(The continuation of this story-verse is Star Trek: Pegasus.)
This is a direct sequel to my previous fic The Quandary of DisQord and is, of course, another Star Trek: The Next Generation / Friendship is Magic crossover. This time, however, Q has decided to bring the crew of the Enterprise-D along for the ride as well.
This is a much lighter story than Quandary was (since Quandary was the story of Discord's reign prior to his first defeat, it was bound to be a bit on the dark side). Also, be warned, though I tried to keep them to a minimum, there are still a few references to and spoilers for Quandary in this fic here, so I'd obviously recommend reading that one first before reading this one. Though, at the same time, this one is hopefully self-contained enough that you wouldn't necessarily have to read Quandary first in order to understand anything, if you don't care to.
Also beware, there is a bit of very mild one-sided shipping between one of the ponies and one of the humans, but nothing super serious or squicky or anything like that. And the Discord/Celestia ship from Quandary is touched upon again, of course. Just thought I'd mention it here, in case someone might be turned off by that sort of thing.
As with Quandary, extensive (and spoiler-filled) Author's Notes can be found after the end of the final chapter.
(Cover image is a direct screen-grab from the Next Gen episode "The Arsenal of Freedom" that I played around with in GIMP.)
A 100k word Star Trek TNG crossover? Why haven't I heard of this...
I love these kinds of fics. Fun reads- you get less and less of them nowadays. Looking forward to reading the rest in the morning.
MLP and Star Trek .. seriously, THIS IS AWESOME. I'm a HUGE fan of Star Trek so.. thumbs up just for the idea. But now i should go and get some sleep..
To boldly go where no fanfic has gone before! Seriously, where are the rest of the Star Trek fanfics? You'd think there'd be a ton more crossovers. Still, this one is pretty damned awesome so I think it can satisfy my nerdy needs.
“I’m sorry, but I just find it very creepy. Be very thankful that you haven’t seen some of the things that I have seen. But, yeah, like everything else, it’s yet another example of your powers.”
John de Lancie visits 4chan, guys!
Q teleports the Enterprise to Equestria.
Hilarity ensues.
So far this seems like a realistic scenario for TNG, you know compared to trials for humanity, robin hood, and a sentient pile of sludge...
In regards to the deleted scene....
...what the fuck were you thinking at the time of writing that?
read in one sitting. well done...
no plans for a sequel, i presume?
Read the first chapter. Liking it so far. Characters are well written and the interactions are masterfully done. You've got me hooked, sir.
There are a number of them, if you know where to look...
Dangit, I'm making a Star Trek-specific group, and adding this story, and the others I can find.
Loved reading it! Awesome! Wish I could recommend it twice!
The fourth wall will not protect you! *waves back to pinkie*
Pinkie having powers on par with the Q...
Why hasn't this gotten to the featured box already? It certainly deserves it.
And once again, Lyra ends up shipping herself with hands...
Other than that, pretty standard Riker-Twilight romance(not that I've seen it before, but it does seem predictable). If anything that just means that your characterizations are spot on.
This is way cool. HaH!
I have a feeling Pinkie is going to fry Datas logic chips or Worfs patience, Go Pinkie, OOOOORAH!
Note to Pinkie; Welcome to the Continuum.
This deserves alot more attention.
Read it all and I absolutely loved just about everything about it.
Cue the star trek credits!
star trek and mlp i like it
This is the best story ever. I've been a fan of star trek since the late sixties and have read tons of trek fiction over the years and I will have to say that this is very well done. Does a combo mane 6 and Enterprise mission slash story have a chance? I hope so.
The whole 4th wall thing is far more terrifying when you believe in the multiverse as I do... I would appreciate if Pinkie would stay away from the wall, trans-dimensional cataclysm is not something I want to experience in this life time...
Bucking Frilliant.
I am seriously, SERIOUSLY, disliking Q.
so..... when's the next story?
As a brony trekker I say WELL DONE!
