• Published 21st May 2019
  • 4,408 Views, 69 Comments

Anon's Therapy Service - SoulSpirit

Anon is the only human in Equestria as you would already know, but here he is also the only therapist in Equestria too.

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Appointment 4: Princess Twilight Sparkle

Another day, another cup of coffee to save me from being tired as hell. Seriously, I need to start going to bed at an earlier time. I made a mental note for it as I entered my establishment, coffee in hand.

I went over to my desk like usual. After taking a seat, I also took a sip of caffeinated heaven. I felt a jolt of energy pulse through me as I burned my tongue with the delicious beverage.
“Much better,” I thought as I set the drink down. I reached down and pulled out a filing cabinet. Reaching into it, I pulled out some papers on the clients I’ve had so far.

“Let’s see,” I began, muttering. “Mr.Smith shouldn’t need checking on. Fluttershy is one I definitely should check on, then maybe Dittzy if I have the chance.” I wrote everything on a note, then hung it up to remind myself to do so later.

As I was hanging the note, I heard the door open. “Hold on, just a moment,” I called. “And…….there,” I said as I finished hanging the note. “Alright, let’s see who it is this time,” I muttered to no one specifically. Looking over the counter, I saw a purple mare that was quite iconic around here. “Good morning, Princess,” I greeted. “How may I help you?” She blushed sheepishly.

“I’ve already told you Anon, just call me Twilight.” Twilight reminded me.

“Sorry, just trying to remain professional,” I informed her.

“Mmm…. something tells me that that’s a lie.” she correctly guessed.

“It’s been a while, but you still know me a little too well sometimes. How have things been going for you?” I asked as Twilight approached the counter.

“Not so well, actually. I came here because a friend told me you can help.” Twilight informed me.

“I can help you help yourself, but in the end, it’s the client that finds their way,” I told her.

“Uh, what’s that supposed to mean?” she asked, scrunching her forehead.

“You’ll see. I’m guessing you want an appointment?” I asked.

“Geez Anon, you never pass up an opportunity to tease me,” Twilight complained. “But you’re right.” Twilight breathed. I clapped my hands together.

“Alright, before we begin, I’m obligated to let you know that I’m required to keep any and all information about you and what you say to me secret. Unless it's for safety reasons of course.” I informed her. “Now, if you would kindly follow me, we will begin your session.”

Twilight joined me as I lead her to the back room. As we entered, the room took the form of a huge Library. There were shelves so high, they had ladders attached to them. The floor and walls were made of a sky-blue crystal of some kind. There were also windows that stretched from the floor all the way to the roof. Overall, pretty fancy. In the middle of the room was a table set made of oak.

“I was wondering what this room had in store for me,” commented Twilight.

By now you are probably wondering how Twilight and I know each other or why she already knows about the room. To make a long story short, when I came to Ponyville, or near it to be a little more exact, Twilight found me. After my crazy fit, she taught me about pony history and society. Twilight gave me a home, what is now my office, and I am still grateful for it till this day. All of that happened before she became a princess. She is also the one who enchanted the back room.

“Yeh, I’m always looking forward to seeing what form the room’s going to take. Speaking of which, mind telling me where we are?” I asked, going over to the table and taking a seat. Twilight joined me.

“This is the library I lived in when I was a filly back in Canterlot,” Twilight answered, blushing a little.

“You lived here? Must have been pretty nice.” I commented.

“It was fun, but I was blind to what it was like to have friends back then. I always shut myself in. All I had was Spike and Celestia.” Twilight added. I hummed my acknowledgment.

“Well, things are different now, for better or for worse is something that only you can decide. Enough about that though, let’s discuss why you are here today. What seems to be the problem?” I asked.

“Oh, right.” she sighed. “I’m sure I’m just over thinking it, but I’ve I’ve been questioning myself lately,” she muttered.

“In what sense?” I asked.

“My capabilities as a princess,” she answered, sounding more depressed.

“I see now.” I began. This isn’t the first time I've dealt with this sort of matter. “Twilight, are you questioning your ability to lead?” I asked, needing at least a little more detail before I say anything.

“Well, that, but also I’m wondering why Princess Celestia chose to make me a princess,” she explained.

“Yes, I imagine that that question would leave quite a serious weight on you. I can’t speak from experience, but I can tell you what I think.” I offered, pausing for a moment to let her think on it.

“Um, sure. Go ahead,” Twilight accepted. I smiled, happy to help.

“I believe that giving power is a serious matter. I believe that power should only be given to those who you trust. At the same time, you don’t want to chance it being abused. When that’s the case, what do you do?” I asked.

“I don’t know,” she admitted.

“Well, I’m not one hundred percent sure about how to go about it, but I am certain about one thing. Can you guess what that is?” I asked

“N-No,” she admitted again.

“What I know is that there is no chance of power being abused when it’s given to one who doesn’t want it. Like yourself. So even if you don’t fully trust Celestia’s decision, and I’m not saying you don’t, you can trust that you won’t abuse your authority,” I explained.

“How are you so sure?” Twilight questioned.

“Because I remember how much you were against having that power.” I reminded her. She paused, tapped a hoof on her chin a few times and just sat there thinking. That went on for a few minutes before she spoke again.

“That’s….a lot to think about. Thank you, Anon.” Twilight said, getting u[. I got up as well.

“Here to help. Now, let’s get out. The last time I spent too long in this room, it caused some disorientation,” I explained.

“Yeah, best avoid that,” she agreed. I lead her out of the room and back into the lobby. “So, how much do I
Owe you?” she asked.

“Mmm?” I hummed.

“For your service?” she clarified.

“For you, it’s free,” I answered.

“Anon, just because I’m a princess doesn’t mean I get free service,” she said.

“You're right. Not because you’re a princess, but because you’re a friend.” I countered, but she still shook her head.

“Persistent,” I thought.

“How much?” she demanded.

“Fine, five bits,” I answered.

“Don’t lie to me,” she demanded again, stomping a hoof. I forgot how much she hated being treated ‘special’. I sighed, giving in.

“Ten bits,” I answered. She retrieved the bits out of a small bit bag she had stored under a wing.

Author's Note:

Sorry, I'm a little late with this upload. However, I'm currently working on the sequel of Spirit's life. It did make me a little sad when I learned that this got attention, both more of it and faster, than Spirit's story did. If you could help support that story as well, I would appreciate that.

Drop a like, leave a comment, and I hope you enjoyed.