• Published 21st May 2019
  • 4,408 Views, 69 Comments

Anon's Therapy Service - SoulSpirit

Anon is the only human in Equestria as you would already know, but here he is also the only therapist in Equestria too.

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Appointment 5: Screwball

There I was, standing in the lobby of my office looking outside. It was a beautiful day outside. The birds were singing, the flowers were blooming. It was days like these where a father should be taking their child out to play a game of catch. It was also days like these that would make me think that there was no possible way a pony would have a reason to come in and schedule an appointment, and I wouldn't be sad over it. I believed that it was on days like these that there shouldn't be anything wrong, that everything would be okay. However, I've been wrong before too. It was also true that no pony came in to make an appointment, but it was a Draggoniquiss. Imagine my surprise when the creature known as Discord appeared out of thin air in my lobby. I was just glad that I didn't trip on anything when he scared me.

"Discord," I sighed.

"That's my name, alright. Don't wear it out," he said. "I can't think of a better name, so I'd like to keep it."

"I do agree, it fits you rather well, but what I'm wondering is why you are here. From what I hear, you have a family," I hinted, but it soon became apparent that it would have to take a little more than that to get my message to him.

"What about it?" he asked, now floating.

"Well, I was just thinking. Here, look outside the window with me and tell me what you see," I instructed.

Discord turned to look out the window. He scratched his chin for a minute. After a little while, it became clear that he was having some trouble. A few more minutes passed, and he gave up.

"I don't get what it is that I am looking for," he admitted, finally landing his feet. I placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Look and listen," I told him, pausing to give him time to do so. "It's a beautiful day outside. Birds are singing. Flowers are blooming. I was just thinking that on days like these, a man should take his family out to do something. Eat, play at the park, something that involves having a good time," I explained to him as his face turned to one of realization.

"Then why don't you do the same?" he asked. I looked down at the very thought of it.

"Well, you see, I don't have anyone. I'm alone in this world," I told him, looking away as I fought to contain my emotions. That is until I was surprised by the lion's paw that now rested on my shoulder.

"I know the feeling," Discord sympathized. "I too was alone once. An outcast to all. A monster in the eyes of all the citizens of Equestria. After taking over successfully for a rather long time, the princesses found a way to turn me to stone," he continued, reminding me of some of the tales I've heard before that involve him.

"What happened next?" I asked. Sure, I could draw my own conclusions, but that wasn't part of the job. Being an ear for others to get things off their chest is, however.

"I was given a second chance," Discord continued. "And that second chance came with the most unlikely of friends and eventually a family," he finished.

"Sounds lovely," I commented.

"It is. Couldn't ask for anything more," he added.

"Woah, what's the problem that brings you here?" I asked.

Discord removed his paw from my shoulder. I turned to face his tall figure.

"It's my daughter," he grumbled.

"What's wrong with her?" I asked, hoping for more detail.

"That's just it. I don't know. She's been acting more reclusive lately. Shutting herself in, becoming more anti-social. Also, her mood is…. she's been rather down lately," Discord explained. I sighed.

"Bring her in when it's most convenient. I'll do my best to see what the problem is," I instructed him.

"Will do," responded, snapping himself out of the building.

"Well," I said, going back to my desk to get a pen. "Looks like I'll have work today after all."

I had just returned from the marketplace to retrieve a few apples. Upon entry, I found that my client had already been waiting for me in the lobby. She was a young purple filly sitting there with her head down. Her mane and tail were an even lighter purple with a white stripe down the middle. She was also wearing a propeller hat. When she noticed my presence, and we made eye contact, I noticed there were swirls in her purple eyes instead of pupils. They kind of looked like candy.

"Who are you?" she asked with a hint of attitude.

"Oh, I'm no one special. Just someone whos willing to lend an ear to those who want it and willing to give advice to those who need it," I answered. "I'm guessing you're Discord's little one?"

"And what of it?" she asked, rather snappy.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to address you as such," I calmly told her. "He forgot to tell me your name," I added. She blinked at me in surprise.

"My name's Screwball," she softly informed me.

"Hmm ...Screwball. Even amongst ponies that's a rather unique name," I told her. "I like it."

"T-thank you," she stuttered.

"My name is Anonymous, but please just call me Anon," I informed her.

"Okay, Mr.Anon Sir," she replied with a giggle.

"Now that introductions are out of the way, there is something I have to make sure you are aware of before we start," I told her.

"Oh, alright then," she said.

"To make it quick and simple, I'm obligated to keep what you tell me during the session secret. I can and will only share what you tell me if it's a threat to your health such as suicidal thoughts," I explained. "Understand?"

