ to the princess?” I thought as I put a few muffins on my plate. After that, I decided we should get things started. “I was told that there was something you wanted to discuss.”

“Straight to the point, aren’t we?” she giggled, taking a sip of tea. “Very well. I received a rather disturbing letter earlier from Twilight Sparkle,: she informed me. To help me wake up and process better, I took a sip of tea myself. “I’ll be honest. I was quite surprised to learn that you’re homeless now.”

I let out a stressful sigh. As I took another sip of tea and a bite from one of the muffins I claimed, I found myself wondering what Twilight’s intentions were for informing Celestia of that. Assuming that it was just Celestia asking her for a background check, I decided not to question it and continue listening.

“Would you mind answering a few questions?” she asked.

“Sure,” I answered. Anything for the client, even though I wasn’t accepting payment this time.

“Why didn’t you say anything to me?” she asked, sounding serious.

“It’s my job to listen to the troubles of others and help them through their problems. The only time I share my troubles is when I use it as a way to establish trust with the client to get them to open up,” I told her. “It wasn’t necessary with you because you were already willing to discuss what was on your mind,” I explained. Celestia started to look a little frustrated with my answer. Like it wasn’t good enough or it wasn’t what she was looking for.

“That doesn’t mean you couldn’t tell me afterword or have asked somepony else for help,” she countered. “What are you not telling me?”

“It’s just how things are for me,” I told her, trying to dodge the question.

“Please, explain what you mean by that?” she asked. At this point, it was clear to me that I wasn’t leaving without telling her what she wanted to know.

“Alright,” I said, releasing a sigh in my surrender. “You win.” I let out a hum as I thought about where to start. I guessed I would start it by speaking from experience.

“Over many years before coming to your land, I have learned that life doesn’t have rules that it plays by. Life is always unfair and can even be cruel when it wants to be. However, there has always been one thing that it’s been consistent with,” I told her.

“And what’s that?” she asked.

“It doesn’t enable anyone. If someone isn’t fit to make it by in the world, it leaves them to die,” I calmly explained, taking a sip of tea.

Setting the now empty teacup down, I looked at Celestia just in time to see that her maw was agape before she closed it. Her eyes were filled with disbelief as she processed what I had just informed her. From what I knew of her so far, I bet….

“How?” she asked.

“‘How’ what?” I asked in turn, already knowing what she meant.

“How could you accept that?” she asked, being a little more specific. I smiled at her, confusing her. “How could you be smiling in your situation?”

“Because,” I began, getting her attention. “Before now, I was able to help. In the past week, there were a few wondrous individuals that came to me asking for help. I was able to give them advice and guidance in there time of need,” I answered. “Knowing that, it makes me feel a little better.” now Celestia’s face told me that she understood, her eyes softening to a point where they reminded me of a sad kitten.

“Oh, you poor creature,” she called me, catching me off guard. “I had no idea.”

“‘Poor creature’? How so?” I asked.

“Well, I don’t know how things work where you come from, but here, no innocent creature such as yourself should have to go through such trials,” she told me.

“Heh, it’s not like there’s anything I can do about at this point but accept it,” I told her.

“No, but there is something I can do,” she argued.

“Like what?” I asked.

“How would you like to stay here at the castle?” she proposed. It sounded great, but the more I thought about it the more I had to go against it.

“Sorry, but I can’t accept,” I informed her.

“Why not?” she asked, a hint of surprise in her voice.

“The guilt would be too much if I couldn’t pay you back” I admitted.

“If that’s the problem, I’m sure I can arrange some work for you. There are a few guards that could use your services,” she insisted. She had me beat there.

“Alright, I’ll accept if you can do that,” I told her she looked almost overjoyed for a moment.

“I’m glad we could come to an agreement.”

Author's Note:

This story has finally come to an end. To be honest, when I started the series, I didn’t expect to get the support as I did. It’s been my most successful work yet. It’s because of this that I feel the need to do something else with Anon (nothing in correlation to this story). I have a possible idea underway. I wonder how many of you will stick around to see Anon as a butler. Like I said though, it will be a completely separate story.

Drop a like, leave a comment, hit follow, and I hope you enjoyed.

Comments ( 23 )

No! Don't tease like that!! Where's the reeeeeeesssst!!!

That is it. Don't you remember at the beginning, seven days. One week. It's up. Everything has a beginning and everything has an end. Nothing is sad until it's over. Besides, I have another project in store as I mentioned.

I know you want to do it with a fresh anon but, i feel like you could use this one rather well. It's a pretty common trope of a butler or waiting staff giving rather smart advice, and that mixed with the "fish out of water" of him not used to working as waiting staff could be cool.
But at the end of the day it's your story if you want to start afresh, go for it. Might even keep an eye out for it myself

The next story I have in mind for Anon requires a whole new personality and it gives him a new background. I just like the leeway.

This was a good little story. I enjoyed it for what it was. I look forward to your next one :)

Nice story man 10 out of 10 from Me


Thanks. It's people like you that let me know that I'm doing something right. Thank both of you for your input.

I'll be honest. This was like viewing a Bob Ross's episode, the same feeling of it. Seen how chill anon was with everything brought me peace.
Thank you for writhing this.

No problem man. Though, I wish my first story got the same amount of attention. It took way more time and effort to make.

I'm not sure of the answer to the question about study.

I try to make my references good without killing anything. Good eye.

An interesting and enjoyable read. I don’t see why people still get hung up on the whole “Anonymous” character. To me it’s more interesting than reading about the several Mike, John, and Chris’s You see in the average Fimfiction arsenal. I’ve read a few stories with “Anon” and they certainly top the charts for top 10’s, beating out the lesser stories of wish fulfillment and self insertion. Not to put the lips on the cheek, but this is definitely going on the list. But that’s just preference and opinion. Great story nonetheless.

Anon isn't just a character someone uses. He's more like a character tool for writers to use to make a character to reflect what the author wants him to be.

such a good story, unfortunately everything good is short-lived.

too true. That is the point. People have requested me to change the ending of this story, like have him stay with Celestia and help councel the guard, but then that would ruin the kind of teaching end I was shooting for

if you do it I would be happy to read it, if you don't I would still be happy with how the story ended, even though I still want to see how far it would go if there is a continuation.

you did a good job, this is a fact

well, I could only drag it on for so long and each chapter is pretty much a a series of shorts. So, this means that I ned to pick a new character for him to councel, a problem that said character would logicly have without it being something over done (cause then it's just filler) and just those two things alone make things hard enough.

I agree that it is very difficult, but it is not impossible.

but, as I said before, the story turned out to be very good, a desire for continuation is just that, a desire.

a possible continuation could be to accept the work of celestia, but only temporarily until he has an idea that can help him to continue with his work and maintain a good financial condition, take the theme of the celestia court that ponies always bring problems given personal data can be useful.

but in the end they are just ideas of vague and unnecessary continuations. you don't have to do anything, you've already done a good job.

La historia es genial y me interesaría ver a Anon como mayordomo si es similar a Nails.

A very insightful story. The world building is excellent, no excess or lacking elements. And left open for more to be written. Well done.

Thanks for that, though I wasn't intending to leave more to write. The point of it's ending is to show that all good things must come to an end, and while many people keep wishing to see more to this, like anon to become a butler, which if they read my other story then I'm assuming they got the idea from my Spirit oc. And yeah, while I could do that, it would defeat the point of how I ended it. Though, If people follow, I do post occasional polls asking about stuff they'd like to see or input about fun ideas from time to time

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