This story is a sequel to Hearts of Class II: Lights of Love
A year after being hit by a car, Spike wakes up from his coma. Once he receives a warm greeting from Twilight, Sweetiebelle and friends and a new enrolment into Canterlot School for Equestria's Gifted the common belief is that everything is going to get back to normal… or will it, after all, a lot can change in a year...
Spike, Sweetie Belle, Lyvia Sounds, Lil' Dew, Cinder, Scootaloo, Diamond Tiara, Headmistress Twilight, Leo, Black Apple Gang, Captain Silver Blaze, Guard Sheela, Guard Buzz
Other stories in this series include:
> Hearts of Class
> Hearts of Class II: Lights of Love
> Hearts of Class III: "You, Me... Forever?"
> Hearts of Class IV: The Looming Night
> Hearts of Class V: ? ? ? (Coming out in 2016)
hard to tell how this will go.
Well, I plan for it to end well.
How does one wake up from a comma?
4912198 takes a while, but the person has to wake from it themselves. I don't think anyone really understands how it happens.
4912198 right, I spelt that wrong didn't I? I'll change it.
4912198 you see, when you're in a coma, it means that your consciousness has been damaged and you lose brain activity. When the person wakes up, it means that their brain hads slowly repaired itself and reformed the damaged parts of its consciousness. When someone has a high level of brain activity while in a coma, it means that their brain is repairing or has been repaired.
Spike's already heartbroken once before he can't afford that happening again!!!
4912240 I know about comas, that wasn't the question I asked, but you corrected that particular spelling error. You should check the rest of your description for them given that it's the first impression you give when people are looking at stories.
I hope that things will end well for him, cause so far...................I'm kinda not a good way!!!!!
But this is the beginning, so i'll give you some time.............for now, but IM WATCHING YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4914545 don't worry, as I said before it will get better, I promise you all that. This was just a means to create a new storyline with a bit more dramatic tention. This is still a Spikebelle story and Hearts of Class will never deter from that.
My prayers have been answered!!!!
YES!!! "Does a falcon punch" YES!!! "Flies Away"

4920396 I honestly wasn't expecting such a reaction from you guys like this... I have to say, I am surprised.
4920830 im just surprised. i didnt think that, that would happen. but it puts my feels at ease that spike wont be hurt as much as he would if sweeitebelle was still with leo.
4920919 well there's still going to fact that Sweetie DID go out with Leo
4921055 yeah, your write there. but maybe this will mean spike will go bezerk and blow up the planet.. or he will just get sad like anyone else.
4921074 that's a question that I won't answer here... you just have to wait for the next chapter
THANK YOU!!! That one problem out of the way, now these just the problem when spike wakes up and hears about this.
4931749 won't be good
The beast has awoken!!!!
4991264 which means Leo is dead. *DUN DUN DUN!*
Spike is going to fuck Leo up.
Spike is going to FUCK. HIM. UP!!!
Lance blazer
FATALITY!!!! ( mortal combat voice)
Spike not happy one bit.
Has there ever been a hospital fight because that was awesome!?!!?!
5048055 Yeah, Spike was not happy, not happy at all. Poor Sweetie Belle though.
5048412 let's hope she can fix this. Also, I CALL 500 BITS ON LEO GETTING BEAT UP BY A GIRL NEXT SO MANY CHAPTERS!!!!!!!
5048426 oh don't worry, Cinder and Lyvia are in the same room with him so I wouldn't expect them to do nothing
I am trying but I can not bring myself to feel too much sympathy for Sweetie Belle.

I understand that from her point of view she did not know when or even if he would ever wake up.
Her emotions must have been all over the place since it happened not long after her birthday party.
However jumping ship to a new guy while your boyfriend is in a coma...