1016456 Meh... i still like Q :3
1037823 I think it's my fault. I've hardly seen any ST episodes.
BTW I do have one criticism of the fic; I thought the beginning was too abrupt; no setting the stage, get right into it.
I suggest writing a prologue to the fic to more smoothly transition from your previous fic. Perhaps start off on Equestria, with talking to and Luna in the aftermath of the ep "Harmony returns" while she is looking through a telescope at the stars. They mention Discord, then maybe comment on the myths about humans, and Twilight looks through her telescope wondering if life is out there among the stars....
then you have the log entry, an important trope of Trek since TOS; have Captain Picard dictating a log entry about their upcoming rendezvous with the USS Cairo; then a scene where Picard and the Bridge crew are discussing the upcoming meeting with Captain Jellicoe.....THEN they get thrown to Equestria.
Also relating to log entries; maybe have characters making entries at various points in the fic? Log entries are good ways to show a character's inner thoughts.....plus FiM has its own version of this trope; letters. Maybe have or other ponies writing letters to on the events in the fic. One interesting scene near the end could have Riker and Twilight Sparkle discussing their feelings for each other via log entry and letter.
This critique is meant in the spirit of constructive criticism.
Borg scared?!?. Thats a first
I demand a sequel!. Sequel pl0x :3.
Alright, time to go forward and start overwriting startrek canon, due to the recent alterations, similarly to XSGCom.
Well, I just read this, have two yays and a whee~eehaw
also cheesecake... Which reminds me that i'm hungry.
pinkie is a Q
I liked it quite a bit
Now im going to see if you made a sequel. TATA for now
Although it's taken me... what... over 3 months or so to do so, I just wanted to finally pop in and say that I appreciate all the supportive comments and constructive feedback I've received here.
In response to those who have asked, I do have plans for a continuation of this. However, right now, I'd like to finish watching all of Voyager before getting into it. I'm currently about 2/3 of the way through season 2 of Voyager, at a rate of around 2-4 episodes per day. I've already watched all of DS9 between finishing this fic and now, and I decided to do the same for Voyager as well. (Enterprise, however, will not be a prerequisite for starting a new fic, though I do plan to watch that eventually as well.) As such, it will likely be January or so before I start on any new fic, mainly because it'll probably take me at least that long to finish Voyager, and also the fact that I'll be away from my computer for a good chuck of December as well. And also, given that the current timeframe seems to be that Season 3 of FiM will be done in the area of January or February, I'll likely wait until the end of that before starting a new fic as well.
As for what I have planned, it will be more a "set in the same universe" thing rather than an explicit, direct sequel to this fic. I'm thinking of doing something more like a "season" with a currently unknown number of "episodes", each mostly standalone in nature, but also with an overarching storyline to tie them all together. It's all still in the early planning stages right now. The basic gist is that it will be set some 20 years after "Where Nopony Has Gone Before" (which corresponds to around the time that the Star Trek Prime universe backstory for the 2009 reboot movie takes place, though this will definitely still be in the Prime universe and not the reboot alternate universe). Overall, it will follow the adventures of an OC pony (currently named Star Strider or maybe Sky Strider, though I may change that if I come up with something better), who is the first pony to have made it through Starfleet Academy and been posted to a starship. In this case, the right out of the Utopia Planetia shipyards USS Pegasus (NCC-53847-B). That said, however, the mane six and the princesses and the rest will definitely still be around and will have roles to play as well, and there will indeed be action on... um... whatever the pony planet is named. Yeah, I somehow managed to get through two fics without giving the planet itself a name, and I don't think there is a canon or generally agreed upon fanon name for it either. I didn't really want to call the whole planet Equestria, since there are creatures other than just ponies that live there... I don't know, I'll try to come up with something. There will also be a starbase (which I'm currently calling Deep Space Twenty) in orbit around the planet which will be a third setting for potential "episodes" as well.
Anyway, yeah, I definitely have ideas for more FiM/Star Trek crossover in the future.
1002950 It was meant to just be a little throwaway gag thing that expanded upon the whole "Q is scared of the 4th wall" scene with a bit of "and this is why" ...but yeah, in retrospect I realized that it was a bit... much, which is why I just deleted it soon after I posted the fic.
