• Published 3rd Jul 2018
  • 8,700 Views, 620 Comments

The Champion of Harmony - Voxum

Princess Celestia understands that being an Element of Harmony is dangerous, and that Twilight and her friends are bound to make enemies. So, naturally, the only course of action is to send a guard to keep them safe, even if they don't know about it.

  • ...

Building Foundations

"C'mon cuz, can you catch up to us?"

Emerald grunted as he tightened the strap of his harness, ensuring it would remain in place during his flight later. Once that was finished, he reached up and adjusted the Heavybolts atop his skull, making sure they wouldn't pinch at his ears. His spear was next, being plucked from its resting place against the wall and slotted into the harness. He flexed his wings a few times, just to make sure they still retained their full range of motion, before nodding to himself.

Lastly, he turned to the only remaining part of his gear; his saddlebag. Putting it on was easy, he'd done it a thousand times both with and without any of the extras he was wearing, and was well used to it. But even so, putting them on this time, they felt... heavier. He supposed it wasn't a surprise considering his plans for the day.

He sighed, slightly, turning his head to his door. Even from here he was able to hear the sounds of Starlight cooking breakfast, making idle chatter with a very tired Wisp. He bit his lip, hoof idly starting to tap against the floor as he thought.

How to explain his decision to them in a way they'd understand? In a way they'd approve? Was such a thing even possible?

He shook his head. He would get nowhere just thinking about the issue. Unlike the girls, he'd been honest with Wisp and Starlight about the significance of Winter's death. If no one else, they would be the most likely to understand.

And... even if that weren't the case, they were the two who'd be most affected by his absence. In multiple ways.

With that thought in mind, he finally headed downstairs.

He paused, however, just before the door. His heart beat irregularly, the gnawing certainly that he was forgetting something ringing in his mind. His head turned back to his room, eyes scanning the walls and floor. What was he forgetting? He'd grabbed everything, but-

His heart stopped as his eyes locked onto the Smarty Pants doll. It beat once more when he grabbed and gently placed it in his bag.

Finally ready, he headed down.

His steps were, as always, silent as he approached the ground floor. Starlight was in the kitchen cooking something, focused on both the pan and something to her left, while Wisp sat at the island with her head resting on her hooves.

"C'mon, Glim! How longs'it gonna take?" Wisp asked, purposely pitching her voice up to be extra whiny. Starlight sighed,

"Like I already said, Wisp, I've never made this before. I want to get it right. Unless you want this omelet black as char, that is."


"Don't make me magic your mouth shut."

"You can do that?" Emerald asked, tilting his head curiously. Starlight grunted,

"Duh, I-" she paused, and craned her neck to look at him and Wisp, "-oh! Emm, your up. 'Bout time, you're usually up earlier than this," she said, turning back to the pan. Emerald nodded, noting that she didn't seem to notice he was all geared up.

"True," he said, "What are you making?" he asked, even as he turned to Wisp. Who, unlike Starlight, was eyeing his gear with a frown on her face.

"Just some omelets."

"I didn't know you could cook, Glim," he snarked, though there was some surprise in his tone. Considering his sister had lived on the streets so long, he was actually a bit stunned!

Starlight didn't seem to share his shock, though.

"Eh," she shrugged, "I'm really just following this book," she said, tapping the counter to her left, where Emerald was now in position to see a fair-sized book laying there, "Rarity recommended it to me, actually. Said it was the book she used when she started living on her own," she added.

Emerald hummed to himself. Rarity's... unfortunate foalhood aside, it was good to hear Starlight's friendships were progressing well. Better than he could have hoped for, really.

"Where ya goin', Emm?" Wisp asked when the conversation lulled.

"Wait, what?" Starlight asked, head turning back around to face him again, "Shit! Where are you going all dressed up like that?!"


His quick answer seemed to stun Starlight into silence. The same couldn't be said for Wisp, though.

"Why?" she asked, tilting her head, "Does the Princess need somethin'?" He shook his head,

"No, that's not it."

"So what is it?" Wisp asked, blinking up at him. He took a deep breath in, and let it out as one explosive sigh.

"I'm heading up to Canterlot to get some proper training."

"What?!" That was Starlight, who'd spun around and was staring at him, aghast, "You're leaving?! You just got back!"

"Yeah!" Wisp agreed, chipping in, "It's only been, like, a week since you got home!"

"What could you possibly need more training for?!" Starlight demanded, waving a hoof, "Can't you just train here in town like you usually do?!"

His brow furrowed as a deep frown settled on his face.

"No. I can't. I need to head up to Canterlot. That's where I'll find someone to train with. I can't just stay here, not right now," he explained. Wisp frowned, and Starlight let out a scoff,

"And why not?" she asked, nose scrunching up in a sneer, "You've been doing just fine in Ponyville! What's changed, huh?"

"C'mon cuz, can you catch up to us?"

"A lot of things," he breathed, eyes flicking to the side, "My understanding of things has brightened considerably, for one."

"Understandin' of what?" Wisp asked, narrowing her eyes at him, "... Does this have somethin' to do with those two thestrals ya met when ya went outta town?"

He sighed, and reached out to pat the little filly on the head.

"Got it in one, brat," he snarked with a half-grin, before it fell, replaced by a much more serious expression, "Winter and Summer... they made me realize a few things. I'm.... I'm not enough, right now."


"For you two. For the girls... For me," Starlight frowned at him, walking around the island until she was in front of him, all while her magic dealt with the food to keep it from burning.

"Why in the world do you think you're not enough?" she asked, brow creasing, "You're perfectly fine as you are, Emm."

"Yeah!" Wisp chirped, eyes sparkling, "You an' your friends have saved the whole town a bunch'a times! Ain't that enough?"

Emerald smiled down at Wisp, gently ruffling her mane as he did so.

"I wish it was, Wisp. Really, I do," he added when she quirked a brow at him, he sighed, "It's just... a lot of things have changed for me," he tried to explain, "I-... well, I..." he choked on his words. Why couldn't he get them out?

"Emerald..." Starlight grimaced.

He sighed, before turning and reaching into his saddlebag. Once he'd collected what he was searching for, he turned back to Starlight and held out his hoof,

"Here. Take this." She frowned, and grabbed the item he was offering.

It was a thin card. A pale shade of lavender on both sides, with an image of her cutie mark emblazoned on the front. Her brow furrowed at it.

"Is this...?" she glanced up at him, looking stunned. He nodded,

"A bank card?" he asked, she nodded, "Yeah. That card is connected to my account, in addition to my own."

"You... you got me my own bank card?" she asked, looking at him in surprise, "But... this is...! That's crazy! How long are you planning on being gone?!" she demanded, stamping her hoof. He shrugged,

"I don't know," was his only response.

Wisp gasped.

"Are-are you moving away?!"

"Of course he isn't, Wisp!" Starlight said, though it was clear from her tone she said it more for herself than the little filly. Emerald almost didn't have the heart to correct them.


"For a time," he said, sighing when both of their heads whipped to him, eyes wide, "It won't be permanent, obviously, but..." he trailed off, eyes drifting to the side, "... it'll be a while."

Starlight and Wisp stared at him for a minute, before the elder of the two let out an angry scoff,

"Ugh, but why?" she asked, before throwing up a hoof to cut him off, "I-ugh-I know you said you want to be better, but-" she flailed for a moment, "Agh! Why?! Why aren't you enough? You-you're the Champion! How-just-how are you not enough?! What more do you need to be?!"

She didn't understand. She... she just didn't.

He'd had a feeling they wouldn't understand. He'd hoped, but he hadn't believed. He tried not to get angry.

He was failing.

"I need to be a Skies, Glim. I've been acting like a pony for too long, now."

"What's wrong with bein' a pony?" Wisp asked, frowning. He turned to his littlest sister, reigning in his temper as best he could. Wisp was the last individual who deserved it.

"For you, nothing. But for me? Well... I'm not a pony," he said, as calm as he could be, "I never was. I never will be. It's time I started acting like it. Really acting."

"That doesn't explain anything!" Starlight argued. That finally got a growl out of him, and he slammed his hoof onto the floor, ignoring how they flinched,

"What do you want me to say?!" he growled, baring his fangs, "How can I possibly explain something to you when it's as intrinsic to me as breathing?!" Starlight flinched back further at his raised voice.

