• Published 21st Jun 2014
  • 2,425 Views, 46 Comments

A Summer for Couples - BlackWater

Shining Armor and Princess Cadance take a month off to vacation at a paradise resort. Relaxation and romance ensues.

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11 - Together

A knock on their villa's front door made Cadance race to it before Shining Armor could reach it. They were both in the living area, where the glass front of their vacation home made it obvious who it was that knocked on the clear door. Oxygen Rush had been expected. After all, Cadance had been the one to call her.

The time had come for the Princess of Love to finally put her meddling in motion. She beamed like a filly inside at the prospect of setting up a relationship. Especially one that would be perfect in every way.

“Oxy,” Cadance greeted the mare in a sweet voice after opening the door.

The resort mare looked a little bit less certain than she usually did, likely because Cadance's enthusiasm was almost creepy. She kept her professional cheer, however, and did not hesitate in entering the villa and matching her charge's smile.

“I must admit I was a little confused when you wouldn't tell me what you wanted over the phone,” Oxygen Rush mispronounced the “L” in every word as usual. Cadance tried not to giggle at the other mare's accent. She thought it was adorable, but she didn't want to seem rude.

“I figured something out,” the princess led the ocean-loving pegasus to the rear of the home, where the sliding doors led to the backyard and the path to the cove. “I couldn't bear spending my last days here without making your dreams come true.”

“My dreams?” Oxygen furrowed her brows. She wanted to ask how the princess knew anything about her dreams but knew better than to question a customer. Especially a high profile one that the resort executives had told her to baby like no tomorrow. “You refer to our talk? About my having a special somepony?”

“Of course!” Cadance nearly whirled back onto the other mare as she led her back outside and across the tidy cobblestone path. “I happen to know a few things about true love. Matching ponies is a specialty of mine, you might say.”

Oxygen Rush tried to keep her skepticism from showing. “Where are we going?”

Cadance knew that Oxygen was well acquainted with the resort's special guest island and was not really asking where they were going. She was asking why they were headed down the path to the cove. She got the answer when they shortly arrived.

The air was warm but just below the point of being uncomfortable. There was a hint of a breeze rustling through the tropical treetops, though it was hard to feel closer to the ground. A mix of afternoon sunlight and jungle-like shade bathed the protected cove of King's Land island. Most notable was a loud splash that sounded off near the edge of the pool.

A crystal pony stallion erupted from the water, his wet mane doing its part to shower the surrounding soil with a spray of droplets. Judging by outward appearances, he was neither strong nor weak-looking. Rather, he was a fit male that would look right at home in a line-up of guards that made a point of staying in shape. His light purple coat and well-matched azure mane suited him well.

“Your highness,” the stallion saluted as he approached Cadance. “I'm afraid to report that there are no black pearls on the cove's floor. I was, however, nearly stung by a sea urchin, eaten by a shark, and strangled by a large eel. All threats have been eliminated by relocation. I was careful not to hurt the animals, as per your instructions.”

The pink alicorn smiled sweetly in spite of Oxygen's confused expression. She tried suppressing a giggle at the male's seriousness. “Oxygen Rush, meet Coastline. He's a member of Shining's expeditionary guard force.”

“Good day,” Oxygen nodded politely.

“Miss,” the guard nodded back and kept his serious face.

“Oh dear,” Cadance feigned surprise. “So formal. I do believe the two of you are at the disadvantage of having to attend to my every whim.”

Coastline didn't seem bothered at all by the words, but Oxygen Rush shifted her hooves. She hadn't a clue where the princess was going with this. She did, however, notice the gleam in the pink alicorn's eye. It was kind of creepy. Oxygen didn't dare entertain the thought of refusing Cadance's wishes because doing so might cause a suddenly unexpected ejection from employment. The resort's executives were very adamant about pampering the royal couple.

“My order to you, Coastline,” Cadance addressed the guard with a mischievous smile, “is to relax and take off your armor.”

