• Published 11th May 2012
  • 5,698 Views, 78 Comments

Rainbow's Redemption - AstonMartinLover

Rainbow Dash is forced to relive her youth after a plot by Discord gets her exiled from Equestria.

  • ...

Speed Trials

Chapter 2: Speed Trials

Rainbow Dash fell out of her bed. Someone was knocking softly at her door. She looked at the time. Late. Of course.

Sleeping in was, after all, her second favorite activity behind flying.

"Come in!"

Fluttershy pushed open the door. "Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness! You're late! Hurry get up, we gotta go!"

"Ugh. Fluttershy. It doesn't start for another hour."

"But we have to be there in fifteen minutes! Oh we're gonna be late."

Rainbow Dash grabbed her wing as she flew by. "Fluttershy, calm down. I'm the fastest pony in Equestria. I'll make it on time."

Fluttershy continued hyperventilating.

"Easy girl. I'll make it in time to kick tail and leave hoof prints."

Fluttershy calmed down. "Are you sure? I mean...not to say you're slow or anything...but he's really fast. You think you can beat him Rainbow?

Rainbow Dash chuckled. "Fluttershy, this is me we're talking about. Nopony is taking my title as the fastest pony in Equestria!"

Thunderspark took the field early. He was a truly spectacular pony. His coat was jet black, his mane a shiny silver. He was skinny, somepony who worked out a lot.

His cutie mark was a fireball. At a young age he flew up into the atmosphere and singed himself on the way down, earning his speed cutie mark. He was a fierce competitor.

His wings were like daggers, cutting through the air at amazing speeds.

"Oh he makes me sick." Rainbow Dash muttered as Rarity fixed her number to her side. Fifteen. The same number she wore when saving Rarity's life a little over a year ago.

"Oh I don't know Rainbow Dash." Rarity replied. "I think he's rather dreamy."

"Dreamy? He's an arrogant show off! A tool!" Rainbow snapped back.

"Remind you of anypony?" Applejack noted, grinning.

Rainbow shrugged. "I don't know. Trixie I guess..."

Applejack, Fluttershy and Twilight snickered.

Rainbow looked in the mirror. She blew her hair out of her face. "What's so funny?" She squeaked.

"Oh nothing." Twilight replied, still chuckling.

Rainbow paused and turned around. "I'm not that bad am I?"

Applejack held back her laugh and shook her head. "Well...sometimes RD. We still love ya."

Dash sighed and looked back at the mirror. "Is it okay to say I'm feeling nervous?"

"Of course it is." Fluttershy replied softly. "If you lose, you're not the fastest anymore."

Rainbow let out a moan. "Oh I know. I think it's making me sick again."

Rarity threw her hooves up in the air. "Don't throw up on me!"

"Take it easy. I'm not gonna heave. I just...don't feel right."

Twilight put a hoof on her shoulder. "Don't worry Rainbow Dash. I'm sure you'll do fine. After all, you've got the best cheering squad in all of Equestria!"

Rainbow trotted out onto the field for warm ups. Thunderspark was already there, stretching.

"Rainbow Dash! Looking stunning as always." He mused.

Rainbow rolled her eyes and ignored him.

"What? No hello? C'mon we can at least be civilized dashie. Can't we?"

"Ignoring you. Ignoring you. Go away."

"Real mature as always RD. So after I break your speed record, you want to go get breakfast or something?"

A vein popped in Rainbow's head. She stuck her head right in Thundersparks face.

"Listen Sparky. I wouldn't share a meal with you if you were the last pony in all of Equestria! And my record is mine. You're not getting anywhere close!"

Thunderspark smiled his handsome, shining smile.

"Ouch. That one burned. Why so bitter dashie? You want me to just drop out of this competition? Retire and never threaten your precious record again? I'm sorry Rainbow I can't do that. Maybe you should've set the bar higher."

"I am warning you Sparky! I will drop you right here right now in front of all your fans!"

"What's your record? 16.5 wing power? I could beat that in my sleep."

Rainbow let out a growl. The morning sun came up in the sky. The crowd started making noise.

First up was Thunderspark. He got over to his slot. He stretched his sharp wings in the morning sun. Then he got down in his signature start up pose.

The spectators on one side of the arena started making loud thunder sounds. Rainbow Dash was trying to keep her nervous stomach in check. The startup music sounded. Hip hop music filled the arena. Then with a crack, Thunderspark was off.

Watching him, even Rainbow had to admit, he was fast. He was a black, silver blur. He smashed past the speed monitor. It registered at 18.3 wind power. Rainbow grimaced. Her record was toast. The rival pegasus took a few loops in the air before gently touching down at the other end of the track.

Rainbow Dash took a deep breath. "Wings. Don't fail me now." She muttered. She trotted into her slot.

When she arrived, ACDC music flooded the speakers of the arena. Rainbow smiled, letting the music flow through her, adding it's awesomeness to her own. Time to dash.

She stretched and cracked her wings. She jumped up and down, getting the blood flowing.

"Okay. Get pumped. Get pumped." She muttered to herself.

She looked at the beaming Thunderspark at the other end. He winked at her.

She responded with a growl and got into position.

Her cheering section erupted into chanting. "TASTE THE RAINBOW! TASTE THE RAINBOW! TASTE THE RAINBOW!"

Rainbow blocked it all out. She streamlined herself. She made her body as long, rigid, and aerodynamic as possible. Her wings extended. There was a shot.

She lunged forward. Her speed almost blinded her at first. Tears immediately came to her eyes. Her face felt like it was peeling off. She flapped furiously. Every muscle in her body. Every fibre of her being. Dedicated at this one moment to being as fast as she ever had been. Faster.

