• Published 26th Mar 2015
  • 16,428 Views, 434 Comments

Six Queens - Princess OtakuGeek

The Mane Six suddenly find themselves changeling queens ruling over Chrysalis's hive.

  • ...

Side Chapter: New Possibilities

✴✴✴✴✴✴Seven Years Ago✴✴✴✴✴✴✴

Sneaking in was almost a breeze. After all, it wasn't like I was trying to get into a military base or Canterlot Castle, I was sneaking into a hospital. And since I was a shapeshifter, that just made it easier. If somepony came around, I could just press myself into the wall and blend in like a chameleon. And if that wasn't an option, I could transform myself into a nurse, doctor or patient. Soon I reached my destination. I quickly ducked into the room and once I was sure the coast was clear, I dropped my disguise and stood there in all my changeling glory.

"Raoul, is that you?" A weak voice wheezed and I turned to the room's only other occupant, a brown unicorn stallion.

A few weeks ago, Gold Hoof had gotten to the point where he had to be admitted into a hospital. A hospital that didn't allow dogs. I'd only been a part of the family for a year, but I'd grown attached to them. Especially Gold Hoof. The warm, positive stallion had cemented a place in his heart and it impressed him that this stallion was acting so positive about his illness. So that first night in the hospital, he snuck in and revealed himself to him. It took some explaining, but when I was done, Gold Hoof was okay with me being a member of the family.

After that, Raoul made sure to visit him regularly and they would talk about anything and everything. Pretty soon, Raoul found himself looking up to him as a father figure. I'd never really had that kind of relationship with anyone. I had a mother, brothers and sisters but never a father. For me this was a new and welcome emotion and I quickly found that Gold Hoof had similar feelings towards him.

"Yeah it's me." I answered, returning to the present. "How are you doing today?"

Gold Hoof grunted as he grabbed the remote for his bed and began raising it so he'd be sitting up. "I've seen better days." He admitted with a grin. "My pain meds help a bit but I'll be honest with you, I'm ready for all this fuss and pain to be over with."

He finished with a weak chuckle that I returned halfheartedly. I wasn't ready. As if reading my mind, Gold lifted his hoof in invitation and I moved to his embrace. Despite his illness, Gold Hoof still seemed able to give firm hugs. Once in the shelter of his arms, I let out what I'd been holding in. I didn't sob or wail, I just lay there and let my silent tears be absorbed by Gold's hospital gown.

"Oh shhh shhh, you'll be okay." Gold soothed as he rubbed my back. "Don't forget, you have to look out for Star and the twins."

"I know." I choked out. "But I'm still going to miss you."

"I know, but you'll be okay." Gold said softly. "Mourn me for a little while and have a good cry then return to your daily lives. No need to put everything on hold. And there's no reason for Star to stay single. She should find herself someone so that the little ones can have a dad in their lives. But make sure she finds a good stallion. Star Song deserves the best."

I sniffed as my tears dried and I smiled. "Count on it." I said.

Gold Hoof nodded. "Good. Speaking of dating, is there anyone special in your life?"

"Not really, just you, Star Song and the twins." I answered.

"Anyone in particular that you've got your eye on?" Gold Hoof continued his line of questioning and my cheeks burned bright red as I blushed. I desperately wanted to say no, but I've never really been great at lying. Which was part of the reason why I chose a dog for my hamingja.

"Maaaaaybe." I said as I glanced away. Gold gave me a sly look and I began sweating at the inevitable questioning.

"Really, tell me is she pretty?" He asked. At first I was quiet and he continued. "Oh come on, give a father a break. Especially on his deathbed."

I flinched internally and gave a quick glance in his direction before bowing my head in defeat. "Yes." I mumbled and Gold clapped his hooves together.

"Excellent. Is she nice?" He pressed.

"I think she is." I admitted. "Though not in a way that most ponies would recognize. Most of the time she can be stubborn, loud and not afraid to speak her mind but I kinda like that about her."

