• Published 26th Nov 2017
  • 2,431 Views, 33 Comments

The Domestication of Violence - totallynotabrony

There is a very good reason that Equestria is a happy, safe place.

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The Domestication of Violence

I am Princess Celestia.

I require no introduction to many, but I do my best to keep to formality. I find that principles are very important. Such things are required when one represents a civilization.

Yes, Equestria is a country, but that label is relatively recent and rather more modest than it merits. I do not aim to diminish it - countries are wonderful things. They ensure the wellbeing and welfare of their citizens and organize public services. They allow a consensus to form among citizens and grant legitimacy in collective action. They set laws that govern unacceptable behavior.

But countries are relatively new, and do not have the depth of cultural experience to know why, beyond the textbook answer, that they do these things. They are the bedrock of polite society, but this concept did not originate spontaneously.

Countries set laws, which formalize widely-held principles among citizens. Laws provide a signpost, a clear notice that violating principles will result in punishment. Without law, justice belongs to the individual.

But we are not individuals. We belong to societies, countries, civilizations. Every soul is equal, and therefore must follow the same laws. It is the responsibility of a designated authority, then, to enforce them, to ensure equality. Otherwise, the strong would do what they were able and the weak would accept what they were forced to accept. Individuals could do whatever they wished to others with no repercussion beyond what the victim might be able.

Polite society is one where a reasonable expectation of safety and equality exists. Citizens do not expect to be attacked. Of course, monster rampages and individual instigators happen, but citizens of a polite society have only the random to guard against. They do not fear their neighbors.

A polite society has control of violence.

This does not mean conflict is extinct. It does not mean that aggression has been bred out of the citizens. It does not mean that confrontation is nonexistent. It means that violence is kept on a tight leash. It exists. It can cause harm. But - the society has domesticated it like a dog. Violence is now useful. It is no longer owned by the individual, but is now monopolized by the rule of law. It is now a consequence, a punishment for stepping outside the laws and rules. This is why militaries and police exist. It is why I am the leader of Equestria.

Before was chaos. The pony tribes fought amongst themselves and with other creatures. My sister and I fought to establish safety, to allow society to form. We fought those who would tear it down. I fought her when she was possessed by Nightmare Moon.

For more than one thousand years, Equestria has been stable. There have been battles, but none that lasted longer than days at the most. Every monster and every villain was defeated. Society was safe.

For millennia, consequences have been enforced for wrongdoing. I have ensured it.

Violence is not the first response. Even back when, it did not spontaneously begin. As society has advanced, violence becomes further and further from the mind. We have nonleathal weapons. We have spells. We have strategies to deescalate and make friends. And we have violence. It is an option. It is always an option. But civilization has given us other choices, other resolutions to conflict before violence is invoked.

I do not imply that the peace Equestria enjoys is built upon a foundation of restrained violence. We are not a civilization of leashed wolves.

But we do not tolerate violence upon us.

There have been attempts by others to enforce their own power over ponies. But none recently. Not anymore.

When faced with constant strife, we collectively decided that the problem should be solved. Of course, not so simple a problem as basic arithmetic, but a circumstance that still required a solution.

I am not the leader of Equestria by election.

I am the champion of Equestria because of the power I wield.

Power can be used for many things. It can punish enemies. It can reward friends. It is useful. It is helpful. It is comforting. It is frightening.

It is violence.

There is some debate regarding my relative power. The avatar of the Sun is certainly a great power. Perhaps the greatest currently alive. I do not dwell on it, for there is something I value more. I have been given many gifts, but the one for which I am most grateful is restraint.

This was not always the case.

Equestria was not always the peaceful land it is today. I was not always the ruler I am at present. Enemies were not always impotent and easily dissuaded.

It required much effort to build what we have today. Others saw our rise as a threat to themselves. They knew we could fight, that we were powerful. But power gave us other options than violence. We were able to extend a helping hoof instead of a sword. We could have fought others to eliminate their threat to us. Instead, we made alliances.

Words on a treaty document mean little. Actions taken in support of friends mean everything. Friendships are forged. Being a friend doesn't mean being the same. It doesn't mean agreeing on everything. Our allies have their own countries and their own sovereignty.

The laws of Equestria are not the laws of elsewhere. Some laws are universal. Some are local. I enforce the laws of Equestria. You may do as you wish outside our borders - however, short of atrocity. Your country is your business, but life is the responsibility of all.