Even as Cadance turned back to Oxygen Rush, the guard was complying with the command. The metal plates of his armor sounded quite heavy when they clanked against the cobblestone path. Had he really swam with all that on? Perhaps his physique was deceptive and he was actually far stronger than he appeared.

“And you, Oxy,” Cadance was outright smirking at this point. “You will forget about pleasing me and my husband for the day. Instead you will focus only on Coastline. Use seduction. Be sexy, but be sensual. I hear that's what he likes.”

Oxygen's eyes might have popped right out of her head. Had Cadance just said that? The perfect and reserved Princess Cadace...? Well maybe she wasn't necessarily reserved, but still. Before Oxygen could offer a response, Cadance quickly glanced to Coastline and gave another order.

“Stay with her until morning,” Cadance spoke quickly. “Protect her as you would me, except don't be shy. Try having some fun in the water first and then do whatever you want as long as it's fun. Now grab her!”

The small-framed water-loving pegasus mare unfurled her wings reflexively as the guard dived towards her faster than she had seen anything move before. Not the seagulls in the sky nor the dolphins in the ocean moved as fluidly as he did.

Oxygen had no recollection, at least in recent memory, of being grabbed by a male before. From time to time, she would guide stallions through underwater training courses. But she was always the one doing the grabbing, not the other way around. Her heart raced in a way she hadn't felt before...except perhaps for that one time a tiger shark tried taking a bite out of her.

“Eep,” Oxygen squeaked out in shock.

Cadance giggled at the sight of her guard snatching the resort guide and hauling her towards the cove's pool. She knew she'd have to vacate the area before he truly felt at ease and she only hoped he would be casual with the mare. Therefore, she took off down the path back towards the villa, safely leaving the two out of sight. The last she heard of them was a splash as they both dove into the water together, Oxygen still cradled in Coastline's forehooves.

Of all the special talents, Cadance's was love. She knew when two ponies could work out as a pair, which was why she had selected Coastline and had him flown in via Equestria's special super-speedy Express service. There were some definite advantages to being a rich royal.

The princess was proud at her accomplishment when she waltzed through the glass doors attached to the villa's rear-facing bedroom. Coastline was the perfect stallion for Oxygen Rush. He was serious on duty, but a complete sweetheart when he was off-duty and felt at ease. He also had a love for the water, as his name certainly implied. That was crucial for any match for Oxygen.

Just as the stallion was good for the mare, the reverse was also true. Cadance was no simple-minded matchmaker. She didn't only consider the needs of the female in the relationship. Healthy long-term relationships required balance and just as much concern for the stallion as the mare.

It had become apparent to Cadance, as she spent time with Oxygen, that the mare put a lot of importance on doing her job well. Not only well, but actually exceeding expectation.

She also had a repressive attraction drive, which was precisely what Coastline had as well. That would normally spell doom for a relationship. Both ponies couldn't have that. It was bad enough for just one to have it since it typically required some form of counseling to address after it had wrecked the relationship.

Repressive attraction drive was a term used for ponies who did not actively have an interest in intimate activity until after it had been initiated – a complex conundrum in any serious relationship. Cadance was not much into psychology except where it intersected with her special talent. Neither Coastline or Oxygen Rush would look to have a relationship with each other, even though they were a perfect fit and would be hard to separate once they had that bond. The Princess of Love was, therefore, just giving them a shove in the right direction.

Not all ponies were like that. It was merely a matter of individuality. Different ponies had different personalities. The parts of Coastline and Oxygen's personalities that didn't work well together were offset by the parts that did. The pairing would work. Cadance was certain, or else she would not have made the attempt.

“You look very pleased with yourself,” Shining Armor said to his wife once she trotted into the living room. He had caught the contagious smile on her face.

“I'd love to show you why,” she fluttered her eyes and joined him on the plush sofa, “but it'd ruin their alone time.”

