• Published 3rd Jun 2014
  • 6,257 Views, 43 Comments

When the Levee Breaks - A Hoof-ful of Dust

Rarity's date stands her up. Rainbow Dash and Applejack do everything they can to cheer her up. Everything.

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Comments ( 43 )

Honestly surprised this story isn't more popular. Good RariJackDash clop is hard to find.


Well, give it some time, it's only been on the site for like 90 minutes. I'm more surprised people read it so quick.

This story lacked a little 'ummph' for me. The restaurant scene felt dull, with awkard wording.

The story got better as they left the restaurant, though I barely noticed anything of them being drunk. I think it would've been a better choice to not have them get drunk and account the lowered inhibitions on the build-up that you have.

The sex was also kinda dull, but that's more personal preference and pace.

You've earned an upvote though

To each their own, of course. I didn't mean for them to be super-drunk or anything, just a little silly -- I don't see Rarity messing around with magic she's not familiar with nor just shrugging off getting caught in heavy rain while sober. Nice to know I still get a thumbs-up with all those strikes, though -- any chance of knowing why?

I've seen a lot of worse fics than this one. At least the interaction felt somewhat real :ajsmug:

Well now! That was... quite entertaining, I must say. A very nice progression from friendship to playtime, and oh heavens some lovely clop indeed!

Thank you for that oh so sexy vignette, with delectable emotional impact. Just what I needed today :heart: And now I will be perusing your other stories in hopes of finding more gems!

Light and laughter,

Rainbow had propped herself against one of the posts of Rarity's bed and made absolutely not effort to hide the fact she had been playing with herself.

The context suggests that "absolutely not effort" should be "absolutely no effort".

This felt not like a slow build but a sudden jump to the final stages, an express shortcut to needing release, yet it felt as if she would never any closer with just the wetness and warmth of Rainbow's mouth on her horn.

"Yet it felt as if she would never any closer" doesn't quite parse. I think you accidentally a word.

SFC #8 · Jun 3rd, 2014 · · ·


I liked it, and that's saying a lot since I don't normally look at clopfics. The wording was on point, there were very few misusages of words if any at all, and the tempo just felt right to me. 5/5 :heart:

Have a like and a moustache.


Fair 'nuff

Glad you liked it. Don't expect anything exactly similar, though, this is my first foray into clop. (Cute shippy stuff I may have tried before, though.)

I loathe typos like this, because no matter how many you find, there's always a couple that escape. I'll squash these when I'm not on my tablet.

If it keeps on rainin', levee's gonna break...

That works out well, I don't normally write clopfics. I was aiming to get it to build slow, think it turned out okay in that regard.

I cant offer much in the may of feed back other then to say that that was VERY hot.:ajsmug:

I thought this was really well done and in character. It was clop, without the crap that makes me hate porn. It's like, clean porn. No one in this is treated like a whiore, which is what is done is porn. Instead of just getting f*cked, it's more like making love, but with three instead of two participants. Good job.:ajsmug::rainbowkiss::raritywink:


Damn you and your clop, you've reached the featured box.

I'll be masturbating in the corner if you need me.

There's been a real problem, lately, with poorly-written smut clogging up the favoured list.

Thankyou for clogging it up with well-written smut, for a change.


Please don't act like the feature box matters. I've been that way and it's been a dreadfully depressing experience. :fluttershyouch:

This is the first thing I thought of upon seeing the story. Nice to see it made it into the comments. You are doing Jimmy Hendrick's work.


Beat me to it Q_Q.


First thing I thought as well, Four ;).

really nice it really cheered me up after the terrible story I read last night:pinkiesad2::pinkiesad2:

Very well written, well paced clip. Great work on the description, nice to see someone doing more than come up with two hundred different words for vagina! Some of the best "romance style" clip I've read. 10/10

Muffins! Get outa mah head, Muffins!

Very, very nice. I do so love lengthy and lovingly-detailed erotica, and this is a good trio as well. Right up there with Sparityjack and Dash/Soarin'/Spitfire for some of my favorite three-ways.

If I had one tiny criticism to make, I would've left the stallion who stood Rarity up nameless. Aside from the fact that it didn't really add anything to the story by specifying that it was Caramel, it would've helped the point that he wasn't even worth thinking about to not name him. But instead I read that name and I'm wondering why this stallion who seems perfectly nice in the show is dating and/or standing up Rarity (and also I think has a girlfriend anyway? Pretty sure he's the stallion with a girlfriend in the CMC hearts and hooves song), instead of dismissing his existence like I was supposed to.

Anyway yeah, nice stuff otherwise. As a writer of lengthy erotica myself, it always pleases me to see a sexy story with a five-digit word count. Keep it up.



I just thought that's how everpony was.

Should be "everypony", I believe.

They spent it around Rarity's kitchen table, friends.

Is "as" missing here, before "friends"?

>led zepplin
excuse me sir are you god

That's cool man, that is all I'm gonna say, that's cool.


For what it's worth, I like porn that's all ethical, with safewords and stuff. Might be apparent from some passages in the story.