Oh but now that he'd started, he wasn't stopping.

"I thought I was at the top, Starlight! I thought I was something great, even besides all the bullshit we lived through!" he snapped, swiping his hoof through the air, "But those two! Those two!" he cried, shaking, "They showed me that I was nothing! Hardly a pebble in the path when I thought myself the boulder!" he took a shuddering breath, stamped his hoof again, and stood tall.

"Starlight, Wisp," he began, calmly, seriously, they both stared at him, wide-eyed and attentive, they were clearly not expecting his outburst, "the girls and I fought Discord. A creature with so much power he might as well have been a god. We only won, they only survived, because of the Elements of Harmony," he then let out a chuckle, half-deranged and twisted with self-hate, "But I didn't!" he snarled, "I fucking died, Starlight! And then everything was wrong! I lost something, something important to me that day! I was terrified, I was twisted, I thought it was all a lie! A dream I'd made up!" he was beginning to cry now, hooves clutching at his chest, at the scar over his heart.

"But then they came! Happy, together, two parts to a whole!" he cried, tears flowing from his eyes, "And suddenly I was better! The feelings in my chest, my heart, was made whole again!" he swiped a hoof to the side, looking Starlight in the eye, "You can't understand what that means to me, Starlight!"

Starlight took a step forward, getting right in his face, but she didn't yell or raise her voice.

"Then explain it to us."

His temper broke and he took a step back, huffing,

"I can't."

"Why not?" He sighed, wiping away the traces of tears that lined his face,

"Because I barely understand it myself," he admitted, and that certainly seemed to surprise the two of them, "I know, but I don't understand. Not in the way I want to. Not in the way I need to."

"Understand what?" Wisp asked, hopping off her stool and walking up to him, "Whatcha need to understand, Emm? What's so complicated?" He sighed and ruffled her mane again, smirking slightly at her grimace,

"Moarte, Nu-i, Parte. It's a saying in the Skies Clan, back in Nocturne. One of the few things I remembered without having to study it."

"'Mwha-rtay, new-ee, partay'?" Wisp asked, tilting her head, "Didn't'cha say somethin' like that when you told us 'bout your cousins?" Emerald nodded.

"I did," he said, peering at Wisp curiously, "I'm surprised you remembered." Starlight folded her hooves over her chest,

"So what's so complicated about it, then?" she asked flippantly, "Its apparently this thing you Skies do that makes one member commit suicide-" Starlight grimaced the word, as if it were an unreasonable thing. Perhaps, to her, it was, "-when their spouse dies. What does that have to do with you, who is single?"

He leveled a look at her.

"Because that's how I feel about Twilight."

He wasn't sure if it was the words themselves or if it was the gravity with which he'd said it, but whatever it was it seemed to finally drive it home. Starlight stared at him, aghast,

"Y-you...? I-I mean, I knew you liked Twilight, but... that?" she asked.

He could only nod.

In a way, it was funny. To know this about oneself. To know so absolutely what will happen to you, yet not truly understand why or how. To know, to want, to need, yet inexplicably not understand it.

"That's.... do you have any idea how terrifying that thought is?" Starlight asked, looking at him with worry in her eyes, "I mean-" she choked out a laugh, but it rang hollow, "-I think I speak for a lot of ponies when I say I'd prefer it if you, ya know, didn't kill yourself?" she said. Emerald rolled his eyes,

"It's not a plan, Starlight," he said, "Just... something that could happen."

A moment of silence. Then-

"I think we can agree you Skies are all fucked in the head."

Emerald laughed.

It was a broken thing.

Walking through Ponyville was an... interesting experience. He honestly hadn't thought anything would be different, but, in hindsight, he really should have.

After all, he was visibly carrying his gear, weapon included, in the middle of the day. As far as the residents of Ponyville knew, he'd only done that when Discord appeared, so their frightened reactions were-or rather, should've been expected.

Yes, seeing ponies take one look at him, then fearfully glance around before darting away, was strange. But, a sadistic part of his brain supplied, it was also kind of funny.

Sugarcube Corner came into view quickly enough, as it always did. He wouldn't lie, he could feel a pit in his gut as he grew closer, nerves eating away at him. He wasn't sure what part of him it was, but there was a bit of him that felt annoyed at the sensation.

Nervous? Over this? How pathetic.

He pushed the thought aside and entered the bakery.

Mrs. Cake was standing at the counter, back to him, restocking the little display shelf. Though when the little bell went off she turned around.

"Hmm? Oh! Emerald, you're a bit early today!" she said with a smile, "I was just finishing setting up, and..." she trailed off when she noticed his gear, a worried look overtaking her smile, "Is... something wrong?" she asked, and before Emerald could respond, she added, "Oh dear, is Ponyville being invaded again?"

He paused for a moment, taking in the sentence... and lamented the fact that it was a perfectly valid question.

Regardless, he shook his head.

"Er, no, Mrs. Cake, not this time," he said, a tad awkwardly. She smiled, gently pressing a hoof against her chest,

"Oh that's good," she said cheerfully, before blinking and tilting her head, "Ah, but, then why are you...?" her eyes traced his gear again. He nodded,

"I'll be leaving Ponyville again here shortly," he explained, "I figured I'd come by and let you know." Mrs. Cake's brow rose,

"Oh? Again? My, aren't you a busy colt!" she exclaimed, before giving him a soft smile, "Well, dearie, I appreciate you coming by to tell us that. How long do you think you'll be gone?" Emerald grimaced,

"That's the thing... I don't know how long I'll be gone," he began, taking a breath, "and... well, it really isn't fair to you or Mr. Cake that I keep having to leave work for random reasons, and-"

"Oh no, dear!" Mrs. Cake cut him off, gently walking over and patting his chest, "You have a very important job, and sometimes it needs to take priority. Carrot and I understand, so don't you worry, alright?"

He just stared at the older mare for a moment, dumbstruck.

This mare... She doesn't deserve an employee like me. Best get it over with. He closed his eyes for a moment, centering himself and ridding all the unnecessary thoughts from his head.

"I'm quitting, Mrs. Cake. I think it's best, for all of us." he said, opening his eyes once more. Mrs. Cake's eyes widened,

"Y-you're quitting?" she asked, "A-are you sure?" He nodded,

"Quite sure. Like I said, I don't know how long I'll be gone, but I can safely say it'll be more than a few months. It would be best for you if you hired someone else." Mrs. Cake's brow furrowed slightly, a very unsure look crossing her face,

"W-well... if you're certain, dear." she sighed, then smiled at him, "Well, off you go then!" she said cheerily, beginning to gently push him towards the door, "Carrot and I will take care of everything! You just go on and do what you need to do, dear!"

He stumbled slightly as he was pushed out the door. He glanced back, confused. She took that... far better than he'd anticipated. Not-not that he believed she'd have too strong a reaction, but... he was expecting her to try and convince him otherwise.

He sighed, feeling all his thoughts come flooding back and realized that, in the end, he was just an employee. He wasn't as close to them as Pinkie was. That mare was like family to the Cakes by now, while he was just... there.

He stared at the bakery's door for another moment, then shook his head. There was no point in dwelling on his thoughts right now. He had other things to do.

After wandering back inside and speaking with Mrs. Cake a bit more, securing a promise that she'd let Pinkie know of his departure when she woke, Emerald set off once more.

Of course, with Pinkie being made aware of him leaving, the other mares would know as well within the hour. He could just leave now and be well on his way to Canterlot, long before they could try to follow and stop him.

He could. But he wouldn't. Not when she needed to be told. If anyone deserved to be told face to face, it was her.

He stared up at the Golden Oaks Library, heart twisting in his chest. He couldn't help but think of the mare that called this place home, images and words flashing through his mind. Indistinct and immaterial, but all the more real for it. He needed to leave Ponyville, to grow, to learn, to survive. But in doing so he'd be leaving her. Leaving Twilight. A mare he adored. Who'd inexplicably stolen his heart and made it hers.

A mare he had died for.

A mare he wanted to live for.

His eyes closed, his breaths heavy as he thought. Was it worth it? To leave her behind? To abandon her, them, his friends, his family? To push them aside on his journey, his path, his calling? It would hurt him, break him, twist him... but was that truly what he needed?

His hoof brushed against the scar.

"C'mon cuz, can you catch up to us?"

Yes. This is necessary.

