Hearts of Class

by ImAPonyXY

Chapter Six

A Mortifying Request

Spike woke up the very next morning to the blaring sounds of his alarm clock that woke everyone up in dorm room. Twin Storm, Boulder Storm and Quick Feather’s all woke up with a start.

“Turn that damn thing off, Spike!” Boulder yelled as he folded his pillow around his head; trying to drown out the sound.

“Sorry guys.” Spike apologised as he frantically hit the top of the clock in a desperate attempt to turn it off and with the chance of a miracle, it did.

“Thank you!” Boulder mumbled.

Spike rolled his eyes and climbed out of bed, he did his daily, morning routine of have a quick shower and getting dressed into his usual outfit which was, as always, blue jeans, a white shirt and a black jacket. Today was the day that they would be starting their first classes and he heard read a notice saying that they would be getting their time tables while eating breakfast. He wondered what he would be doing today, maybe he would have Advanced Martial Arts with Lyvia, or perhaps Advanced Magical Studies, it would be interesting to find out.

He made his way out of his dorm and through the sunlight illuminated hallways down to the Food Hall where he would see Sweetiebelle and Lyvia. The memories of last night were still ever so fresh in his mind and the words of Sweetie’s sonnet lifted his heart and made him smile. It was so sweet of her to give him such a kindness of hearing her adorable voice. He tried to recite the lyrics in his head, but he had only heard it once so that proved to be a challenge. He could only remember certain lines such as, The naughtiness in your smile... The strength in your stare... The smell of your hair... The beating of your heart.

Spike sung these few lines to himself, her song was so beautiful and accompanied by her angelic voice it was the greatest poem that he every heard. He soon reached the Food Hall and went up to the counter to grab himself a bowl of gems, which he would always have. Once he had received his breakfast her saw Sweetiebelle and Lyvia sitting at the table they were yesterday; which was placed in the back corner of the hall.

Spike approached them and took a seat next to Sweetiebelle who had clearly already finished her food as she had an empty plate in front of her.

“Morning Sweetiebelle, sleep well?” he asked her, still curious as to what her nightmare was.

Sweetiebelle nodded, “Yeah I slept great, Spiky. Thanks for taking me back to bed.”

“No problem, Sweetie. It was a lovely night and you were tired.”

He began to think of their kiss now, their deep, passionate, loving kiss that declared their love.

“Oh and Spike, I wrote to Rarity to tell her about us.” she announced, happily.

“Really? That’s cool, hopefully she’ll reply soon.” Spike said excitedly. He wondered how his old crush would react to such news. Would she feel uneasy about all this, or would she feel elated for them and their newfound love.

“I still think that this love is pointless.” Lyvia warned bleakly, “if you get caught than I’ll probably laugh.”

“What’s wrong with you today, Lyvia?” Spike asked, “You see even more cruel than usual.

“She got into a fight this morning with a girl called Tyra this morning.” Sweetiebelle explained, frowning as she remember how much was, which ended up staining the bed sheets and the window curtains.

“She deserved every punch.” Lyvia said coldly and she clenched her hand into a fist.

Spike gulped, Lyvia was scary at the best of times, but now she was just terrifying. She was by nature a cruel person who seemed to love violence so she could pounce on anyone at anytime and snap his or her neck.

At that moment, a teacher came by; he had long, back, frizzy hair with a glorious, bushman’s beard. He wore a white, buttoned-up shirt covered by a long, green coat. He was also wearing long, black pants and slick black boots. As he walked past he dropped three pieces of paper on their table and continued on his way.

“What’s this?” Spike asked curiously as he picked one up that had his name written in big, bold, black letters. He read what was on it, as it seemed to be their timetables, and it was. He had Magical Studies first, then Martial Art, followed by Mathematics and Literature; which was forced onto everyone.

“So what do you have first, Spike?” Sweetiebelle asked. She was reading her own timetable as she asked.

“I have Magical Studies, then martial arts with Lyvia,” he answered.

“Well I have Fashion Design first so I guess we’ll see each other at lunch time. Do you want to meet back at the Courtyard?” Sweetiebelle asked.

Spike did not even hesitate to answer, “Sure thing.”

The bell chimed signaling for everyone to go to class and so Sweetiebelle, Spike and Lyvia all stood up in unison. They split up, said their goodbyes and went to their separate classes. They had only a day to learn the grounds and so navigating their way around was more difficult than imagined. Spike’s first class though, Magical Studies was fairly close and luckily there were signs throughout the school to point juniors in the right direction. He was able to find his way pretty easily but as soon as he got there, he saw that everyone was a Unicorn.

