• Member Since 30th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen Jun 17th, 2021

Vanilla Mocha

I enjoy ponies. I enjoy coffee. I enjoy writing. So therefore, this pegasister enjoys FimFiction.



Hey! You, yes you! This story was made using all of these guys' OCs! So if you don't mind, go check them out. I'm sure they'll really appreciate it!

(Listed as their OCs) Tacitus, Garfield , Charming Thunder, Galaxy Nebula, Eclipse, Frosted Shard, Daffodil Spark, Shadow Wing, Paradise Oasis, Quillton Brooks, and Breeze! (Links broke. Will be added again soon.)

Vanilla Mocha always hosts a Nightmare Night party, every single year. But every year, at least half her guests end up leaving because it's not as thrilling, spooky, or Nightmare-Night-ish as they hoped. This year, Mocha is determined to turn a few things around. So when she tells everypony that she is making her cafe extra scary, something unexpected happens, and it turns out to not be planned for the party at all...

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 283 )

6512704 Thank you! Hopefully chap 2 should be out in a week or so. :pinkiehappy::twilightsheepish:

I like it!
I can't wait to see where it goes!
We're ignoring the fact that I'm actually in it...

6512840 You're welcome!
I don't want people to think I'm bias.

Everypony chuckled at him, except for Quillton. "Actually, it is very unnatural and unhealthy for cats to eat lasagna. Most cats need more vitamins, minerals, and proteins to survive, found in such foods as fresh water fish, small inland birds, and garden snakes. Back in 700 BC, cats would also commonly feed on-"

You sound like my Vet, I was born in a Italian restaurant, what do you expect I eat? And I'm not most cats and I do eat birds and fish and ferns; I just eat them without asking 'Jon'

I like to act like Garfield sometimes; just to know.:twilightsheepish:

Great story!

6512849 :twilightsmile:
Hmm... that's true. Never thought about it that way before :twilightoops:

6512855 Thanks! And XD you kinda do

6512869 :pinkiehappy:
Although, it was still good writing.

awesome first chapter! Thanks for including paradise!

6512955 Thank you! And it was no problem :twilightsmile:

Congrats for getting on the popular list!

That cover art is fantastic! And this was one heck of a first chapter. I can't wait to see more:pinkiehappy:

Also, sorry I keep drinking all your coffee:rainbowlaugh:

Only Quest would go as the Twelfth Doctor.:twilightsmile:

His short, almost spiked, black mane rested on his shoulders as he sat at the counter

How does short hair sit on shoulders?

Looking into the mirror, she jumped from freight.

I like trains. :rainbowlaugh:

6514378 It's shoulder length.

XD sorry...I was using my iPad so it autocorrected it. I'll be sure to fix it.

6513814 True. But that can be a good thing.

Wow Mocha what a fantastic start to this story and I'm impressed with the OC's and how easy the flow of story is going. I am interested as to where you are going to go. This has been a rather strong start indeed!

Keep up the good work mocha and I really love the cover art (my beautiful Frost is alive...)

Anyway take care my friend!


Awesome story so far! :yay:

Huh. Someone actually noticed I've been saying 'dearie' lately, and wasn't insulted by it.
Thank you.
And Breeze says it too.
I've never actually met Breeze.
I'm loving this.
Good writing, cool premise, and I'm in it!
How could I not like it?
Keep on trekking, Mocha. :raritywink:

6534873 I had to have something to rhyme with lasagna lol :rainbowlaugh:

6535178 I'm not insulted (but I guess you knew that already). :twilightsmile: Oh, and you're welcome! Also, thanks! I was kinda debating whether or not I should put in the song (I know, I've told you before) but I think I did good with it... I don't see any complaints. Anyways, thanks! And I'll start making everypony act more in character, like as we work on more OC development in chap 3 I'll start making Quillton more sarcastic (unless you wouldn't want me to).

6535237 I think making him more will work well.

6535867 yay?:pinkiecrazy: idk I'm jacked on a large iced mocha I just chugged so... COFFEE!!!

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