• Member Since 28th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 5th, 2013


Comments ( 60 )

Not bad! Many clops were had this day.:pinkiehappy:

not bad for a first fic much better than one i would have come up with. :scootangel:

I'm disappointed it didn't end with "and then they bucked. The end."

515043 515418

Thank you for the feedback. Aside from not being edited, do you have any suggestions to make my smut better?

516594 Tell you what, if you can give me a few hints to make my smut better/even smuttier, I'll do that ending in your honor.


that makes me so happy I might clop to your story.

Alright, repetition is good if you want readers to remember something really important. Just doing it off hand makes everyone hate the word. However in your story, the word is boink and nobody hates the word boink (pretty doesn't get a pass).

Other than that, editors are the best thing ever. You get you one, a good one with like mad grammar nazi skills, OP simile skillz, and like lazer eyes.

516644 Okay that sounds cool, you wouldn't happen to know any grammar nazis do you?

516733 Thanks Alphex! My next story should be better though!

*coughs* Allow me to help.

Its time to put on a pear of shoes. There very helpful for walking around when u don't have hoofs.

There y'go! You ought to have some grammar nazis turning up any time now! :pinkiehappy:

That said, I liked it. I liked it quite a bit. :)

517894 YOU FOOL DO YOU WHAT YOU HAVE DONE?! there going to destroy us alldl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/Luna_lolface.png

Alright, I read it I liked it. And, I don't know.

517894 Heya shrink! I am really happy you liked the story! Please bring out the grammar nazis! I need them very badly!

520080 You liked it! Awesome Kintra, thank you. But now you say you don't know? Uh oh...the story was so bad it melted your brain. :raritycry:

520132 Nah nah, nothing like that, just contemplating your requests thing. I'm not sure if I wanna take you up on that offer. I mean, I know I do. But, I prefer human-pony. So, yea. A lot of people dislike that concept because of... Fuck If I know. But, yea.


A wild grammar Nazi has appeared!
It's time to put on a pair of shoes;  they're very helpful for walking around when you don't have hooves. :twistnerd:
Hey, that's a rhyme... and in such little time! :raritywink:

Anyhoof, I am also a newbie, here on this site, and I do double as a grammar Nazi for possibly one or two people at a time (only). I've written one story, so far, myself and I've been waiting for criticism of my own (and already got some) so just give it time, young patawan... :moustache:

Well, I'm going to actually read this now... :pinkiehappy:

521087 If you could, I would certainly love feedback on my piece, and I would love to give feedback on your piece as well. If you would like to trade feedback, just tell me! :pinkiehappy:

If you arebin need of correspondants, I would be glad to help! I'm a beta reader, grammar Nazi, and have an extreme amount of free time. My email is pt_robokid@yahoo.com . Drop me a line and we can chat about this, or your next story. - Jesse

Dude, let me be frank :trixieshiftleft:. For the amount of time you say you took to make this, and the fact that nobody looked over it before you posted it (unless you did some self-editing), this was REALLY FUCKING GOOD. I'm not kidding. :scootangel::yay::raritystarry:

Seriously, if you enjoyed doing this at all, then keep doing it. You definitely did a great job. I'm really impressed, and I've seen a lot of stories on this site. I'm only talking about the "first-time author" ones too. :rainbowderp:

If you'd like, I'd love to help you with some proofreading. I wouldn't call myself a grammar Nazi (mind you, that doesn't mean I'll miss all your grammar errors, just that I don't focus on it), I'm more of a reviewer, if that makes sense :twilightsheepish:? I always give feedback about characterization, plot, stuff like that. Recently, I've even been giving really specific mentions about details and the writing itself with the people I work with regularly.
My rule is that I tell you about anything I found that should be looked at along with my suggestions, including grammar ect., but if you have specific concerns, please tell me so that I can give those things special attention. After all, my concerns won't necessarily be yours. :raritywink:
Bottom line is, if you would like, I would love to give you feedback to help you improve and become even more confident! Send me a PM if you're interested. :twilightsmile:

516647 I'm a pretty big grammar nazi...i always correct the smallest mistake

517894 It's time to put on a pair of shoes. Their very helpful for walking around when you don't have hooves

Well. What's there to say?

I have so little to say and so many fun thoughts fighting for control. Lets see where this takes me.

'Kay. The mistake in this story that annoyed me the most is "labias". Labia is already the plural form. The singular is "labium". Now you know. I found this irrationally and utterly annoying.

Other than that, the only major mistake I can think of, or rather area of effort required is your opening sentence. Its not bad, but it needs a bit more... punch.

The clop isn't bad. That said I won't be clopping to this. Not yet anyway. Not enough... everything. With a little work and a bit more length though, this is well inside my interests.

For an hour and fifteen minutes of work, this is incredible. As a story, not so much. If you don't think its worth editing, readers aren't going to think its worth reading. A proofreader is all well and good but your first line of defense against error should always be you.

