• Published 21st Oct 2016
  • 4,714 Views, 2,083 Comments

Appledashery Vol. Two - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash and Applejack have a long, joyous, arduous relationship.

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It's Raining Morons

Two days later...

"Look out belowwww...!"

Ponies' gasps echoed across the marketplace. Random Ponyvilleans looked up, flinched, and dove for cover. A loud whistling sound broke the air, accompanied by a thin shadow that was growing thicker... larger.

At last, Applejack's ears perked to the sound. She turned from her produce stand where she was selling apples that morning and faced the falling shape in the center of the road. She winced at the last second, muscles locking in place—

"Gaaaaaaa—" TH-THUD! A flailing, feathery body ricocheted off a tree branch, pinballed off a balcony, and slammed into a row of garbage containers in a side alley perpendicular to the marketplace. Craaaaaash! "Oooof!" A stallion's twitchy figure lay sprawled out amidst a fresh sea of garbage. "...whew!" He waved a hoof limply from where he reclined on his aching back. "I'm okay! No need to c-call the fire brigade! Owwwwww..."

Ponies rushed to the scene, huddling around the figure. By the time Applejack trotted over, Stu Leaves was being helped up onto his hooves. He teetered dizzily while random mares and stallions patted his shoulders.

"You okay there?"

"That was quite a tumble!"

"Anything broken?"

"Heheh..." Stu Leaves smiled crookedly, winking. "Only my ego! Owww... and m-maybe a ligament or two. Uhhh... thanks for your concern! I'll live!"

Up above, Thunderlane and two more pegasi dipped down, hovering in place. "Whoah there, noobie!"

"You okay?!"

"What'd we tell you about watching out for those downdrafts?"

"That wind came out of nowhere!" Stu Leaves' voice cracked as several of the villagers trotted off. He tried flexing his wings but could only wince. "For crying out loud! Was a dragon flying overhead or something?"

"Hah! No dragon, buddy! It's like we told you! There are downdrafts to be on the lookout for!"

"Nothing like that ever spawned in the troposphere around Cloudsdale!"

"That's because Clousdale almost always hovers over an open plain, ya doofus!" Thunderlane chuckled. "We're in the shadow of the Canterlot Mountains! Gusts blow occasionally from the northeast! When we holler for you to lift—you'd better lift!"

"Ohhhhhhhhh..." Stu winced, trying to flap his aching wings again. "Well—lesson learned! Lemme just—ow—climb back up and lend a hoof—"

"Not on a sprained wing, you aren't!"

"But I'm good! Honest!"

"Tell you what..." Thunderlane pointed. "Rest up for a day or two, dude." He and the other weather fliers ascended. "We'll help you pick up from where you left off."

"Awwwwwww! Come on!" Stu pouted. "I can fly straight! It's just a slight bruise! I promise!"

"Tomorrow, Stucky! Consider it an order from your supervisor!"

"It's Stu!" Stu stomped his hoof. "And for crying out loud! I can't afford a sick day—owowow..." He hissed through his teeth, nursing his wing.

Applejack watched silently. She heard an earth pony or two scoffing from behind.

"Pfffft... friggin' dumb turkeys."

"They sure order them bird-brained these days, huh?"

"Yeah! Too bad he didn't crash-land into the Everfree Forest. Rid himself of his own misery!"


As the crowd finally dispersed, Applejack stood in place, gazing about in a contemplative manner. She tongued the inside of her muzzle, breathed, then trotted briskly towards the stallion. "Looks like you took quite a tumble there, partner?"

"Mrmmmfff..." Stu looked up from where he was aggressively preening himself. He blinked innocently. "Huh?"

"Heheh..." Applejack stood before him, smiling. "You doin' okay there, Stu?"

"Oh. Thank Celestia!" He rolled his eyes and chuckled. "Somepony who actually knows my name!"

"Well, when you fall from the sky like an anvil, it certainly adds punctuation."

"Geeugh..." Stu coiled his wings in tight, wincing. "Must you rub it in?" He sighed. "Isn't it enough that I almost could have crushed some random villager's skull with that dumb plunge? Guh..." He rubbed his forelimb. "...dang it. The delivery job. If I can't fly..."

"When's... yer next shift?"

"Mrmfff... tomorrow afternoon."

"Seems like the wise thang is to follow Thunderlane's advice," Applejack said. "Rest yer wings and be on the mend."

"But... but I hate that!" Stu hissed.

Applejack blinked. "You hate gettin' better?"

"No! I..." Stu paced about in an angry circle, cheeks huffing and puffing. "...I hate being..." He grimaced. "...feeling useless! Sitting on my butt is like the worse feeling."

"So..." Applejack tilted her hat back and stroked her chin. "I'm guessin' yer fixin' to spend yer mendin' time doin' something productive?"

"Yeah. But... I doubt I can find any quick jobs to do over the next twenty-four hours."

Applejack smirked through her freckles. "Can't ya?"

He gave her a dumb look. "Huh...?"

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