• Member Since 7th May, 2016
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday

Quillian Inkheart

I'm still here! I just don't write as often.


A Changeling, saved from starvation or exposure after having been left behind when Chrysallis was defeated in Canterlot, is raised by his adoptive father an Earth Pony named Guiding Way. Raised with his father's morals, he grew up apart from the Hive mentality.

Years later, a grown Alessio leads a band of like-minded individuals, creatures of many races and personalities. Together, they formed the Black Parade, a band with the goal of spreading Alessio's father's greatest message; a concept of fairness.

This fic is very heavily inspired by the song 'Welcome to the Black Parade' by My Chemical Romance.

"This story is for all the dads out there who love their children and who's children love them. You will live on in memory, even after your passing day. Know that, no matter what, you will never be forgotten. You will never be alone."

-Quillian Inkheart

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 14 )

Nice concept! I can't wait to read what you come up with next. :)

7245632 You are quite welcome, my friend.

A changeling with a tolerant attitude towards other species? I'm in.

Glad to have you aboard! We have t-shirts. I wish.


7255828 I would be surprised if Black Parade wasn't a metal band. I would be peeved if Black Parade's sound was pop. Now that I think about it, ponies have a strong affinity towards ear-pleasing genres... if that makes sense. I would also love to buy a Black Parade t-shirt, but I don't have the money for it.

Haha! Actually, they're Punk Rock. The whole story is based loosely off the song of the same name by My Chemical Romance, and shares a similar artistic style to them, both in outfits and music.


Dude, save the novel for the story itself; I got bored trying to read your "summary".

Eh, overly long synopsis are a weakness of mine. However, if you didn't read the story because the synopsis was too long, then you really missed out; and not for a very good reason either. I hope you still read, regardless of what you thought of my synopsis.


"This story is for all the dads out there who love their children and who's children love them. You will live on in memory, even after your passing day. Know that, no matter what, you will never be forgotten. You will never be alone."

:raritystarry: Aww

My father isn't deceased, but he's very far from me; a continent away, in fact. He's never been that large of a presence in my life, and I still love him as if he were here, raising me himself. I hear him tell me over and over that he loves me and he's sorry he wasn't there, and my heart wrenches. He's a good man who became a father way too soon and had no idea what to do, so he kicked on the 'Fight or Flight' and ran.
He tries, all the time, to make up for it. And I love him dearly. The world needs more good fathers, in my opinion. There's no such thing as too many of them. And mothers? Well, mothers are just inherently awesome, so there's no such thing as too many of them. :rainbowwild:


I love this story, just for its inspiration. Keep writing, you've got talent.

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