• Published 14th Jun 2018
  • 1,534 Views, 105 Comments

Discord vs. Harmony: The Greeting-Card Industry Strikes Back - SoloBrony

Unauthorized sequel to Fire Gazer's Reticence, also sequel to Discord vs. The Greeting-Card Industry. Discord gets up to more romantic meddling, now with Twilight's scholastically-motivated approval!

  • ...

Eternal Moment

"Whoa." Limestone's eyes widened as the fireworks lit up the night sky. It was hard to predict what would come next; one firework burst created magical, illusory phoenixes which streaked across the sky, while another set highlighted various constellations. She had thought the magical cloudbank they were sitting on, enchanted to accommodate all ponies, was impressive, but the show itself went above and beyond.

Lemon's tail, wrapped around hers, gave a faint squeeze, and she smiled. "I'm glad you like it."

Limestone still wasn't big on touching, but this was comfortable. "Yeah. I'm, uh, I'm glad I stuck around for it."

Real smooth, Limestone. How do ponies even do this whole... dating thing? Ugh.

Lemon snickered, prompting a defensive look from her date, and shook her head. "You don't have to be so nervous, you know."

Limestone huffed at that. "I know that, but I can't help it. Feel stupid being here."

Lemon cocked her head with a concerned look, and Limestone facehoofed. "See? That's what I mean. I say something like that, and then you wonder if you did something, and I'm just... what do we even talk about at a thing like this? Like, what do ponies do?"

"You know... we don't have to talk. Last night was really nice, but you don't need to feel pressured to try to share or make smalltalk with me if you don't need to. We can just sit here, be comfortable, and enjoy the show."

"Huh." Limestone turned that over, setting her hoof down and looking at Lemon, who was still smiling comfortably. She looked back at the sky, which had just lit up in a soft, purple glow, and let out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. "Yeah. You're right, I shouldn't be sweating the details. You get me."

Lemon nodded and looked back to the sky as well. "But I am here if there's anything you do want to talk about."

Limestone chewed at the inside of her cheek in thought. Is there anything I want to talk about? There's stuff bothering me, but should I even bother bringing it up? Not like I want to ruin the night.

Ugh, knowing what a sap Lemon is, she'll probably be happy if I share my grumbling. Guess I might as well. It does kinda help.

"There's a couple of things."

Limestone could feel Lemon looking over to her, but kept her eyes on the sky. It was easier that way. "I'm still worried about the pairing stone. It almost feels like abandoning our parents, our traditions. It almost feels like the end of an era."

"I'm sorry it didn't pick me."

Limestone rolled her shoulders in a shrug, and shook her head. "Not something any of us could control. But I bet it's eating our parents up that three of their daughters are dating outside of the tradition. Heck, it's bothering me, too. We were raised and told life would be a certain way, and now everything is changing."

"Well, it doesn't have to. If you want to just be—"

Limestone cut Lemon off with a wave of her hoof and a grunt. "Don't go there."

There was a long pause before Lemon spoke up again, and her voice was soft. "Why not?"

There was that question. The big one. Why were they moving on to dating? If it had just been one night, or even two, that would be one thing, but here they were. Third date.

And it wasn't like this was going to be the last one, either. Limestone didn't want it to stop. Sure, talking through their feelings was lame, but it was cathartic. She didn't have to fight or be on guard all of the time with Lemon, or worry about the family dynamic. She could just talk, Lemon would listen, tell her what she thought. And she liked being there for Lemon, too, through her issues.

Simple. Sensible. Limestone huffed and rolled her eyes to herself. Not sure why I have to make everything so complicated.

"I don't feel like being alone anymore. That's all."

Limestone chewed her cheek over in silence for a few moments, waiting for a response. When none came, she glanced at Lemon, and saw her deep in thought, with a troubled expression. She played back what she had said in her head and groaned.

"What I meant is, I like you. I like this. Us. Whatever. And I know I wasn't really alone before, but—"

She felt a hoof press into her shoulder, and stiffened slightly, but then relaxed. Lemon's voice reached her ears softly again. "Thank you."

Limestone nodded, and snickered to herself unexpectedly. She heard Lemon join in after a second. Good, she gets it. I hate having to get so specific. How much really needs to get said before ponies get it?

Then again, I guess I don't give her much signal on how I feel at all.

Limestone thought to her parents. The rigid way that Igneous showed affection to Cloudy, the stiff and uncomfortable motions they shared. Was that really how she was going to be with Lemon?

Hmm... buck that.

She spotted some large fireworks working their way up into the sky, and reached a hoof over behind Lemon. The mare gave a startled 'yipe!' as she was pulled in next to Limestone, and immediately began giggling uncontrollably, which got a smirk from Limestone. Truthfully, it made Limestone a little uncomfortable to be this close, but she stayed with it. After Lemon had calmed down a bit, she turned to look at Limestone.

"You know, you don't have to do this for my sake."

"I know. But I want to get used to it sooner rather than later."

