• Published 19th Oct 2017
  • 1,122 Views, 12 Comments

Unrequited - Rose Quill

I stood before the door a long time before I knocked.

  • ...

Just knock, you silly filly.

It had taken maybe two hours to get everything in place. A record, if I do say so myself.

My mane was positively shining, my hooves were freshly done, and I had spent more time than normal with a curry comb to make sure my coat was as inviting as possible. My makeup was impeccable, every last touch in place. Everything was perfect as I could make it.

Now I just had to make it out the door.

That was always the hard part. I've been trying for months to work up the nerve to go and talk to her, but I always had something to distract me. A new contract, opening a boutique, or simply trying to spend time with Sweetie Belle. If it wasn't an excuse, it was a friendship mission or simply cowardice.

You are better than this, Rarity,, I tell myself, standing tall and stepping out from the door of my home, making my way confidently down the streets of Ponyville. Faking confidence was easy because I was the only pony that knew I was nervous. Anypony that saw me would simply assume I was out for a constitutional or on my way to see a friend. Possibly an errand or two.

Nopony would know that I was about to admit my deepest secret to my dearest friend. To lay my long-standing admiration out in plain view.

My steps slowed as I thought about what I was about to do. We all wear masks, after a fashion, and I was about to remove mine. I should have done it long ago. But masks serve a singular purpose - to hide and disguise - and I had done a fabulous job constructing mine.

Always talking about my prince, about how the perfect stallion would sweep me from my hooves and carry me off into the high society. I still chuckle at myself sometimes at such dreams. My place in society would never replace the simple comfort I found in a picnic with my friends and I had three boutiques that were performing smashingly. I had been thinking about seeing about opening one in Baltimare recently, even.

The perfect stallion never arrived, because a mare exceeded all my expectations. She embodied so many qualities that made me simply weak-kneed sometimes. She could match me in generosity and inspiration, wasn't afraid of a little hard work, and had built herself up to where she was by simple hard work.

The fact that we shared tastes in many things made everything a bonus when planning get-togethers easier.

I came up to the turn to her home, and I stopped. My last chance to turn away and push the reason for my trip back inside the deep recesses of my heart and mind again. My fear started to spew out reasons not to go through it once again, and I lost my confident stance for a moment, glancing back the way I came.

I shook my head fiercely. No, today I was going through with it. I made my way the rest of the way down to the door and raised my hoof to knock.

And immediately put it back down. My heart was beating so fast I felt like I might pass out. I took several deep breaths to steady my nerves.

"Steady on, Rarity," I whispered to myself. "She's your friend, and even if she doesn't return your feelings, you'll be a far sight better for admitting them."

But I still didn't raise my hoof.

What would the others think? What about Spike? How would he feel, the little darling?

I half turned as doubts and the hushed whispers of fear began to overwhelm my determination. Then her face rose up in my thoughts and I felt calm again. I could trace every line of her face, every last hair of her mane, and the deep purple of her eyes.

"No more," I whispered. "Today is the day I confess it all."

I faced the door and squared my shoulders. I gave my mane a light toss and raised my hoof to knock...

And that's when the door opened to show Spike holding a rolled up list of some sort.

"Oh, hi Rarity!" he said with a little surprise. "What'cha doing here today?"

"Hello, Spike," I said, giving him a smile. He lit up a little when he saw it, and I felt a little flash of joy at that. We may both may never speak about his little crush, but it's only because we both know it will never go anywhere.

I could never bear to see the look on his face as I age and pass on while he appears to never age.

"I'm just looking for Twilight," I continued. "Is she terribly busy today?"

"Not overly," he said. "She's in the library."

"Of course she is," I replied with a titter. "You'd better be off, that list looks important."

"Just a small shopping list," he said as he hopped down the stairs. "See you later?"

"Of course,"

I watched him hustle down the road on whatever errand he was about before turning towards the interior of the castle and made my way to the main library. The sheer size of the castle and its hallways was belied by its outward appearance. I often thought at times that it was actually larger on the inside than the outside, as silly as that might sound.

I mean, it's a crystal tree-shaped castle grown from a magical chest made by the Tree of Harmony after we returned our Elements to it years ago. There's bound to be some oddities to it.

I turned a corner and saw Twilight emerging from the library, a smile on her face.

"Hi, Rarity," she said, seeing me. My heart began to race.

I remembered how I had reacted when I first saw her, my fashion sense going a little overboard. I wondered briefly if she still had that dress so I could swap out that garish emerald for a ruby befitting someone of her beauty. I have to admit, I had never thought of falling in love with her, but it had snuck up on me slowly, till I couldn't even deny it to myself.

"Hello, Twilight," I said with a slight downturn of my eyes. "I was wondering..."

Fluttershy stepped out of the library and nuzzled Twilight briefly. "I'm going to go make sure the critters all have food," she said. "I shouldn't be too long," she said, giving her wings a fluff.

