• Published 6th Mar 2015
  • 7,404 Views, 340 Comments

inFAMOUS: Second Storm - FrostTheWolf

A young conduit that lives in San Diego does not know what he got himself into after saving a young girl during a hostage crisis.

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Chapter 20- Once and for all

Chapter 20- Once and for all

Curdan Cay

“This is it.” He thought. The Snow conduit readied himself for what was to come next. One last fight. One last chance for justice. No part of what he was fighting for involved revenge. No part of it involved vengeance either. What he was fighting for was what he believed was right. For the one that had committed multiple horrendous crimes to be held accountable for his actions against now just his parents, but the many other innocents that were affected by the rule of Roman Redinov. He was fighting for them. He was fighting for the freedom of conduits everywhere. But most importantly, he was fighting for his friends.

It was quite a lot to take in. But the moment that he stepped forward, he knew that there was no turning back.

Roman was the one to make the first move. Weaving his wire powers into the form of a giant fist to try and grab the snow conduit. Only for Shawn to dodge to the right and fire off some of his Hail Bolts to have the ice set inside the weaving of wires. He had a plan set in his mind and with the conditions of the weather, he was confident because he had home field advantage. The snow especially did well with affecting Roman’s vision, now that his shades were all but gone and he was relying on his actual eyesight to try and find him. However, things didn’t turn out to be as easy as the Conduit hoped as he felt the steel texture of one of Roman’s wires move across his feet.

By jerking away, it only gave off a signal to the DUP official of his location. “Found you!!” Before Shawn could respond, he felt his legs getting wound up in wires before feeling electricity surge through his body. However, when Roman got closer to watch him struggle, that was when the Snow Conduit surprised him.

“Gotcha, b*tch!” Grabbing Roman’s head with one hand, the electricity that was coursing through the snow conduit was redirected at the head of the DUP as Shawn used his opposite hand to detonate the bolts of hail inside the wires and break himself free before kicking the head of the DUP in the ribs. This in turn released the conduit from Roman’s grip as he backpedaled across the landing platform. Dodging two more wires that lashed out like grappling hooks as he used his frost shield to deflect the incoming attacks.

“Your new tricks are only delaying the inevitable!!” Roman taunted, lashing out more frequently as his attacks were beginning to come from all directions.

“Oh yeah? Well, it looks like to me that you personally ran out of ways to try and fight me!” Shawn taunted. He remembered seeing a lot of Roman’s skills and capabilities from when the two of them briefly clashed at San Diego’s international airport. “Don’t you actually have anything new that you can try to use to make this a little more interesting?” A few more of Roman’s attacks happened, but then, he stopped. Why? Shawn had no idea. But he had a feeling that whatever it was, it wasn’t going to be good.

“Actually… I have some that I only use during special occasions. Seems like to me that this could be one of them!!” Now, more wire was swirling around Roman. Weaving and forming something massive. Shawn closed his eyes for only a brief moment because of the glare in his face from a few of the lights on the landing pad, but when he opened them again, a giant titan like colossus was standing right in front of him. And it was trying to smash his face.

“Aw sh-!” Shawn cursed, seconds before he used his newfound mirror powers from Sunset to disappear seconds after a single blow from the Wire Titan took out the entire landing pad in just one strike. When Shawn landed back on solid ground, He was now staring at a 40-50 foot tall colossus that was mad as hell. “Great job Shawn… you just had to ask.” He sarcastically groaned as he regained his footing. Looking back at Roman though, he noticed that his attack on the Helipad destroyed more than just the landing platform as his cell phone beeped a little. A sign that he had cellular coverage again. Quickly, he took a couple of things that he had on his phone and sent them towards Eugene before he pocketed his phone and began to run out of the way of the barrage of attacks heading in his direction. Hopefully, what he sent him will buy the Snow Conduit some much needed time. Because at this rate, he will tire out faster than Roman would in his colossal form.