The music. The crowd. All drowned out by the might sound of the wind wrapping itself around the body of the pegasus. Her tail became a long, rainbow colored blur.

She blasted past the speed monitor. A smile came to her face. That was too fast to fail. The sonic rainboom was probably the only time she'd ever gone faster. The competition was a piece of cake. She listened for the announcer.

"17.5!" The announcer shouted excitedly. "Congratulations to our new champion, Thunderspark!"

There was an eruption of cheering from the sidelines.

In that moment, Rainbow Dash's whole world fell apart. She realized the cheering was not for her. It was for him.

"No." She muttered. "No. It's not possible."

She didn't touch down. She crashed into the turf, sending grass flying everywhere. She felt a mild jolt, but physical pain was the least of her trouble now.

With a roar she slammed her head on the ground, and buried it under her hooves, trying to shut out the sound of the cheering.

"I'm not the fastest anymore. But...how?"

Tears came to her eyes. The crowd watched her, crumpled in agony to the turf.

"I failed. I failed..."

She felt someone lift her up off the ground.

"Are you okay?" Twilight asked.

Rainbow didn't respond. She was in shock. The tears streamed down her face. Her friends were all around her. "Is she okay?" Pinkie Pie demanded.

"I-I think so." Twilight replied. "Dash, did you break anything?"

"I failed. I failed Twi. I failed." She kept repeating it over and over, trying to understand, trying to adjust to this word.

Thunderspark was looking at her. But not with pride. With concern. He flew over to her.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked bluntly.

Rainbow Dash glared at him. "Go away." She hissed.

Thunderspark looked uncomfortable. The other five were glaring at him.

"Alright. I'm sorry. But I have to live up to what I am. And I'm faster than you Rainbow Dash. Get up. And get over it."

He turned and slowly trotted back to his fans. They welcomed him with raucous cheers. He started striking poses in front of them.

"He beat me. I'm not the fastest anymore." Rainbow muttered to Fluttershy.

"Oh you'll always be the fastest to me Rainbow Dash." Fluttershy said softly, hugging her crying friend.

But Rainbow Dash was beyond that. She continued shaking. The medical ponies came through the crowd.

"Alright. You're okay. We're just gonna take you to the hospital. You need medical attention..."

"I don't deserve medical attention." Rainbow Dash replied. "I don't deserve anything."

"She doesn't know what she's saying." The medical attendant explained. "Get her a gurney."

Twilight trotted into the small hospital wing. Ponyville did not have the best equipment for cases like this.

Rainbow's ribs had cracked, and her wing and shoulder were badly bruised. She was asleep on the bed.

She was rolling spastically. She seemed to be having a nightmare. The others watched in horror as she struggled in her sleep.

"I'm sorry daddy. I can't go any faster." She muttered. Tears were dripping onto her coat. "I did my best. Isn't that enough?" Her body jolted. Her eyes snapped open. "NOOOOO!"

Twilight grabbed her and gently pushed her back onto the sheets. "It's okay. It's alright. You did good."

"Did Celestia banish me yet?" Rainbow asked, her voice cracking. "Has Cloudsdale taken my banner down?"

"No. Nopony's doing anything like that." Twilight said.

"Well they should. I don't deserve a banner. I don't deserve fans, or anything I've been given. I'm just...a failure now."

Twilight patted her twisted hair. "No you're not. You're just off your game."

Rainbow pouted. "I can't believe it's over. What...what am I supposed to do with myself now?"

"Well...you're still a speed demon, regardless of whether he's faster or not. And you're the best weather manager in Ponyville history. Probably."

Rainbow sunk her head in her arms and moaned.

"Cheer up Rainbow Dash. We'll help you practice until you're in shape to face him again!"

Fluttershy trotted into the room. "Oh my goodness! Is she alright? Are you alright? I was so scared..."

"I'm fine Fluttershy." Rainbow moaned. "I just need to rest. Like that'll solve all my problems."

"You're still my favorite Rainbow Dash." A small voice squeaked.

Rainbow looked around. "Who said that?"

"Oh. Looks like you have another visitor." Twilight grinned.

Scootaloo hopped up on a stool next to the bed. Dash managed a smile.

"Aw thanks squirt." She patted the filly's head.

Scootaloo smiled a wide grin. "You'll get him next time I bet."

Rainbow's smile faded. "There won't be a next time kid. But thanks anyway."

Scootaloo put her head down. Twilight glared at Rainbow Dash.

"What? Oh I'm kidding Scootaloo. I'll leave him in the dust next time. Promise."

"Really?" Scootaloo's smile returned. "Awesome! Oh I can't wait to tell everypony at school about this!"

Scootaloo turned and bolted out of the room. Rainbow Dash smiled sarcastically.

Twilight smiled back and left. "Feel better soon Dash."

Fluttershy turned to leave. Rainbow put up her hoof. "Fluttershy wait."

Fluttershy trotted towards the bed. "What is it?"

Rainbow paused, looking for the right words. "I-I saw him again. In my dreams."

Fluttershy's eyes widened. "Your father? But...it's been so long. I mean...are you sure it was him?"

"It was him. He told me I failed him. And that I was a disgrace." She punched her pillow angrily. "He was right. Look at me."

"Rainbow you're not a disgrace. You just need to rest up a bit."

Rainbow sighed. "No. The weather factory needs me. Gotta perform my duties as a cloudpusher. It's the only thing I'm still good at." She winced as she lifted herself from the bed, tearing the IV out of her leg. "I shoulda slept in this morning."