He stepped forward, pushing the door open in his stride. Eyes flitted across the library's main room, but failed to find his target or her little assistant.

A soft 'hoo' caused him to turn, finding a tired looking Owloysius gazing at him.

"Ah, hello Owloysius," he greeted the little ball of feathers, "Any chance you know where Twilight is?" The little owl shook himself, causing his feathers to puff up in a rather cute fashion, before turning his head to the stairs.

"Hoo." Emerald nodded and headed for the stairs, making sure to give the little fellow a few pats as thanks.

She must've had a late night. Probably studying or something, he figured.

His steps silent as ever, he gave the door to Twilight and Spike's room a soft rapping, before a slightly harsher one when nothing answered him. He heard a startled 'Wha-!?' from inside, followed by a heavy thud. A rapid thudding followed by the sound of clopping was heard, before the door was opened.

Twilight Sparkle glared out from behind the door, obvious bags under her eyes depicting a lack of sleep. The parchment stuck to her cheek helped sell the image. His heart stopped and restarted at the sight of her, a deep flushing heat filling his face.

She's cute when she looks angry, the invasive thought tore through his head, all but driving away his other mental faculties.


He shook his head, coolness returning to his face as Twilight blinked blearily at him.

"Emerald?" she asked, squinting her eyes at him. She gave them a quick rub with the hoof not holding the door open, "What time is it?" she asked.

Definitely a late night, he thought.

"About six in the morning," he said. Her eyes widened,

"Six?!" she exclaimed, head whipping around to stare at, presumably, the clock in her room, the motion causing the parchment to detach and fall to the floor, "Oh no! I need to finish!" she added, turning and bolting over to her desk. A desk whose chair was fallen over, Emerald noticed, figuring it was probably what made that heavy thud earlier.

Emerald contemplated stepping into the room with her, but... he wasn't planning on sticking around for long.

Besides, he knew himself enough to know that the longer he stayed around Twilight, the more likely he was to abandon his plans and stay.

And by the stars was he already feeling it.

His eyes traced the mare. Every curve and contour. Every hair out of place, every motion and action. Every little detail that made Twilight herself etching into his memories.

What would she think when he told her? She'd be angry, no doubt. Leaving again so soon after returning, and without a frame of time that he'd be back in. Or... maybe she'd understand?

No. She would not. He had withheld too much information, kept hidden the most important details out of fear. It figures it would come back to bite him.

"No no no no no...." Twilight muttered to herself, rifling through papers at her desk, before pulling one out triumphantly, "Yes!"

"Having fun there?" he asked. Twilight rolled her eyes and turned to him, a faint red coming to her cheeks as she looked at him. A red he focused on perhaps too much.

"Very funnyyyy-" she yawned, "-Emerald," she said, purple eyes shining as they teared up. He stared at them for a bit too long before responding.

"Wh-what're you working on?"

"Hmm? Oh!" she perked up, a soft, yet mesmerizing, smile graced her features, "Its a research paper on the Everfree's strange..." she blinked as she stared at him, "... properties... What are you wearing?"

Emerald stilled, for a moment, but eventually swallowed the lump in his throat.

"My gear," he managed. Twilight blinked,

"Okay? Why are you wearing your gear?" she asked, a bit more bluntly, brow raising. Emerald flushed,

"W-well I was just thinking about doing some extra training..." he said lamely, inwardly cursing himself.

"Oh!" Twilight perked up, eyes shining as a smile lit up her features, alongside a fiery flush to her cheeks, "D-do you want to start working out together again?"

Emerald's brain did a rather impressive impression of a shorting circuit.

Shit! Shit! Abort! Abort!

"Er, n-no-" he panicked when Twilight's expression fell, "Ah-uh-n-not that I'd be against that, I-I would love too!" he stammered, looking around rapidly, at anything that wasn't those eyes, "It's just-well, um-I-I-I'm not, I'm---"I'mleavingPonyvilleandheadingtoCanterlot!"

And with his piece finally said, he-oh so suavely-grabbed the door from her hooves, slammed it in her face and ran away.

"Oh sweet merciful stars that was the most embarrassing thing I've ever done....!"

As one might expect, Emerald was not particularly pleased with himself.

Passersby knew it too, considering Emerald was sat on a bench holding his face in his hooves.

"I can't believe I just did that..." he muttered to himself, eyes wide with horror, "Oh, I'm never going to live this down...."

Well, if he wasn't leaving Ponyville before, he sure as Tartarus was now.

With a sigh he hopped off the bench, steadfastly not looking in the direction of the library. He'd told the Cakes, who would in turn tell Pinkie, and he'd... sort of told Twilight himself... it-it was time to leave. Any longer staying here would only cause problems, because knowing those mares, they'd likely track him down and try to get him to stay. With force if necessary.

Which it would be.

He smiled at the thought. It was a pleasant one, the idea that they'd fight for him to stay. His smile died swiftly though. This was needed, this was necessary, this was inevitable.

His eyes roamed for a moment, taking in the roads, buildings, the ponies that surrounded him. His eyes took in this last image of Ponyville, of his home, before his wings spread.

With a mighty 'CRACK' of displaced air, Emerald was off, speeding towards the distant mountain and the city that called it home.



He didn't immediately land in Canterlot. Rather, he landed a bit outside the city's walls, near the entrance that led to the mountain path. The one you needed to walk to to use. The one practically no one used, to be specific.

The earliest train wouldn't be coming in until an hour from then, so this was the best one to use for the moment.

He sighed to himself, running a hoof through his mane, idly fixing the mess the wind of his flight had made of it. His eyes wandered as he thought, seeing, but not really taking in, the city before him.

Well, I'm here now, he thought, Time to get started.

He nodded to himself, hoof reaching back to dig around in his saddlebag. A moment of fidgeting around later and a familiar golden bracelet rested in his hooves. He stared down at the bit of jewelry, memories good and bad running through his head, before sighing.

He didn't want to have to wear the thing again. The idea of hiding himself after being free for so long was... almost anathema. But Canterlot was not Ponyville. The ponies that called this place home would turn their noses up at him if he were to walk amongst them as a thestral. At least as a pony he would not receive so many stares.

... Or would they? This was Canterlot. A number of his kind called this place home, acting as members of one or more of the Guards that protected this place. Perhaps the ponies here were used to the sight of thestrals wandering around?

... Then again, maybe not. Any of his kind working here likely worked at night, though there was a good possibility some of them had adapted to a more diurnal schedule just as he had...

He sighed. But in those cases they were most likely under the illusion spell their armor placed on them... while he would not be.

He growled to himself, angrily putting the bracelet on and activating it with a twist.

There's no point in overanalyzing this. Just put the damn thing on and pretend to be a pony, moron, he scolded himself.

With disguise in place, he slunk into the city.

It was still fairly early in the morning, even after his flight, so not too many ponies were out wandering about. This allowed him to get a good look at the city.

White, on white, on white, on white. Oh, sure there were other colors. Gold, purple, blue, pink, but the city was dominated by white walls. There were plenty of parks and nice greenery that outlined the gray, stone streets, but they did nothing to ease Emerald's eyes from the strain of staring at the bright architecture.

So he averted his eyes from the bright whites, if only to save his eyesight. How had he never noticed?

His path was set for the castle in the distance. It stood towering over any other building in the city, it's domineering aura blanketing the city with the reminder of the royalty who lurked nearby. It was a feeling he was familiar with, yet he'd been away from it for so long that it almost felt alien to him.

His steps faltered for a moment as he stared at the castle. Would staying there be a good idea? He knew there'd always be room for him at the castle, if for no other reason than his Title, but... his thoughts ran.

What would Mother think? Were she to hear his thoughts, his reasons, his feelings? Would she laugh, would she understand? Would she smile down at him and tell him he need not worry? Would she take him to her study where'd she'd ask him to explain, to tell her of his feelings? Just like back then, would she hold him and remind him of the life he left behind, of the life he now had ahead?

He swallowed and forced his gaze away from the castle. Maybe... maybe it would be best if he found somewhere else to stay...

"Out of the way, rabble," some haughty looking, suit-wearing stallion snapped at him from behind. Emerald scowled, but moved off to the side. He barely paid the stallion, or the mare at his side, any attention as they passed.

That being said, it did serve to remind him of the ponies around him. If he were to stay anywhere other than the castle, he'd likely run into fools like them more often.