Oxygen Rush was skeptical. How could she not be? On the other hoof, the first few minutes had been an icebreaker between them. Coastline had an obvious love of the water. She knew that look of joy that rested beneath the surface of so many colts and fillies when they finally got a vacation on the beach. It was there, pooled in Coastline's magenta irises.

Coastline knew how to take orders even if they were basically orders not to take orders. To be honest, he had reveled in Cadace's task of searching the cove's bottom. It had been fun. The only drawback being that he was alone. As a guardpony, he was used to being alone but, given the opportunity to choose, he would never do anything by himself. He liked company.

The two of them were swimming in the cove's underground and underwater cavern system. When they breached the surface in the dark cave-like space, Coastline made to comment. They had a source of light that the crystal pony hadn't expected to have. Indeed, it was the only reason that they had made it so far into the cavernous tunnels to begin with.

“What is that?” Coastline asked after catching his breath. He continued to paddle around to keep from sinking back under.

The resort mare smiled, though it was a warmer and less because-I-have-to smile. “Some parts of the bay are dark,” she explained as she whipped her wet mane out from the front of her face. A bright light was shining from the vest she was still wearing. Apparently, the form-fitting piece of apparel was waterproof. “I used one of your empire's magic crystals to power this tiny light. Fixing it to my vest or swimming suit means I can always swim wherever and whenever I want.”

Coastline wasn't used to her unique accent, but he found it made her even more endearing. He didn't believe in fate nearly to the extent that Princess Cadance seemed to, but he trusted the princess and knew there had to be something to her suggestion. Spike may have saved the Crystal Heart, but Cadance was the one that kept it alight with the power of the crystal ponies. That and Oxygen Rush was cute.

“What is it?” Oxygen tilted her head when Coastline had been looking at her for a minute without giving any response.

The crystal guard never had a problem being in the company of another mare before. This was different only because Cadance, his ruler and royal charge, had specifically suggested that he and Oxygen be a romantic pair. That notion stayed in his head and kept him from keeping his usual cool.

“Don't tell me,” Oxygen tripped up badly on her “L”s but didn't wince at the result. Instead, she swam close to the stallion. “Cadance's little bit of fun has you worried?”

He didn't know exactly how innocent Oxygen really was. Therefore, her hoof touching his shoulder felt very much like a seductive approach. She was really only trying to calm him down, just as she did with the resort guests she was often in charge of. Where he normally wouldn't see a mare and have romantic thoughts, he now couldn't help but drown in them nearly as much as the very water around him.

“She was only trying to be-” Oxygen tried to explain before he finally spoke up, his soft voice intriguing her. It had sounded so much more powerful when he had been in guard-mode.

“Princess Cadance is never wrong when it comes to love,” he said. “Maybe she makes a few ponies stumble through a beginning relationship, but I've seen a dozen marriages in the Empire that happened because of just a few words coming out of her mouth. I mean marriages that are over a year old and still going strong.”

“It must be nice to be surrounded by so much love,” Oxygen let her eyes drift down. She didn't realize until she said it how much those words stung her own heart. She had never told anypony, but she had forfeited much of her free time to work because she was afraid of reaching out to somepony for a relationship. Little did she know that he felt much the same.

The off-duty guard made her look back up to him when his forehoof reached up and touched her hoof that was still on his shoulder. An almost teal light from Oxygen's vest was the only thing illuminating the underground space, glowing off the rough rock walls and the pale green algae that grew on them. Neither was aware of the many romantic ventures the royal couple had already made through the very same space.

Worries were in both of their minds regardless of whether or not the other knew. Both had desires, but both also feared the unknown. Could Cadance be wrong? Could the other pony be a monster beneath the innocent exterior? A small candle of hope was the only thing that got them past the fear...

“You're very beautiful, Oxygen Rush,” the male stated. A nervous tick in his tone betrayed his fear at her response.