Equestria made its own laws from widely-held principles. You may protest that I have no right to dictate your morals, no place in setting boundaries outside Equestria.

I acknowledge that there is no ultimate arbiter, no impartial decider with the power to judge all civilizations, and more importantly, enforce right from wrong. We must all work out conflicts between ourselves. You may set your own principles and I will abide by mine.

But know this: there is always a choice in how a disagreement will be decided. You and I have many options for resolving conflict.

Violence is always an option.

Comments ( 32 )

So I'm reading my political science textbook and this phrase popped out at me. I thought hey, that would make a badass title for a story. Combine that with half a dozen more textbooks until I see international relations theory when I close my eyes and some overtures from the Old Glory poem, stew for six months, and here we are.

Er, wherever that is.

But we are not individuals. We belong to societies, countries, civilizations. Every soul is equal, and therefore must follow the same laws. It is the responsibility of a designated authority, then, to enforce them, to ensure equality. Otherwise, the strong would do what they were able and the weak would accept what they were forced to accept. Individuals could do whatever they wished to others with no repercussion beyond what the victim might be able.

Now this is pretty dark. :twilightoops:

Just because I don’t use violence as my first resort doesn’t mean I’ll never resort to it.

Sounds legit.

My only thought is "This just describes Civilization" and well the author basically admits it. Civilization restrains, controls and redirects violence towards positive out comes. We construct societies to ensure our collective safety and prosperity. Equestria's advantage is the age of it's leaders, they have learned the hard lessons of governance hundreds of years ago.

I imagine i would be a monarchist if someone like Celestia existed.

I'm a bit confused, but I know it was a great story! Have a like! :twilightsmile:

Very true. Celestia claims the ultimate right and takes the awesome responsibility of the legitimate use of force. If Celestial lacked restraint, or responsibility, she would be a tyrant. Because she has both, and understands the principles of wise rule, she is an enlightened and benevolent despot.

It looks like tonight's bedtime story was a little more interesting than usual.
Great read.

Perhaps not one by choice mind. Can you imagine the sort of damage done in her name or done because thats what they thought she wanted should she have been viewed as a goddess or as a mere guide? Nice to see she had the common sense to keep things at a principality level

Words on a treaty document mean little. Actions taken in support of friends mean everything.

Wow, this brings what we know about the princesses into a new light. Perhaps in the past, she and Luna had to do some questionable things in order to protect their subjects. Things that may horrifying and things that shouldn't never be known. Yet, things that HAD to be done when diplomacy failed.

"Heavy is the head that wears the crowd"
--William Shakespeare.

What I learned today.
Violence is useful and always an option.

i feel like this needs an AU tag... Equestria has definitely NOT been at peace for very long the last major nation V nation conflict was around 80 years before FIM and it nearly destroyed Equestria and Celestia and Luna have always been all about protecting the ponies Celestia however at some point was very childish and self centred preferring to pursue personal interests rather than protect her subjects

it wasn't until she almost destroyed Equestria pursuing a love interest that she made a matured decision to put her subjects before herself even if it mean forever being heart broken

also further delving into the deep lore Celestia and Luna were never really feared for their power they just stumbled into leadership roles after ponies turned to them for guidance when the defeated Discord

(until that stage Equestria was still divided into 3 tribes who were constantly with war with each other Discord destroyed the leadership causing disarray between the tribes)


Heavy is the head that wears the crowd

:rainbowhuh: Why would a group of ponies come and stand on Celestia's head? Was that some sort of weird european fetish?:twilightoops:

That phase is an expression that means a ruler has hard decisions to make and has to contently think about them. They can never rest and has to worry about the problems that face their land.

I hate it when a joke falls flat

Words on a treaty document mean little. Actions taken in support of friends mean everything. Friendships are forged. Being a friend doesn't mean being the same. It doesn't mean agreeing on everything. Our allies have their own countries and their own sovereignty.

I feel like a lot of modern problems, especially political ones, would be solved if we remembered this.

What is the source of the 80 years and love interest information?

This was an interesting little snippet. Feels a bit like it should be part of something larger instead of a (admittedly interesting) head-canon exposition dump, but that is neither hear nor there...


What I learned today.
Violence is useful and always an option.

...and if it does not work the first time, it just means you need to use more!


I feel like a lot of modern problems, especially political ones, would be solved if we remembered this.