He sighed, letting his gaze sweep across the way. Over stones, and shops, and storefronts.

It suddenly struck him how... quiet it was. For a moment he couldn't fathom such silence. Canterlot was far larger than Ponyville, not to mention there were ponies out and about! Not many, sure, but in Ponyville it was only ever this quiet at night...

So why...?

His eyes swept once more across the area, and he laughed to himself once the reason became clear.

Ponyville's marketplace was filled with stalls where ponies sold their wares. They'd yell out into the crowd, greeting friends, family, and searching out customers. You couldn't go more than a stone's throw without someone calling out to you.

There were no such stalls in Canterlot. Only quiet storefronts.

He cursed himself for forgetting. He'd lived in Canterlot for almost six years, and yet less than two in Ponyville was all it took to forget.

Granted, that wasn't a bad thing. He was far happier in Ponyville than he ever had been in Canterlot, and likely than he ever would have been.

His eyes fell onto the distant castle once more, and he frowned. Perhaps it would be better to settle there for the time being?

He shook his head. Staying anywhere other than the castle would be a poor idea. Mother's reaction to his arrival aside, it was the closest place to the training grounds and the potential training partners he might find. Plus, if he just stayed at some hotel or something, the bill he racked up over however long his stay would be, would be... heart-stopping, most likely. Affordable, for him, but he'd prefer to keep as much of his wealth as possible, in the event of his death at least.

So yes, his reservations ignored, the castle was the best option.

He nodded, legs taking him towards that distant place.

And so it begins.






Emerald almost smiled when the familiar sounds of training reached his ears. It had been so long since he last stepped forth on these grounds for that purpose.

The Canterlot Training Grounds were much the same as he last saw them. A barren dirt patch of which was outlined by various targets and training dummies, alongside weapon racks, a few small benches off to the side, and, a bit further away, the Barracks where a rotation of Royal Guards stayed for various duties. Bits of fur and straw could be found strewn about, not yet cleaned up by whatever unlucky fool was stuck with clean-up duty. It was early enough in the morning that only a few ponies could be found milling about, with a few already sparring near the center.

The Training Grounds themselves were on the opposite end from the Canterlot Gardens, which was where he generally had taken his own training.

He felt a little awkward approaching the area, and more than one of the guards gave him curious looks as he approached. Strangely, after seeing his gear, they nodded and returned to whatever it was they were doing, which was odd in Emerald's opinion. If someone he didn't know had approached his general area with a visible weapon, he'd be suspicious and on guard immediately.

... Then again, this was a training ground, so maybe Emerald was the odd one.

Still, that awkwardness didn't fade, but Emerald forced it down as best he could.

He approached an unattended training dummy, drawing his spear and began to think.

What did he need to work on?

Memories flashed through his mind, rapid and fleeting, but they burned his retinas all the same.

Startled blue eyes met amused silver eyes, and before Emerald could register who his opponent was and what they wielded, one, two, three rapid strikes were unfurled towards him.


Muscles strained as his spear cut through the air. The strikes were barely deflected, sparks flying from the colliding metal of his spear and what appeared to be a rapier, but before he could capitalize on the opening, a red blur entered his vision.


He brought the haft of his spear to bare, the wood braced against his leg. A red hoof struck against him, the force far higher than anticipated.


... So, basically everything. Might as well throw strategy into the mix as well. They were his superior there, too.

He sighed. This was going to be-

"Bit for your thoughts?"

Eyes flashed as his head turned to the one that spoke, and-

Oh? Well now, isn't this a surprise?

"Just thinking about my training. Not entirely sure where to start," Emerald said, eyeing the vaguely familiar form of Spun Gear. He looked... well, significantly better than he had when those Mutts had him prisoner. Unsurprisingly.

He stood much taller than before, back no longer hunched under the weight of slavery. The stallion was in full gear at the moment, meaning the disguise was active, but there was no hiding the fuller figure or the muscles lining his edges.

Nor was there any hiding that spark in his eyes. The renewed glint of cheerful friendliness. Of life being lived again.

Spun Gear nodded, drawing his gaze to the dummy Emerald was stood in front of,

"Yeah, I know the feeling," he said, "For me, when that happens, a spar usually helps me sort that out."

A spar? Emerald turned the thought around for a moment, before nodding. He'd been wanting training partners anyways, this was as good a start as any.

"You offering?"

Spun looked startled for a moment, before giving Emerald a confident grin,

"Heh, I guess I am, aren't I?"

The two of them grabbed a set of training weapons, before they moved over towards the center, keeping clear of the others already sparring. As they moved Emerald marveled at his own luck. Hardly even a minute in and he already had a starting point for his training. He then sighed. Where was this luck when he was 'fighting' Discord?

"So," Spun began as he gave the blunted sword he'd picked a testing swing, "first to yield?" he asked. Emerald considered for a moment, before nodding,

"Sounds good to me."

The two of them set themselves, bodies tensing in preparation. Whatever sense of joviality that had been on Spun's face had faded, a serious, steely glint in his eyes. A darkness hid behind those eyes. It was more reminiscent of the stallion Emerald had seen walk out from those caves once upon a time.

Idly, Emerald wondered which set of eyes was really Spun's. Those cheerful ones he put on, or this bleaker set?

Emerald wondered the same for his own.

Emerald let out a single breath, feeling his heart begin to beat just that bit quicker. It thumped and pounded in his ears, an unseen rhythm that would guide him stepping forward.

It was this unseen signal that pushed him into initiating the first move. Bursting forward, he swung wide, spear cutting air as steel flashed on. Spun's eyes widened minutely, he stepped back, blade rushing across his body to parry the oncoming blow. Metal screeched against metal as Spun's eyes hardened once more, and he swung his blade in the same motion.

Emerald growled slightly, ducking the swing. He dropped the spear and, with that same hoof, swung and landed a solid punch to the other stallion's jaw.

"Gah!" Spun was forced back, out of pain or surprise Emerald wasn't sure. He shook his head and righted his hoofing, preparing for the next blow.

... A blow that never came.

Spun blinked in surprise, staring at the green stallion before him.

Emerald simply stood there, gaze focused entirely on the spear he'd dropped, a deep frown marring his face.

Why had he done that? For what reason had he abandoned his weapon?

His hoof shot up, snapping the wood just before the male's hoof, freeing him, before wrenching the blade free from the female's grasp, snatching it from the air by the handle.

It wasn't the first time he'd done such a thing. And what purpose had it served? A single hit? With, perhaps, the promise of more?

He walked over to his weapon, gently plucking it from the ground. He sighed as he looked down at it, before turning back to his sparring partner with an almost sad grin.

"Sorry about that. Mind if we try this again?"

Spun could only blink at the request, before giving a hesitant nod.

"Um... sure?"

Emerald returned the nod and, with a deft spin of his spear, readied himself for the next bout.

At another unseen signal, he struck.


Emerald sighed as he racked the practice spear. What a disappointing fight.

No, he scolded himself, not disappointing. Useful. It tells me I need to aim higher. That's all.

That's what he was telling himself, at least. Not sure how much he believed it.

"Damn, ugh, that was a good spar," his partner grunted from beside him, racking his own blade. He glanced at the bruised and battered Spun Gear, and tried to give him a chipper grin,

"Yeah, definitely!" He was sure he failed.

Rather than be put off by it, Spun's own grin turned melancholic.

"Yeah, heh, I figured I wouldn't be much of a challenge for you," he said. His grin fell, and Spun looked away from him, "... Sorry I couldn't be of much help," he added, before scoffing derisively, "Tch, figures I couldn't even say my thanks properly," he pressed a hoof against his forehead, giving off a self-deprecating laugh, "Hehe, I always was shit at helping. Can't do it now, couldn't do it back in those damn mines..."

"So, you do remember me?" Emerald asked. It would explain why he'd initially approached, but Emerald hadn't been certain...

Spun grunted, raising his head to look Emerald in the eyes, a haunted memory lingering behind his.

"Oh yeah, took me a bit with that disguise you've got, but you're hard to forget, honestly," he said, giving Emerald a wry, but angry, grin, "... I never did thank you, by the way. Or those mares. Wasn't exactly a friendly face when I first saw 'em," he added, looking away once more.

