• Member Since 25th Dec, 2021
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


As the name says, I'm just a nerd with a Switch.


Desperate to stop the mysterious thief from disappearing with the Element of Magic, Twilight made a split-second decision to use an all-purpose redirection spell she had been developing on the mirror said thief was diving towards. Untested spells, overpowered alicorn magic, and multiple ancient magical artifacts do not mesh well. Now trapped in an unfamiliar world with the Mirror shattering behind them, Twilight and Sunset, along with Spike, must overcome their differences and work together if they ever wish to return to Equestria. It shouldn’t be too hard. After all, the place they landed in is literally called Dreamland. It’s not like anything could go wrong here, right?


Heavily inspired by Lucar’s A Sweetie Dreamland, but with a different take on how MLP characters would react to the absurdity that is the Kirby multiverse, focusing less on the adventures and more on the characters themselves.

Alternate Universe tag is due to the inclusion of some personal headcanons regarding how magic works and slightly editing Sunset's backstory to be more internally consistent with the rest of the show. Death, violence, and gore tags are for levels consistent with the Kirby series, and the human tag is because Adeline exists.

Chapters (37)
Comments ( 397 )

That's a very great start! And since it will be more focused on character interaction in Kirby's crazy universe, then I'm expecting a lot of nonsense shenanigans. This will be fun.

Oh boi and this Sunset has been to earth too...... that could get dark given Shiver Star.

Thanks for the encouragement! Rest assured, there will be many shenanigans. Hopefully Twilight won't have completely pulled her mane out before she accepts that the Kirby universe has a...let's call it a loose grasp on physics.

Oh don't worry, I have plans for once we get to Crystal Shards. :)

Great start thus far. I am looking forward to more in the future. If I may ask which games will you be doing?

I plan on covering most of them, but Twilight, Sunset, and Spike won't necessarily be directly involved in the plot of every game that happens while they're on Popstar. Also, I did mess with the timeline a slight bit for narrative reasons, so the games aren't necessarily in release order. I'll expand on the exact order I plan on having the games be in a bit more in next chapter's Author's Note.

I'm sure that they will at least get involved in Planet Robobot's plot, and this will be grandiose when Twilight will get her hooves on an Invader Armor.

Certainly. Robobot is a planet-wide catastrophe; our heroes are getting involved whether they want to or not.
That's still a long ways off, though. For now, we've still got some early games to get through.

Wow amazing chapter can't wait for the next update!

In which Sunset makes a horrible, horrible mistake.

Will this story be as long as Lucar’s A Sweetie Dreamland?

Oh... Poor, poor Sunset. She doesn't know what she is getting herself into.

Oh boy, Sunset's magic is going to be a smorgasbord of possible abilities for Kirby to copy. From fire, spark, and beam, to ESP and crash. Or maybe Sunset will flare her corona to prepare a spell, and Kirby will inhale it right off her horn, and gain access to Equestrian unicorn magic with a full instruction manual of instinct and comprehensive spell list comprised of every spell known by every unicorn Sunset's ever heard of to go with it.

That's how it works right? The list of abilities for each copy ability is a compiled list of attacks from every enemy in the game that gives Kirby that ability? I think that's right. Then again, that could just be the non-RPG video game way of saying that Kirby learns more about the abilities he can copy from every type of enemy he faces...?

Thank you! The next chapter should be uploaded sometime in the next few days, depending on how long it takes me to write and proofread.

You can't redeem a villain until they've been beaten in at least one fight and had their hubris thrown back in their face! Or at least, that's how Kirby and MLP both go about redeeming their villains.

I do plan on covering all of the games on the list, if that's what you mean. If you mean by word count, I'm not sure. The length of individual chapters will vary depending on how many words are needed to tell the story, so I don't really have an estimate for how many words it'll end up being.

The games giving Kirby access to several attacks using his copy abilities right of the bat is, I feel, due to game mechanics. It's more fun that way, after all! Story-wise, though, I'm probably going to nerf that a bit. Just enough so that his skill with a new copy ability he's never used before is more on the side of "respectable novice" rather than "instant expert," if that makes sense. Writing him as a jack of all trades, master of none gives him more room for growth in the future, too!

