• Member Since 21st Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


Just a pony lovin' guy



This story is a sequel to Doctor Whooves: The First and the Last

Episode List!.
Episode 2: (Make sure to go to the list and read Chapter 1 first!)

Rainbow Dash's first trip with The Doctor brings them to Celestial Year 20,000. Excitement awaits in the future, but as we all know there's no such thing as a simple trip with The Doctor. What starts out as an information gathering quest leads to a dangerous encounter and a shocking revelation that shakes the pair to their very core. What does the future hold for our brave adventurers? What caused these terrible events to take place? And where, exactly, are they?

Also: Sage of Winds is an awesome artist. Go look through her stuff. Go click that link under the picture. Nao.

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Chapters (6)
Comments ( 102 )

Turned out much longer than my last one's chapters, and I'm glad it's so! I'm so much happier with this than I was Chapter 1 of First and Last. Also dropped the 2-word names for chapters. That was gonna get really old really quick. Anyway, enjoy!

Oh yeah, and this story is gonna be a lot longer. I'm thinking at least twice as long as First and Last, if not longer. There's a lot more to do and a lot more to set up.

Hooray! Sequel! Tracking in the hopes it's even better than the last one, which it looks like. But please tell me it's not going to turn out that Twilight took the throne, because that is the most played out setup in Doctor Whooves stories I've ever seen.


The thought hadn't even crossed my mind.

No, seriously. It didn't. Like, not even for an instant. Who would DO that? :rainbowhuh: I hate it when people do things with characters because "Oh, it'd be funny to see." I have a much better and much more fitting account of what happened that makes a lot more sense.


And THAT of course is that Big Mac took the throne! Mwa ha ha! :eeyup:

...But not really.


Well, to be honest, only a few fics I've seen have that. It's just that that's the most common recurring plot I've seen– Twilight kills the princesses or siezes power in some other way and turns into a horrible tyrant.


Sounds like a lot of people on this site. Just doesn't fit for me. I promise to keep it a little more in character than that.


I've always kind of wondered, but I don't remember TV being in black and white. Then again, that could be that pesky whatchamacallit. Alzheimer's.

WOAH, trippy. God you do this so well.


I think I'll need a blog post about the topic =P


Danke! I like how it turned out, too. WAY better than the last one.

:rainbowhuh: how did the doctor know they were in Canterlot??? :rainbowhuh:


Sorry, the thing I meant to put at the tail end of this chapter is going to be in the very beginning of the next one. I don't want to add it here now because the people who have already read it would be confused. It'll all make sense very soon, I promise.

Well, next week, but you know.

Just finished reading the story before this and now i finished this chapter.. gotta say it's looking amazing! i wasn't exactly expecting an "inception" joke or the "Yo dawg i heard you like _______" thing, but i liked it! :pinkiehappy: Is funny to me. :rainbowlaugh:

MOAR!!! BEFORE I EXPLODE!:pinkiegasp:


Sorry, last time I updated way too quickly, and that didn't turn out well. This time around I'm caring for these stories like I'm incubating an egg. Patience, hard work, and a lot of edits and rereading.


I lost track of that metaphor somewhere along the lines...

Well, folks, the next chapter is coming along well, but it's looking really serious. Probably the fewest chuckles you'll get for a while. Though, considering the circumstances, I don't think too many laughs are called for...

Hope I don't go too overboard with the seriousness and emotional stuff. Though it might be good to get it out of the way...

Arg! I refuse to fall to chapter-2-itis this time!

For those of you who can't figure it out, chapter-2-itis is a side effect of the submission and approval system. I'VE had this chapter up for 3 days. 8 people read it 2 days ago. I took the time I had after I finished this chapter to write chapter 2, which means I'm actually done writing it. However, it's only been half a day since this post went fully up. There's no waiting! There's no anticipation! (Well, there might be.) Basically, chapter-2-itis refers to the second chapter coming out WAY too soon after the first, due to the lag in submission, approval, and posting. Best medication is rereading and heavy editing of said second chapter.

.......Still probably gonna post it tonight...:trixieshiftleft:

Must...not...click...publish. Must...wait...until...tension has...built...



this is pretty funny, but also serious. It's just like real-life accept more funny!!!
:rainbowlaugh: :heart: :pinkiehappy: :scootangel: :twilightsmile: :eeyup:

I exploded anyways. Amazing chapter.

Holy crap, you got the Doctor's memories much better than anybody from the show could. He has experienced so much hatred, so much anger, and so much pain that it is a wonder that he is so cheerful. The feeling you created of war and fear and panic was just perfect for the Time War.


It wasn't necessarily the Time War. He wouldn't just show that like that. He's very secretive, it's why we don't ever see anything from it besides Gallifrey at that one point. More likely it was just an amalgamation of the worst of the Daleks. When they took over Earth, for example, in the first season. Or when they stole the planets and made the Reality Bomb. The Doctor has had many, many tussles with the Daleks. He's seen more than enough death and destruction to get his point across without bringing the Time War into it hardly at all. There may have been glimpses, but certainly not the entire thing.