"She certainly sounds like an interesting character. Anypony I know?"

At this point I squirmed uncomfortably. "Yes, you do know her." I finally admitted.

"Hmm, well that narrows down the list." Gold Hoof hummed in thought as he scratched his chin. It didn't take him long to figure out who I was talking about. He gave me a knowing grin and I quickly looked down as I blushed such a bright red I was sure I was glowing. Gold Hoof laughed a good natured fatherly laugh.

"An excellent choice if I do say so myself." He said. "My advice to you, try the more direct method. It's the best way to handle her. Don't try all those silly pick up lines and ploys. Especially the try-to-make-them-jealous trick. That never works for either party involved. Trust me on this sonny."

"I will. Of course, pursuing a relationship with anypony requires me to not be a dog. I don't think she goes for that kind of thing." I pointed out.

"True enough." Gold said with a shrug. "The only thing for it is to reveal yourself to her."

I bit my lip and fidgeted nervously. "Perhaps at some later date when I'm more sure." I said.

"Fair enough, but just to let you know, I'm rooting for you even from beyond the grave." Gold then reached forward and placed a hoof on my shoulder. "Take all the time you need, but don't dawdle too long or some other stallion will come along and sweep her off her hooves."

"Yes sir, I'll remember that." I said with a nod and Gold Hoof shook his head.

"None of that 'sir' business." He scolded lightly with a shake of his hoof. "You're a part of the family. You can call me dad."

I knew it was coming judging by the feelings I'd felt from him for a while now, but to hear him say it at that moment brought tears to my eyes and I laid my head on his lap.

"Okay, dad." I said with a smile and we lay there quietly for a few hours. I kept my head on his lap as he ran a hoof through the fur on my head. Neither of us said a word and we didn't need to. A month later, Gold Hoof passed on.


The day had started out pretty normal. After waking up and getting ready for the day, Sun Bloom had gone to her sister's house to spend the day as she had done for the past month. After helping send the kids to School and Wind Whistle to work, Star Song, Raoul and Sun Bloom settled into a lazy afternoon. Star Song was knitting, Raoul was molding a new orb and Sun Bloom settled beside her sister on the couch to read.

It had been a few weeks since Raoul had entered (or returned depending on how you look at it) to their lives and the changeling had been settling in quite comfortably. Sun Bloom hadn't liked him at first but those negative feelings gradually melted away and were replaced by something else. The pegasus mare sneaked a peek over her book to observe the changeling sitting on the love seat molding his orb into a bowl shape. After a few minutes, he glanced up and Sun Bloom ducked down trying to look like she'd been reading her book.

Most ponies who knew her didn't know that out of the two sisters, Sun Bloom was the hopeless romantic. Though if asked directly she would deny it, that still didn't change the fact that she was a romantic, and the romance novels that she enjoyed didn't help matters. And for a while now she'd been feeling an attraction to the changeling that until then was her sister's family dog. What could she say, she always had a soft spot for strong silent types and she'd always wanted to start a family of her own. Then she remembered that her minor crush was a changeling and she prayed to Faust that he couldn't tell what she was feeling for him.

A sudden groan from her sister drew her thoughts back to the present and both Sun and Raoul turned to Star Song with looks of concern. "Star, are you okay?" Sun Bloom asked.

"I'm fine just a-AHH!" Star Song started before she cut herself off with another groan that alarmed the other two.

"Star!?" Sun shreiked. Star Song was silent for a moment before finally speaking.

"I think that was a contraction."

Sun Bloom POV

One hour later, we were here in the hospital waiting room. The second Star Song announced that it was a contraction, Raoul and I exploded into action. After separating himself from his growing orb, Raoul grabbed Star Song's hospital bag and took her to the hospital. Meanwhile I flew straight to the town's weather headquarters to inform Wind Whistle then went to the school to collect the kids. By the the time I arrived, Star Song and Wind Whistle were in the room, leaving me and Raoul to watch the kids in the waiting room. And unfortunately the anticipation of a new niece or nephew wasn't enough to keep my mind from returning to my earlier thoughts.