I would like to see more from you, with a little clean up and bit of careful thought you could easily write something memorable.

523631 Thank you very much for your feedback Everhopeful! I think you are right in that there is not enough everything, and hopefully I will be able to improve on that. I will work a little harder on the next thing I write, now that some people actually want to read it.

521087 You must be a level ten Grammar Nazi, because it is 'padawan' not 'patawan'. :rainbowlaugh: Ah who am I kidding, that just means I'm a Star Wars fan.


Actually, sorry to disappoint; I'm only a level five Nazi.

See, it's all based on which dimension you originated from and perceive things through.
I perceive everything through the fifth dimension--and can therefore go back and forth through our timeline at will.
A tenth level Nazi is just a leader who houses the rest of us.
A ninth level Nazi would be able to travel to any point in any timeline of any possible universe, at will, instantaneously.

That is my simple lesson for the day about three of the Ten Dimensions. :pinkiehappy:

(Also, ya, neither patawan nor padawan get underlined... So, I just went with the one that sounded right... :twilightsheepish:)

539683Then what would a lvl 100 lbe like? [img]



Brony, I don't even know... We try not to talk (or even think) about sh** like that... :applecry:
That's just scary... :rainbowderp:

Even for Nazis... :unsuresweetie:

Don't have much "constructive critism" to offer since I don't write alot myself but I'll at least say that I enjoyed the fic and thought it was very cute.

"Then they screwed happily ever after, The End."

Well, certainly simplistic. :rainbowlaugh:
I liked it, short, sweet, simple and well written. Nothing here to really critique other than the lack of Dash's turn :yay:

Hmm... If you're open to ideas, I have one. Princess Luna and Fluttershy. Id rather see a cute fluff fic with hints to clop, but teasing is more fun than providing. :p

At first I was like :pinkiegasp: then I was like :rainbowderp: and finally I was like :trollestia:

>Be me

>Read half of this last week

>Put on reading list so I can read the rest of it at a later date

>Come back

>Find the whole thing has been rewritten


551026 I'm sorry man. I hope this time, you thought it was better than it was the last time.

I haven't seen the original story, but based on what it is now I would say it is impressive writing. I really enjoyed the story, and I think you have some real potential. I especially liked your subtle yet descriptive style; there's a really nice flow to it.
If you want more smut, then I will have to agree with Everhopeful in that you need to simply expand the story. More smut = more smut.

Reading through the story I only noticed two and a half mistake,
Fluttershy tried to look down but Rainbow’s hoof held her face in place. “I didn’t just liked the flights though, I loved them. I mean, I loved, really loved going on them. I loved them more than I realized.”
I didn't just like the flights though,

Rainbow worked her rough tongue deeply into her lover. After a few flicks of the intruding muscle, she felt flames in her stomach began to expand. Fluttershy lightly bucked her hips, her muscles closed around the other mare’s tongue.
she felt either the flames or in her stomach beginning or maybe even both
Also who is she referring back to? Because the way I read it that would be Fluttershy. If this is the case you need to say Fluttersay instead of she since you have already mentioned Dashie's name in the previous sentence. If it is Rainbow who feels flames in her stomach, I would write some else than intruding muscle since in the context it gives the impression that it is Fluttershy having the feeling of being invaded.

I really do think that the story functions very well in its short form and you don't have to change anything. For me it was a pleasant experience reading it.

This story was over 9000 brohoofs on a sunny Equestria day! (this comment makes no sense)
Here is some emoticons to express how I feel:
:fluttercry: :pinkiesad2: :rainbowkiss: :pinkiehappy: :twilightsmile: :duck: :yay::yay::yay::yay:

And then they fucked, the end!

1611151 So much for Love & Tolerance. As long as they don't bother others with it I don't see where the problem is.

Anyway, wasn't that bad. Beginning was maybe a bit rushed (I guess for the sake of getting to the clop part) and both of them seemed to be acting a tiny bit OOC at times. Other than that only a few grammatical errors.

Nothing I'm going to argue with you about as far as your morals go; as far as I'm concerned, to each their own...
However, furries = people who enjoy dressing up as their own versions of animals, or "fursonas", not people who masturbate to said things.
Some furries are, in fact, completely against bestiality, animated or not, and just enjoy living out their lives as their fursonas.
People who masturbate to cartoons, animals, etc., are simply people with "odd" (implying social abnormality, not really anything beyond that) fetishes.

I don't care if you like it or not... That doesn't matter to me in the slightest... I just don't like prejudices... or people who talk shit when they aren't very educated on their topic...
I won't claim to know everything, hell I won't even claim to know all that much; I just know that, politically, you are incorrect... :raritywink:

This was a decent enough fic, but

Then they screwed happily ever after, the end.

that ending ruined the whole thing. You can't decide in the very last line that you're writing a comedy.