He gulped, Twilight had wanted him to choose this class to help her with her Magical Studies herself and so that he would have a basic understanding of the subject. However, she neglected to mention anything about the subject itself, and he was now concerned that the course would require actual use and practice of magic in which case he would surely fail because he had no way of actually producing magic.

He walked into the large and empty classroom that had only high and wide windows, a few chairs stacked off to the side and a single desk for the teacher. There was also a set of large and filled bookcases full of Magical Spells and Theories written by various and powerful magicians. Spike went to join the group of chatting Unicorns however felt extremely left out, yet, before he got the group, a tiny, Unicorn teacher came in. She was wearing a long black cloak and a white shirt underneath. She also wore black pants and sleek, laced, black shoes. She had ivory coloured eyes and light blue coloured fur. He mane was crimson red and it went all the way down to her waist.

“Good morning class, my name is Miss Fair and I’ll be your Advanced Magical Studies teacher for the next years or so.” she said, sounding sophisticated, intelligent and posh. She was a stereotypical Unicorn for Canterlot.

She looked around the class for of Unicorns and smiled, however, as soon as she laid eyes on Spike, she frowned slightly. “Dragon? What’s your name?”

Spike gulped, “my name is Spike, Miss Fair.” he said nervously, realizing that most of the class was looking at him.

“Spike are you sure that you should be in this class?” she asked calmly. “I teach magic in both theory and practice.”

Spike nodded, “Yeah I’m sure. Princess Twilight wants me in this class.” he began to explain, “She wants me to have a greater understanding of how magic works so I can assist her in her projects.”

Most of the students were in awe due to the fact that he personally knew a princess.

“Well then, you best focus your attentions on the theory if you wish to pass this course. I’ll send a letter to the princess to let her know that you will be unable to be a high achiever in this course.” she wrote a note of that in her note pad. “Now, I want everyone to go over to the bookcase and choose an attribute of magic that you wish to study. This attribute will apply to your first assignment, which I will be giving you later in the week.”

All the students nodded, seeming to know what specific attribute that they wanted to study. Most would choose to enhance their knowledge on a previously studied attribute, however, Spike, had not the slightest idea. He could try to study Illusion, or perhaps Alteration, maybe even Transfiguration. Twilight new every type of Magical Attribute and if he was to help her, he would need to learn them all; Illusion, Alterations, Transfiguration, Manipulation, Destruction, Restoration, Protection and Survival. Spike sighed, he guess he would touch up on the one that he new the least about, which was Transfiguration.

Spike approached the bookcase and skimmed through all the names of the books, eventually coming to one called ‘Advanced Transfiguration of the Basic World’ written by Magia Potestatem. He pulled out the book and went over to a quiet corner to begin his research. Since he had been living with Twilight for the past fourteen years, he had the ability to study faster and more in-depth than most other students.

He began to read through the first chapter that explained the basic use and dangers of Transfiguration as well as the physical rules that granted it’s risks. If one was to change one thing into the other, the items would be swapped to equal out the transformation process. For example, if one were to change a lamp into a shoe, somewhere, a shoe would become a lamp. This is how Transfiguration differed from Manipulation and Alteration. After understanding the basic rules and risks of this magical attribute he skipped over to the next chapter, which explained some basic principals and techniques of transforming one object into another.

As he studied he felt a tap on the shoulder. Spike looked up and saw that it was Miss Fair.

“Yes?” he asked, slightly irritated as is reading had been disturbed.

“Spike, since you will be struggling greatly with this class. I will help you in any way you need to help you achieve the highest grade in your theory as possible.” she said, with a smile. Her name definitely reflected her personality; she was giving him a fair an equal chance to succeed in a course designed for Unicorns.

“Thank you, Miss Fair.” he smiled at her and went back to his reading, which he was greatly interested in.

“Oh and Spike, it’s time to go.” she said to him.

Spike was surprised that an hour had passed already, he guessed that he was just extremely focused on his reading that he lost track of time. However, he was so intrigued by what he was learning that he wanted to borrow the book for reading later on.

“Umm Miss Fair?” he asked, grabbing her attention, “May I borrow this book for reading later on?”

Miss Fair smiled, “Yes, you may, but don’t lose it. It’s the only copy we have.”

“Thank you.” Spike replied as he began to walk out of the classroom, putting the book in his backpack and commenced to travel to his next class, which was with Lyvia and would hopefully be friendlier to his education and not restrict him due to race.

He glanced at the signs that were scattered throughout the school to help him find his next class. It took him a while but he eventually reached a large, also empty room. It had only a large, blue mat in the middle and the students were of every race. He saw Lyvia standing alone in the corner of the room and decided to approach her.