I blushed and snuck a glance at Raoul. Stoic as ever, he showed no indication that he noticed and kept his gaze on Greenblaze and Roseheart. I turned my own gaze towards them, and after a few minutes I asked the question that was bothering me.

"So how do changeling have kids exactly?" I asked. "I know you've already said that you and your hive are children of the queen, but is that the only way you can reproduce?"

"Among changelings, yes." Raoul said. "Two changelings from different hives can have feelings for each other, but nothing can come out of it. The only ones who can reproduce with another changeling are the Queens. But we are capable of siring or bearing children with different species. Many think that this is because our DNA is compatible with the DNA of other species."

"O-oh. That's interesting." Sun Bloom said with a silent sigh of relief.

"Why do you ask?" Raoul suddenly asked and I burned a bright red.

"N-n-no reason." I tried to say casually. Raoul stared at me for a moment longer then turned away with a hum. The next few hours were filled with silence and the odd bout of casual conversation. Finally a doctor came out. We immediately straightened and waited with baited breath for any sort of news. Doctor Heartrate smiled and spoke.

"One healthy baby girl and and exhausted mother." He announced and we all smiled in relief. "You can go in to see them now."

It was the most beautiful moment of my life. After spending some time looking over my new niece, I stepped back to watch the family gather around the newest little bundle. Greenblaze and Roseheart were climbing onto the bed to get a better look and Wind was helping them up as Star smiled tiredly. I myself smiled at the family and their newest addition.

"Sun Bloom." A deep voice broke into my thoughts and I turned to Raoul. "I know this might be a little sudden, but would you care to join me for dinner?"

I was silent for a moment as I processed his question then spoke up. "Are you asking me out on a date?"

Now it was Raoul's turn to pause and glance away bashfully before he nodded. I smiled.

"I would love to."

Author's Note:

And done. Sorry for not updating as often as I should and I'd like to thank you all for being so patient with me. I hope you enjoyed this story.

Proofreading by Docontra.

Comments ( 69 )

Now damn if dat ain't a coverart worth a close look then i dunno what is!

That's me without a filter right there.

oh hey, the story is back....:twilightsmile:
wait, what? :rainbowhuh:

Have a thumbs-up for the cover art even without reading the story! Very impressive, plus love the background in said artwork!


Seriously, I was overjoyed to see an update for this story, side chapter or main story-line, it shows that you haven't given up on it.
PLEASE, tell me we Will NOT have to wait a year between future updates?? :fluttercry:

Keep the good work rolling along. :pinkiehappy:

Too short! And I want to know what will happen to the Main Queen Six.

Good, I thought you were dead for a while. Good to see you're still alive!


Nice to see this updated. And interesting development on the sidelines. Can't wait to see more of what will happen later onward, as well as the main plot. (Note: Just to let you know, I am commenting on a tired and sleepy mind, so please forgive me if this come out as a little blunt and short.)

By the the time I arrived, Star Song and Wind Whistle were in the room
> Remove the extra ‘the’.
"One healthy baby girl and and exhausted mother." He announced and we all smiled in relief.
> Remove the extra ‘and’. Replace the first period with a comma and lower the casing for 'He'.

Never used a full stop (aka the period) at the end of a quote when you haven't yet closed its sentence. You did a good job with most, using the "!" and the "?" marks, but instead of the period, use a comma (Ex: "That is what I said," I exclaimed with a smile on my face.). Also, do not capitalized (unless it is a proper noun) after the quotation unless it is meant to be a new line in itself.

Wait stories done!?!?!? Noooooo!

So glad to see an update and now so sad...

