• Published 11th May 2012
  • 5,707 Views, 78 Comments

Rainbow's Redemption - AstonMartinLover

Rainbow Dash is forced to relive her youth after a plot by Discord gets her exiled from Equestria.

  • ...

Plan B

Chapter 14: Plan B

Discord felt for a mental connection with his changeling. He received no telepathic response. He sighed.

"Another one bites the dust..." He looked inside the palace. The palace that had once housed the great princesses.

The one that now entombed them. But it entombed another. The Creature Discord had created before any other.

A great, and horrible creature. It was entombed deep in the foundations. It let out a low growl that shook the entire palace.

"Calm yourself great beast. You will be needed soon." Discord said. "They will come. In the meantime...CHOCOLATE RAIN!"

The clouds erupted and chocolate milk began pouring down on the streets of Canterlot. Discord laughed.

"Come and get me my little ponies."

"I really don't need this."

"Oh of course you do." Fluttershy exclaimed. She continued patching up Rainbow's various wounds. "You got badly hurt out there."

"It wasn't that bad." Rainbow Dash insisted. "Just a couple battle scratches. I look cool this way, stop it!"

Fluttershy backed off. "Oh...I'm...I'm sorry. I'm just trying to help."

Rainbow Dash sighed. She looked up at the nervous looking yellow and pink pegasus.

"Look. Fluttershy. I know I've...well...I haven't treated you that great over the last couple years. Like the dragon thing..."

"Oh no it's okay." Fluttershy said. Rainbow Dash inadvertently glared at her. "Oh I interrupted. I'm sorry."

Rainbow Dash shook her head. "Don't be." She looked down and took a deep breath. She had to make amends. "You were the first pony I ever knew who truly treated me nicely. You helped me get through my dad's death. Heck, you even gave me a place to stay when I quit Flight School. The point is...you're my best friend Fluttershy. And I'm sorry for all the mean things I've said, and all the times I've scared you, and yelled at you. I've never shown you enough respect."

Fluttershy shook her head. "Oh Rainbow Dash. That's ridiculous. I still remember that first day we met. Nopony had ever stood up for me before. And you just swooped in and talked away those bullies. You always looked out for me. And...that's respect isn't it?"

Rainbow Dash hugged her friend. "I promise I'll treat you better from now on buddy. Now we gotta get going. Discord isn't gonna stop himself."

The balloon was floating less than an hour later. Thunderspark and Rainbow Dash pulled, greatly increasing the speed of the craft. Ahead of them were the storm clouds that surrounded the city of Canterlot.

The city, normally so striking, so beautiful, now looked like a war zone.

Thunderspark turned to Dash as they approached. "So yeah. Before we go in there there's something I want to tell you."

Rainbow Dash arched an eyebrow. "Really? And that would be?"

"Well...you know that record? The speed one?"


"It's kinda yours again."

Rainbow Dash grinned. "And how did that happen?"

"Well...there was a monitor running when you got back into town. And...well...you were going about mach ten..."

"How much Wingpower?" Rainbow Dash asked, still grinning.


Rainbow Dash's eyes widened. "57? 57 Wingpower?"

"Yup. In case you're wondering, that kinda shatters any existing speed record in Equestrian history."

Rainbow Dash pounded her hoof on the basket. "Oh yes. This kinda makes my day. I know we're kinda best buds now but uh...you know...I just wanna say, 57 is alot better than 18.3."

"Yeah, I'll give you this victory Dash." Thunderspark muttered reluctantly.

Rainbow Dash laughed. Her laugh disappeared as they continued to approach Canterlot.

"You think we'll make it through this Sparky?" Dash asked.

"Sure. You guys got the elements. He'll be defeated easily. It'll just be a matter of getting to him."

The balloon touched down just inside the gates of Canterlot, in a deserted section of the city.

The ponies piled out of the basket of the balloon. They looked around. Smoke and debris everywhere.

Chocolate milk raining from the skies. Pinkie of course, went crazy. "CHOCOLATE MILK!"

"What did they do to this place?" Twilight asked.

Applejack looked through the basket for necessary supplies. "Well now. Looks like we got us a stowaway."

She picked Scootaloo up and lifted her down to the street.

"What do you think you're doing here young lady?"

"I wanted to see if I could help!" Scootaloo squealed. "I can beat Discord!"

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and trotted over to her. "Squirt. This is a dangerous mission. Only big ponies okay?"

Scootaloo shook her head. "I'm going in there with you guys. It's not up to you. It's up to me."

Rainbow Dash sighed. "Scoots if you get hurt, I'll never forgive myself..."

"That's why I won't get hurt." Scootaloo insisted.

Rainbow Dash eyed her carefully. "Okay."

"What?" Applejack asked.

"She wants to come. Alright then." Rainbow explained. She came down eye level to Scootaloo. "I want you to stay behind me at all times. If I turn around even once and you're not there, I will fly you back to Ponyville myself. Understand?"

Scootaloo nodded, and began jumping up and down excitedly. "This is gonna be so awesome!"

But things were not awesome. As the eight ponies trotted toward Canterlot Castle, the mood got increasingly grim. Even the excitedly spastic Scootaloo was silenced by the chaotic destruction that surrounded them.

Up ahead, an entire building had been flipped over. It hovered over the ground, causing the ponies to shudder.

"He's doing the same thing to Canterlot that he did to Ponyville." Twilight murmered. "He's making it a model of chaos."

"Not if we can help it." Applejack growled.