“Alright then… Time for something new.” He breathed in deeply for a minute, allowing multiple shards of broken mirrors to surround him. Much to Roman’s surprise, the DUP head did not think that this conduit actually had two sets of powers. Now, as Shawn threw his hands outward, multiple illuminant copies of himself began to emerge. They were impressive, but not quite exactly what Roman was expecting. So, as Shawn had them charge at him, the Wire Conduit used an enlarged foot to try and smash them. However, when he successfully did so, the clones of light exploded on contact, throwing Roman off balance.

There was a difference in abilities when it came to both Sunset and Shawn. Sunset would use her clones to copy her movements and apply additional damage and attacks to an opponent that she was up against. Shawn however, used his new set of powers to trick his opponents. Making them assume one thing, when they turned out to be something completely different. Besides, unlike Sunset, who primarily used hers for combat purposes, Shawn’s mirror abilities were used in being able to stay on his feet and trick his opponents. A way to put it for him would be the phrase “Seeing is deceiving”.

What he hoped now was that Eugene would get his message. It was something that he wanted him to add to what he was already going to release from the hard drive. But he wanted it to be a little more… personal. A bunch of documents didn’t mean anything unless you had a powerful message to add to it. And he made sure to make one the night before he left for Curdan Cay. One that he did specifically to tear down the self made Roman Empire.

Seattle, Washington

Eugene was focusing his powers on decrypting the tightly secured hard drive when his phone went off. Concentrating with one hand on the drive, he used his opposite hand to reach for his phone to see who was contacting him. His eyes widened and for a second, he almost stopped concentrating when he saw who sent it. “Zeke, you got to see this.”

“See what?”

“It’s Shawn. He just sent some attachments to me with the message don’t forget this.” He briefly said. “Can you find out what it is?” Nodding his head, Zeke looked at the Video Conduit’s phone briefly. When he realized what the attachments were, he smirked a little.

“Well, this is going to be fun.”

“What is it?” Sunset asked him.

“Shawn came up with something last night that we now just received. He also added some audio footage from a conversation that he recorded with Roman.” He told them. “Eugene, once you’re done, we need to add this to it. It’s going to be fun watching the look on the DUP’s faces once they have a glimpse of this!”

Back to Shawn,

The Snow Conduit continued to run, using his powers to avoid his attackers strikes despite some of them throwing him into the concrete walls that were all around the DUP’s base of operations. He was coughing up blood, but still was healing himself with absorbing mounds of snow and water every few minutes as the clash between the two conduits shook the entire complex. Ice, snow and steel wires were being thrown left and right as the colossal wire giant was taking on the Snow Angel down below. The conduit version of David and Goliath if one person were to describe it. But for Shawn, he was a little less focused on what this was suppose to be and more focused on not getting himself killed.

Hearing a dubstep remix of the Attack on Titan theme “Guren no Yumiya” did little to help with focusing and trying to take this whole seriously. Especially with the fact that now Roman had giant electrical whips that could cut a building in two. Fortunately, with the weather conditions, Shawn had multiple opportunities to strike at Roman. However, the only problem was that whatever attacks he executed, the wires would repair any injuries that were inflicted upon Roman.

“Okay, Roman… That seems a bit overkill-.” He muttered to himself, just as the DUP official slammed a wire formed Axe down to the ground, inches from his head. The teen had to keep moving to avoid his opponents outward assaults. Rolling out of the way and taking cover inside one of the rooms inside Curdan Cay before being chased out of there by wires. He needed to find a way to slow down this guy and fast before he could get skewered by wire spearheads. Something to immobilize him in place so he could swoop in and deal some real damage while his opponent was held down.

“Come on, it can’t be hard to find something to affect him!” Shawn mentally yelled at himself as some wires barely missed his leg. As he dodged though, he watched Roman’s outstretched fist crash into a electrical fuse box. The shock from the impact briefly stunned him in pain, causing him to slow down as he struggled to get back up. “Okay, never mind. Something does affect him!”

“Well duh, wires can short circuit if too much electricity flows through them.”