Lemon contemplated that for a moment, and nuzzled in close. It brought a blush to Limestone's face, but she did her best to relax into it.

"You know, Lime... I've been considering moving to Nickerlite for my post-rocktoral research. I can still do my catering stuff from there. Was even, umm... I was even considering working on some new rock-candy recipes with your family, if that's alright."

Right, she also does catering and confections. I usually just think of her as a geologist.

"I'd like that."


Limestone snorted at Lemon's excited response. Stupid cute yellow unicorn. "Yeah, that's why I said it. It'd be nice having you around. Our rock candy didn't take off in Canterlot, so maybe you can help us cook up something better. Can't let Marble rake in all of the new bits."

Lemon giggled and kept close. It took a little while, but Limestone started to get used to having her there.

By the time the fireworks finale arrived, she felt more at peace than she had in a long, long time.

A short while before the finale...

Starlight and Chrysalis shared a brief, passionate kiss, and curled into each other as the sky lit up in various colors. Leaning against her marefriend, Starlight took a deep breath.

Here's hoping this doesn't get too awkward.

"So... Cadance mentioned you spoke with her last night."

Chrysalis snorted. "That little snitch. I should tell Shining where she keeps her dirty magazines."

Starlight laughed, gently rapping her head against her marefriend's shoulder like she was beating it against a wall. "You cook up revenge plans faster than most ponies can put on a saddle."

Chrysalis, still utterly straight-faced and watching the fireworks display, simply nodded. "I pride myself in my work."

There was a moment before both of the mares started laughing. Starlight rolled her eyes in her mirth. "Cadance doesn't really keep dirty magazines hidden in her room... does she?"

"You see, that kind of reasonable doubt is what makes it so effective."

"C'mon, tell me."

"And violate her privacy? My, my. I thought you were reformed, Starlight."

"But now I'll wonder forever!"

"And thus I have my revenge on you, as well."

Starlight snorted and beat her head gently against Chrysalis' shoulder further. "You are incorrigible."

"A true paragon of my people."

"You have a quip for everything, don't you?"

There was a brief, tense pause. "Yes."

Starlight laughed again, rubbing her head with a hoof as she did so. "Great. You've got Maud's sense of humor. Now we just need to get the two of you to do stand-up together."

Chrysalis paused, raising an eyebrow, and then grinned. "Indeed. That is how I will take over Equestria."

Starlight cocked her head. "With stand-up comedy?"

"Ponies will love my stand-up routine."

It took a second for Starlight to comprehend Chrysalis' meaning, and she groaned at the implication, snickering and slumping against her marefriend again. Chrysalis chuckled and pressed on, "You should be happy. You're dating the mare who will be the most powerful stand-up comedian in the world."

"I had a train of thought. I swear I did, once, but your goofing off has derailed it so much..."

"My plan, you see."

Starlight smirked and shook her head, still pressed into Chrysalis. "Fine. I give up, heh."

They stayed there watching the fireworks for a little while before Chrysalis sighed. "Alright, what did you want to ask about my chat with Cadance?"

"Oh! Right. I just wanted to ask if it... y'know, went well."

Chrysalis chewed that over. She was sure Starlight was curious what they spoke about, but she was equally sure that Starlight was being sincere in worrying about her first and foremost. She shrugged.

"She gave me some good advice, actually. I think... we might be friends, someday. It went a lot better than I thought it would. I can still hardly believe how forgiving you ponies are, but... well, she suggested I stop questioning everything so much, and I think she's right. I'm just going to take things a day at a time."

Starlight nodded slowly and thoughtfully. "I'm still kinda going through that myself. For a long time I thought I saw slights and insults everywhere, and... well, ponies didn't say anything, but I constantly worried they were judging me. I still do, sometimes."

Chrysalis thought that over a moment, and nuzzled into Starlight. "Well, they can judge all they want. We've got each other, now."

Starlight leaned away slightly to look at Chrysalis sidelong. "Wow. That was way more sappy than I thought you'd go for."

Chrysalis shrugged. "And why not? Did it bother you?"

"No! No, I'm just surprised."

"If it didn't bother you, why should I care? No one else is here, and I wouldn't care what they thought even if they were."

There was a moment of silence between the two, and Starlight began smiling warmly, prompting Chrysalis to do the same. They leaned back together, and Starlight sighed happily. "Guess I should have figured you would be bold in romance like everything else."

"How else am I supposed to impress the mare that swapped the princesses' cutie marks?"

Starlight gaped. "How did you hear about that?!"

Chrysalis just smiled smugly. Starlight rolled her eyes and buried her head back into the mare's shoulder, groaning, and from there they watched the firework finale in warm, companionable silence.

A short while before the finale...

"It's, umm, it's too bad this is my last night in Ponyville." Marble and Minuette were curled up on the edge of the cloud platform, behind a low bank of clouds that obscured them from the rest of the gathering.

Minuette looked at her marefriend slyly, and nudged her in the side with an elbow. "Regretting we don't have any more nights booked at the hotel?"