Scootaloo had initially disregarded most of what Rainbow Dash had said. But now, looking around at the horrors of what Canterlot had become, she made sure to stick close to her idol.


The eight looked around for the voice that had spoken. A large white unicorn pony came up from behind some debris. "Twilight!"

"Shining Armor!" Twilight ran to her brother. They embraced.

"I'm so glad you're alright!" Shining Armor said happily.

"Glad you're okay too BBBFF." Twilight replied. "Where's Cadence?"

"She's safe. I sent her to Manehattan. Discord's army hasn't arrived there yet." He eyed the others. "What's everypony doing here? This place isn't safe for you..."

"We're here to stop Discord. We have the elements of harmony. We can do it."

Shining Armor shook his head. "You're gonna need a lot more than that. I'm coming with you. You look like you could use the help."

As they continued, they caught sight of large groups of ponies. They looked beaten down, and gnarled by the stress of the invasion.

Many of them simply wandered through the debris aimlessly. Rarity shuddered.

Rainbow Dash squinted as she recognized one. "Titan?"

The aging pegasus looked up. "Who's that?"

"It's me! Rainbow Dash!"

The old pegasus' eyes widened. "Rainbow Dash! Oh I'm so glad to seeya!"

Rainbow hugged her old friend. "Oh Titan, how did it get this bad?"

"The princesses left." Titan responded. "I hear they got em locked in the palace dungeons."

Rainbow turned to Twilight. Twilight thought deeply. "I've been in those. Chrysalis trapped me in there."

"Could you get them out?" Applejack asked.

Twilight nodded slowly. "Maybe."

Titan patted Rainbow's mane. "I'm so glad you're not in that horrible prison anymore. Just...this isn't the best place to escape to."

Rainbow sighed. "I know. But I need to do this. For you. For them." She gestured to her friends. "For dad."

The group gasped. They had never heard any mention of Rainbow's father. "Dad?" Twilight asked.

Rainbow Dash turned to them. Now was not the right time.

"I had a father. I'll give you the whole story later, we've got a city to secure." She looked over at Titan. "If you want to come, you can. It might get rough."

Titan stretched his legs and wings, as if to dismiss the age from his bones. "Never been one to run away from a fight."

As they got moving again Rainbow stopped Titan. "You were a great dad too."

Titan felt a tear coming. He coughed and put his war face back on. "Let's kick flank."

The group arrived at the palace. It was the only building which remained sparkling clean and untouched by the surrounding chaos.

And sitting on the steps, Discord. He looked at the chaos that surrounded him with a defiant grin. A grin that disappeared upon seeing the nine ponies approaching him.

"Ah. The party poopers have arrived." He squinted as he looked at them. His eyes widened when he saw Rainbow Dash. "Well look who's back! Rainbow Dash! I thought you had the good sense to abandon your misguided friends."

Rainbow Dash grinned. "Never been much for good sense. Guess it's from all the hits to the head. Now I suggest you surrender now."

Discord laughed. "Oh please. Are you going to beat me Rainbow Dash? Please. My puppet may have been easy. But I am not."

Twilight Sparkle tossed the elements to each of her friends. Rainbow Dash slid the element of loyalty around her neck. Discord watched them with quiet amusement.

"Just one thing I want to know before we do this." Rainbow Dash said. "Why did you single me out Discord? Why did you hire that Changeling to get inside my head?"

Discord chuckled. "What? Isn't it obvious?"

Rainbow Dash growled. "Tell me."

"You were the easiest." Discord hissed. "You were like clay. Easily molded. Loyalty. Your element is loyalty. Pfft. What a joke. You are loyal only to yourself Rainbow Dash. So I started from the bottom up in getting my revenge."

Rainbow's ears flattened. She closed her eyes, thinking about what he said. A part of her said to ignore the words of a madman. But the other part knew he was right.

"You're wrong Discord." Applejack said. "She is loyal. We can always count on her to be there for us when we need her. And even if she isn't the most...well...humble of us, she's still one of our best friends. Ain't that right gang?"

The others nodded in agreement. Discord yawned. "Well then get it over with ponies. Strike me down where I stand. Turn me back to stone. Please. Just don't bore me with this sap."

Rainbow Dash and the others got into formations. Wind began to swirl around them as the elements powered up. Their eyes became clear and began to glow. They slowly rose in the air.

Thunderspark, Shining Armor, Titan, and Scootaloo watched in amazement as the power of the elements formed in front of their eyes.

There was a blast of raw energy that shot up into the sky. Discord watched it turn downwards towards him. He yawned.

The blast hit him. As before, he slowly turned to stone. It traveled up his body, while he laughed maniacally.

After it was over, the six returned to the ground. They looked at the petrified tyrant.

Twilight shook her head. "That was too easy. He didn't even fight back."

Rainbow Dash nodded. "Yeah, Discord wouldn't just roll over like that."

Suddenly the ground shook beneath them. Cracks formed in the street. There was a great roar that sent the ponies flying back. The palace exploded, sending chunks of glass and marble flying through the air.

A great beast appeared before them. It was possibly the same size as the palace that had housed it. It was made of rock. It's eyes glowed a demonic red.

"Everypony get down!" Applejack shouted. The creature stomped it's massive feet into the ground, causing a mini earthquake that sent the ponies flying once more.

The monster suddenly began laughing. The laugh was that of Discord. As it spoke, it spoke in Discord's voice.

"Now Now my little ponies. Don't you see? Everypony needs a good plan B."