Before reading I would like to explain to you that this is my very first work of fiction and my first attempt at writing a story all-together. So please excuse any grammatical, spelling or structural errors that you encounter - I am well aware of them, but I just don't have the time to update it.
At only the age of 15 a young and adorable Sweetie Belle finds herself among the gifted and talented of Equestria. She is sent of to the most prestigious high school in the entire land and, among many things, she finds love with a childhood friend.
Follow Spike and Sweetie as they follow their hearts and uncover the true meaning of undying courtship.
Spike, Sweetie Belle, Rarity, Lyvia Sounds, Lil' Dew, Headmaster Tinder-Box
Other stories in this series include:
> Hearts of Class
> Hearts of Class II: Lights of Love
> Hearts of Class III: You, Me... Forever?
> Hearts of Class IV: The Looming Night
> Hearts of Class V: ? ? ? (Coming out in 2016)
If there's a picture of Lyvia.
4309153 Yeah sure. You'll receive later on. Tomorrow at the latest.
I do appologise to all my previous readers for the dramatic change in Chapter Layout. The prologue is just Chapter One from before, and Chapter One now is just all five of the other chapters combined into one. So there is no new content yet and there is nothing that has been removed.
That last sentence came off really creepy on me. Good chapter nonetheless.
4314170 Lol well she does kinda give off a creepy feeling how secretive she always is. But besides that I really did like the chapter. We found out why they have to hid their relationship and it is a reason that could really happen in a private school. I do have to admit I like how you wrote Spike this time. He wasn't a joke, a ass, or overly wimpy. He took care of Sweetie, comforted her, and did what he had to do to be there for her. This is a Spike I can respect and care about what he is going through to be with his love. And you didn't have to change Sweetie and distort her character, but now we have a Spike that does feel like he would be with her. Someone that will throw quips back at her, while still showing he care about her over himself. But you also kept his slight insecurity and worrying nature. Just don't let that take over his character and lose all of his redeeming characteristics.

4314369 I did say that I had a lot of characterisation for them. But I haven't even introduced the main antagonist yet so you can expect a lot more characterisation from all three of them; especially Lyvia.
They say forbidden love is hot.
The end of that last chapter was spooookkky
I bet Rarity and Twilight would be very proud that they find each other love.
After reading that, I think something will happen where one will break up with the other, it will be so sad. About the chapter itself, the eternal vow and the sonnet made me smile. Nice chapter about their relationship.
This was a really interesting chapter. We got introduce to alot of new characters in Spike's life which made me wonder if some of them will play a bigger part later on. Sweetie not being able to keep her mouth shut I think might come back and bite them on the flank later.Also have to wonder how Ly is going to react being told no. But I mean what do you aspect when you keep getting into fights. Her reasoning for picking Spike is shit tho, he can burn things no duh but anyone can burn things. Not to mention Spike's fire could also send it right to Celestia. But I have to say I believe you are getting better as time goes on. So keep it up, I cant wait to read the next chapter.

4382941 To be honest, i think the bigger Question laid out is what is Lyvia going to do when being told "no". However, thank you for your insight and all I have to say is that the next few chapters will be tying everything together and I doubt this story will make it past Chapter Ten at the rate it's going. I shall though, be releasing a Sequel to the story when this story is completed.
4382965 I'll definitely be giving this a read at a later time. Just really backed up with stories, and I would love to get them farther in before reading again, but I will read it.
4388746 well thank you mate. I hope you enjoy the story
4320194 I know

The plot thickens.
4449522 what plot? I'm honestly just trying to do whatever comes to mind and hope it makes sense. Thats why I need help with ideas and suggestions.
Its a nice Story you making, keep em rolling.
4449948 Just my way of saying it's getting interesting.
Good, spike gonna learn some combat skills, now he can stop be a weakling...
Why do I have the strangest feeling, Diamond Tiara is behind this.
4504108 Wow that's actually an idea I could consider
4504146 to me, it seems like something that spoiled little brat would do.
okay so far I like, will keep reading
4504170 I guess only time will tell now won't it
4504182 well thank you
4504211 you're the writer, so even I can't tell what will happen.
4504217 hey not even I can tell what's going to happen
4504290 making it up as you go along?
4504294 Pretty much
4504331 I'm doing that with one story.
Holy crap that was dark
ya so it is not like any thing can happen the worst is that they both go home and even then they still get to be together
4508844 Do you know how much Private School's cost? They've been there for about 4 days and they could be expelled. I don't think Rarity or Twilight would be too happy
looks like I'll have to wait a while longer.
I wonder what s*** they got into that got SB into a cell with DT.
Cant wait tot see what happened!!!!

Am i the only person who absolutely hates reading a story with a cliff hanger ending? Either way please hurry with the sequal. I would very much like to know what went down.
4518592 I'm already writing the sequel, so do not sorry, I won't make you guys wait longer than a week. I understand how absolutely torturous the waiting can be so I will only torture you guys for a little while. =P
This chapter really rubbed me the wrong way. Too many forced scenarios and the personalities of the main characters annoy me. I Dislike the fact that Spike is simply a pushover, but then all of a sudden he kisses Sweetie Belle and they're dating?
That was way too fast!
Sweetie Belle is sort of cruel and crazy. Why in the world would she like to prance around with a bleeding cut? Trying to make others hate Spike?
It worked.
Lyvia is a badass but annoying at the same time. Her actions are predictable, yet unexpected. that fight was pointless and For that senior to steal someone else's shoes after getting beat up? That's a 'jock' idiot for ya.
Lastly, I dislike how you tried to explain Lyvia's personality thru the other characters that just met her.
Both of these statements make it seem like Spike and Sweetie Bell has known her for quite a while which shouldn't be true based on the rest of the story. So those responses confused me.
Oh, and Sweetie Belle's name should be written like so: Sweetie Belle.
uh monologue much?
gotta change that. 
Me too Spike!
The cuteness of my Favorite Pairing! Awesome. Reading on.