Wow... she sowed up right before Dedede and Kirby became frenemies.


His Royal Nemesis, King Dedede!

Sunset’s going to get trounced isn’t she?
So wait are you using just Kirby’s Adventure or the Nightmare in Dream Land remake? Sorry if this feels like a dumb question but I thought I’d ask.

I'm more familiar with Adventure since I played it using NSO, but I'll probably wind up diving into the Kirby wiki to see if there were any major differences Nightmare in Dream Land introduced that I want to use. And then I'll spend hours longer than I planed to on the wiki clicking random links that interest me, because that's how it always goes for any wiki.

For having played Nightmare in Dreamland, I think that the major difference was the addition of some minigames and the improved graphics, which are the same models than the one used in the Amazing Mirror and Squeak Squad, as well as the soundtrack. Uh... And I think that the Dedede Battle Theme isn't the same one. In Nightmare in Dreamland, it's Gourmet Race Fountain of Dream version.

Sunsets reaction to Kirby and his power was just simply amazing and I honestly cant wait to see how Twilight would react

I always love reading people's reaction to Kirby's power in stories. This never gets old. :rainbowlaugh: Great fight by the way!

I think it’s going to be like Pinkie’s Pinkie Sense all over again. Except 10x worse.
Probably a lot similar to how she reacts in Lucar’s Story.

Ya know given that Dedede is actually pretty tech savy... I kind imagine the Revenge of Meta Knight chapter is Dedede and the heros listening in on the Meta Knights communications and watching from a distance as the crew of the Halberd try to desperately to keep him from so much as landing on it.

So, will there be any references to the Kirby anime?

No. For one thing I've never actually watched the anime, and for another the two are entirely separate canons. My apologies if that's disappointing to you.

honestly: pretty smart move sticking this story within an earlier part of the continuity instead of later, because that means we don't get overrun with the amount of new characters, and there's reason to trickle them in.
regarding this chapter, the battle was really well written, also rip sunset getting caught in a Crash blast.
happy to know they'll be moving onto good terms soon, but i wonder how long the peace will last...?

The most important thing to remember about the anime is that King Dedede in has the best voice ever to have graced all fictional medium.

All it takes is a little trauma and the chance at friendship with kirby to get the redemption train started

So I see you’ve decided to change Mr. Bright to Ms. Bright. I do not mind the change.
Can’t wait to see how Equestria reacts to Twilight and Spike being gone!:pinkiehappy:

I should probably clear that up; I'm using the idea that the Sun and Moon that fight in MWW's opener aren't Mr. Shine and Mr. Bright. Instead, I'm headcanoning that they're Mr. Shine and Mr. Bright's divorced parents.

Ya know given just how fequently Dreamland is invading by eldrich horrors Dedede has a point, honestly if eldrich abominations are as common as in the game more 'conventional' conflicts are probably daily.

Also just realized that Ado appears before 64 so Sunsets going to have her first encounter with a human... while in her pony form.

Oh! Hello Marx! Nice to see you. I'm already sad for Sunset. :fluttershyouch:

Speaking of, Sunset is already terrified of Kirby, I wonder what she will think when she will see him (or learn about him) destroying by himself a whole futuristic flying battleship (which is also a carrier, I must remind. It never uses fighter ships, but we see during the Revenge of Meta Knight game a whole hangar full of them).

Great chapter I loved it^-^ I'm hoping Revenge of Meta Knight and the other games have multiple chapters to them


Sunset, you've learned early what all do eventually:

Kirby is unstoppable.



Are the Equestrian’s going to react to events going on in the Kirby Universe like they did in Lucar’s story?

While the exact length will vary, most of the games from here on out will have at least two chapters to them. I was actually originally planning for Revenge of Meta Knight to be a single chapter, but I kept getting ideas for it and I had to break it into two.

Eventually, since I think their reactions add an interesting aspect to the story, but they're going to have to think to actually ask Discord about his progress before he shows them. This is before he got the majority of his character development in the show, so he's still incredibly petty and aloof to everypony who isn't Fluttershy. They'll miss the first few major adventures because of it, but I'm sure he'll fill them in on what they missed.