1056706 Well, there are plenty of Trek episodes that start of with "oh crap the ship is being attacked what's going on here ahhhh" scenes as well, some of which are even more "out there" than this was. Mainly, I just wanted to get to the pony planet as soon as possible without a lot getting in the way of that. Also, this was indeed a direct sequel to the previous fic, but even regardless of whether or not one had read the previous fic, I feel that the fact that Q is involved and is revealed to be the one behind everything early on is enough of a set up to get things rolling.
As for log entries, though... yeah, those are definitely missing, and are something I intend to not overlook in the future.
1301692 Yeah, my own worry as stated in the author's notes at the end was that there was way too much dialogue and not nearly enough not-dialogue. As for more flavor text to describe the setting, I guess my thought process at the time, such as it was, was that, well, this is the same Enterprise and the same Ponyville that we'd all seen already, so I wasn't going to spend a lot of time rehashing physical descriptions and the like, and that was a mistake. Essentially, I was writing it with the expectation that the only ones who'd really care to read it in the first place would be fans of both FiM and Star Trek. But beyond that, though, I do agree that there wasn't enough "Ponyville, but through the eyes of the TNG crew" or "the Enterprise but through the eyes of the ponies" reactions. For their part, the TNG crew have seen quite a lot of weird stuff in their time, so a planet full of talking ponies may not have been too far outside of their norm, but the ship would have been something completely foreign to the ponies, and they should have reacted a bit more to that than they did, true enough.
At first I was like WTF? I visualize what I read so I tried realistic ponies on STTNG and my brain broke. Then I tried Animated style Star Trek and was like 'whoo whoooo!' Seriously, trying to visualize MLP as real life creatures.... I love the series.... but...
Otherwise, loved it! To think two so different series could be linked by one John Delancy.
yes, and I find that most disturbing...
My fears were lessened by the fact she was just as worried about her powers as I am.
this as Q, would be bad.
Seriously? Twilight with Riker? Wouldn't Data make more sense?
2204688 Given that Will Riker is more or less a slightly toned down Next Gen version of James T. Kirk, especially early on, it made more sense to me that any potential romance subplot involve him. And Data already had his hands full with the Lyra thing anyway.
I liked this a lot more than I thought I would. In my tastes, these franchises don't work well together most of the time (keeping in mind that I'm a fan of both), but your familiarity with both and impressive attention to detail really managed to pull it off. Well done!
I have to give myself of percussive cranial maintenance and remind myself not to be so narrow-minded in the future.
"She's got friends on the other side."
I'm just glad that the bronies are mostly more friendly than Dr Facilier's "friends."
So... Pinkie basically assimilated the BORG. Well, that's a novel approach.
Well written on the technical points, and fun while reading, but this fic isn't something I'd re-read.
In particular, as you comment yourself in the notes, there are sections where it just plain drags. The story would benefit from being, oh, about 20% shorter, mainly by cutting or abridging scenes which get repetitious. (Twilight with the Enterprise ladies exercising is a prime candidate for the chopping block- it repeats Twilight's talk with her friends, and it adds precisely zero to either plot or characterization.) Of course, if you're doing a crossover of ANYTHING with TNG, overtalking is a course hazard. }:-{D
One other point that should be addressed is the uneven treatment of rising and falling action. The A-plot (establishing a link between humans and ponies) gets swallowed up by the other plots and ends in pretty much a fizzle. The B-plot (She Q Must be Obeyed v. Pinkie Pie via the Borg) hits its climax much too soon. And, finally, the appendix to the B-plot (Pinkie dealing with power) feels... short-changed.
All in all, definitely better written than the vast majority of fanfics, but still needs more development. Thanks for sharing it with us!
Good lord in Heaven I cant believe u made pinkie torturer the Borg like that I wonder how pissed the queen is
1641153 so good reading this just wih u made an epilogue to this like they meet with the star fleet council & what happens a few months later after the meeting