"You'll be back in time for dinner?" Twilight asked. "Spike's got something special planned."

Fluttershy nodded, then leaned in an kissed Twilight. "Maybe an hour," she said before lifting up and flying out throwing me a wave as she went by.

Taking my carefully planned dream with her, it's edges shattering as it went.

"Rarity? Are you alright?" Twilight asked, bringing me back to the present.

I gave myself a shake, forcing the shock down to where I could manage it. "Just a little shocked, darling," I said, my mask slipping back on as I smiled. "You and Fluttershy? When did that start?"

She blushed and glanced down, her wings twitching nervously. "Just a few weeks ago, not long after we got back from the Crystal Empire," she whispered. "We wanted to tell you all, but we were a little nervous. Neither of us really know a lot about dating. You're actually the first to know beyond Spike."

I felt a shattering sense of regret starting to grow inside, but my mask kept it from slipping free. "That's simply smashing, Twilight," I said cheerily. "I know the two of you will be happy together. I'll leave you both alone so you can enjoy your evening."

"But what brought you here? You were about to ask something before Fluttershy came out."

I waved a hoof as I turned. "I was just going to ask you to tea tomorrow afternoon," I lied. "But it's not important. If you want, talk it over with Fluttershy and you can both come by if you want." I gave a wink over my shoulder as I left, the only thought beyond getting home was the memory of the two of them kissing.

Despair crashed down as I shut the door behind me, collapsing onto my fainting couch at once. I felt the tears fighting to get out, yet for some reason, they wouldn't fall. I felt miserable, but I also felt a tiny little glimmer of warmth as well. There was something that was pressing against the back of my mind.

As I tried to figure out what it was, I saw her face flit before my eyes, the small little smile she had after the kiss separated.

She's happy, i realized. Truly happy.

I sat up and wandered into the kitchen, pulling a carton of triple chocolate ice cream from the freezer.

Tonight, I was going to wallow a little in the fact that I had waited too long and that I may never be able to tell her the truth about how I felt.

But tomorrow, I was going to redirect that energy into making sure that they were happy. After all, she is still the mare I love.

She deserves to be happy.

Author's Note:

Another entry in Homecoming, just after Forgotten Legacy as far as the timeline goes. Again, not listed as such in the description because it spoils part of the story.

I've been reading a lot of RariLight lately, especially from the Interwoven Colours contest, and this is one of two story ideas that came about from it.

If you didn't like this, then please see the other side of this coin, Unrestrained.

Comments ( 12 )


This was a very nice story, friend o: I LIKE HOW LIKE you didn't actually point out who it was, but my heart knew it would be Twi, it's probably why I clicked on BECAUSE MY HEART LOVES PAIN. The writing was fluent and easy to read, and it felt very much like Rarara. The only thing that threw me off a bit was Fluttershy not saying hello to Rarity, but I couldn't tell if it was because she didn't see her or she was too distracted, so it's not actually a big thing or anything.

Thank you so much for sharing this with us!

Edit: I kinda want to add this to the appropriate shipping group, but it might spoil the surprise element? Hm...

AHHHH! Senpai!

If you wish to add it to the proper group, feel free! I'm sure a few will try to ignore the implicit hint.

This was so sweet and heartbreaking all at once. I loved it! Agreed with the other commenter though, that it was a little strange that Fluttershy didn’t take notice of Rarity, but that was super minor because overall it was a great short story that really tugged at my heartstrings. Great job!

:duck:Well there's always plan "B" I wonder if my Spikey is free tomorrow?


The flip side of this story is up...

Awww gee. Poor Rares. :fluttercry:

She's so sweet about it though. :raritydespair:

Not that you'll actually do this, but you've made one where Rarity confesses and one where she's missed her chance. Is a sort of sequel where Twilight and Fluttershy find out about Rarity's feelings and the three form a herd out of the question?

I'm just curious, is all. Because Raritwi, Twishy and Rarishy are all favorite pairings of mine.

Give not creativity a length of rope for which it shall hang itself.

Unexpected is due out Saturday. :twilightsmile:

Ah, I see. I can't wait to see what you've got for us next! :raritywink:

I like this introspection of Rarity, and it's great seeing this kind of depth from her. I thought at first this might be a more 'who does she like' open-ended fic, but wasn't surprised to see Twilight (it's a cute ship, after all)
I did think the Fluttershy thing was a little odd, more so because they're so openly a couple in front of Rarity when it sounded like they were trying to keep it quiet. I mean, most couples don't kiss and make sweet talk every time they leave (especially in front of others) even though it's a cliche in so, so many stories, so it's not that glaring.
Still- very cute, and I love Rarity's reaction which is very true to her spirit of Generosity :raritywink:

Well, to be fair, my relationships tend to do a lot of that, so personal experience bleeding over is a thing apparently. Maybe I just keep getting overly sentimental partners, but it also tended to happen a lot with my aunts and uncles as well as my parents. *shrugs*

Sorry for the late response, work issues.

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