Yeah I immagine the Halberd would be quite the shock all in all... especially given the sheer amount of guns it has compaired to Equestria's own airships.

How Sunset manipulated the Meta-Knights... :rainbowlaugh: Captain Vul is one of my favorite characters. It's really sad that he never appears again after that in the games.


Goddamn, this part's one of the coolest parts in Kirby.

Certainly. The most ranged defenses Equestrian airships have are traditional cannons and some unicorn mages, and they're significantly smaller than the Halberd. Twilight's going to have some mental issues to work through regarding just how dangerous this universe is. Sunset, though, having spent a few years living on the streets of a city on Earth, having been a fan of combat magic as a student, and having learnt human military history while she was masquerading as a high schooler, is a bit desensitized to it.

The Meta-Knights' commanding officers are all really interesting characters, and it's a shame that HAL seems to have pretty much forgotten them after Super Star and Ultra. Don't worry though, even if the developers forgot about them, I certainly won't.

Agreed! RoMK is my favorite subgame of Super Star so far, and one of the most, for lack of a better term, badass parts of Kirby. Then again, I haven't played through MWW yet, so it still stands unclear whether I will enjoy that more than RoMK. I'll be playing through it before I write that arc, though, so I'll find out soon!


The Meta-Knights' commanding officers are all really interesting characters, and it's a shame that HAL seems to have pretty much forgotten them after Super Star and Ultra. Don't worry though, even if the developers forgot about them, I certainly won't.

I thought the same, as you saw in my story. They are too fun to be forgotten.

True... its probably more strange for the fact that it seems like a combo of human and Equesrtian war machines than anything.

Edit: The thing that would be truly stranger for her.... is how freaking fast Kabula moves for a blimp.

Heh its a shame most crossovers... mainly older ones mind you, tend to forget that in terms of sheer brute power Kirby is actually one of the stronger Nintendo characters, really happy that came into play for this.

You sure showed the power of the Heavy Lobster. That thing is monstrous. I wonder how they will deal with the one in Milky Way Wish.

I can't wait for the fight against Meta Knight!

Blow for blow, tit for tat, Kirby is absurdly powerful. He hasn't really gotten good chances to show off his immense power yet, though, so punching through the Halberd's wing and stunning the Heavy Lobster will have to do.

Kirby's speech ability and what exactly his mental age is is one of those highly contentious debates in the fandom. The fans I've seen debating on it will argue to no end, much like when discussing what Spinni's gender is and what Kirby characters would jaywalk. Kirby has said a few simple sentences in the games (disregarding Avalanche, because I'm pretty sure him shittalking most of the rest of the cast isn't canon), and he's definitely old enough to understand the concept of romance; he was rather flustered when Ribbon kissed him in Crystal Shards.
I'm going with the interpretation that he can speak, but choses not to in most cases. He's one of those people that lets their actions speak for themselves. All in all, he seems to act less like a young child and more like a preteen, but that's just my take on it.

Oh, don't worry. I have plans for MWW's Lobster. The timeline's already been altered with the addition of Equestrians, so who knows how Marx's plans will respond? Well, I know, but that's beside the point.


Which characters WOULD jaywalk? Kirby himself would, think he did it multiple times in certain levels in Robobot.

I feel like that, if Popstar had more cars on it to start with and Kirby understood the concept of jaywalking though, he'd avoid it unless necessary.
To quote the Failboat stream where he spent around half an hour discussing it for others:
- Marx would absolutely jaywalk given the opportunity
- Dedede would claim he owns the road
- Susie would depend on the situation; if she has time she'd wait for the light but if she's late for a meeting nothing's stopping her
- Meta Knight would only jaywalk to if he saw someone else jaywalking, drag them back across the street, and make them wait for the light
- DMK exclusively jaywalks
- Adeline is the type of person that would jaywalk and then wait for you on the other side of the road
- Gooey would jaywalk if the person he's with jaywalked
- Whispy Woods would jaywalk since he's a tree; cars pose no threat to him
There's probably more but I don't feel like digging through the VOD of the stream he discussed it in, lol. I agree with most of his takes on it, and would like to add that I think Magolor would jaywalk and gaslight his way into convincing the others that the walk sign was on the whole time.

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