"You were captured and held as a slave. I doubt anyone blames you for your bad mood," Emerald said, frowning slightly. Spun only shook his head,

"That's no excuse. I'm a guard, it's my job to keep everypony safe, even if all I can do is smile," he scoffed, "and I couldn't even do that."

Emerald didn't say anything at that. He knew full well that feeling of failure. The bone deep self-disgust. Memories running through the head, what if, what could be, how it should've been. He had hoped to forget it himself, but it always came back in his nightmares.

"Well," Spun suddenly spoke, scratching at his chin, "you'll probably want to challenge some of the others to spars," he said, prompting Emerald to turn to him, "a couple of the night crew show up just before sunset and train for a while." Emerald immediately perked up. Night crew? Almost certainly a few thestrals amongst the bunch. That would be perfect!

"Really?" he said, grinning slightly. Spun must not have noticed it, since he just continued,

"Don't know how they do it. I've seen their training, and doing it before patrol? That just sounds exhausting..."

"Maybe for you," Emerald replied, grin not falling in the slightest, "Thanks for the tip, though, I'll certainly be putting it to use." Spun nodded, giving him a mock salute,

"Well, glad I could help somehow," he lowered his hoof, glancing up at the sky, and sighed, "It's about time I head out for patrol myself, you have a good day now." Emerald nodded as the stallion walked off, attention already elsewhere.

"Sunset, huh?" he chuckled, "Perfect."

Although, despite having this new objective in mind, it was still fairly early in the afternoon, meaning, Emerald needed to kill some time.

Now, he could spend it doing some training on his own... except he had always trained on his own, and look where that got him. He'd had the idea in mind already, and the spar with Spun Gear had only strengthened the notion. He needed to train with someone else. Only someone training him, or training with him, would be able to push him forward now.

So, a mentor or a rival is what he needed. How storybook.

He considered asking a few of the other guards currently training to spar, or even just for tips, but he tossed the idea aside after a moment. They weren't instructors, so anything they could give him would only be part of the puzzle, rather than the solution he sought.

So, again, time to kill. And since he was already at the castle...


You know, it was occurring to Emerald that he had a lot of bad ideas.

Fighting a hydra, 'fighting' Discord, the thing about the Elements controlling them, running away after telling Twilight he was leaving... and now this.


Hopefully, he at least made for an entertaining sight to any passing guards. Standing in front of the solar diarch's personal study, looking as though he'd swallowed a particularly sour lemon.


... And nervously tapping his hoof against the marble floor.



Stars he was bad at this stuff...

How in the world was he to approach Mother? Without warning, without notification, is he to just waltz on in? She would have questions and he wouldn't have answers. She'd smile at him, but internally she'd no doubt be disappointed.

Disappointed in her son him. Could he handle that and still keep his head held high? He didn't think so.

He hated this nervous feeling. The uncertainty gnawed at him. He needed to just. Do. It.

He let out a hissed breath, forcing a hoof into the air and finally knocking.


The door opened very quickly, startling Emerald into stepping back. The large white figure of the solar princess stood in the doorway, looking down at him with equal surprise.

"Emerald?" she asked, blinking, before a smile overtook her features, "My, I was wondering who was making that tapping sound outside the door, but you were perhaps the last individual I expected to see," she said. She opened her mouth to speak further, but she paused with a furrowed brow, ".... Come in," she spoke simply, already walking back into the room.

Emerald fidgeted for a moment, but followed soon after, gently closing the door behind him. As he turned to face her, his eyes roamed over the familiar room. The same dark violet walls, the same red carpet, it all worked wonders to bring back memories he'd long since put into the past.

Days spent learning a new language. Of basic subjects being gently tutored to him. Of quiet days laying by the fire place, with a familiar motherly presence by his side all the while.

He followed Mother over to her tea table, where a porcelain tea set waited. As they sat on the purple satin pillows, she broke the silence.

"What happened?"

He winced at the blunt question, eyes falling to lock onto the table rather the mare across from him.

"... What makes you think something happened?" Why did he say that? Was he really trying to stall? Mother only looked at him flatly,

"You do realize you're wearing your disguise still, yes?" she said. He remained silent, and that didn't seem to fill Mother with confidence. "Did something happen to the girls? To Ponyville? ... to you?"

"C'mon cuz, can you catch up to us?"

"... You could say that." Mother's frown only deepened.

"I would prefer a more straightforward answer, Emerald," she said firmly. He fidgeted,

"... Me," he finally said.

Mother only stared at him for a minute. She sighed, then, and the soft sounds of clinking porcelain filled the room as she began to pour herself a cup of tea.

"Would you like some tea, Emerald?" she asked, leveling a pointed stare at him. He hesitated for a moment, before nodding.

The tea she set before him was red and had a rather lemon-y scent to it, not that he knew enough about teas to tell what kind it was with just that. He watched idly as Mother lifted her cup to her lips and took a rather dainty sip, letting out a soft sigh as she did so.

"So," she began, leveling him with a more gentle stare, not that it kept him from fidgeting under it, "would you like to tell me what's wrong?"

He remained silent, but not for lack of trying. His mouth opened, the words on the tip of his tongue, but they just wouldn't get out. They caught themselves, and a faint wheezing grunt was all he could muster. Mother only breathed heavily, staring disappointedly down at him. He chanced a glance at her eyes, and could practically see what thoughts were running through her head.

He held that gaze for a moment, before his own fell.

"It's about them, isn't it? Summer and Winter?"

He grit his teeth, but nodded without a word. He heard Mother sigh once more as set her tea cup down. Again there was silence, and again Emerald felt it crawl along his neck, that creeping feeling associated with failure on some level. Was he wrong to have come here?

"C'mon cuz, can you catch up to us?"

No. No, he was not.

"... You're here to train, aren't you?"

His head snapped up in surprise. How had she-?!

"I've known you for seven years, Emerald," Mother said, obviously reading his expression, "Seven long years..." she repeated with a soft smile, "... I like to think I know you... at least a tad."

She stared down at him with... fondness? Even as his expression no doubt flickered through a myriad of different emotions in that moment, she still looked down at him with those eyes.

He felt his face heat slightly and finally looked away.

"... Could you tell me why you came here for training? Has that course down in Ponyville become too easy?" He shook his head,

"N-no, I... I just needed something... more."

"'More'? Like what?" Emerald swallowed nervously,

"Like... like a Skies."

To his surprise, Mother actually perked up.

"Oh? Does that mean you're finally ready to contact your family in Nocturne?" she asked with a smile. Emerald could practically feel the colour drain from his face, and Mother drooped a bit in response, "Ah... of course not. You wouldn't need to be in Canterlot if that were the case..." she murmured, "So, one of the night guards, then?"

"Ah, yes, Your Highness." Mother nodded,

"Well, I can speak with Luna and get her opinion on a good training partner for you, if you'd like?" Emerald stared at her in shock,

"Y-you would do that, for me?" Mother gave a smile, but he could see the confusion in her eyes,

"But of course! You are like a-hem!" she suddenly cut herself off with a cough-and was she blushing?-but quickly composed herself, "Th-that is, I do care for you, Emerald. I would be glad to be of assistance."

Emerald stared at her for a moment, before swallowing the lump in his throat and bowing his head,

"I-I would greatly appreciate the help, M-Your Highness," he said, nearly biting his tongue. She gave him a heavenly smile, one that practically glowed as the sun did,

"Of course!" she paused, and, suddenly, a mischievous glint entered her eye, one he recognized from Wisp of all ponies, "That being said... there is a condition..."

"What...?" he trailed off. Mother only smiled at him,

"You will have to join myself and Luna for dinner. Everyday, until you return to Ponyville."

Emerald blinked, head tilting in confusion. Dinner? Was that it?

His thoughts must've been written on his face, since Mother added,

"Not to mention you'll be joining me and Luna for lunch and breakfast as well, of course."

Ah... that would be a little-

"And you'll also, of course, be telling me all about your training and whom you'll be training with."


"I'll even monitor your progress with them and ensure you're not going overboard, as you are wont to do."


She leveled a self-satisfied look at him,

"Is that acceptable?"

He... could only nod.



He watched as the sun sank beyond the horizon, the oranges, blues, and reds of the twilit sky painting a canvas truly beautiful to behold.

But the sky was not why his eyes locked onto the setting sun, no. Oh no, that honor belonged to those who would come out at this time. He just hoped they were what he was looking for.

