An origin story of Discord, except gender-bent!
It was a beautiful day in Equestria as usual, but something was a bit off. It might've been the strange pink clouds over the mountain or maybe that the small paths were made of soap. What's going on in Equestria? Prince Solaris is curious and goes to find what has been causing all the chaos. Up in a cave on the mountain he finds a strange creature with no name and no idea where she came from. Will these two complete opposites be able to find friendship in each other? Or will chaos reign and harmony blown to the winds.
Slightly based off Hunchback of Notre Dame, the songs anyway.
TEEN for drunken silliness!
So cute! And awesome! Can't wait for the rest!
Te chapter was cute and the story looks promising.
I suggest looking for editor, as it is a bit rough. It is good though
This chapter is cute,
This has nothing to do with your story, but the cover art irritates me because Eris is shown as smaller than Solaris. Discord is huge in comparison to a pony; his size differential to even Celestia suggests that, even if Celestia were a little bigger because male, and Discord a little smaller because female, they should at least be the same size, or Eris should be bigger. However since your story hasn't mentioned sizes, I'm only nitpicking here because I'm hoping you don't make the same mistake later in the story. :-)
This is a pretty good Eris origin. I've seen a lot of Discord origins, and a few Eris stories, but I don't think I've ever seen an Eris origin before. I like it.
4858490 I have noticed this as well. And while I just think it's a cute picture (although not entirely accurate to what my story is about) I agree that they should be the same size and they are about the same size in my fic. Except Eris is just a liiiiittle bit shorter, just by inches or so. Glad you enjoy it!
4858490 Also take into account that she is on all fours right now. If Discord was on all fours he would be at least the same height as Celestia.
This story is so good! As far as I can tell, everyone is in character!
The only downside is the fact that Eris will be turned to stone. This fact always makes backstories for him\her so sad!
And the tags clearly point to some plot tragedy... I will be sad about that when it happens.
Have an editor look at this as it feels rough. Otherwise, it is good
The chapter was very sweet.
The next morning wont be fun for Eris!
Good chapter!
I REALLY want to help, but if I did, you would a editor to edit my edits
4911401 I can already see that :P
4911704 DARNIT I'M 13 I'M SORRY!
I'm joking; not offended in the slightest :3
Misunderstanding dead ahead, man the "Angry female" bunkers. She's going to ASSUME things!
Have some RAINBOWS!!!
Also, if you need an editor/proof-reader, I'd be happy to help you out.Just PM me and I'll look the story over.
Here it comes. God, women. Just wait till the end of the day to see if he says anything, he may just be psyching up or figuring out the best way to bring it up. Always expect stuff straight away don't you?
4916695 So, are you helping with the editing or proofreading or whatever now?
4933140 yeah...
4933225 Is that a yeah as in no or a yeah as in yeah. I yeah, what you doing?
4933406 Be patient my friend.
4933636 Dude, I'm editing
4933789 I was just wondering if you were
4933794 Well, to see if you were editing/proofreading
4933827 I am proof reading and reporting what I find that I think should be fixed
4934049 okie dokie loki. Just wondering if I would be working with you. Doesn't seem to be working together on a deeper level but who knows?
4934080 what?
4934089 As in we probably won't be working together, i.e. talking to each other. You'll probably be proofreading after I have finished editing to see if I missed anything, but we personally probably won't be talking to each other
4934122 I don't mind talking to someone. Its better than going through it alone... *sigh* I need friends
4934137 Ha I know that feel.
Sure we'll talk if you want. Later though
4934141 Kay.
Darn. Why can't they be happy for a little more? On another note, Eris was a bit easy to make mad; i can understand storming off, but starting a war over one event? Or where ponies always like that to her? You should try to explain this in later chapters.
I understand Eris... If I would get treated like that then I would flip
Okay so preverbal table flip, but really, Solaris should have just kissed her at that point to stop her and just say what he wants to say.
Hmm this is some what familiar... Order and chaos love each other. Order trying to keep chaos at bay enough not to go out of control. While chaos just want to be himself/herself. And one unfortunate day. They clash...... Order trying not to let a tragedy happen. While chaos just want to live.... This is... Good
Just show Eris, that one of her "beautiful modifications" has killed Solaris while waiting and standing there to prove and point how very dangerous she is. Then we can solve the whole...
Oh wait this is MLP, we use magic and friendship as powerful weapons.
Is there a squeal to this? Cause there should be. Maybe when Eris is reformed and her and Solaris can be together again.

I'm not crying! Just....