"Brony" is someone who likes the show. In other words, someone who likes the animation, the voice acting, the stories and also the characters. In my case I'd like to add "someone who agrees with and follows the Love & Tolerance motto, since it represents the morals of the show", but since I try to follow that myself I merely tolerate those who don't. :twilightsmile:

Some Bronies simply take "liking the characters" a bit further, in one way or another. They can still enjoy the show, maybe not entirely the same but still can. And this "attraction" is simply one sapient being attracted to another sapient being since these Ponies are very much sapient, nothing bad about it. The only difference is that they're not humanoid (or they are if you count anthros too).

Some people may say it's weird (duh, interracial relationships aren't common yet, for obvious reasons) or unnatural. Well, as far I'm concerned nature was here long before their opinions and since it obviously happens I'd say it's very much natural. Unless of course there was some outside interference... Perhaps by government?... Or aliens?... :pinkiecrazy:
Nah, I'd say it's simply something that naturally evolved during their life (a hint, one does not simply choose what excites him/her).

Did you seriously just correct me... with knowledge you obtained from the Internet...? :facehoof:

As I said, most furries do NOT enjoy porn involving animals, animated or otherwise, and find it quite offensive and immoral.
Before you continue arguing with me, keep in mind that your argument is coming from the Internet... whereas mine is coming from a documentary...
I would not start an argument that I didn't know anything about, as I, unlike some people, am not an arrogant moron. Please keep your opinions to yourself, and leave the people who are using fact, opposed to the ones using assumptions, to their machinations.

Thank you.

522438 Your grammar was in-correct sir the proper word would be they're not their as their is used to show the owning of something.

1617627 No, I wouldn't. However, the Ponies we're talking about are not animals. They are sapient, just like us, just because they didn't evolve into a humanoid form doesn't automatically make them animals. Their ability of abstract thinking, ability to speak, things like that, make them more similar to any human rather than an animal. If you took a Pony from MLP:FiM, then a human mind and put it into a Pony body, there would be no significant difference (except perhaps that the human mind would be more "dirty" :pinkiecrazy). For lack of better expression, they are very much human.
Furthermore, I don't really care if some Bronies are engaged in supposedly furry activity (us humans and our need to categorize everything), that doesn't make them any less interested in the show (when they are). One of these days we should stop caring about our image so much and just Love & Tolerate like so many Bronies tend to claim, but very rarely I actually see it.
Same goes for haters. If there's one thing I've learned over the years, haters are in many ways like simple trolls. Most of the time they don't hate for rational reasons, but just because they can.You can't rationalize with them, they'll just find another (supposed) reason to hate you. Worst thing to do is to fight them. The best thing you can do is to tolerate the shit out of them (in this case, ignore them).

1621294 Like I care what people outside the fandom or the news think. News will just jump after anything at least a bit scandalous and if people are too lazy to check the true facts and blindly trust anything they hear on the news it their problem, not mine. And I'm certainly not gonna feel bad because someone like that calls me out for jacking off to Ponies or whatever they may call me out for. Like I said, their ignorance, their problem. :ajsmug:

If you ask me, you might be taking these things too personally, considering most of the hate comes from people who probably don't even know you or me specifically exist. But that's coming from someone who takes hardly anything personally and is an eternal optimist (at least most of the time). :pinkiehappy:
It's not really at all that important to me what people whom I'll probably never meet think about me as long as I know I'm in right, or know that they're misinformed. :twilightsmile:

1621588 Yeah, I read your profile. Can't say I have much experience with that, at least none that I know of. :applejackunsure:
So, I'll just ask, how exactly it affects your opinions on the things we discussed? If you don't mind me asking, that is.

1621760 Yeah, I guess I can. Well, my take on the subject is clear, I'll let it go through your hear and we can discuss it some more if you'll wish. :twilightsmile:

i have never read one of these and i must say, even though it wasn't exactly "hot" as most people above had said (just because its not my thing, had nothing to do with the writing, which i thought wasn't half bad mind you) i thought this was adorable!!!

XD *bursts out laughing at the end* You are just awesome. Though I'm not a fan of clop (I pretty much force my mind to picture them as human while I weep silently at what I've become), this was pretty good!

:rainbowlaugh: That last line had me on the floor it literally made my day "They screwed happily ever after". That is what I call creative writing my friend. Bravo!!:heart:

I like to pretend that I forgot to comment here. But since...i finally friggin found the first FlutterDash fanfic I read in my whole fandom... :yay::rainbowwild: :yay::rainbowwild: :yay::rainbowwild: :yay::rainbowwild: :yay::rainbowwild: :yay::rainbowwild: :yay::rainbowwild: :yay::rainbowwild: :yay::rainbowwild: :yay::rainbowwild:

1846481 i find myself wanting to bang my head against a brick wall knowing what i've becone

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