She held his gaze even though her heart picked up pace. A million questions went off in her head. What did she say to that? She liked compliments, but this was clearly more than professional feedback. He was interested in her.

A long moment of uncomfortable silence went on. The only sound beside their breathing was the gentle wish-wash as the water around them rippled with their stay-afloat paddling. Oxygen bit her bottom lip, dropped her gaze back to his chest, and leaned into it.

“You're very handsome, Coastline,” was her teary response.

“That was why you had him reassigned to 'Private Resort Security Detail,'” Shining Armor grinned at his conniving wife that was laying with him in their bed. Night had fallen and neither had seen Coastline or Oxygen Rush. Thankfully, Cadance's tracking magic had given them assurance that both were in no physical danger.

The pink mare growled in agreement as she nibbled on her stallion's ear. She loved the moans he made when she did that. It didn't take long, though, for him to push her back and do the same to her. The female's forehoof moved up to pet his mane while he moved down from her ear to nuzzle her cheek.

“I may have given them a little magic courage before leaving them,” she admitted in a sigh.

“I'm sure they'll thank you for it later,” he said after kissing her. Then he kissed her again.

“He's staying here, you know,” she said after their lips reluctantly parted. “When we leave in a few days, he won't.”

“Got the island permanently at our call,” Shining rested on the pillow so they were facing each other not even a hoof's distance apart. “Don't see why we shouldn't have a security force here as well. That way, the two of them get to see each other as much as they want. Only one problem.”

“What?” Cadance asked with raised brows and tone. She thought she had covered everything about Oxygen's new relationship.

Shining's grin took on a smug look usually used by his wife. “A guard's pay can't afford a fancy paradise resort wedding.”

Cadance caught the suggestion and matched his grin. “I think I might just accidentally drop that second wedding ring you haven't gotten me yet.”

“And I think,” the prince went on, “the Crystal Court ruled two months ago for us to have a marriage renewal wedding. It's still in the budget even though we only said we'd consider it.”

The couple broke into a fit of giggles. Shining Armor didn't use to be so much of a schemer. His wife's personality really rubbed off on him. After the two had spent their laughter and agreed to a plan of action, they bet on how long it would take for the guard and resort mare to want marriage.

They enjoyed the rest of their vacation as much as they enjoyed the first few days. It was hard for them to get into any semblance of routine when there were so many different things for them to do every day. They hardly did anything twice even though they very much wanted to. The only comfort towards that end was that they could come back and enjoy the resort as much as they wanted.

It was much later on, a few months after they made their second visit to Hello Tropics that Cadace's matchmaking bore significant fruit. Coastline and Oxygen Rush turned out to be rather restrained in their commitment-giving because it was practically a full year before the proposal was made with the expensive “dropped” ring. By that time, both Cadance and Shining Armor had forgotten the bet. Not that it mattered. They always had fun at the paradise retreat.

After all, it was a special place where love was always in bloom.

Comments ( 7 )

Awww, that was sweet.

Indeed, it will be fun to see what I end up writing as time goes by. One year ago, I never imagined I'd be writing a Sunlight story and now I am. Life is...unexpected. :rainbowlaugh:


That was really nice. I love that you wrote this; such pure, simple feel-good does the soul well. :twilightsmile:

Thanks and I'm glad you enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

We all need a break and vacation every now and then. :raritywink:

Wait it's done... :applecry: I want more :raritycry: Good story

I second the banter like...it's adorkable.

I really liked this story, it was quite cute and had some very nice background ponies that added to the story fabric, including a recurring character like Oxygen Rush who I first saw in Twilight Shimmer because I read out of order unwittingly. :twilightsheepish:

Kudos and well done!

Fluffy feel good of a very romantic and sweet couple. Characters for the both of them were spot on and had wonderful, cheesy banter and lines that just reinforce how stupidly in love they are.

The only crime is that is was 11 chapters long and i still want more.

11/10 underrated as hell.

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