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Princess toy sales have been dropping at Hasbro Studios lately so it is up to the G.I. Joes, Minty from generation three, and Gusty from generation one to come up with the perfect marketing strategy so they can boost company sales.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 68 )

Pure genious.

And I haven't even read it yet. :rainbowlaugh:

6496123 Well when you happen to read it, feel free to tell me what you think. I always love getting feedback. :)


I most certainly will! (And thank you for saying that; just look at my most recent blog post, lol)

6496135 I always respond to comments because I appreciate feedback and discussion. ^0^


Woo! You've earned my respect, fellow human. :moustache:

6496163 Yay! You have my respect for being cool and liking my story. You get a gold star. ^0^

Overlord Hasbro says

"Hard Work is Fun Work."


"If one of your fellow TV show toy lines begins falling in money production, do everything in your power to help them get back up. Human sacrifice may be a necessary cost."

Finally remember

"Report all breakers of the great copyright laws, copyright drones are deployed regularly in certain sectors. However you are responsible for helping to take in the insurgents we cant see."

6496859 That could be the PSA at the end of the fan fiction. :rainbowlaugh:

6496866 Dont even get me started on the Microsoft Empire. Its all:


6496874 Google and Disney have assimilated everything too. Soon Microsoft, Disney, and Google will be our overlords. :raritycry:

6496878 We will always have Accolade with Bubsy Bobcat though. Just kind of standing in the corner of the room where all the videogame companies debate. Eating out of a tin can.

6496907 Bubsy; perhaps the most controversial cartoon character of all time. And I'm slightly convinced that Bonkers was designed after him. The similarities are to eerie to be just a coincidence.

6496916 I dont know who Bonkers is, but from the sound of it Bubsy and Bonkers both sit in a cardboard box labled "FAILED MASCOTS" with a bunch of other videogame character from the late 80's to late 90's, while all the other videogame mascots walk about and conversate, trying to ignore them.

6496980 I think one time they tried to make a TV show out of the cereal box mascots. Those were some dark times for day time television.

6496981 In general the late 80's through late 90's was a pretty awesome time.

However with all the TV shows specifically designed to sell toys, other videogame companies trying to compete with Mario and Sonic, and the begginning of the end for Nintendo/Sega's reign on the videogame market; those where some pretty messed up times

6496994 Oh yes, some of the best cartoons came out of the 80s and 90s. They are cartoons that people are basically still trying to bring back/ continue to make today (like Transformers, G.I. Joe, My Little Pony, Thunder Cats, Ninja Turtles, He-Man, and X-Men just to name a few).

6497002 Never said those where bad shows. No matter what other people say G.I-JOE and the original Transformers cartoons where the bomb. But as unfortunate as is they where made for a purpose, even if the shows creators didn't want this overlord Hasbro needs his money or else he becomes angry.

6497010 Some of the best show concepts do tend to come from toy-lines because companies want to sell toys, and a show helps to move the toys off of the shelves. It is all part of the great circle of life. :P

6497016 The corporation circle of life: Come up with an idea, advertise that idea, sell that idea, make lots of money, get temporarily beaten by a competitors idea, and come up with a new idea to beat that one. It never ends. And if there are no competitors milk that idea until the public doesnt want it anymore and sell something else.

6497022 The true corporate dream. :raritystarry:

But some shows seriously just need to die. Cough. Family Guy. Cough,

Sorry, there was something in my throat there.


Really, you must have a cold. I think I may be catching it too.


How weird. I seem to be vocalizing in between my coughs unintentionally.

6497039 Oh my gosh...that show. Or Sanjay and Craig or whatever the bucket that animated atrocity is called. And that one about the pickle on Disney channel. Or Mega Babies. Or Teen Titans Go. Why the heck do these shows exist? Whyy?

