• Published 31st Dec 2016
  • 1,865 Views, 28 Comments

Twilight makes tea. - overlord-flinx

Now why was that so difficult?

  • ...


With regards to Princess Twilight Sparkle,

Your highness. We of the Canterlot Guard in conjuncture with the local law enforcement of Ponyville would write this formal letter to you with the utmost gravity. Due to an enforceable series of both cataclysmic and traumatic events centered around the ones heading our land's monarchy, we feel as though we must beseech on this matter. This letter is sent to you with no other planned recipient because, as you have most likely been made aware of, you are the only remaining princess who has not caused a public incident in the last week.

You have not decimated Canterlot castle with cheese. Nor have you incinerated every inch of it with a super-powered toaster. And you have not yet caused a hostage situation over a set of bananas. These things, while infantile in description, have caused mass panic among all citizens of Equestria. Appleloosa has recently sent a request of safety from all members of the royal line. This sort of mass panic can do no good spreading among ponies, as you must agree.

That is why we all beg you, plead with you...





With all due respect,

The Royal Coalition of Keeping Royalty away from Kitchens.

"Huh... That's a really politely worded cease-and-desist letter," Twilight mused aloud, rereading the letter for a second time.

"I'm more surprised it's a cease-and-desist before you acted-and-resumed," said Spike as he peaked over Twilight's shoulder.

The two shared a glance at one another. No look of dismissal between them. Not a look of worry to be shared. There wasn't a smile at the absurdity either. For a moment, both dragon and princess looked at one another simply simple. The shimmer holding the letter afloat dwindled to nothing and Spike plucked it from the falling air, hopping off from Twilight's back in the process.

What was to be made from that letter? Accept the new status quo? Allow Equestria to believe that the ones running the show can't cook easy-instruction food? That at a moment's notice they could all ransack a place of business over not getting singles? No. No, no, no. That just couldn't stand. The princess were to be pillars of all things good and just... Not of destruction and chaos. They had a lawn ordainment for that; even if he was on an extended vacation.

"Spike... Take a letter..." Twilight was poised to make things right; and she most certainly would do all she could to make it so.

Fearing her most beloved sister-in-law; the one who raised her as a foal and showed her the good in other ponies? No. That would never stand. Cadance was as pure a soul as one could hope to be. Kind, gentle, loving, considerate. These were the traits of an inspiring ruler. Not of a mare that uses a cucumber as a makeshift knife to hold up against ponies' throats while she demands to be sold a single banana... Just for an example. Pure speculation.

Trembling at the sight -the thought- of someone as brilliant as the princess of the sun? Inconceivable. Such an impossibility couldn't just be allowed to slide, could it? The answer was no. A hard no. Celestia was a teacher, a mentor, a leader, a GODDESS! Though she did have some blemishes (like being unable to wait for minute-made mac n' cheese to finish), she was still the picture of perfection. As perfect as realistically could be possible by any standards. It couldn't stand.

And Luna... Luna was... She... She sings good. Yeah. Of course, she was a princess. A beloved one to be sure. She protects the dreams of all creatures of the realm; guaranteeing present dreams safely away from disrespectful toasters. That in itself is worth honoring, surely. Any sort of smearing of her name would only hurt the entire system of the title of princess. And that could never fly. Ever.

There was only one way to end this. To cease the storm of worry. To end the fear hanging over all pony life. It was a gamble to be sure, but it had to be done. Spike plucked a quill from the inkwell sitting at his "taking a note" table, awaiting his princess' words that he would have to forge into the written form. No stroke now could be a mistake... Each word would have to be perfect. From word, to ear, to paper. Flawless.

Dearest Luna Cadance Celestia Princesses,

I WE hope this letter finds you well. I am fine, myself. Living at the castle can get a little boring. I couldn't imagine what I'd do with all the rooms filling it when I first got it and I still don't know what I'm supposed to do with all of it. This letter is not about me US Spike and I, but it's about US, the princess of Canterlot. Not the us that are writing this letter A little great deal fair bit of trouble has gathered up on the name of princess. Trouble that I'm sure you've all been made very clear on. No special attention needed to be drawn on Cadance who has been banned from all produce stores in Ponyville. Bringing attention to that would only bring up the past. And this letter is about forgetting the past.

That's why we cordially invite you to a tea time afternoon lunch at Ponyville's Castle of Friendship today. Tea will be made by Spike Twilight Sparkle, me (of course). We'll sit around the table, drink a spot of tea, and wash away any doubts the public may have in one afternoon. By tomorrow, the status quo will be normalized, I'm sure of it.


Twilight Sparkle. (Written by Spike)

Twilight would have to invest in some whiteout in the future. But that was a problem for a later date. Now? It was time to cook. As Spike copied down the letter onto two other sheets, taking care to add in the same mistakes and rewrites, Twilight excused herself to the main hall of her castle. The moment those letters were sent, the princesses would be flocking to Ponyville to enact Twilight's brilliant plan. Yet, the linchpin remained. The piece de resistance that would shoo away all of those pesky ideas that food from a princess is destructive.


Tea: the simplest of dishes. A cup of water, a tea packet, and a steamer if you were feeling daring. But daring wasn't the point. No. As Twilight strode through the reflective halls of her keep, she was well aware how instrumental it was for this to go well. She was confident in her ability to make hot tea; what pony wouldn't be? But...

It never hurt to be on the safe side.