A few weeks ago, Gold Hoof had gotten to the point where he had to be admitted into a hospital. A hospital that didn't allow dogs. I'd only been a part of the family for a year, but I'd grown attached to them. Especially Gold Hoof. The warm, positive stallion had cemented a place in his heart and it impressed him that this stallion was acting so positive about his illness. So that first night in the hospital, he snuck in and revealed himself to him. It took some explaining, but when I was done, Gold Hoof was okay with me being a member of the family.

I snuck in

And this is why I don't remove unfinished stories unless their status is Canceled. You never know when a great one will be picked back up!

Nice to see this alive again, though I should point out the first couple of paragraphs seems to jump between first and third perspective for a bit.

8104963 Could've done that in a different way - cast a soundproof spell in the "bride's" room, put a foreleg to her chin, while her thoughts are portrayed via echoey narration, with images being inside the classic 'cloud' thought box. Add in an evil grin while she's contemplating her near-success and an evil laugh nopony can hear because of soundproof spell, and it'd be perfect.
Or soundproof spell + celebrate out loud + evil laugh + nopony enters because it's "Princess Mi Amore Cadenza's" room.

But nooo - it just HAD to be a song sung in front of hundreds of witnesses, that just shatters the immersion. Sigh...

And unfortunately the anticipation of a new niece or nephew wasn't enough to keep my mind from returning to my earlier thoughts.

It was the most beautiful moment of my life. After spending some time looking over my new niece,

How is this new foal related to Raoul, let alone his niece? :rainbowhuh:

8105896 Well, each to their own, I guess. Little kids don't really care about immersion, and despite the enormous brony fandom, their target audience is the younger part.

8106308 It's told from Sun Bloom's POV. I thought that was obvious.:rainbowhuh:

8106530 Near the end it's told from third person, so it wasn't obvious without annotation :pinkiesmile:

Don't worry, as a fellow writer I've had a couple situations where something was clear to me as the author, but not to the audience :twilightsmile:

You're welcome; loving Six Queens, by the way :twilightsmile:

8107208 Thank you. I've begun to wonder if anyone still cares for it.

NOOOOOO!! I've been waiting for ages for this to update, I wish someone cared for my stories as much as I love Six Queens! It's a really interesting idea! :rainbowkiss:

8107238 Thank you. It really means a lot that you feel that way. Unfortunately inspiration is slow but I'm trying.

Please, keep trying! You have my support, and no doubt that of many others! ^o^/

You're welcome :pinkiehappy:

8107213 Hah! I've been keeping track of this (and other stories, of course) and i am glad you put a new chapter up. And such a warm and cuddly one as well! Please, keep it up! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

8135251 That's all we can ask. I know how hard it is sometimes to put a chapter together, but we can and will wait for you to find your muse (wherever they're hiding) without any pressure. Some things are worth waiting for...

8135651 Thank you for being understanding. In the meantime, I have other stories I've recently been able to update if you're interested.

8135653 Oh, I will be... at least after I get home from work. This place is part of my post-work relaxation, so your stories will be forming a part of that this afternoon.

8135660 I'm glad my stories can provide such a service for you :twilightsmile:. I hope you enjoy what I have :raritywink:.

okay just read everything so far. all i can say is that you are a master of world building and characterization. you have manage to keep the characters in line and built some good lore about changelings. in fact the ocs dont really feel like ocs to me so great job with the likable characters. if i had to rate this id give this story a hundred out of ten its that good. and if i may make a suggestion twilight and the others have lived in ponyville for a while and if i remember right there is a perfectly good castle in a nearby forest that can be used for a hive. :raritywink:

Please tell me you plan to continue this!!!!!?????

Please continue

I just don't get one thing...

Are Changeling queens immortal? Cos' Kormac is Chrysallis's first child? Or did she just die young?

And can you plz continue the story?

i think she might of died of the human equivalent of age 20-25

Still hoping for an update eventually :pinkiesmile:

Still waiting.

.....I miss this.

Ps Art's gone in the link.

I'm not sure I understand what you're saying.

Okay then. Not much I can do about that except remove the link.

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