“Thank you Discord…” Shawn groaned sarcastically. It was around then that he thought of an idea. Like a mirage, he began to use his mirror based powers to make all the electrical fuse boxes look like ordinary things he found around the base. Including lockers, storage crates and even vehicles. The more ways to trick Roman, the easier it was to slay this titan. Using this opportunity, Shawn pulled himself up using his powers, forming frozen blades to slice through the wires on Roman’s left arm. The amount of energy he channeled into the blades allowed for the limb to fall off completely and crash to the ground. Leaving Roman with only one arm of wire and the rest of his huge body. Moving once more, he swerved out of the way of the retaliation attack from the wire conduit and used the same strategy that he did before to tear apart Roman's colossal form and have a conduit with gashes in his arms land on the ground.

However, when Roman landed on the ground, he wasn’t tired out. But instead, he was completely furious. Everything that he had spent months trying to perfect and build up had begun to fall apart within a matter of minutes. His jacket was torn as he now tried to use his powers to lash out at the snow conduit. However, one thing he began to notice was that he was slowing down. Tremendously.

“W-what the hell did you do!?”

“Remember when I had the hail bolts I fire at you explode?” Shawn grinned a little. “During that moment, I had the hail also enter certain parts of your body like your joints.” With a finger snap, spikes of ice soon ripped through Roman’s skin at his shoulders and hands as the DUP official dropped to one knee. “You can’t use your powers if you can’t use your arms.”

“Y-you little bastard!! Everything I had set up WAS PERFECT!!!” The DUP official screamed. “You are going to pay for this!!”

“I don’t think so, Roman,” Shawn growled. As he noticed the wire conduit struggle and fall to the ground, the teen quickly freezed Roman’s hands, cutting off the conduit from his powers. “You took everything away from me and hurt so many innocent lives. Now, you’re going to watch the Empire that you worked so hard to build fall apart right in front of you.”

“You think you can destroy what I built boy!?” Roman yelled, thrashing about a little in retaliation with no success. “You can’t prove to the authorities anything. You can’t even prove to them that I killed your parents! How exactly do you think that just walking in here, cutting me off from my powers and leaving me here will stop what I built!?” In a sense, the DUP head was right. But, there was something he did not know about going on during the entire fight. On the huge HD screens that would normally show if there was a breach in security, Shawn twisted his hands as the screen glowed.

The Snow Conduit’s plan from the beginning was to provide a false sense of security. To make Roman think that everything he worked for was safely protected through numerous firewalls and data. However, with his powers, Shawn made the screens go blank, reflecting the color of a suit of DUP body armor to hide what was really happening. Now, all the TOP SECRET files that the DUP had under lock and key were now released into the public and to every government official that was in the United States.

“You might have thought that you and your men are invincible, but my friends and I put our blood and sweat into doing what’s right.” Shawn told him as he stared at what he was seeing. “And that’s why when I first entered the property, I used my newfound powers to make you fall for it. I was a living trojan horse and now, everyone will know what you have done Roman. The lives you had hurt, stolen, destroyed, killed. The acts you have done just show how much of a heartless man you really are.”

The DUP official just stood there, shocked to his core as he gritted his teeth and tried to break free. But, all Shawn had to do was punch him once in the face and the head of the DUP was out cold on the concrete floor. The fight against Roman was over, but it was only the beginning of everything else that was to come.

Because after today, no one would ever see the conduit that was nicknamed “The Snow Angel” ever again.

Across the country, all the citizens in the United States were now exposed to the atrocities of the DUP. Videos of DUP interrogations, raids, recruitments and everything that was seen as illegal and crimes against national security had now come to light and was now all over major news networks. CNN, Fox news, and CBS along with a lot of the political news providers were shocked by the footage released. Some of them being full on outraged.

In three months, the DUP had not gotten better at all like the American people had hoped for. In fact, it had gotten worse.

With the exposure of these clips though, there was a message that was included in them at the end. A simple brief video message. It was a teenager in a blue jacket with the hood up. What social media had seen as “The Snow Angel” and wondered to know who this person was. However, they were all caught off guard by the first thing this “angel” did.

