• Published 26th Sep 2015
  • 11,383 Views, 225 Comments

A Nightmares Love - Pvt Caboose

There's going to be a human moving in to the already overcrowded Canterlot Castle, and Nightmare Moon is not pleased.

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Comments ( 54 )

Ask and yee shall receive

No he couldn't really give it to her she was sealing his lips shut!

This was a heavy chapter.Can't wait for the next chapter.

Ah. Lovely hypocrisy. Jojo gets shit for his screwups, but not a damned thing is done about any others.

Also more drama for the sake of drama, it looks like. Why people gotta be so stupid?

Elu #5 · Jan 9th, 2018 · · 26 ·

Joseph lost all my respect as soon as he got drunk. It's just pathetic. Yeah, heartbroken, yeah, shouted at. But you don't go and drink!

To all those who put thumbs down - you're just as pathetic if you think getting drunk can be excused in this scenario.

*<>* never thought this would come back on my radio , thought it would end up like so many other audio books my driver comes across ... Incomplete sets , nice to hear this one isn't lost to the multiverse

~gonna keep a lookout for that last tape

It's just one thing after the other for the poor lad.

You're a good truck.

What? Drinking is all you can do at that point.

Elu #10 · Jan 11th, 2018 · · 8 ·

Turning to alcohol can't be justified. You go and fix what you did wrong and you listen to advice. Something he later blamed himself for not doing.

Eh, still. Alcohol is all some people can turn to.

Elu #12 · Jan 11th, 2018 · · 5 ·

It is but it's not good at all. Despite my own personal experiences, I have never drank any alcohol in my life, and I'd say my situation is worse than Joseph's.

Alcohol is what people turn to but it shouldn't be that way, plain and simple.

I'm glad you two are here. :rainbowlaugh:

Elu #14 · Jan 12th, 2018 · · 3 ·

It's no hate on your writing, you're really good at it! I just don't like when people drink alcohol, especially when they try to get away from problems instead of solving them.

Continue with your superb work!


Wow, man. I can understand expressing your misgivings about some parts of the story, but attacking people who disliked your comment and calling them "pathetic" is really setting yourself up for trouble.

I won't dislike your comment because I agree that drinking won't solve anything as we all know what alcohol does to people and I don't drink at all, but I won't like it either because of that particular paragraph, which I would really recommend that you remove, before someone who won't be as merciful as I am reports you for trying to provoke a fight. This is just a friendly warning.

That aside, I'm sad to hear that the next chapter will be the last, as I'm sure that this story can go far longer than just 9 chapters.


I see people who disagree with me in this particular as those that would justify drinking. I am not going to hide my opinion on them, which is exactly as I wrote.

Drinking is a huge problem. I know it especially well, I've lost my friends to it. Therefore, I will not accept anyone who thinks that the main character is not pathetic for drinking his problems away with an excessive amount of alcohol, which was described in the story by Joseph asking for a lot more of it. He is a grown-up man, he must know what solving problems is.

As far as I'm aware, my comment doesn't go against any rules. It's neither a personal attack (unless you count Joseph as a real person, which would be extremely stupid) nor hate speech. And if someone reports me for *trying to provoke a fight*, then at least two of my stories must be removed, as well as many, many more stories of other people and their comments.

In the end, I'm not going to sugar-coat my opinion. It stands as it stands, but I'm thankful for your concern.


That aside, I'm sad to hear that the next chapter will be the last, as I'm sure that this story can go far longer than just 9 chapters.

So I say :ajsmug:


I'm not sure if I written it down clearly, but I'll say it again just to clear up any confusion.

I never said I disagree with you about the drinking issue, because I DEFINITELY agree that it is a huge problem and not a go-to solution when something bad or tragic happens in one's life.

MY issue, however, is when you call the READERS, who I was actually referring to in my previous comment, pathetic because they don't agree with your opinion. Yes, you have the right to make your own opinions and it isn't against the rules, but saying something like that will make people assume you can't take their reactions in stride and just deal with it, and they will think you're the type of guy who is actually close-minded and can't accept things as they are.

Sure if there is something I didn't like I would comment on it with blunt honesty, but that doesn't mean I should take it out on people who wouldn't agree with my opinion on it. If they disliked it, I wouldn't care because that's THEIR problem, not mine.