His hoof tapped against the barren ground, from his place right beside the weapons rack. He knew he was being impatient, but he had only just realized he'd spent so long as so little. This was to be his first proper step into becoming something more! To be greater than the sum of his own parts. The wait rankled at him, as his gaze turned to the Training Ground's entrance, watching, waiting for the ones he searched for to appear.

At this time of day only a small hooffull of guards remained at the Training Grounds, and those switching shifts might regularly meet and greet each other. Emerald made this little observation when, ten minutes later, a group of three thestrals walked through the entrance.

For some reason, he couldn't help but take notice of how... casual they were about it. For some reason he'd been worried there'd be a tension between them, the ponies against the thestrals. He blamed his earlier walk through Canterlot for putting the idea in his head.

The three thestrals smirked and laughed amongst themselves. Their armor seemed half on, with the disguise off and only a few bits of the metal pieces strapped in. They seemed... typical, somehow. Just another set of friends goofing around.

One of them seemed to sense his gaze. Her shoulders tensed and eyes creased as she subtly tried to look around. His own gaze wasn't hidden, so it wasn't long before her eyes met his own. Startled red stared into narrowed blue for a moment. She-the lone female of the trio-seemed to tense even further, before hastily turning back to her two companions.

She said something to them, causing both to glance at Emerald warily. Eventually they seemed to come to an agreement, and began to make their way towards Emerald.

As they approached, Emerald took the moment to properly size them up.

The female of the group had a sea green mane and tail, both cut short with her mane styled in a bob cut, and a pleasing chocolate brown coat. She was the shortest of the group, nearly a head and a half shorter than Emerald himself, but he could still see plenty of muscle packed into her smaller frame.

Next to her, in the center of the three, was a stallion a few inches taller than himself, and just as broad. His golden-blonde mane and tail were frizzy and wild, as if he'd never taken a brush to either even once in his life. His coat, a soft pink in colour, was visibly more well groomed however. Despite his somewhat careless appearance, there was a fire in his deep green eyes that Emerald had to respect.

The last of the three was shorter than the center male, but taller than the lone female of the group, but nearly half again as broad as Emerald himself was. He was giving Emerald quite the glare, hazel eyes narrowed into slits and mouth, which bore a pair of larger than usual fangs jutting from his lips, turned into a deep frown. His mane and tail were trimmed neatly, similar to a buzz cut really. Both were a steel gray colour that contrasted with the dirty white of his coat.

Seeing the three of them together brought to mind a memory. The Ten Clans of Nocturne were divided in more ways than just task and name. Each Clan had a general set of physical features or psychological tendencies that marked one out as one Clan over another. The Skies having larger wingspans than average was one such indicator.

Judging by those factors-assuming he remembered them all correctly-the three thestrals were from three different clans. For them to be here as guards, he could only assume they had Traded their names away. Yet despite this, all three looked at him with the same strange wariness in their eyes.

It made him frown, on the inside. Not even a word in and they were wary of him? What for?

"You got somethin' to say to us?" the center one asked, "Feel free to say it to our faces, guy." His accent was as thin as Emerald's was nowadays.

"Yeah," the female said, glowering at him, "we can take it!"

... Well, now he was really confused.

"I beg your pardon?" he asked, brow rising. The center one narrowed his eyes at Emerald, before huffing,

"Whatever, c'mon you two," he said. The female's head snapped to her retreating companion,

"What?! Are you serious?! This guy is-I mean-gah!" she snarled, before angrily stomping after him. Emerald could only blink in confusion, and, perhaps, a bit of anger. Did these three really just walk up to him, only to try and blow him off seconds later without a word? Ha! No.

Emerald stepped forward,

"Hold it, I've got business with you," he snapped. The third one, who hadn't spoken yet, stepped in front of him.

"I don't think you do," he said, his voice a much deeper pitch than Emerald's own. Emerald turned to him,

"Oh? And how do you figure?" he asked sarcastically, anger rising. He could see the stallion's eyes narrow in anger, but was mildly surprised when he only took a deep breath in before speaking in an even tone.

"Look, I don't what your issue with us is-"

"What?" Emerald interrupted, anger sputtering out in the face of confusion, "Issue? What are you talking about?" he asked.

"Just ignore him, Tin," came the voice of the tallest, prompting them to turn to him, "He's not worth our time." Emerald blinked.

Not worth their time? Not worth their-why this little-!

Anger reignited in an instant, Emerald stepped forward once more, brushing passed the still form of Tin with ease,

"How about a spar then?" Emerald asked, bearing a smile filled with teeth, "Perhaps that will be worth. Your. Time?"

The stallion he was talking to stared at him for a moment. He glanced once at his female companion, then towards Tin behind him. Emerald could practically see the silent conversation as it was happening, before he finally turned back to Emerald.

"Alright, I'll play your game," he scoffed, already beginning to walk to the weapons rack, where he took a short-sword into his hooves, "Don't be surprised when I knock you down a few pegs, pony."

Emerald ignored the implied insult, instead plucking a spear from the training rack beside him.

As they moved into position, Emerald felt it. That pounding anticipation. The blood rushing. Heart beating in his ears, the promise of a fight echoing throughout his body. He barely even felt the smile splitting his face.

"Minty, could you mediate for us?" the stallion asked.

"Alright," the now named female said, "You owe me, though."

Once they both were in position, Minty gave Emerald a dismissive glance, before raising her voice,

"On my mark!"

Hooves set against the ground, preparing for that first step.


Heat built in the chest, flowing up the throat. A breath in, a breath out.

"Two!" Yes! This was it!

Muscles tensed, teeth bared, a fire in the eye.

"My name is Gilded Skies, by the way," the stallion across from him said suddenly.


Light glinted off steel. The promise of violence soaked the air.

"Emerald," he supplied almost cheerily.


He lunged.


Their first clash was swift. Gilded parried his initial lunge with a flick of his hoof, Emerald countered with a heavy left hook to the center of his chest, knocking him back a few steps and earning a startled grunt from Gilded. He cocked his spear wielding leg back before swinging it wide, the song of steel echoing in the air as it was blocked.

Emerald's grip on his spear faltered for a second, but he forced himself to hold onto it. Unfortunately, this lapse in attention was enough for Gilded to shove his weapon away, allowing him to lunge at Emerald and score a strike against his shoulder.

Emerald's grin sharpened.

The shock of pain through his shoulder only emboldened him. His hoof lashed out, latching onto Gilded's extended leg. Spear useless at this range, he closed the distance further, fangs flashing out.

Gilded flinched back, avoiding the snap of his jaws. He lost his grip on his own weapon, clearly startled by the attack.

Dropping the blade, his hoof shot out, scoring a clean blow against Gilded's jaw. He staggered, allowing Emerald to take a step back.

He wanted to rush forward, push himself and engage, but this was meant to be a spar. He'd felt it from the beginning, that Gilded was holding back. The 'why' escaped him, but maybe this little encounter would knock some sense into him?

On that note, he kicked the discarded sword back to its original user.

"Wanna try that again?" Emerald snarked. Gilded glared at him for a moment, before his gaze turned more pensive as he grabbed his blade.

"... You... aren't a pony, are you?" he asked suddenly. Emerald blinked, somewhat startled by the question. Pony? Why in the world-?

He glanced down at himself, and scoffed when he saw his bracelet. Right, he'd completely forgotten about that. So impatient to get started at bettering himself.

With that in mind, some things that hadn't been making sense earlier became clear. Their initial dismissal of him, their guarded behavior. They must've thought him some random fool come to torment the non-ponies. In Canterlot, such a thought wasn't hard to believe...

He slipped off the bracelet without fanfare, tossing it over to where his other things lay.

"That answer your question?"

The three of them stared at him with open shock, eyes wide and unblinking. Truthfully, Emerald felt their reaction was a bit much. A surprise to be sure, but... nothing to gawk over...

"Y-you... you said your name was Emerald, right?" Minty asked, pointing at him with a shaky hoof. He nodded,

"I did."

"You're Emerald Skies, right?" Tin asked, stepping forward cautiously, "The... the Champion...?" Emerald turned to Tin, noting how Gilded froze from the corner of his eye,

"I am," he said, before narrowing his eyes, "That isn't going to be a problem, is it?" He stared down both Tin and Minty, completely expecting one of them to interject. Tin met his gaze easily, but Minty twitched, eyes darting over to Gilded's location. Just as he was about to speak once more, he was interrupted.