Marble blushed furiously and buried her head in the cloud, prompting a laugh from Minuette. Unable to resist, she continued, "These fireworks have nothing on us."

Marble swatted at her gently, but smiled. The two snuggled together in silence for a while, while Minuette tried to gather her courage. There just wasn't a lot of time left to ask, she knew.



Minuette found her throat surprisingly dry, and gave a slight cough. "So, I was, uh, I was thinking..."

Marble was watching her intently, and for once that made Minuette more uncomfortable. She knew it was a lot to ask, leaving the farm, leaving her family, especially for a mare that hated new places, but...

"This doesn't... have to be your last night in Ponyville. I mean... well... I was looking at a house, and..."

Marble's eyes widened. Minuette glanced away, grimacing slightly. Was this really right to ask of her?

Would Marble feel awful if she had to say no? That wasn't what Minuette wanted at all.

"I mean, I don't want to pressure you or anything. I—"

"Are you asking me to move in with you in Ponyville?"

Minuette winced and rubbed her face with a hoof. Marble had to finish her sentences, now; this was a new low. She just nodded, trying to think over what to say next, when Marble's voice cut off her train of thought.

"Yes. Yesyesyes, yes! That would make me, umm... really happy..."

Minuette glanced over in shock, to find her marefriend smiling wildly at her, red in the face but almost shaking with excitement.

Minuette had to work her jaw a couple of times before it would cooperate. "Oh, uh, well... great! I'm really glad!"

Marble cocked her head slightly, still smiling. "Did you think I would say no to something like that?"

"Uhh... I mean, I thought you might... or probably would..."

Marble watched her for a few seconds. "Because of my family?"

"Well... yeah. I know how much they mean to you—"

"You're family too, Minuette. I have to think about your feelings. And I know everypony in my family wants me to be happy, and nothing would make me happier than being with you!"

Minuette froze at that, like the gears in her head had just stuck. She tried to stammer something out, but she couldn't figure out what to say. She felt a wave of heat wash over her face, bringing tears to her eyes as she smiled. Marble pressed a hoof to her barrel.

"I love you, Minuette. If you want me by your side, that's where I'll be. Okay?"

Minuette looked at her marefriend. She was staring at her, smiling, but there was so much more there. Love, determination, a sort of finality. This was it; they were in this together.

Nothing was ever going to get between them again.

Minuette didn't have words for what she felt, but she also didn't need any. She leaned forward, and they shared an electrifying kiss as the finale kicked off.

Author's Note:

Think I've said enough with the chapter itself.

Comments ( 12 )

I can't get the ship flavor of LemonLime out of my head.

I'll have you know we call that ship Spritepie in this household! >whacks ruler

But... Sprite is LemonLime flavor?:rainbowhuh:

Spritepie it is!


Another child brought into the light

While in this house I will call it Spritepie, but outside this house I will always see it as LemonLime.

Your words are as empty as your soul

Number 1 motivator to be a better person: seeing your parents fuck up.

The Limestone and Lemon section of this was really touching. I can appreciate Limestone just putting her hoof down and deciding to make this work, even if it makes her uncomfortable now. Hell, that's about the most Limestone way to go about it.

I also really liked the Chrysalis and Starlight section. That's, at least for me, the first time where they really felt like a couple. They really felt comfortable with each other, and had a lot of great chemistry that really made the two of them shine. It was pretty heartwarming to see, and I finally feel like I get the ship now.

And hurrah for Marble and Minuette!

Yeah, I wanted to cover any bases that were missing from explaining the chemistry of the characters. I didn't intend for ANY of these sections to go this way, though. Especially the snarking by Chrysalis just came spontaneously. The characters hate my outlines, I think. They rebel. They're rebel scum.

As for Limestone, yeah, that was my thinking too. She doesn't do shit halfway. Either she does it right or doesn't do it. And she wants this, so, screw it. This was the chapter where all of the unnecessary drama just got destroyed by characters.

The return of Snarksalis was glorious.

Also, d'awwww ~

So, what about Discord and Twilight?

Starlight laughed, gently rapping her head against her marefriend's shoulder like she was beating it against a wall. "You cook up revenge plans faster than most ponies can put on a saddle."
Chrysalis, still utterly straight-faced and watching the fireworks display, simply nodded. "I pride myself in my work."
There was a moment before both of the mares started laughing. Starlight rolled her eyes in her mirth. "Cadance doesn't really keep dirty magazines hidden in her room... does she?"
"You see, that kind of reasonable doubt is what makes it so effective."
"C'mon, tell me."
"And violate her privacy? My, my. I thought you were reformed, Starlight."
"But now I'll wonder forever!"
"And thus I have my revenge on you, as well."
Starlight snorted and beat her head gently against Chrysalis' shoulder further. "You are incorrigible."
"A true paragon of my people."
"You have a quip for everything, don't you?"
There was a brief, tense pause. "Yes."

This provided me with amusement.:ajsmug:

Chrysalis was in rare form today. Pun intended. That was a really funny conversation, though.

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