He took off his hood and began to speak.

“Hello… For those of you who are seeing this, you may see me as a hero. A savior of lives. But me, I’m just myself. My name is Shawn Kingston. Like many others who are afraid to admit it, I am a conduit who has struggled through a lot over the years. Every day, we just try to get by on a daily basis with what we have. However, we are discriminated through the gifts we possess. Getting called out as freaks. Terrorists. Maniacs. I’m not a terrorist… I’m just a person who want’s to fit in.

A great man once said that “Law and order exist for the purpose of establishing justice and when they fail in this purpose they become the dangerously structured dams that block the flow of social progress”. That man was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, who over fifty years ago had been discriminated and treated differently because of his appearance rather than his character. Now, we see the same issue appear across the country and our response to it has been all but… poorly calculated.

The Department of Unified Protection. A branch in the armed forces for dealing with the threats of “Bioterrorism”... What a load of bullcrap. They have caused more harm and chaos since being restructured than in the years under the leadership of Brooke Augustine. The Department head, Roman Redinov, has turned the intended peaceful organization into his own personal militia and has broken many federal laws in the short time that he was in power. Now though, everything that he had recorded and documented inside his own private server is now on full display. Bringing the crimes that he committed to life so that hopefully, we can bring back peace and justice.”

As images from the findings revolving around the DUP faded in and out around him, the teen paused. Taking a deep breath as he got something out of his pocket. “However, despite these steps, nothing can be done to help me. Nothing can be done to bring back my parents, who died at the hands of this tyrant. After this video ends, you will not find me anywhere, no matter how hard you look. I will be gone and have moved on. But for you, this gives you the chance to start anew. Like Dr. King, I have a dream… That one day, both conduits and humans can live together in peace and harmony. That one day they will be judged by our personal character instead of our powers. That our country will learn from these mistakes and do their best to remedy them.”

As the whole scene in the video began to fade to black, all the teen was seen doing was putting his hood on again and fading away into a dash of snow.

Weeks have passed since multiple classified files were made public and within those weeks, the entire nation called for the complete disbanding of the DUP. The government answered, putting Roman and his affiliates on trial for multiple charges, including the murders of both Nicholas Kingston and his wife. Augustine herself though was pardoned given her previous actions and also testified against Roman, supporting the case being filed against him as the jury found him guilty on all twenty five counts that he was to be charged for. However, before the death sentence could be carried out, Roman was found dead in his holding cell. The cause of death was unknown, but a paper dove was found inside the holding cell that he was contained in.

As for the conduits and people that fought against him, Zeke and Augustine both came to the conclusion that Conduits, like most Americans, needed to be treated fairly and equally under the law. Working with several lawmakers and politicians, including the mayor of New Marais Sara LaRoche, formed a non profit organization called “The Kingsmen” in honor of the police chief that was slain in San Diego by Roman. Their job was to provide aid and assistance to those who had just discovered their conduit powers and help them be able to adapt to their new lives so they can use their powers for the good of others, just like Nicholas Kingston and his wife Stacey did with their son and others like him. Many other conduits, including Eugene, Fetch and Delsin also pitched in to help, setting their differences aside for the greater good.

However, what had been a mystery to the public was the whereabouts of the brave conduit who risked everything, including his identity, to stop Roman’s Empire. Eugene had tried to find him, but like when he disappeared once before, Shawn had gone off the grid. Originally, it was thought that he needed some time to think after everything he had been through. But now, a month had passed and there was no sign of him.

Where could have the Snow Angel flown off too.

Akomish Providence (Three weeks after Roman’s defeat)

“I’m heading out Betty! I’ll be back before sundown.” Delsin said as he stepped out the door of his log cabin home in the residence of the Akomish Tribe. He promised to meet up with Fetch later in the day since Eugene was busy working on something and Zeke and Augustine were cleaning up some of the mess left behind during Roman’s reign of the DUP. He was starting to take in the fresh air of a crisp summer morning during the second week of August… until he found something very… off.