"You're the Champion!?" He turned just in time to see Gilded scramble to his hooves. He shifted, prepared to do, well, a number of things in response.

He was not prepared for the reaction he got.

Gilded practically leapt at him, eyes wide and shining,

"That so cool!"

"Ah?!" Emerald took a step back, even as Gilded continued to push himself into Emerald's bubble.

"You must be really strong, right?!" Gilded grinned widely, "Well, of course you are! You beat me so easily!" Gilded stepped forward, and Emerald stepped back, "You must know a lot of techniques! What's your training regimen?!" The process repeated, "Where'd you learn to fight?! How old are you?! You can't be much older than me, so how did you become the Champion?! How did-?!"

Finally taking mercy on him, Tin stepped forward himself and grabbed Gilded by the shoulder.

"Alright, alright, that's enough," he said, pulling Gilded back, "I get it, your excited, but by the stars, will you calm down?" Gilded back off with wide eyes and a nervous chuckle, while Tin turned to Emerald. "Sorry about him, he's... crazy, really."

"It's... uh..." Emerald sighed, "Fine? I guess? What was that about?" he asked. Tin waved him off,

"He's crazy, like I said." Minty sighed and stepped up.

"No he's not, he's just... he's-"

"You're a Skies!" Gilded interjected, pushing passed Tin with a grunt. He stared at Emerald with sparkling eyes. "You're-you're one of us!" he said, before stammering slightly, "E-er, well, uh... kind of?" Emerald's brow furrowed,

"What does that mean?" Gilded's face fell, and he waved his hooves around, seemingly unsure.

"W-well, I mean... w-well!" Gilded's hooves waved a bit more, before he huffed, "Did you know? E-everyone knows about you back home!" he blurted, and Emerald immediately stiffened, "Everyone knows about the lost foal," he said, "about the miraculous third foal of the Head Skies who was taken away in the night." He scuffed the ground a bit, still unaware of Emerald's tense form, "It was a big deal."

Minty, sensing something, stepped forward.


"Apparently there were search parties through out for over two years looking for you." Gilded continued unheeded, and all of Emerald's focus was on him now. "The whole Skies Clan was tipped end over end! They say Nocturne was almost torn apart by it!"

"Gilded!" Minty hissed.

"Some say the Head and his mate still mourn your loss to this day." Minty fumed silently in the background, unnoticed. "Supposedly, Ashen Skies hasn't been the same since! He was nearly ejected as Vampirul cerului, and only held on by a thread!"

"Gilded!" Finally Gilded took notice of his friend's harping. He glanced at Minty, startled, but a look from her had him glancing at Emerald, and his face paled.

Emerald's face was carefully flat. But, try as he might, he could not hide the slight downturn at the edge of his lip, nor the dark spark the three could see in his eyes.

"No. No, I did not know that," he said darkly.

Emerald's head throbbed. His eyes burned. But-but not yet! N-not now, not until it was done. He would break down later.

"A-anyway!" Gilded started back up, clearly trying to turn the conversation away, "Y-you weren't trained as a Skies was! B-but now you're here, alive!" Gilded huffed, breathing heavy, "A-and as one of Equestria's best! That-that proves that we-that you don't have to be raised a Skies to-to, well, be a Skies!"

Emerald stared at Gilded, head beginning to swim.

"Y-you-...?" he began to say, but trailed off. It was Minty who picked up where he left off.

"Yes," she said morosely, "we're Traded Names." Emerald looked to her, confused. What did that have to do with anything?

"I-I don't see how that matters," he said, rubbing his eyes. Coincidentally, that meant he missed the surprised looks the three sent at each other. His mind raced for a moment, before latching onto something he'd nearly missed. "You... you asked me where I learned to fight, right?" he asked.

Gilded blinked, clearly confused, before he brightened. Clearly he was quite glad to change the subject.

"Y-yeah! I-I was wondering if you had some pointers to give us!" he motioned at himself, an embarrassed Minty, and a contrite looking Tin. "The three of us train together, but, well, there's really only so far you can go if you only train together..." he trailed off. It seemed he finally noticed the stink eyes his friends were giving him.

Emerald stared too, but shook it off quickly.

"Well, the problem is... I never trained anywhere," he admitted, and, my, were those some surprised looks! "I learned by experience," he added, rubbing his leg nervously, "so I never really had any training, other than what I'd figured out on my own. That's-" he looked up at the three of them-, "that's why I'm here, actually. I was hoping to find another thestral to train with and shore up what I need to know." Now his hoof left his leg and traveled up to his head, which he rubbed in aggravation. "I know it's not the best solution, but-"

"We'd love too!" Emerald paused, glancing up in confusion.


"We'd love to help!" Gilded assured him, eyes sparkling again. Minty deadpanned,

"Gilded, what the fu-?"

"Minty!" Gilded interrupted her, a serious expression on his face, "Don't you see how big this is?!" he asked her, waving a hoof at Emerald, "You see how easily he kicked my ass! Imagine how good we'd get if we sparred with him?! We've been run through basic so many times now, we could totally teach him what he needs to know!"

"Ugh, Gilded..." It was Tin this time who groaned, "That is ridiculous, we can't-"

"And... it'll keep this guy from getting in the hooves of you-know-who!" Gilded whispered loudly.

Worryingly, that got the two to stiffen in place, eyes widening. He looked between them, growing more worried by the minute, before the two finally snapped out of whatever that was.

"So we teach him." Minty said with finality.

"We're teachers now." Tin added simply.

... He had a bad feeling about all this.


It was nearly twenty minutes later that the four of them-after Emerald was assured the three of them hadn't suddenly gone crazy-hashed out a deal between them. In exchange for the three of them giving him some basic training, the three of them would spar against him, in different formations, as training. The sparring would serve to help Emerald get the motion and knowledge into his form, while also serving to get the three of them a sparring partner they'd struggle against, but who was also not an asshole, apparently.

Emerald was, of course, not going to dismiss the training this would give him. Usually his training involved shadow fighting and his general exercises, his obstacle course only possibly being included. Even in his time in the guard he usually trained alone. It was very rare for him to get an actual sparring partner, and to get three eager ones? He'd have to be an absolute idiot to deny such an opportunity!

So, now here Emerald was, wandering through the Castle Gardens. He still had some time before he was to attend dinner and had thoughts of visiting the Grave on his mind. The things Gilded had brought up had hit him in a way he really didn't like.

He wasn't sure if he wanted to think about those things, or just ignore them.


His head hurt just thinking about it. For now, he'd leave it for another day.

"Hmph. I suppose I shouldn't have expected better, then."

Every fibre of Emerald's being froze. His heart beat. His eyes scanned the Gardens, eyes roaming passed the Statue Garden despite everything telling him otherwise.


"I said, 'I shouldn't have expected better' of you. Can't you hear?"

His eyes zeroed in immediately on the source of the voice, vision blurring for an instant. Its mouth did not move, but the words reached him regardless.

A cold heat speared through his chest, spreading like an icy fire that shouldcouldwould not burn.

"You." his voice was a deep growl, rumbling through his chest. That familiar heat built up like roiling lava, threatening, begging, ready to burst forth-

"Yes, yes. Me. Myself. And I. Now why not quit it with that angry look on your face? I certainly can't do anything to you like this, now can I?"

The rage did not falter. It burned hotter, searing at his insides in a way that suggested pain. A rage he could scarcely control. He stomped towards the statue, glaring holes into the stone, until he stood within leg's reach.

"You dare?" Emerald snarled, "You dare say a word to me? After what you tried to do!?"

"Oh?" there was some measure of shock in the imprisoned Discord's voice, a barely perceptible tilt to it, "And what, pray tell, did I try to do? I highly doubt you care enough about Equestria to garner this sort of reaction."

"You!" he snarled, "You tried to take her from me!"

He was trembling now, shaking. Every hair on his body stood on end. His vision was blurring, fading, seeing double. All he could see was the statue.

Break it! Shatter it!

He stepped forward, wobbling, hooves unsteady beneath him, but his intention clear.

Kill him! Be rid of him!

"It wouldn't work, you know?" that bastard taunted him, "Were killing me so easy, I assure you, it would've been done long ago."