The Triple Entente/Triple Alliance is also a bit of what lead to everyone hopping into the First World War...

On a sillier note, the following came to mind:

A time-traveling mare from an alternate future once quipped "War. War never changes". She was half right.

Certainly the aim and end of war has remained constant. After all, what is war but a forcible imposition of one's will upon an opponent (including the case where your will is simply that she not impose hers on you)? Ponies have been forcing their will on their fellow neighbours and Doing Unto Others As They Would Not Have Done To Themselves from time immemorial, ever since paleopony Og gazed with covetous eyes upon the prime grazing patch her neighbour Thag occupied.

While the nature of war has not changed, the tools by which it is waged has thanks to the Thaumaturgical Revolution. Equestrian military machinery and materiel can be grouped into five main categories: the Mundane, the Meterological, the Magical, the Mechanical, and the Munchies. ["Munchies"? Seriously? — Ed.][I was hungry and we needed the alliteration, and I could not go on lunch break until this was complete, OK? — Sigawesome] In some cases this was an incremental refinement and evolution of existing weapons, in others a complete paradigm shift.

Mundane weapons are the oldest and least changed of Equestria's armoury. They are simple, brutally efficient tools for enhancing a pony's natural reach and power. They require no special magic to wield aside from some basic hoof-eye coordination and are readily employed by ponies of all tribes. All Mundane weapons can trace their roots back to the four basic weapon archetypes (some lineages are more torturous than others): a large, solid stick for hitting things, a pointy stick for poking things, a large rock for bashing things, and a knapped, edged rock for cutting things. More modern versions include crystal shocklances, wing blades, hoof-claws, tail flail metor hammers, glaives, segmented bō staves, weighted hoof-guards, and horn-blades.

Meterological weapons have also existed as long as Equestrian ponies have lived on Equus and are a natural extension of a species with an affinity for weather manipulation like the entire Pegasi tribe and select Earth ponies and Unicorns with weather related Cutie-Marks. Weather related weaponry ranged from personal static bolts and bottled microbursts, to squad automatic Cloud-Hammers and crew-served Thunderheads, up to battalions of hurricane wranglers and blizzard jockeys. Cloud structures feature prominently with Equestrian military skylift, logistics, and C2ISTAR with Stratiform supply and stand-off clusters, Cumulonimbiform forward mobile bases, and high altitude NLC recon sheets. Weather magic also lead to the creation of the WEATHER VANE theatre defence shields (named (officially) after the rooftop implement due to its shape and (unofficially) after the deviant sexual practice because "it f:yay:ks with the enemy's weather!").

Magic weapons are perhaps historically the most famous (if not the most "flashy") of Equestria's arsenal. While commonly employed by unicorns due to their natural, biological advantages, a non-insignificant number of pegasi and earth ponies also practice magic. Spells ranged from the massive and strategic (the Celestial Solar Flare, the Crystal Theatre Defence Shield, and the Elements of Harmony), to the tactical (Sonic Rainboom, teleportation, and Cloud Walk), to the esoteric (Time Travel, Want It-Need It, and Rubber Duckie (records have been sealed pending a war crimes investigation tribunal)). When it came to the war effort, no spell was considered too simple, not caster too unskilled. Ponies found new and inventive uses for spells that any other being would have dismissed out of hoof for being "too silly"; simple light cantrips were used to pump laser weapons, balloon popping spells adapted to create fearsome ballotechnic anti-everything warheads, and mundane tailoring spells were weaponised to create the dreaded cursed lingerie favoured by Equestria's fearsome "Rouge Cell" special operations teams (unit motto: "Strike fast, leave a pretty corpse". They were quite literally on the cutting edge of fashion).

The Mechanical weapons were the first that created an new paradigm in the Art of War. The mundane, meteorological, and magic weapons were incremental developments to weapons, tactics, and techniques that have existed since time immemorial; mechanical weapons are a entirely new class precipitated by the recent modern advances brought about by the Thaumaturgical Revolution. Earth pony inventiveness, mechanical aptitude, and industriousness lead to the complete modernisation and mechanisation of Equestria's military forces at a rate never before seen in any other sapient race. The technological boost was not limited to weapons along; were Equestrians reduced to fighting with mere stones and pebbles, they would still maintain an overwhelming Strength Gradient thanks to a logistics transportation chain powered by the new internal thaumic engines. Like magic weapons, mechanical arms ranged from the strategic, like the Iron Charger Siege Dreadnought and Ballistic Undertaker Titan Tank, to the tactical, like the Crystal Power Armour and heat-seeking anti-dragon PONPADS. Probably the most influential mechanical weapon is the gun and gun-harness which allowed ponies of all races, sexes, and builds to project accurate, lethal force at a distance at a fraction of the effort of a mundane or magical weapon. As the famous quote goes, "Faust the Elder made ponies, but Braeburn made them equal".