On a side note, as I reread Chapter 2 I'm debating putting a 'sad' tag on this story...I mean....geez. I think I might have gone a bit darker and more serious than I had originally intended...

903743 It's not that dark. And Daleks are capable of feeling emotions when the logic pervades it, as seen in the episode "Dalek", of course, this causes them to commit suicide. However, Daleks are inhuman killing machines that are very smart, very dangerous, and very very unpredictable. I love them a lot!


Trust me, I know more about Daleks than most people look up. The Dalek in "Dalek" didn't feel emotion because of logic, it felt emotion because the DNA it used to reconstitute itself and reactivate was Rose's, so it became just a little bit human. The only other Dalek to ever use or really feel emotion was Dalek Sec, who was bonded with a human in an attempt to create a more perfect Dalek. The human emotion he felt cause the other Daleks to revolt and kill him.

So no, Daleks don't do emotion.

In story related news, I've decided that I'm updating sometime between tonight and tomorrow morning. (It's 11:41 as I post this, I'm on -5:00, Eastern Standard time). I'm feeling write-y, so I'm gonna finish the chapter and reread it, then post it here, then reread it again, then submit it. We're still being emotional, people. Action is coming soon though, I promise.

915310 Have you even seen the season three songs?


And apparently by that I meant "I'm gonna go pass out and finish my chapter tomorrow." Slight delay folks. Still chugging through.

Alright, all posted. I'm not sure how I feel about this chapter. I had some problems writing it, but I think it came out overall ok...

Good chapter, looking forwards to the next one.

You know what my Doctor doesn't have? A catch phrase. Everyone else has one. Tennant had "Allons-y", Smith had "Geronimo", thankfully replaced with "Trust Me, I'm the Doctor," Adventures has "Onwards and Upwards," Assistant has "Fancy That," And my Doctor's stuck with "Stop calling me DOC!"

Hm...I shall ponder over this for a good, long time...


I don't think Sontarans would be stopped by the sun alone, and they might consider it cowardly to only strike by night.

921099 True, but they were preparing to turn Earth into a cloning planet. Even then, why only come out at night? What's stopping an advanced alien race from attacking Equestria day and night?

921029: I doubt it. Santaarans really don't care when they attack. My guess is advanced Vashta Nerada (although my first thought was Minecraft, funnily enough, even though I don't play the game). :applejackconfused:

Impressively written once again! I could practically visualize this because you did such a good job of description and atmosphere. Keep up the good work! :twilightsmile:


You're all missing the most blatantly obvious reason why it's not the Sontarans.

"The pair of ponies could feel hot breath washing across their faces."


And the Vashta Nerada live everywhere, but they're in abundance in the shadows. They don't cease to exist in the light, they just don't like it. It also wouldn't stop them, since shade still exists.

Anyway, trust me. You're not going to guess what this is. I'm pretty sure it's actually impossible.

921327 ...so? Are Sontarans cold blooded or something?

921373 921425


Also, no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no and no.


In battle, they're rarely seen sans helmet. They would have been marching to war. Plus, the voice doesn't match. This one is raspy and breathy, Sontarans are bold and loud.

921327: Good point about the Vashta Nerada. Whatever infected Luna during the Nightmare Moon incident is too obvious. Not really Discord's or Crysalis's style. Must be either an OC alien, a Mythology gag from previous ponies, or something from before the DW revamp, then. Whichever it is, odds are I won't successfully guess it. :applejackunsure:

921717 Raspy and breathy? A new form of The Silence, perhaps?

921941 If by "Mythology" you mean the likes of Tirek and The Smooze, then possibly.


People are speculating about my story! I love it!


Oh god I'm embarrassed at myself. The Vashta Nerada don't hate the light, and they don't live in shadows. Their presence causes the shadows. It was because they were so numerous that they wound up making a visible, large shadow. I need to retake my Whovian tests...

922284: Yep, that's who I mean. Seeing as those two are the only ones I know, though, the odds of me being able to guess them are miniscule at best.

922608: Nonetheless, daylight wouldn't stop them, so the point was right even if the base facts weren't. :twilightsmile:

922608 Light might not stop them, but it does hold them back for a bit.

919640 And don't call me Shirley


Whatever they are, they're dangerous, and not nice.

And that cliff hanger isn't nice either.

I love doctor who. I like fanfiction. I'm a brony. I've read many Doctor Whooves fiction. I like your story. I wish to read more soon! :pinkiehappy: PLZ UPD8 SOON! :rainbowdetermined2:

954151 The almighty Kodan shall update when the almighty Kodan permits it.


The almighty Kodan shall update when the almighty Kodan isn't dragging a 60 pound desk into his apartment by himself. It's not heavy, it's just big ><...

Next chapter is well underway, but I'm at a point where I can do one of two things. Haven't chosen yet. This one might take a bit, but whichever way I go it'll be worth the wait.

955050 why do I think of the friends episode where they have to lug a sofa up a flight of apartment stairs?

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