Ok. Not that I ain't flattered, but why does my comment have 6 likes?



I'm not sure if I written it down clearly, but I'll say it again just to clear up any confusion.

There was no confusion, I understood you. You don't need to spell things out twice.

MY issue, however, is when you call the READERS, who I was actually referring to in my previous comment, pathetic because they don't agree with your opinion. Yes, you have the right to make your own opinions and it isn't against the rules, but saying something like that will make people assume you can't take their reactions in stride and just deal with it, and they will think you're the type of guy who is actually close-minded and can't accept things as they are.

Accepting things as they are doesn't bring progress, this much you should understand. I'm not open-minded on the alcohol issue, because no one can be open-minded on a problem. It is either the problem is eliminated or be allowed to grow. It is pretty clear that humans opt for the latter, judging by how many people still die from things directly related to alcohol and how governments don't do anything substantial about it.

Sure if there is something I didn't like I would comment on it with blunt honesty, but that doesn't mean I should take it out on people who wouldn't agree with my opinion on it.

You definitely should take it out on people, because it is their opinion, they push it forward. They can and must be criticized for it.

Being this tolerant or uncaring like you and not attacking opinions or people who say them is the downfall of humanity, you can already witness it right now.


You definitely should take it out on people, because it istheiropinion,theypush it forward. They can and must be criticized for it.

Being this tolerant or uncating like you and not attacking opinions or people who say them is the downfall of humanity, you can already witness it right now.

Here's my little opinion about this:

"I'll pass."

You go your way and I'll go mine, but I won't be there to witness your own downfall sadly.

With that said, I bid you good day. (Walks away with sunglasses and earplugs on)


Don't worry, I've already made my own downfall, if you can call it that. You might as well see it in the near future.

If you want to stay with your opinion, then sure, go for it. Unlike me, you'll be able to see the future. Maybe it will bring some surprises, maybe even positive ones, and you will be there to witness them firsthand. Future will tell us whether I was right or wrong.


As long as we both have understanding that we can't change other people's ways, then we're cool beans. :pinkiehappy:

Elu #25 · Jan 20th, 2018 · · 3 ·

History has proven time and time again that humans rarely change. I suppose I should stop trying to change that, but oh well, that's me. I like the change if it's for the better, I believe in my values, and I don't think they can or should, for that matter, be changed.

But if humans don't change and don't want to change, what can I do? Well, at least they give me an option to voice my disapproval for such a way.

Thank you for a civil conversation. I hope I didn't come off as excessively insulting.

Oh damn it that made me cry.

This is the best angry Christian mother I’ve ever seen, I couldn’t stop laughing.


This comes off as a very ignorant thing to say.

And how is that fellow being.

I so happy your back

What if those who dislked that comment don't drink?

Now it has 8 likes. Can someone PLEASE tell me why?

Are you dead?

The worst part of Equestria is that they see themselves as so harmonious, so morally perfect, that they can only see the faults of others and not those of themselves. Until, that is, it is far too late.

I don't think Celestia ever will here

I'm disliking that comment and I don't drink.

Is this dead?
Please tell me it's not!

Not entirely. I'm just bad at committing to anything.

If their a brief moment or couple in this. I'll walk away. Can't spit on, so i turn heel.


Please tell me this is not dead it is a good book so far

You know, it’s almost like Celestia doesn’t want her to be reformed. What a bitch!

Mind blown! this was a real page turner
I almost didn't read this because it was so old and unfinished. I'm gona favorite this and hope for that last chapter.

But if this is dead I'm gona submit my paperwork to the pirates guild and finish this myself with crayons if I have to!

Me to; my track record is shit. Just hope you do better than me because I want to see this story complete. Really enjoyed it.

you recon we will ever see another addition to this?

Crap I didn't realise this was unfinished and went through all 8 chapters... Now I've made myself sad

It's not his fault Celestia made him report on the progress of the nightmare. He could tell her about it and it would probably end in drama because emotions first logic then. Seriously, emotions are important, but they cause more problems when it can be dealt with in normal, normal conversation. And for this fragment about his guilt, Celestia is perpetuated as a female dog and a hypocrite. Sorry for English, I use a translator

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