Mechanical, meteorological, and magic weapons tend to hog to spotlight and headlines (nations tend to sit up and take notice when a battalion of 80 metre mechas or a 80 kilometre wall-cloud fortress enters their territory after all), but they direct scrutiny away from Equestria's true technological achievement: the Munchies. Weapons based on food may appear daft as a box of frogs, but any Equestrian commander will tell you it is no laughing matter. As the famous Prench pegasi general Neighpoleon commented, "an army flies on its stomach" and having the technology to weaponise food gives the Equestrian military and enormous advantage. The logistics savings alone allow pony battalions to strike out further, faster, and with more force that any of their neighbours could ever possibly hope to bring to bear. Thanks to an intensive research and development programme (and not a little bit of political lobbying by the Military-Agricultiral complex), the most advanced munchie munition is the humble apple and all its culinary derivatives. Apple pies, apple fritters, apple strudel, apple crumble, apple sauce, apple jam, apple preserves, apple slices, apple juice, apple cider each more nutritious and destructive than the last. Culinary military research has also recently began to branch out into baked goods, adding more tasty meals and effective ammunition for Equestrian soldiers.

The sheer variety and efficacy of Equestrian military and war technology may come as a shock to casual observer who naïvely expects pretty pastel ponies to be passivistic push-overs. The historian would point out that these weapons should come as no surprise; they are, after all, what allow Equestrians to defend their right to live a passivistic life surrounded by carnivorous and omnivorous sapients, mad demigods, and megafauna large enough to appear on survey maps. No, the real surprise is that once Equestria rallied after the initial invasion campaign and marshalled their full skills and talent into the war effort, that there was anybeing left alive to negotiate a surrender...

In an unrelated note, rumour has it that the future mare inked out a lucrative publishing contract with A. K. Yearling to produce a best-selling novel and literary spin-off series...

"...for he is a minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is a minister of God, an avenger for wrath to him that doeth evil."
Romans 13:4, speaking on the topic of kings and rulers.

bible verses?!

How dare you bring such intolerance into this story in such a completely legitimate means of conveying matters! What about the non binary purple penguin Jesus!?:raritycry:

#triggered #buhmuhcrusades #1love


....didn't the crusades either fail or mean nothing because "dem dirty muzzies" took jerusalem back afterwards anyway?

Ultimately the crusades were a response to muslims aggression and war mongering in the holy lands. And yes, they were somewhat of a failure since they ended up with a kingdom there that lasted less then a century, the historical equivelant of an all day sucker. From there they made numerous incursions until they were stopped at the battle of Vienna.

Much like comparisons made between the islamic and american slave trade, the crusaders, as brutal and horrible their actions were, the actions of the expansions in the muslim were decidedly more brutal and lasted much longer. Nowadays many islamic people have made great strides in making up for their past, as have the christians and jews.


Yeeeeeeeeeeesh... You need to go back to high school. Most Crusades literally had nothing to do with the "Holy Lands".

As for the story itself, awful. It get what its going for, but it reads like a 'what is political science' report with "Celestia" and "Equestria" randomly inserted rather than anything resembling a story.

I was referencing that one specifically mate

i don't see why its awful mabe a bit cryptic and philsohical but it isn't "bad" and i cold go on about the problem is a arbitar like satement but this is a fimfic. just move on

Eh. Not good, not bad. Just there. I put it in my Pol Comm bookshelf; sounds close enough.

The meditations of white triumphant, bringing stability and safety to thise under its aegis. Never initiating conflict, but always ready to end it, one way or another.

Seriously, I could use this as a textbook example of Magic color philosophy. Appropriate given how Celestia has a white mana symbol for a cutie mark.

Card games aside—inasmuch as I can ever put them aside—great little character piece.

Why is this marked as "Incomplete"?

I checked and it's definitely a green tag that says complete. Not sure why it might be displaying differently for you.

Oh. When I first saw it it said it was incomplete. Maybe it was just a bug...

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