"Yes sir!" she answered again with a giggle.

"Good, glad that's settled," I said, letting out a sigh of relief. "Now, if you follow me, we can get started," I added, leading her to the back room. As I did, I began to question what Discord told me. She didn't seem down, and she's been quite cooperative. I began to hope for a smooth session.

As we entered, the room changed to another outdoors seen again, except there was a major detail that I didn't expect. It was a clearing in the middle of the Everfree Forest. Though unlike the forest itself, the clearing had more childish characteristics, the lake in the middle didn't contain water but instead contained chocolate milk. There were also stump sized gumdrops and lollipops in a variety of colors that stuck out of the ground.

Looking over at Screwball, she looked surprised. She started to inspect every detail of the place, making comments every so often such as "no way" and "even that." Eventually, she asked me a question. It was slightly different from the usual one.

"Is this a trick?" Screwball asked. I grinned.

"In a way, it is. This room is enchanted to create an illusion of an area that its occupants would find most relaxing," I explained, but she didn't look satisfied.

"How can that be when you never have seen this place before?" she demanded in a tone that sounded more accusing this time around. I let out a hearty laugh. "What's so funny?"

"Out of all the clients I've had so far, none of them thought to ask that," I answered. "Smart girl. The answer is straightforward. The enchantment doesn't work on humans, which is what I am," I explained.

"Mmm…. makes sense I guess," she agreed.

"Splendid," I said, taking a seat on a nearby gumdrop. "I hope this means we can get started."

"Sure can," she responded in an almost sing-song voice as she practically bounced her way over to take a seat. I noticed that she was acting so optimistic that it almost seems….

"Acting like everything is fine won't make this appointment go by any faster," I told her. I watched her muzzle as her smile dropped a little.

"Was I really that obvious?" she asked, sounding disappointed.

"No. In fact, your act was pretty good. It would have worked if I hadn't seen it before," I answered. "Seeing that you want this over with, how about we discuss what's wrong. Remember, I won't be able to tell anyone so you can tell me anything."

"How can I know you are telling the truth?" she asked, sounding suspicious of me. I sighed.

"Would you feel better if I told you a secret of my own?" I asked her in return.

"Um, sure," she agreed.

"Okay, I don't know how to sugar coat this so I'll just lay it as it is. I'm going out of business," I admitted.

"Wait, what?" she asked, sounding shocked.

"I'm not making enough bits to keep a roof over my head, lt alone to keep a business going," I explained.

"If you aren't making enough to keep a roof over your head, does that mean…" she trailed off. The sad, pitiful look she had told me that she pieced it together.

"Yep, I'll be homeless soon enough," I finished for her.

"That's horrible," she commented.

"That's life," I countered.

"All part of the process," I thought. "Earn their trust. Make it easier for them to open up."

"How can you handle knowing that?" Screwball asked.

"Well, it's impossible to argue with how life works. I just accept it and move on," I told her. "All I can do is hope for the best."

"Is that really all you can do?" she asked.

"Yep, but enough about me. It's time we talk about your troubles," I told her.

"Oh, alright," she replied, finally giving in. "Well, there are some ponies in school who won't stop harassing me," she reported. That was all I needed to hear to know what I needed to. "They're making me into an outcast."

"Have you ever told your parents?" I asked, somewhat already knowing the answer.

"No, I'm not sure what they will do," she answered.

"Well, do you see them as good parents?" I asked.

"Yes," she answered hesitantly.

"Then give them a try. Good parents help their children in their time of need," I explained to her. "Winning against a bully peacefully isn't easy, but I can assure you that it's possible. I can also tell you that it will make it easier to have the help of some of your friends too."

"And if it doesn't work?" she asked.

"Trust me, it will," I promised her. "Now I do believe that we are out of time," I informed her, getting up. "Come on, I'll see you out. It is a beautiful day so you should go and enjoy it."

"Okay, sure thing," she responded, getting up as well.

When we went into the lobby, I found Discord there. When I saw him look at Screwball smiling, he looked like he was simultaneously fighting to contain a tear and his glee.

"Thank you, Anon," Discord told me.

"No problem," I responded. Discord snapped and emptied a small bag of bits on the counter before he and Screwball disappeared.

"Alright, time to go get dinner," I thought to myself.

Author's Note:

It's finally here. I wear, it's not thinking of characters for an idea that's hard. It's Thinking of a problem that would bring them to Anon and then a logical solution for it. Sorry it took so long though. If you have any ideas, please feel free to say them in the comments.

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