One day just as ponies are celebrating the Summer Sun Celebration a giant metallic star falls from the heavens depositing a small pink puffball in their midst. That pink puffball is known as Kirby.
Join Kirby as he meets the ponies in this mish mash of a world combining both Equestria and Dream Land as one. He will face countless foes and make numerous friends as he changes the way ponies see the world one fight at a time.
Every hat available and multiple partners to be made. Truly this is one grand dreamland.
This should be categorized as Crossover
Not only was this awesome, but it was too damn cute!
Oooo!! This is so cool!! I love it. I will continue to read on.
!!! Vinyl!! you gave Kirby Alcohol!! He is only a baby!!
I find it amusing how everyone reacted every time Kirby used his inhale ability. I also found it funny how Spike was more or less forces to do the victory dance with Kirdy.
This story is great so far. I look forward to the next one.
Nightmare/Enemee, well this shall be interesting.
So if this is inspired by Star Allies, does that mean he's gonna have his enemies as friends including Marx? And what of Queen Sectonia, will she become an ally?
Just for you good buddy I added that tag
Of course. It's Kirby.
Kirby is cool and he's not a baby in this story. He's an older Star Warrior and it makes him calm and sedated.
It's a compelling thing of his. He surprised it since it was the first time he did it in front of everyone. The dance was because of what happens whenever the weird sparkling star appeared.
I've managed to get you locked into a lot of my stories lol
To be fair this will be a collection over the course of every single Kirby game and while this is inspired over Star Allies I'll be keeping many things that happen as concrete as possible and throwing extra characters into the fray, I will be using every copy ability. Every. Single. One. That means I'll be making a partner for all of them.
Neat. Well either way if he and Dedede fight her, here's hoping they destroy the madness in her and that mirror too. With any luck she'll be same again and see Kirby as her hero.
I will modify some things but who knows what I'll do with characters. There might be a way to fit everything in as canon.
Ok. That had me worried and it made sense. Also. How will you portray DeDeDe. Will he be like in the show (Total ass and selfish) Or A kind one. OR A delightful mix of both?
Glad you approve. As for DeDeDe, well... I do like the anime because it gave him a bit more agency but... the games canon are what I feel like using more though I will blend everything as well as possible. If we look at the entirety of the Kirby library the good king is a bit selfish and a big blowhard but at the end of the day he does care for his subject which is heavily shown both by Kirby's Adventure and Epic Yarn. So we'll see where it goes though... if I'm going through the games then... well he was the true villain of only one canon game.
True. Well One full game and 2 small story in Kirby Ultra Star as well.
It's from Trolls 2. a movie so bad it a riot of laughs to watch
that was a fun boss fight
How are you going to introduce the helpers from star allies
A. Long friends of Kirby
Or B. Use friend hearts
You get the cookie. Also it was. I gave two boss fights and let Kirby show off to everyone before Dream Land truly starts
I haven't decided yet but I might make a chapter that showcases him making friends with them then Star Allies will bring everyone together.
Nice job
Plz make more
There you go.
Nice try sunshine but Kirby does that trick better.
“I’m gonna clobber that there Kirby!” DeDeDe shouted
That's what we do best at nme
You better get it with a money back guarantee
I'm loving this here story. Can't wait to see where it goes.
She will try. After all she's only human.
Sister you are a pony! Luna screamed out.
Oh you crazy kids you! Lol
We'll see eventually. I expect you to finish that boss fight Kirby was having in your story soon.
I'm loving it! Keep it up plz.
Yup but you need to write your next chapter as well lol. I'll continue regardless but I want to see where your story is going.
Edit: I saw you updated lol. Woo!
Just accept it Twilight, there is nothing you can do about it.
This is good!!!!
The only problem i have is that there is no romance with Kirby at all!!!
Maybe they should fight Queen Chrysalis, and Kirby wins.
Kirby has two romantic interests technically. One is Ribbon the fairy from Crystal Shards and ChuChu from Dream Land 3.
He will. But later most likely.
Yeah. But why not mlp character romance?
In this situation it doesn't fit right. Also with how I've characterized Kirby already I couldn't fit romance in any way possible. Also I just don't see how it would fit at all.
Ah well. Ok
Kirby is one of the people that can say they fought a tree in an epic battle.
Could you figure out how to make it work? I would like to hear how you would make it work.
And to think... that was easy mode.
Well........Kirby is very cute yes? And some ponies can understand him yes?? What if....after battling Queen Chrysalis, she sees his memories when he sucks her up for a few seconds, and she falls in love with him.
Hows that?
Or maybe another pony sees him, and falls in love with him, maybe while he fights a monster.
Also, the fact that Kirby will show kindness to anyone. If they aren't fully evil.
See I can't really justify it because if I put that route Chrysalis would see the fight against all the monsters he fights. Dark Matter, Zero and his bloody eye ripping out of its body, and Marx's death wail. I doubt that it would be love at first suck like that. That would be a horror story all on its own.
Also yes Kirby is kind but at most I could only see it as admiration since Kirby is so childlike and probably wouldn't understand what love is at all.
True. But remember, its all up to you.
I'm just giving ideas.
True enough. I don't think I could justify romance but I do appreciate your viewpoint.
What if bandana dee didn't like what dedede was doing and team up with Kirby,spike,and twilight to stop him
Bandana Dee is too loyal to DeDeDe to do something like that. The only way for Bandana Dee to do that is if DeDeDe is also working with Kirby/is ordered by him to do so.
the way Kirby heals others is amusingly nasty to see.
Poor Twi. I wonder if she'll ever manage to study everything Kirby has to offer.
Yes and it will happen to everyone. Everyone.
No. Probably not. She's gonna go insane long before then.
Exactly. Also I would have accepted 'it's hilarious' and 'for the fridge horror' lol.
at least she's starting to get how dreamland works
Excellent! Liked and followed.
A grand chapter and an outstanding job as usual. I wonder how the three will handle Dedede.
that is a fun boss that isn't used much in the games
Oh she never will but she can try since it would never make sense for a logic based pony as she is.
Thank you very much. Didn't expect it but glad to see that it happens regardless.
Well... I could say it will be a cavalcade of horror and hardship followed by retrospection but that would be how I'm gonna write it. You'll see soon enough while I work on the next chapter. It should be fun then I'm gonna open up something fun for any fans who want to be part of the story.
And to think I didn't even use his official appearance just yet since the first game didn't have Kabula with the slasher smile and angry eyes. I'm gonna be using everything I can find on the series but it will all depend on what I find when I'm looking over research of the series.