Twilight's horn glittered with a spark of magic, tugging the great doors leading to her dining hall open with ease. It wouldn't take long to prepare the cups and gather the bags of tea. After all, it was she that organized every inch of the dining hall. Sure, everyone offered to help since "she couldn't just organize the entire castle on her own". But she showed them... Now everything was right where it needed to be. From the spoons, to the dishes, to the window cleaner, to the sponges. And it was that dedication that gave Twilight her certainty in this mission. With how goal oriented she was on this, there could not be a single mistake.

"Hey, boss. I made some tea. Want a cup?"

Starlight Glimmer...

"Oh. Oh my. This is quite good. It is just the right level of -mmm- bitterness. Yes." Tears.

"Bitter, yes. But it has this unmistakable hint of... Oh, I can't put my hoof on it." Pain.

"Yeah, I taste it too. OH! I got it! It's like some kind of sea salt. Twilight, I never thought of using sea salt as the base!" Agony.

"Uh-huh, yeah. See salt, bitterness, it's great. REAL great..." The others paid no attention to Twilight's pout as they continued to drink the wonderful tea made for them by their loving friend.

As the four princess (nix one sulking at the table) enjoyed their spot of tea, Starlight Glimmer looked on at the display with curious confusion. "Um... I guess I'll go make more?"

Author's Note:
Comments ( 28 )

Starlight Glimmer, sleeper agent and clandestine chef, and secret member of The Royal Coalition of Keeping Royalty away from Kitchens.

Ah tea, a most noble drink.

Otherwise known as boiled leaf juice, with some freshly squeezed cow juice added to soothe the bitterness and a bit of bee vomit for sweetness.

Alright, you've torn me away from Know You're Mare. This better be good.

EDIT: It was OK. I'll give it a like.

7830158 You put milk in your tea? Barbaric.

Now you just need to do a "Sunset bakes dessert." story.

7833597 she's not a princess.

7833664 It's not like we've seen her pony form since she reformed.

7833687 ...She's still not a princess. I don't see how that changes her title.

7833762 Well it depends on whether or not alicorns are automatically princesses. Frankly, Equestria's title system is a bit...fuzzy at the top. At the very least, there's wiggle room for different interpretations without actually contradicting canon.

7834701 That's a nice thought. But for a strictly comedic story, I'm not going to spend twenty minutes explaining how a character counts as a princess. There's an old adage that goes you don't explain the joke.


:dear Sunset shimmer, please return to equestria within the next two weeks so we can check whether or not you're an alicorn and thus count as a princess. No, I won't make you take up any responsibilities for at least the next century if you are, but I do need to know.

-Princess TrollCelestia

p.s. Don't ask me why I need to know unless you want to fill out the relevant paperwork yourself

Seems like that'd be good enough for an introduction to "(princess) Sunset shimmer makes icecream/coffee"

7834945 Feel free to write the story if you want.

Twilight would have to invest in some whiteout in the future. But that was a problem for a later date. Now? It was time to cook.


As Twilight strode through the reflective halls of her keep, she was well aware how instrumental it was for this to go well. She was confident in her ability to make hot tea; what pony wouldn't be?

More like overconfident! You'll destroy everything! It'll be a colossal failure!

And it was that dedication that gave Twilight her certainty in this mission. With how goal oriented she was on this, there could not be a single mistake.
"Hey, boss. I made some tea. Want a cup?"
Starlight Glimmer....

"Uh-huh, yeah. See salt, bitterness, it's great. REAL great...." The others paid no attention to Twilight's pout as they continued to drink the wonderful tea made for them by their loving friend.

And so, the day is saved! Thanks to Starlight Glimmer! :twilightoops: :trollestia:

Also, I just realized that this is the 100th story that you've written. :yay:

Starlight Glimmer, here to save the day.

You still have two members of royalty available, a queen and a king.

7837742 Aww, and here I was hoping for Queen Chrysalis makes creme brule or King Sombra cooks steak.

7837857 I don't feel like the joke can be stretched like that. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and tea (snack). A fifth one would seem a little too much.

7837919 Awww, I getcha. Gonna wait to get my Chryssie fix from the KYM movie and KYM-related stories, one they update/are posted. Still, this is a nice story anyway.

Princess Flurry Heart Makes Pudding? :duck:

7932039 If you want, you can write it.

Well, I'll have to see about that. They're really simple, so maybe I could!

7932811 They are. That's why I invite anyone to continue it. Make it a silly little anthology.

Okay, this kind of makes me mad. :flutterrage: Firstly, Twilight DIDN'T make tea. Starlight did, and she didn't even make it properly, yet somehow Twilight is getting credit/blame for the bad tea? Never mind that the other princesses enjoyed it. That's not how you make tea! Ugh. (calms down) :ajbemused: You know, maybe Twilight not making tea was for the best. Twilight would have been so meticulous and precise that her cup of tea would have been too perfect, so perfect that wars would have been fought over a single cup. :ajsmug:

I'm sorry if this post sounds rage-y. :fluttershysad: I'm just a huge fan of Twilight and of tea, and I'm kind of bummed that they're both being put to shame in this story. :raritycry:

7970308 1. That's the joke.
2. Tea can be made many ways.
3. We'll never known.

7971039 Yeah, sorry. It's not a bad fic, but it just makes me inner Iroh cry over the tea abuse. :raritycry:

7971131 No, I get it. I just like to point out my own points when offered points to point at.

I'm confused with the end. Did Twilight or Starlight make the tea that is currently trying to perform regicide? I love the story for sure.

But the wording of the end is weird on that regard.

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