• Published 2nd Jun 2017
  • 1,176 Views, 20 Comments

Fallout: Equestria - Echoes of the Ministries - Banjo64

A package has been delivered. Within lies echoes of ponies who once held Equestria's fate in their hooves.

  • ...

Epilogue: Death

“You can't be scared of death. When that time comes, it comes.”
- Sean Taylor

There were two more letters in the package. However, both had notes saying that they were meant for the Light Bringer. Apparently, the sender wasn’t sure how to reach her and had sent them along with the rest in the hopes that they would be passed on. The Followers agreed to forward the letters without opening them.

Interestingly, one was sealed with the mark of Applejack’s Rangers, and the other was sealed with Celestia’s cutie mark.

A hooded mare laid on a hill near the SPP hub. She had been there for some time now. The mare was old. Very old. So old that at a glance it was hard to tell if she was still alive.

But she must have been, as without any clear incentive, she began to speak.

“So you've finally come, then?” she asked.


There was no one around to answer. She continued speaking all the same.

“Of course I did. You’re the only soul I still need to speak with. You weren’t coming to me, so I had to come to you.”


“Yes, actually. Do I look like I’m long for this world? I’ve already made my goodbyes. Once our conversation is finished, I shall be joining you.”




“And you would know?”

“Really now? Death incarnate?”


“Then why, pray tell, have you been avoiding every soul that's come your way?”


“I see. Well then, where’s your sythe?”

“Even if I were willing to buy that you don’t have to guide every individual soul, I refuse to believe that you are death itself if you don’t have a sythe.”


“Yes, but traditionally death also doesn’t walk among mortal ponies for over a millennium.”


“You’re only reinforcing my point. You are not death.”

“No, you’re not.”

“No, you’re not.”


“Do you want to do this back and forth until I drop dead? I’ll do it if I must.”

The elderly mare winced and lowered her body, as if she were being yelled at.


The mare leaned back up.

“And you took their souls from their bodies? Directly, I mean.”


“Then guess what? That doesn’t make you death.”


“As you said, death isn’t some cloaked skeleton with a pointy stick. It is a part of life. In fact, it’s the only guarantee of life. I suppose one could joke about taxes, but Equestria’s gone without them for two hundred years, so I’d wager that old saying doesn’t hold up. But there’s one other thing that’s guaranteed in life: loss.”


“Yes, everyone. The poor lose the joys of life they never knew. The rich lose everything they have when they die. Those who know love lose those close to them. Those who are alone lose the love they could have forged. Even those who die in their infancy lose the life they could have grown up to live. And yet, though we all suffer different forms of loss, death is the consistent inevitability we all face.”

“Precisely. Though I do have to ask: do Alicorns ever die from natural causes?”

“I suspected as much. But as I was saying, you are not death because death isn’t something you can personify. Yes, death followed you your whole life. And you have reason to believe that every major decision you made lead to a great deal of death and suffering. But you know what? You’re wrong about that part too.”


“Well, there’s that prophecy, for example. You know perfectly well that wasn’t your fault.”


“Oh, and I suppose you could have known about that before you died?”


“Ah. So that’s what this is about then. You do realize that this doesn’t make you any worse than anypony else, right?”


“By that logic, Fluttershy should be death, not you.”


“My point stands. Just because you were the inspiration for the end of the world does not mean you were responsible.”


“So nopony ever loved you? Is that what you’re saying?”

“Even your sister?”


“You do realize just how horrible that sounds, right?”


“And if that’s true, then what you said earlier must be false. All the blame lies with her, not you.”


“Don’t you try to outmaneuver me. You’re the one who set up this paradox.”


“Alright then. I guess this means you never loved her either.”

The mare leaned down again.


The mare leaned back up.


The mare reached over, as if she were hugging someone.

“Yes. And you have to admit it's a sign you’re not a bad pony, either. Who could love death itself?”




“I don’t have to. When you’ve reached my age, you just get a feeling of how these things work.”


“Perhaps, but you sure don’t look it.”


“You have a very nice laugh, you know. You should use it more often.”


“Certainly. I actually sent a letter to her some time ago telling her I would be here. I can’t promise she’ll see it, or that she’ll believe me, but I will gladly say what you ask.”


The mare turned toward the tower.

“Celestia, your sister wants you to know that she is sorry for everything. For failing to step up and filling your roll when you needed her. For failing to realize how important she was in zebra beliefs. For pulling apart Equestria’s heroes when the world needed them most. But most of all, she is sorry for once again separating the two of you for such a great length of time.”

“But she also promises to remain with you, unseen, until you find your own rest. She misses you, but she does not want you to seek to end your existance simple to see her again. She says that if you were able to wait a thousand years to reunite with her, she shall be willing to wait twice as long in return.”


“You're welcome. Though again, I cannot make any promises.”


“Yes actually. If you had waited until I died it would have been my greatest regret that we never spoke. It would have been quite difficult to avoid me then.”


“Indeed. Everypony knows patience is a virtue, after all.”

Some time later, the mare was discovered dead with a smile on her face. It was never determined what exactly she was doing all the way out there.

Author's Note:

Achievement Unlocked: Shooting for the Moon

Successfully console the catalyst of the apocalypse.

Comments ( 13 )

Huh impresisve how long did this take you eh?


Around 6 months.

Very nice just read the first chapter

woah there, das a lot of words


To be honest, it is surprising that more side stories are not trying to build off of the original fiction's cast of characters and explore new interpretations and perspectives with them.

I agree, that is very sad. Interpretation and examining something from a different perspectives is what keeps world of fiction alive. But this also is very difficult task: to reimagine events or personalities and stay true to the spirit of the setting, spirit of the original work, to avoid situation when sidefic just basically says "Yeah?! Now this is how everything really was!"

There sadly a reason, why numbers of people would scream "HERESY!!1!11" and come with pitchforks and torches at a slightiest attempt of reinterpretation.

That. Was a solid story from beginning to finish. You had me tearing the hell up around time the letters came up. A beautiful spin-off. <3

Keep up the beautiful work, my dude.

Christ almighty I thought I’d never see this story again. Took you long enough to publish it!

I have been touched by this story very much and cried many times, especially reading the history of Pinkie Pie. Thank you for an excellent writing!

Is it the concept that's putting you off, or my writing? I know it's fairly amateur, but I'd like to know how I can improve. Thanks for at least giving it a shot all the same, though.

Very nice indeed. I like the span of the story, a few isolated moments from a whole lifetime. Worked quite well.

That was a very good read, and very touching, especially the final chapter. Well done.

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