There was snow on the ground that was used as a dirt road for most cars going in and out of the residence. Snow in the middle of summer? Something wasn’t right. Cautiously, he began to follow the trail that was on the road. Being careful of the possibility of oncoming cars zipping around the many tight corners in this place. However, as the trail began to thin out, the conduit began to see something that at first he thought was seeing things.

He was seeing Shawn, by the riverbank. Just standing there and looking out over the water. To him though, he thought that the young conduit was gone. This time though, the conduit had an old torn jacket in his hands and was wearing a new one this time. Even though they looked exactly the same.

As he inched closer, the Akomish tried to tread lightly, but a twig snapping under the pressure of his foot gave away his location to the conduit at the riverbank as he slowly turned around. “I had a feeling you would be here.” He said softly, looking at Delsin.

“Shawn, where have you been?” His friend asked. “Everyone’s been worried sick about you for the last few weeks.”

“Delsin… I just needed to be alone for a while…” He told him. “I’m not the same as you. When you beat Augustine, you had a home to go back to. I, however, do not. The old house that was my home had been ransacked. A lot of my old possessions, besides the ones I already have, we're gone. Taken away. I needed some time to decide on what I was going to do with my life. Because I can’t go back to the way it was anymore.”

“Shawn, I… I understand what you mean but… you have friends here-.”

“The friends I did have were gone.” Shawn interjected. “I had no friends until I found Luna and everyone else. Now she’s gone too.” The conduit, in a sense, was right. After Roman was defeated, all the Conduits that were from Equestria returned home and communication with Discord was rendered. He felt alone and helpless… until he remembered the gifts he was given. “That’s why I’m here though… To say goodbye.”

Before Delsin could say anything, Shawn tossed him the jacket that was in his hand. To his surprise, it was the same jacket with the torn battle scars left behind from his fight with Roman. The same scars that Shawn still had to bear. “I wanted you to have this,” Shawn said to him, his tone being serious. “I’m no longer going to be here anymore, but it’s okay. That’s why you are here… Delsin, don’t let them forget about what I had sacrificed to get this far. You are a great friend, Delsin.”

To the Akomish conduit’s surprise, Shawn rushed forward, grabbing Delsin’s hand with his own as his powers went off and his vision began to blur. He was only able to hear one thing from Shawn in that moment.

“Goodbye Delsin. Please… continue my legacy.”

The images running through Delsin’s mind were ones that he was familiar with, but also different. He had seen these before with Fetch, Delsin and Augustine. But now, these weren’t the memories of them that he was seeing. This was Shawn's. And they were a lot different than before.

“Ever since I could remember, I always felt excluded from everything because of who I was. Maybe because they thought I was weird or just dorky, but nevertheless, those thoughts still hurt me on a daily occurrence.”

The scene began to shift, showing him in the mountains this time and a huge glacier of ice not far from him as his hands glowed.

“It only got worse when I discovered my powers on a family vacation in Big Bear Mountain. Around then, I was Twelve, and the DUP had been in full force for the past three years. I had seen soldiers lock up and take away people from their families. People with powers. People like me. I saw myself as a monster and all I wanted to do was curl up in a corner and hide. I didn’t want myself to be taken away from my parents. Taken away from my home… Taken away from the only place where I actually felt safe.”

Another shift. This time though, Delsin heard some familiar voice in the background as he watched.

“What broke me from my depression was when I began to see a show called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Sure, by the name it sounded like a show for girls, but it gave me a lot of reasons in order for me not to give up with the lessons each episode would teach. However, I mostly felt myself relate to Luna for many different reasons. Only in my dreams did I actually picture myself being able to meet her. But it was when I rescued her during a hostage crisis in my hometown that my dreams soon became a reality. I was able to help them and in return, they helped me become a better person.

But when they left, I almost felt myself go down the same hole that I had originally dug myself out of. However, this time I could do something about it. This world may no longer be my home, but now, something else can be. When one journey ends, another begins as they say. Now, my journey is in the place Luna and them call home.