She has friends...she has family...she has all these other forms of love and support to help get her through this, and instead she chooses the one option guaranteed to cause her more stress and emotional pain than any other.
To make matters worse the guy she chose is a guy who from the beginning has made his feelings on women very clear...that women are good for only one thing...
She knew this!
Yet still she "dated" him...
I would feel sympathy if it was any other guy, but she chose no...I cannot feel sympathy for her.
Honestly if I were Spike that would be it for me,,,
I mean from his perspective he just got done with her birthday where Sweetie and him were very much in love, and now he wakes up to find out that he almost died, he missed a year of his life, and his girlfriend has been cheating on him with the griffon that treats girls like walking ****sleeves...
Sweetie Belle has a lot to make up for if she wants to rekindle this relationship.
Any couple that has gone through something similar knows that if you want to continue the relationship then there is going to be a lot of pain in the future as the couple deals with issues like trust, anger, and jealousy.
It is not an easy road which is why many couples simply decide to go their separate ways afterwards.
I personally hope they work it out, but it is not something that can be fixed with a sappy song that has now lost a lot of its meaning thanks to Sweetie Belles actions.
5124243 You've just pretty much summed up the everything I've planned to do with this story. However, I can guarantee that they will get back together again, because, well... ya know, the whole series is sorta based around them being in a loving relationship. And I certainly aren't aiming to finish the story here and now.
Now, I wonder how many dislikes I'm gonna get for this chapter.
5138945 no idea, but I know how Spike must be feeling. Didn't happen to me, but I know how it feels to have someone that loves you betray you in a different way.
not if you will have trouble. but for me to interesting results have been better chapter longer but tubiste many things you had to do and now I hope that the next out soon
Oh my god! Sweetie Belle is turning into her sister!!!
If they somehow get back together, will Twilight allow romance for them?
"A little pissed" is putting it mildly...
Spike just found out how long it would take for Sweetie to forget about him.
He is right to be angry.
He now knows that when Sweetie said that she would love him forever she actually meant that she would love him until it got difficult then she would ditch him in favor of the next douche bag to pay her a compliment.
How do you trust someone that abandoned you right when you needed them most?
I don't think there is anything that Twilight can say that could make Spike change his stance right now.
5184301 Exactly. You're seeing this story exactly how I want it.
two updates in a row. Nice.
5186006 it feels like when I released Hearts of Class 1, when I released about 3 chapters a day
As much as this might sound mean, I will agree with Spike. Sweetie Belle deserved what she got and more.
5186040 I completely agree.
Everything that Twilight listed sounds like an excuse.
And the whole " you're young " defense is garbage.
Both genders of any age can and will cheat if it is in them to do so. Age is not a factor on the decision to cheat...just on whether or not they get caught because of lack of experience.
for those feeling bad for Sweetie...I have a challenge for you...Switch places with who got cheated on...
If Spike was the one that cheated on Sweetie while she was in a coma there would be no discussion on who deserves sympathy.
I know it sounds terrible...but if your honest with yourself...
5186340 wow, I think you should be a councelling Sweetie and Spike
I agree with Spike in that Twilight just does not seem to get it completely.
Twilight seems to be treating this like a fight between a couple little kids.
In that I mean like if Suzy hit Billy in the face with nerf ball.
I also agree with Spike in the fact that she would probably understand better if she had experienced being cheated on before.
It is just hard to hear from someone that they understand, but you know there is no way they actually could...because they have never been through what you have.
Twilight can help as an objective source, and maybe even act as a go between.
As it stands it just does not look like Twilight is taking it seriously enough, and is instead treating this like a school yard fight...
5195933 All true and I completely agree, thats why I put it in there. However I thought you were going to be intrigued and comment upon the comfrontation between Sweetiebelle and Spike when at the Celestial Courtyard.
Well to be fair I did find Sweetie Bell and Spikes interaction interesting.
What with Sweetie Bell telling Spike that she will not be bossed around, and Spike actually agreeing with her.
Don't get me wrong I do agree that Spike bossing her around is ridiculous, and I applaud Sweetie for taking a stand on that.
I just figured it was par for the course.
I see them butting heads a lot in the near future, and unfortunately there will be friends (and possibly family) picking sides while this is going on which will ultimately lead to harsher altercations.
You are doing good work!