• Member Since 26th May, 2013
  • offline last seen Jan 23rd, 2018

Pen Quill

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Q&A With Pen Quill the OC · 1:40am Aug 8th, 2014

Pen Quill: Here to answer the curiosity of my readers and hopefully give an insight on my writing process, upcoming events and stories, and any other miscellaneous inquiries you have.
Discord: Since when did you become such a vocab scholar??
Pen Quill: It's merely a touch of refinement >_> something I think was lost on you during your years of captivity in stone jail.
Discord: Alright...This can only go so wrong, you will need my help to save this train wreck...

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Stories in the making · 5:43am Jan 23rd, 2014

An Orphan's Secret - Scootaloo calls Rainbow Dash her big sister, and no secret why, she's family to her. But what about Scootaloo's real family?
Birth of Chaos - Prequel to God of Chaos
A World That Never Was *Revised* - My first MLP fiction, revised and edited. Same plot, same story, hopefully better.

Report Pen Quill · 423 views ·

It's Baaaack! · 1:49am Jun 15th, 2014

A new chapter of Silent Ponyville: Homecoming has finally arrived, the long 5 month hiatus/cancellation has now been lifted and I'll be glad to post more chapters for you all. I just hope i haven't gotten rusty after this long time. Enjoy my fellow readers, ENJOY!!!!!!!

Report Pen Quill · 387 views · Story: Silent Ponyville: Homecoming ·
Comments ( 6 )
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1323839 I had a story on Hiatus for damned near a year before I finished it. And I'm still fixing structural errors, such as rushed plot, and lack of description between scenes.

1323834 I'm glad you like it, it's still a WIP and though I put it through hiatus for 2 months and cancellation for 3 months, I still want to finish it, no matter how long it takes

I like that Silent Hill crossover. It was an enjoyable read.

Sometimes I think about the writings I've done then look at my lack of cutie mark. Then I think back to the days at Pony School and the present day Ponyville (when I swing by to visit old friends) and I notice how everypony is friends with the cutie mark crusaders. I was a blank flank before it was cool. :ajbemused:

513834 Thank you, I'll definitely take this into consideration, look over it a few times when I'm writing another story and hopefully produce something better. Thanks :eeyup:

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