Discord returns from a long imprisonment in stone once more. He does this as Rainbow Dash faces a moment of weakness. Seeing an opportunity, he plots to destroy both her reputation, and her sanity, and step over the other five to take back the throne. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash must wrestle with the idea of mentoring the flightless filly, Scootaloo, as well as dealing with nightmares created by Discord to break her down.
I think I'll read this just because you used my wallpaper as an image! Though, I would prefer it if you cited the source to the devART page as opposed to the image location...
I'm sorry about the source. I just googled this image and it fit perfectly so that's how I cited it. Didn't mean to plagiarise or anything.
Shit jus got non ficticional.
shit has hit the fuck
shit has hit the fuck
so much shit has hit the fuck, it's not even funny
This just makes me hate celestia even more.
love it! Keep them coming
Is Tom going to be in this fic?
Hadn't planned on it. I suppose I could make a reference at some point.
I really hate you right now
You are too fucking good at making me sad
Each and every chapter you put out has me hooked.
The element of loyalty turned to dust because her "friends" betrayed her.
And I should be doing homework right now...
I'm with shardfff on this. I don't think the rest of the mane cast are bad ponies, just misguided, but I think their betrayal caused Rainbow Dash to lose her sense of loyalty towards them. Then again, I could be wrong. We'll just have to wait and see. Keep these quality chapters coming, this fic is one whose updates I await most eagerly.
Oh, and tubaguy's right too.
thank goodness she has scootaloo to keep her sain...... wate
RD- so, i have come to understand you're the type of pony who knows how to get things.
Red- ive been known to acquire certain things for certain ponies
well shit
OH MY GOD first Discord killed Clayton carmine now this oh my god i am going to kill him
this shit just real
shit continues to just completely abuse the fuck
Mind blown
Having no idea what was coming I put on this song.
The lyrics may not be relevant whatsoever but dammit, the tits PERFECTLY
thats the price you pay for betrayal
well, this has gone poorly
aaaaaaaaaaaaaand the shit hit the fan for discord
Yes! An update!
always, ALWAYS look for the plan B first
massive demon discord
and record obliteration
Is it bad that I have the irresistible urge to put that Thunderspark guy through cruel and unusual torture ending in death?
Bit of a mistake in the chapter mate, but only minor in comparison. "She was 's ears perked up"
I know you've already finished, but from what I've seen it's looking to be a very interesting story. Thumbs up mate.
Hmm. I don't think Applejack understands that Dashie's mark's based solely around winning. Her defeat's something akin to, say, Applejack becoming unable to buck apples, ponies making a world-wide mockery of Rarity's works or Twilight loosing her horn. Alright maybe not that drastic, but not far off either.
Acca Dacca? Never figured anyone in this universe'd be a fan all things considered.
... There's the murderous urge again.
They should probably realise something's wrong, but in this universe... I guess we'll have to see.
Okay, so the rest of the Mane 6 don't trust the physical manifestation of LOYALTY to be true to them, Celes puts her in a no-win situation where she'd be sentanced to life anyway, and this is AFTER the changeling situation I assume? The urges are back, armed to the teeth and bringing reinforcements, only this time they're aimed at the traitors.
Dashie's element's a joke? I'd say the joke's closer to her best friends turning their backs on her without even considering that something might be off about the whole situation. Then the joke reaches the punchline where said "friends" are still the elements of harmony. Don't get me wrong, I love this story, but if cruelty was humour, those five and Celes'd be the top comedians in any reality.
*Sighs* The subject of our rage is getting real old real fast. So I'll just leave this here. Imagine with much more rage directed at the embodiments of treachery.
I would have have NEVER forgiven the princes
Pfft. Pot calling the kettle black much 'eh Sparky?
Still can't believe the others were so damned stupid.
"Once loyal subject"? Erm, Celes does know it's ultimately her and the other fives fault for completely disregarding Dashies pleas and treating her like a traitor without listening to her side of the story right? I'm silently praying her statue's destroyed before she she can be freed.
Erm... So Thunderspark's a girl? I thought filly=female while colt=male. Could be wrong though.
I. Hate, hatehate, hatehatehate, hatehatehatehate, fucking HATE Thunderspark! And after reading that, it's hard to like anyone with a form of electricity included in their name.
Yeah sorry bout the filly Thunderspark thing. Figured that one out right after I finished the story.
Okay, that's hilarious! They actually thought the element of loyalty'd be fine with betrayal? That's both disgusting and hilarious. Still a good story despite how the comments might come across as.
Sparky's still a titanic dick'ead though.
702585 Why're ya apologising mate? It's your story and anyway, I think it's hilarious.
Hey, are my comments coming of as a bit... dickish? 'Cause I swear that's not the intention.
Fantastic story. I really glad you finished it, and I eagerly await your next fic.
No, not at all! Thank you for your comments!
Thanks! I'll be getting started on the next one pretty soon
699837 ee-nope
This story was AWESOME! You did a great job with it loved the way your finshed the story.
this was brilliant! i might base RD's childhood story in a future fic on this if that's alright with you
Go ahead.
awsome story loved it, but am i the only one thinking it isint right for rainbow to have to swear her loyalty to celestia in the end ? i mean they all know she did nothing wrong and it was their fault that she got mad and turned on them in my opinion they should be the one swearing that they wouldent doubt her loyalty. lol sorry bout that just felt like it still a great story