6497050 Because while the 80's and 90's may have been sort of dark times, WE live in dark times. Really dark times. Toilet humor has overrun the television and DLC loving cheap companies like EA rule the videogame market. There are shreds of light, not yet smothered by the dark. Like the few good cartoons left of television and videogame companies that care, even if its not all that much care they atleast care enough not to rip off their customers.

All of that is a matter of opinion though.

6497060 I actually agree with what you said there. The best stuff coming out is from the independent game, animation, and comic book companies. We are in somewhat of a creative dead zone when it comes to the big names in the industry.

6497067 I personally really like Adventure Time, Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, and Over the Garden Wall. They are all modern cartoons that I saw as being good compared to the likes of almost all adult cartoons, Sanjay and Craig, Pickle and Peanut, Breadwinners, and Teen Titans Go; just for some examples.

While there are also some bigger videogame companies that aren't nearly as bad as others. Valve, and Bethesda are decent, I have to agree that currently the best videogame developers are indie developers and people who work alone or with very small groups/companies.

6497085 I also love Adventure Time, Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, and Over the Garden Wall. Star Vs. The Forces of Evil is also another good one that doesn't get a lot of attention.

6497107 I have a sister who is more into Star Versus the Forces of Evil, but I watched it and although I thought it was a good show in quality it wasn't my cup of coffee. Man, this conversation has been going on a while. We somehow went from parodying Hasbro and their often greedy ways and somehow got to how entertainment in the 21st century is at an all time low but theres a chance for redemption.

6497115 All good conversations take unexpected turns. :raritywink:

6497137 Well Im gonna turn in for the night, I'v been sitting here on this computer replying to messages on Fimfiction, writing up my thoughts on a story, and browsing the site but now its almost one in the morning where I am.

6497139 Bye for now. Have a good evening.

That was weird, funny, and random all rolled up in a hot steaming fanfic blanket.

My sister still has a generation 3 minty figurine, but I have no idea where it went, nor have I seen it for the past two years.

6499656 I hope you enjoyed the fan fiction.

Minty was one of the most popular ponies from generation three besides Toola Roola, so I remember a lot of the people I grew up with having those figurines. :)


Yeah. My sister used to be a fan of G3 My Little Pony, and now most of the figurines are in storage... somewhere.

6499805 I always thought Minty and some of the other characters from generation three might fit in well with generation four if their personalities were updated a bit.

I've always wanted to see Generation 3 characters re-drawn using generation 4 body structures.

6499834 Me too. It would also be fun to have some generation one characters in the show like Gusty or the Flutter Ponies. Gusty was always one of my favorites.

When I first read this I was like:
Image was taken from another person who said that exact same comment on a different fanfic.

6499881 Most of my fan fictions are like that. :derpytongue2: It's kind of my thing.

When I first looked at this story I was a little bit skeptical. I know next to nothing about G.I Joes or G1 or G3. I was happily surprised that I didn't have to know much about those three things. :yay:

Other than that, this story is pretty awesome! It's surprisingly somewhat smart in some areas. If I tried to tally how many times I burst into quiet laughter, I'd probably run out of paper pretty quickly.

6704302 Thank you for the kind review. I am happy that you enjoyed reading the story. :)

This is so awesome!!!

6954018 I am happy that you liked the story.

Ah, this was a funny one.

8370394 Thank you kindly for taking the time to read this. I am glad that it could give you a smile. :)

This is a brilliant bit of satire, good work.

because whenever she’s awake we get episodes like Appaloosa’s Most wanted, Party Pooped, and Princess Spike.

IS she the one responsible for allowing Michael Bay to directing The Bayformers movies, because I like to file a complaint.

8400483 Thank you for taking the time to read my story. I am glad that you enjoyed reading it.

You know, Minty might have something to do with those Transformers movies too. <_<

Those sleeping pills aren't always as effective as they should be. :L

You're welcome. Now if you excuse me I going to have a little chat with Minty.

8400505 Just buy her a new pair of socks. She will basically do anything you ask once you give them to her. :p

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