A place where I can finally unfold my wings… and be set free.”

When Delsin woke up, he found himself alone on the bank of the River and Shawn’s jacket nearby. His hands were now glowing a different color than before though. This time, they were a frost like white. As he was trying to process what happened, the final words that he last heard from Shawn echoed in his mind.

Continue my legacy.

Looking at the jacket, Delsin made up his mind. Placing it on as he returned his other one back to his closet. Once he found Fetch, he had a story to tell… and a promise to fulfill.

Canterlot Castle (Hearth’s Warming)

As the winter breeze carried the drifting snow across Canterlot, Luna stood watch over the hundreds of ponies inside the cities walls as she raised the moon. However, unlike most nights, something was on her mind tonight. Not like most other nights where she was calm and relaxed though. This time, she had felt distracted. Even going as far as asking to cancel night court because she needed some time to refocus.

Her sister, Celestia, was concerned for her. It was suppose to be a holiday, yet Luna was not at her best. Trotting to her room, she knocked on her door softly, only to hear her sister abruptly reply to her.

“Door’s open.”

Nodding a little, Celestia entered. “Good evening, dear sister… is something bothering you?”

Luna remained silent for a minute, before she began to speak again. “Yes… I just keep thinking of him everytime I see the snow fall from the sky.”

“You mean Shawn?”

“Yes… I just feel really bad for leaving him after we got everypony home. We might have a home to go back too, but he no longer does.” Luna told her. Celestia herself had not actually thought about that until now, and that in turn just made her feel sick. “Sister… If we gave him the chance… Would you let him live here?”

“What are you saying Luna?”

“Excuse me, your majesty.” Another voice caught their attention as the two princesses turned around. “A young pegasus has requested to see Princess Luna. He says that he’s a friend of hers.” Both Celestia and Luna looked at one another, confused at what the guard was telling them.

“Bring him here.” Luna told the guard, who’s reply was a obedient salute as he trotted off. Moment’s later, that guard brought the pegasus he was mentioning. However, it’s appearance stunned the two sisters. It had a black mane and tail, a jacket that resembled a wonderbolts flight suit, and a pair of headphones around it’s neck. To top it off, it’s cutie mark was a pair of wings and a ice crystal.

It looked back towards the sisters as the guard was soon dismissed. All Luna could do was just ask one question in her trance of shock. “S-shawn… Is that you?”

He smiled, looking back at her. “Hey Luna… Did you miss me?”

The princess of the night soon wrapped her forelegs around the pegasus, hugging him tightly. However, a question soon dawned on her as she looked back at him. “B-but why are you here? Aren’t you suppose to be at your home?”

The Conduit of snow just shook his head. “You are mistaken… I am home. I see you and everypony else as my surrogate family. And I can’t wait to see everypony again.”


Author's Note:

The storm has passed, but the damage left behind remains. For some, the recovery is simple. However, for those who has lost everything in the storm, it is not exactly the same. But to be given the chance to begin again is the most precious gift.

Let those you know remember you in your own way. Let them remember more though than just how you talk or what you did. Let them remember the one thing you leave behind when you are gone.

Let them remember your legacy.

Comments ( 49 )

It's over... it was great while it lasted, I absolutley loved this story... but everything has to end sometime right? :pinkiesad2:

:fluttercry: *slow clap* Happy New Yea- :raritycry: AAAAAAAAahh First Gravity Falls then Star Wars, now this. It was fun while it lasted.