“Hey Lyvia. How are you?” he asked in a partially cheerful tone.

She glared at him slightly. She was leaning against the wall with her arms crossed; she was in her normal mood of not giving a shit today.

“Tortured by painful ignorance and stupidity of other students.” she meagerly replied.

“Oh well, uhhh, that’s not good.” he stated as he stood next to her.

“Don’t worry, they won’t be opening their mouth any time soon,” she said, a slight smirk appearing on her face. She enjoyed pain all too much and it was damn creepy.

Spike didn’t know what to say to this, he didn’t support Lyvia on how she dealed with problem but he believed that it would be wise to mind his own business and to only involve himself with Sweetiebelle’s life.

In that very same moment as when Lyvia spoke, the teacher walked in; he was wearing a white, martial artist’s robe and a black headband. He had leather gloves on that went up to his elbow and leather, martial artist’s shoes that went up to his high shin.

“Hello class, I am Master Bataille and I will be you Advanced Martial Arts teacher for the next five years.” he bowed humbly as he introduced himself, “Any questions?”

The class stayed quiet as they had no questions and Master Bataille smirked.

“Good, now before I start, I need to speak to...” he glanced at his clipboard, which contained all the notices he needed to know since he had a horrible memory. “Lyvia Sounds.”

Lyvia looked at him with the same facial expression that she always had and she lightly pushed herself off the wall beginning to walk over to Master Bataille.

“Follow me please,” he said calmly as he began to lead her into his office that was connected to the classroom by a simple door.

Spike watched them walk out, “Is Lyvia in trouble?” he asked himself quietly so that no one could hear him.

“Yeah I bet she did.” a young, cute, voice of pure innocence spoke from behind him.

This caused Spike to jump as he was startled by this girl’s sudden appearance. He turned around to face her and saw that she had pale cream coloured fur and light pink hair. She had amber eyes and she wore a thin, red shirt which you could slightly see her bra through, she also wore grey jeans.

“Who are you?” Spike asked.

“My name is Lil’ Dew. You’re Sweetiebelle’s boyfriend aren’t you?” she answered.

“How do you know that she’s my girlfriend?”

“Because I’m in her dorm and we like to talk about boys,” she giggled, “You’re cuter than she made you out to be.”

“Uhhh thank? I guess.” he felt a little awkward from that; he didn’t know what to say to that and he wasn’t very good with girl so he didn’t know whether or not she was flirting with him.

“Oh don’t listen to me, my mouth gets a little ahead of my mind sometimes...” she went on, talking on and on about how she has a problem with being quiet.

Spike sort of tuned out as she was talking; he was thinking what was happening with Lyvia. Maybe she did get in trouble or maybe she got caught for all those fights that she was in. Maybe she was about to be expelled and she would have to be alone again? Nearly ever scenario that played out was bad and this worried him. As in, sure, Lyvia was a bitch at times but she had motives, she had a reason to be who she was and that made her one of the most interesting people he had met at this school and he would hate to lose her as a friend.

“... oh and how did your date with Sweetie go last night?” Lil’ Dew finished off her rambling with a question that made Spike shocked.

“Wh-What? How did you find out about that?” he inquired.

Lil’ Dew giggled, “Sweetiebelle is horrible at keeping secrets; my entire dorm knows.”

Spike gulped. He hoped that they could keep their mouths shut; he didn’t want this news to spread to one of the teachers.

“Right....” he said simply and uneasily.

At that moment Lyvia and Master Bataille left the office and Lyvia walked over to Spike. She was calm but she looked as though she had a plan.

“Spike, I need you to do something for me, can you do it?” she asked with slight urgency.

“What is it?”

“Well I got into trouble for all the fights and they’re putting it into a log book and handing it to Princess Celestia. I need you to burn that book for me. I can’t do it because I need an alibi so they don’t suspect me.”

Spike gulped. This was a very big request of her and he really didn’t want to do it.

“And what if I say no?” he asked coolly.

“Then I’ll expose your relationship with Sweetiebelle and we both go down together!” she threatened.

Spike was utterly shocked at this, why would Lyvia do such a thing? She obviously couldn’t be trusted and she was most likely just waiting to backstab them. He honestly did not want to do this and he would most likely be caught and get into trouble himself. He debated the facts to himself and wondered whether or not he should actually try something like this because if he didn’t, him and Sweetiebelle would be exposed. He kept thinking to himself before coming to an answer for this extremely dangerous assignment that Lyvia had tasked him with.

He opened his mouth and simply said.