Getting featured is still exciting to me, but I'm just a naive girl fresh off the bus from Kansas looking to make it in the big city who doesn't yet know just how crushing the realities of Tinseltown can be... wait, what are we talking about again?

I don't really like any of the words for vagina. Including vagina. Well, I guess some of them are okay, when you want to write something more on the nasty side, but the flowery euphemistic terms are fairly bunk, overall.

Excuse me for a moment while I feel accomplished by having a clop writer I dig like a story I wrote.

You know, I was planning on making that stallion anonymous, but I thought it might detract from the intro if people were wondering who he was. Hah. I've seen Caramel come up a couple of times as Ponyville's resident playa, but he's kinda... I dunno, like a Ken doll, in that nobody really ever thinks about Ken, he's just there for the ladies to have someone to be with.

(Hey, are you going to update Growth Spurts? It's bad enough that I'm already invested in things I normally would never read, but now also I'm left hanging by not knowing what's going to happen next.)

Huh, missed some comments. Teach me to leave the tab open for ages.

Hate these typos. Hate them.

The second thing's intentional, though. I'm pretty sure you're allowed to do that. Stylistic choice and all.

No sir, just a man of wealth and taste.


Growth Spurts is on the back burner while I finish Her Majesty's Secret Service. I'm like 11k words into the final chapter, and then a short epilogue and it'll be done. Then back to GS, possibly with a sequel to Purely Scientific Interest somewhere in the mix. Thanks for your interest!

Alt. Title: Never Had I Ever

I don't usually comment on clop, but I'm willing to make an exception here. Mostly out of respect for you as an author, but also in part because this doesn't feel particularly pornographic? I mean, sure, a significant portion invovles the characters having sex, described vividly, but the narrative engagement always remained steadily on Rarity's emotional state and mindset. That's intended as a compliment – I think that's more interesting and meaningful, but it didn't make it particularly arousing.

Anyway, a nice tale of passion and romance and not-quite-romance. Even if it wasn't the most sexy in the porn sense, I think you did a good job in writing something sexy in the about-actual-sex way.

I appreciate the ending not having them end up perfect instant OT3, too. That would have felt cheap?


You know what's funny, is I have a couple of lines in that greasetrap part of the brain that filters out the ideas you want to do something with versus the ones that just slip out of mind that involves the Mane Six playing Never Have I Ever. Don't really know what to do with them, though.

I really hate when character voice goes out the window when it comes time for sex, so my big concern was to not do that. I found that you get to deeper emotions quicker, when you write about sex (and don't half-ass it); the act itself adds it own meaning, whether you want it to or not, almost.

And, yeah, I never had any plans for the ending to be anything other than the three of them having that one crazy night. Would have completely altered the tone otherwise.

What, no mentions of A Perfect Circle? And only one of Led Zeppelin? :fluttercry:

Wow this was a really nice story. It didn't feel like clop it just felt like an intimate moment.

Wow, this was well writen, the pace feels tight and nothing forzed. This goes to favs right now.

This really was a pleasure to read, sensual and send

This story was just really, really sweet. The interactions were adorable and believable, the feelings shined through amazingly clearly, and the clop itself was tasteful while still remaining arousing. I definitely feel for Rarity here; I kinda wish I had a good mare now too... :pinkiesad2:
Now excuse me as I binge-read some of your other works. :twilightsmile:

That was absolutely the best piece of RariJackDash I've read. Wonderful build up, sensual and evocative. This is definitely a top-notch story. :ajsmug::rainbowkiss::raritywink:

Hot damn. You took one of my all time favourite songs and turned it into easily one of the hottest things I've ever read. Hot damn.

A well written, well paced story with epic awesome sexy times.

Rainbow's lips on her horn.



I'm almost offended for you that some people referred to this as clop. This is not clop. This is a tale of what is forbidden and embraced, unwanted and desired; of the fuzzy lines between friendship and romance, close quarters and intimacy. It is a story of a single piece of time, one that is of great import in the moment, but not a game-changer in the long run - a true Slice of Life. It has some sex in it, but it's so much more than clop.

Mature/Sex stories rarely get in my Favorites shelf. Thank you for this amazing story.

I woke up at 5 in the morning wanting to read something, so I think I'll go back to sleep, now.

The tension starts about the time they get in from the rain and all along it made me nervous. No. Anxious, anxiety being a good thing sometimes too. It was that sort of jumpy, flighty, heart-beats-fast jumble of unnameable emotions. Which is to say, I felt exactly what it was like to be Rares. That was great. Gosh, that was really great.

I kept thinking along the way if Applejack was really thinking that way--trying to figure out when Rainbow first jumped on board--was Rarity leading them on somehow, or did Applejack drive it or did all three of them? Just sort of going over it again. Wow.

Full review here, but in brief: fabulous. There aren't many Sex-tagged stories that truly deserve the adjective "erotic", but this one absolutely does. Like a few others, I wish Rarity's date had stayed anonymous, but still. You can feel the electricity in the air.

Heh, it occurs to me that I absolutely love both the stories with this title I've read -- the other being Cynewulf's.

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