6787453 Yup. I'm glad you guys enjoyed it while it lasted. Happy new year :raritywink:

When I first saw this, I was on an InFAMOUS binge. I only had Second Son, beat it twice. There are so many ways this could have easily gone wrong, turned the story to shit, and I'm glad you took none of them. I half expected this story to be some poorly written, sloppy mess that many crossovers on here are. Aren't we all glad it isn't? The surge of emotion this chapter, no this story put me through is on a level unfelt since me playing The Last of Us. I felt enraged when Roman hanged Shawn's parents, worried, even scared when you said the Snow Angel would never be seen again. You are one of the greatest writers on this website, Frost. This story is great, which is why it had to end. I would always eagarly anticipate a new chapter after finishing one. You pulled the rug out from under me a few times in this story, you kept me guessing, theorizing, involved with this. These characters were not characters here, but people. And then it came to a satisfying end. Stay gold, Frost. Stay gold.

6787541 I will my friend. I will. Thank you

This story is amazing... but this is InFamouse, dude. I feel it's a bit of a bonus if you wrote another story reflecting on the Dark Karmic Path. You up to it, or are you just leaving this story to rest?

I wanted to add this in my first comment, but I couldn't find a suitable place for it. One of my Christmas gifts was the InFAMOUS collection with 1, 2 and Festival of Blood. After I beat them, I fully intend to read this god-tier story again.

This is an ending worthy of Equestria Dail—

Gg story liked, yay for story

.....why does my mind say sequel..

6787808 I'm leaving it to rest. Like with Fetch's story in first light, Shawn doesn't let Karma affect him.

I really hate to see this end:fluttercry: but somethings has to...

I really did love this story, not just because of the story itself but all the emotion and care and everying not just the plot.
This really was special and it couldn't be made better.
And Frost, stay frosty:pinkiesad2:

Good story... I liked it. Are you going to make a sequel or a couple of Epilogues?

6797595 It's a possibility, but I haven't confirmed anything though

I loved the story frost, espeacially the ending. I can only hope for a sequl to come out because this story was just amazing.

6849231 That depends on what you have in mind.

gr8 strory m8 i r8 8/8

But no, really, I might not be a big fan of MLP as I was back then but your story is a good one. Don't ruin this by creating a sequel.

7043917 Maybe because it's incredibly foreshadowed not only by the description, but by the first chapter?

Fucking shit, man. This is one if the most interesting, well thought out, most inspirational stories I've ever read......and I read a lot of stories. You, my friend, are a writing GENIUS! Favorite, thumbs up, and hopefully, will have a dramatic reading on YouTube.

7135095 Wait... You're doing a reading? :pinkiegasp:

7135357 nope, but I know someone who'd be thrilled to read your story on YouTube.
Besides, I don't have the equipment or know-how to do that stuff.

7135411 xD. One can dream right?

7135593 if only, if only..........

Comment posted by James-Plasma deleted Jul 14th, 2016

For some reason, I hear Imagine Dragon's Monster when I read the memory scene

This story needs a sequel, I for one would love to see how Shawn adapts to the world of equestria and on how his precence will change the way that season five, six, and seven behave.

Comment posted by ShadowDreamer deleted Feb 11th, 2018

Dame I love this story please tell me there's going to be a sequel?

I hope you make a sequel to this story, since it’s pretty much a masterpiece of Infamous x My little pony in a story.

Why thank you for the kind words. That means a lot to me

No problem, but seriously make a sequel to this story.

Wait Zeke is in second Son??? I've 100% the good campaign so is he only in the evil campaign or something?

Nope. He was in a series of bonus missions for the Cole's legacy dlc.

Ohhh cool!

Zeke is like, the best character

Loved this story! I had never heard of the game the conduits originated from, but the concepts used in this story kept me hooked. All in all I would love to see some form of epilogue of Shawn in Equestria, but you ended it so well, it’s probably not even necessary. Great Story!

AMAZING ENDING:twilightsmile:

How do u get those missions, I tried a couple times but always got some kind of issue that keeps me from playing them.

That DLC was unfortunately only available for people who preordered the game

Only preorder? Damn, can it be bought after?

From what I've read it can be obtained on European and Australian versions of the game. But in the US, no, only available on preordered copies of the games.

Well that sucks, any idea how to get the paper trail content, I remember it had to do something related to putting in a login.

The game should give you a website when you interact with the first bit of the paper trail. Though I think the website might be gone now.

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