Long ago two immortals sealed away power within the forms of several star shaped emblems. Those emblems came to be known as an Asterisk. Each one contained a special set of skills that would give any being power beyond the norm which is why they were sealed away. While the two beings were transporting them to a secure location... something went wrong. Those Asterisks were flung to the peaceful world of Equus corrupted by some unseen force and forced into hooves of these unsuspecting ponies. Though some have fallen... as long as there is hope, heroes shall rise...
Collaboration story with two other authors (Xinrick, and Fear Ripper)
Crossover of Bravely Default/Bravely Second
As a fan of both Bravely Default and Bravely Second, this story looks promising! I just hope to see a new chapter...
I am working on chapter 2. Problem is is that it is a crossover fic. I'm writing the overall story but I have the other authors working with me on dialogue. As you can imagine its a bit of a pain to get everyone at the same time especially when I write two other stories at two chapters each month if I can manage and work two jobs which leave me with very little time to actually write all the time.
Let's not even mention all the other stories I like to read and you already have a recipe for disaster on the horizon. Though I can tell you I am finally getting through with chapter 2.
You don't need to rush. When writing fanfiction, it is best to think the story through for each chapter. Don't worry, I am very patient. I just really like Square Enix games and Bravely Default & Bravely Second are two of my favorite 3DS games.
Same. I managed to 100% Bravely Default and Second at least once already. It was a pain to do but at the same time fun.
I love the story. Keep it up
I already miss this
Sorry about that. I was working on it today actually with my co authors and the chapter should be finished after one more writing session. I had to ask my other two authors to stand down because they had no time. So maybe by Wednesday maybe Thursday if I'm lucky that chapter should come out by then.
Ok thanks for the heads up and good luck
Also I found some pictures to use for the cover thing https://pre00.deviantart.net/95c6/th/pre/i/2014/017/e/8/great_and_powerful_black_mage_trixie_by_bloodey3-d72ktzu.png https://pre00.deviantart.net/f733/th/pre/i/2014/006/3/f/fluttermage__bravely_default__by_bloodey3-d7179t7.png https://derpicdn.net/img/2014/1/20/530081/large.png
No problem. Thanks for the art though it's kind of sad to say that none of those characters are that job class lol. Trixie is the wizard, Fluttershy is the Vampire, and Twilight is the Arcanist XD
I am intrigued with this. Admittedly, I haven't gotten very far into Bravely Default before I got sidetracked. And now my 3DS is packed somewhere in the pile of boxes used during a move. I eagerly await more chapters.
It's a good RPG and has a decent if somewhat padded story but the first game makes complete sense for why it is like that. This story is one I want to work on more but I need to work based on the efforts of the other authors as well. We try to write but life always seems to come in the way. Especially work.