The rage was... all consuming. Out of his control. He could barely think straight. It was unfamiliar-

No. No. Not unfamiliar... he'd felt this way, once. It was so long ago now, nothing more than a faint memory in the back of his head...

But it was there.

He stumbled forward in a daze, legs weak and unfeeling. But... but he was free! Or at least, he was starting to be.

The memories threatened to overwhelm him. Consume him. Eat him alive.

But... but that wasn't really true, was it? He was still here, still a prisoner, and he would stay that way as long as they remained, wouldn't he?

He growled and clutched at his head, nearly falling to the ground. No, no, no! Not now, not now dammit! Please!

He saw her. Brace Pony. The name he gave her. The only name he'd ever known her by. The monster who'd put that collar round his neck. At once the memories consumed him. The searing pain, arcing, dancing, pulsing beneath his skin. Pain he could scarcely understand flooding his core till the inky blackness consumed him.

"Stop it." his voice broke as he growled, trying to push the memories away, to will them out of his mind. His eyes were clenched so tightly he saw stars, and flickers of fire echoed his breathing.

As he stared at her unconscious form, he felt it. That pulsing, echoing feeling in his veins. Burning red hot and ice cold at once... until all he could see was red.

"S-stop! P-please!" he begged himself, breath beginning to hitch. He-he couldn't do this! Not now, not here, not again!

His body moved without his control, stumbling, stuttering over towards her. There, on the floor next to her, a sheared pipe, sharp on one end. The source of her unconsciousness, no doubt.

His heart beat.

He didn't snap out of it until he tasted the blood.

"... Calm down, colt."

It was unnatural. A wave of something washed over him and his mind was clear as day. Memories faded back to where they belonged and the surge of angerpanicfear was just... gone.

He decided, immediately, that whatever had just happened to him-

-was something that he fucking hated.

He stood up, wobbling slightly, but remained rooted to the ground.

"Wh-what just-?"

"There, that's much better."

Emerald's head shot up to stare, dumbfounded, and more than a tad frightened, at Discord's statue.

"Wh-what did you-no, how did you-?!" There was a scoff, and he could just picture the draconequus rolling his eyes,

"Magic, of course. I'd've thought that obvious."

Emerald growled, stamping a hoof into the dirt,

"You know damn well what I mean! You're a fucking statue! How can you possibly do anything like this?!"

"Hmm?" he could practically feel Discord smirking down at him, the smug prick, "Oh! You mean that, well, I suppose I'm just that amazing."

A snarl slipped passed his lips, embers trailing after in his rage. Discord groaned.

"Ugh. Fine, if you absolutely must know, my... state limits me almost entirely... except for when it comes to you, or, rather, your kind." His anger stilled for a moment, confusion, and fear, replacing it.


"Oh come on! Use that head of yours, colt! I made you. You're my children, if a bit distant."

"We are not family!" Emerald spat, "There's no blood between us!"

Discord chuckled ominously, the sound sending shivers down Emerald's spine.

"A spark of my magic lives within you, as much a part of you as the marrow in your bones." Discord intoned, before chuckling once more, "Besides, you of all thestrals would know that blood doesn't choose one's family. That little facility of yours taught you that much, did it not?"

Emerald took a step back, involuntarily. He shivered at the mere mention of the place from this monster.

"You... How do you know about that?" he whispered pitifully. Discord's next words took on a more... somber tone as he spoke, but Emerald didn't buy it for a second.

"I didn't just stay still whilst you and your friends skittered about before my re-imprisonment. I'd been trapped here for centuries." Discord paused a moment, before continuing, "Do you know how long one century is? One hundred years. A simple sounding number, really, but the meaning takes on a whole new light when you actually live it. Stuck in one place. Aware, but unable to interact with the world in any meaningful way... Oh yes, I lived through many of those, rooted in this wretched place." Discord huffed, "The world changes, you know? I had the time to waste and a use for it. So, I learned. Oh, and what a story I found!"


Discord laughed.

"Oh yes! Horrible, yes, truly horrible, no doubt about that. But so fascinating! Even I, in my magnificence, couldn't figure out what that fool wanted to do!" Emerald shuddered, memories flickering in and out of his vision.

"Sh-shut... up!" Discord ignored him.

"I dug through decades of his research, but I couldn't hope to make heads or tails of it! Body transplants, cellular regeneration, magical and physiological compatibility? The creation of chimera! Why, if I didn't know any better, I'd say he was literally building an army!" Discord's voice was amused, clearly enjoying this, but Emerald didn't notice.

"Sh-shut up!" Discord laughed!

"Oh there's no doubt about it! He was, is a veritable genius! Such a shame he's stuck in Tartarus with all the others, but, oh well. I suppose we can't have everything, now can we? Ah, poor little T********e-"

"DON'T SAY THAT NAME!" Emerald screamed, ears ringing, head fogging, "NEVER SAY THAT NAME IN FRONT OF ME!!"

His eyes were wide, breathing heavy, that name! That name! THAT NAME! THAT NAME THAT NAMETHATNAMETHATNAME-


It was like a switch being flipped. His breakdown halted instantly and his head snapped around so fast he nearly gave himself whiplash.


There she was, the Princess of the Night, making her way into the Statue Garden, staring at him with a look of confused concern on her face.

"Yes, 'tis Us," she began, "We-I heard screaming and grew concerrrr...ned?" her brow furrowed as her eyes scanned the Garden around them. Her eyes fell back on him, "Who... were you speaking with?"

For a moment, he thought he saw her eyes lock onto Discord's statue and... for some reason the thought didn't sit well with him.

She couldn't know he was talking to Discord.

"No one," he said hastily, huffing slightly as he made to look casual. Even still, he threw a look at Discord's statue, "Just some... bad memories."

It wasn't a lie, per se. He was just... omitting what caused those memories in the first place. Still, Luna stared at him for a solid minute, her eyes flickering between him and Discord intermittently.

"I... yes," she eventually settled on, "We... my sister and I... often find that this Garden is... proficient at bringing old memories to surface," she said haltingly. She continued walking towards him, until she was standing just in front of him, and gave Discord's statue a baleful glare, "Some worse than others."

"Yeah," Emerald muttered, side-eyeing the statue, "I don't doubt it."

There was silence between them for a moment, both Emerald and Luna caught up in their own thoughts.

Eventually it was broken.

"My sister tells me you are here for training, and shall be joining us for dinner," she said, now looking at him. He nodded,

"I am."

"I am glad to hear it!" Luna said, a soft smile gracing her pretty face, "It has been some time since last we broke bread together. I am sure it will be fun!"

At Luna's cheer, he couldn't help but smile slightly.

"I'm sure it will be. You're even up early! You're usually not this... put together when you wake up." Luna twitched slightly at the observation.

"Y-yes, well... It is almost time for dinner!" she said suddenly, spinning in place and walking off, "We had best hurry, before Tia gorges herself!"

Emerald chuckled softly at Luna's demeanor, certain she was putting on airs to try and cheer them both up.

Still, even as he walked after her, he couldn't help but glance back at Discord.

He tried to ignore the laughter echoing in the back of his mind.

He failed.

Wine red eyes glared at the forms of the lunar princess and Equestria's Champion as they entered Canterlot Castle. They'd seen him earlier. Overheard him too.

So, the missing heir was in Canterlot for some training, was he? And with those three false-bloods? Well-

Fangs flashed and a wicked smile took form.

-that would need to be remedied.

Author's Note:

My my, has it been a while? Sorry for the wait, all. I had to quit my old job and getting a new one was hell in a handbasket, let me tell you! I've also had more than one medical issue (nothing too big, just medication stuff) that I've had to deal with.

But! I hope to have sorted that all out and can get back to writing more often. I can't tell you all how happy I am to finally get this chapter out to everyone! I really hope you like it.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed. Constructive criticism is appreciated. See you next time!

Comments ( 6 )

i am going to re read this since i see a new chapter

I wonder if the mystery man is another of Emerald's morally dubious supply of uncle stand-ins, that I vaguely remember him having

I remember watching baki around the same time I first read this story, but I don't remember if your fic had them too, or if it was just Baki Hanma who had weird battle uncles.

I forgot how good this story is! Thank you for keeping with it!! :twilightsmile:

I think they mentioned 2 of them
One was Fluttershy's dad

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