• Published 14th Apr 2017
  • 4,605 Views, 29 Comments

Let Us Out - Billy G Gruff

Pinkie Pie wakes up in her room to find that her room has been sealed shut by magic. Twilight and her friends are outside her door, telling her that everything will be fine.

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Comments ( 29 )

This is intresting. Will there be a sequel?

8096025 That largely depends on the demand. I think it would work as a simple one shot, but I could do a sequel on the aftermath of the events in this fic.

Creepy, but not bad...

I'd rather find out what the hell Starlight thought she was doing.

8096096 Starlight has a bad habit of messing with magic and overstepping her bounds. She really doesn't think about the implications of what she is doing until she is confronted about it. Her introduction to the series via The Cutie Map part 1&2, her showdown in time with Twilight in Cutie Re-Mark, and most recently her mind altering magic that she wantonly used in Every Little Thing She Does, are all rather disturbing indicators that she's a danger to herself and others. Or at least they definitely would be outside of a rated Y show lol.

Ahhhh good read love me a bit of creepy as for a sequel well we all know Starlight is in major shit as she cooked up a killer smoke cloud and killed Pinkie and I don't see Twi being able to get a lighter sentence then life imprisonment if not out right getting stoned and used as a lawn ornament for Twilight's home.

What does "spoopy" mean?

It held creepy vibes...but kind of lost them when you added that exposition. It told too much of what was The horror element, and kinda lost said horror element.

8096423 Could you elaborate? Maybe pick out specific lines in particular that ruined the horror vibe for you? For future reference.

8096529 basically the lines in the flashback, where you explained exactly what is causing this problem with Pinkie. We had so little info, then exposition bombshell. Too many blanks got filled in at once. I think if it hadn't gotten the part where Twilight had come in and berated Starlight, it would have left the unknown horror alive.

8096639 That's understandable, The reveal came to quickly, and in too much detail, leaving the mystery gone by the time it ended. I'll definitely keep that in mind for future fics. Thanks for the feedback! :rainbowkiss:

Sorry Pinkie they forgot to clear the room before locking you in it. Had you looked in the closet you would have found gummy.....

Great story, that image though, not good, not good.

Internet creepypasta.

I am just gonna casualy read this in 2:30 in the morning while i am surrounded by darkness, don't mind me!

3:43 in the morning for me.


So this story comes up as a recommendation so often while I'm working on my own murder mystery that I figured I ought to try it out! Good work on this. At first I was a bit put off by the blocks of text (also I'm not a huge fan of first person), but I think this story ends up progressing well enough after those initial paragraph chunks. It got me to read until the end, so I'd say it captured my interest. A few grammatical issues, some justification bits, and a spot or two where I didn't really feel 'Pinkie Pie' in the main character but overall nice story concept. Thanks for the read :twilightsmile:

How horrible and terrible and all manner of dreadful.
This is horror story is an absolute masterpiece and had me gripped right up until the last word.
A fav and an up vote and if I'm not already following you, that will be remedied post haste!

This was good. Felt a little wonky at places but it was good.

"Let us out."

*Squints menacingly.*

Ahf' ymg' ah l' mggokaog lloigehye mglagln hup fahf shuggog?
(Who are you to steal joy away from this world?)

"Dear Celestia, You used the Arabus recipe? Do you know the Zebra whom made this spell did it so he could make ponies kill each other? If Pinkie gets a chance to be in a big enough crowd she'll die a horrible death, releasing a smoke that turns every single pony into carriers, and start an epidemic across Equestria! How could you do this Starlight?! What is wrong with you?!"

"Arabus"... Fahf yaah ah mgepog yaah. Y' h' ph'lloig. A uh'enyth ot n'ghft.
("Arabus"... This name is an old name. I remember it. A creature of darkness.)

Hopefully they can find a nice home for Gummy.

Y' mgathg fahf zhro.
(I reject this ending.)


For the second time, I find myself trying not to compare a story to my own. Just like how Rinnaul released No One Goes There roughly a year after my own Aurora with a remarkably similar premise, Let Us Out was released roughly a year after my own Pressure with a remarkably similar premise. So similar, in fact, that even the cause of Pinkie’s suffering is identical. It’s interesting to think how two people with no contact can write on the same topics like this.

Sounds like I got a Fimfic I need to put on my reading list! Also yes I've long since gotten over the idea that an idea can truly be original. Whatever idea you've thought of, someone has already done. What makes something your own at the end of the day is the execution. I look forward to seeing how you went with the concept. What inspired it on your end by the way? I was drawing from a few sources like Lovecraft, Junji Ito, and a few other things that delve into things like body horror and not being in control of ones own mind and body.

Generally speaking, I liked the story, but it never impacted me in a way a horror should. Part of this is because Billy G Gruff writes Pinkie Pie’s mentality well, and the bouncy, happy Pinkie Pie has no place in a horror. There are certainly creepy things happening, but it’s all painted in Pinkie’s signature voice, and the clash was just too much for me to take the events seriously.

I'd disagree on that front, but I do get where you are coming from. For me the dichotomy of a friendly personality and the context clues of what is really happening can cause a chilling effect for some people. I do think that this story would probably work better as an audio drama now that I think about it. You could really emphasize the horror with sound design and how it clashes with Pinkie's muddled perception and friendly inner monologue. I could see where, if you are expecting to feel the fear FROM Pinkie rather than FOR Pinkie and her friends, it could definitely fall flat for someone. You do go on to point out that because of her inability to properly perceive what was happening to her that you couldn't get invested in the horror. I'd say that is certainly a valid critique,

It’s a shame, because the concept here has a ton of potential. I like the intention, but not the approach. The writing is still good overall and the implications damning. If you want to give it a try and maybe get something out of it, I won’t blame you.

Well I certainly appreciate the well thought out review of this one! I'll make sure to check out yours as well and give you my thoughts.

Site Blogger

Eh, this is why I like to emphasize that my reviews – obviously correct and unassailable as they must be :trollestia: – are strictly my opinion. I expect and even encourage people to disagree with me on them.

As to the inspiration for Pressure, it was for the prompt of a contest, namely F*** This Prompt #10, which was "Pinkie Pie is secretly a murderer." I wanted to make the concept as justifiable within canon as possible, and so did a dredge of old MLP content from past generations looking for ideas. Then I found Arabus and the concept blossomed from there.

Made me uncomfortable 10/10

Starlight really do be using horrific mindrape magic on people for little reason, especially her closest friends.

>Finds fanfiction
>Interested with plot
>set in first person view
>instantly closes and never reads story.

Oh Starlight, you goof. Well, they did say curiosity killed the cat. Except it's not the cat, it's her friend.

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