This story is a sequel to Hearts of Class
This story is a love story between Sweetiebelle and Spike.
Out of school and in BIG trouble. The two recently-expelled lovers struggle to find peace and happiness among the home town due to dark incursions and hostile advances.
Yet the young dragon persistently tries to calm and tend to his beautiful Sweetie Belle in a forever love. Yet things are always harder than they seem.
Spike, Sweetie Belle, Lyvia Sounds, Lil' Dew, Rarity, Twilight, Scootaloo, Leo, Elite Guards, Black Apple Gang, Captain Silver Blaze, Diamond Tiara
Other Stories in this series include:
> Hearts of Class
> Hearts of Class II: Lights of Love
> Hearts of Class III: "You, Me... Forever?"
> Hearts of Class IV: The Looming Night
> Hearts of Class V: ? ? ? (Coming out in 2016)
this seems alot better. Idon't miind darkstuff BUT it was a big shock in changes from the lastsorry. also DAMN KEYBORD
next chap plz! also are you going to go between what is happening between spike and the others and sweetie belle and her captors?
4548900 well I might… I'm not to sure. I'm working that out now and when i figure it out then I'll be able to write the next chapter
4549368 okie dokie lokie!
Black Apple Gang? Any, can't believe I'm saying this, relation from the Apple Family?
4560500 oh yes, I did forget to mention that. No, they have no relation to the apple family.
No plan is ever perfect.........................The plan will go on smoothly, and then...................

It'll come tumbling down.....................................
wow.. cool these chapters are coming fast! keep em commin
4565906 thank you
it seemed pretty good to me I liked it
You know its time to quit when not only do you lose your team but also a love interest too a monster. The dead shall be missed and DT is in deep $*!@. Hope she can run fast.
4610115 I don't think Captain Silver Blaze would be quitting anytime soon when there's still the Black Apple Gang running around. Which both him and his team swore the take them down, I doubt he'll let Cloud's death be in vein.
Least Sweetie Belle didn't called Spike Num-Nums.
4616439 oh just you wait, soon it'll pet-names galore
......... Well I see Spike hasn't changed here.....
I agree with that. Spike merely yelled at them before just sitting down and crying? i'm sorry but if I was the author, I would have had him AT LEAST deliver a few solid strong punches to that door to try to rescue her.
Another thing is how willing Spike is to forgive a mare that basically made all this happen by ratting them out. i wont say she doesn't have her reasons but...
What he said.
I will admit that for some reason I still cant stop reading this. Also don't take my comments the wrong way please. Its merely my opinion.
4619725 I will however, be explaining one thing to you... everything will be answered, especially why Lyvia ratted them out and why she still sees them as their friends.
Alright then. I'll look forward to reading more.
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, Spike dun F**** up this time!!!!!!!!
I'm sure that he'll get his act together and realize that he's in the wrong, and will strive hard to fix things back to kinda normal!!!!!
Trust me!!!!!


i been follow this story line from the First Chapter and i must say that you got quite a good way to give the character the personality trait they have, and also Spike and Sweetie Belle also Scooterlo is the way they are in the Series but more mature, i say keep up the good work

4693105 Thank you.
BURN!!!!! Literally.
4768187 We'll see what happens. I have no plan to make a third one
4768235 I usually wait to see if I get any requests for any sequels, and if people ask for one, I write one.
Now that a cliffhanger
As he said about this.
4768278 Well, from the reactions so far, people seem to want one
You should write up a sequel, that cliffhanger just begs for a sequel if not at least a bit where we find out what happens to the poor guy.
Please please PLEASE let there be more to this!

not needed.
Add 'you' after 'introduce'
change to 'the'
just a suggestion, but maybe this might sound better?
Comma isn't needed.
Can't wait to see what happens!
I'm sorry but Sweetie was way out of line and I agree with Spike 100%
So far Spike has acted like I would of