• Member Since 3rd Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen May 25th, 2024


Comments ( 377 )

I like this.

hope the next chapter comes out soon.

oohhhh that was nice....fav'd and I'll be waiting for more.

Wow very good can you make it so that later on he stills holds hatred for the ponies so he just pretends to be kind so later he can stap them in the back:pinkiecrazy:

Well, I'm glad to see it here!:pinkiehappy:

I'm not really a fan of this "Anon" storie's because I cant really make a connection with the protagonist. But I think it's a good story and I look for more in the future. :twilightsmile:

I have not seen this kind of concept yet.... I want to see where this goes!

You now live in an alleyway, living off the trash. It wasn't so bad, you learned where had the best food and where to get a new box after a storm.

I would recommend with whole heartedness that the comma be replaced with a semi-colon: ---------> ;

You thanked whatever deity that decided to smile on you that day.

Now in terms of grammar it would make more sense to remove the 'that' however it is still acceptable for it's use. It's just compare the two sentences out loud, and see which one you prefer. I just go on what's correct in grammar terms, but you choose whatever you like.:twilight sheepish:

That and the constant giggling.

*Sigh* I was dreading this. This is what is known as a 'fragment' these are the most despicable things to ever happen to the english language and I loathe them. You see it's just a small piece of information on it's one with little context if read without any.

You could hear the sound of hooves scraping metal, and the sound of the lid opening and closing. That and the constant giggling that followed each time.

Now the orange is just a change I would make in order to be rid of this fragment.

The sounds of hooves in the alley causes you to stiffen.

Another grammatically correct term unfortunately. Merely change this to 'cause' that is all. If you say it out loud it still makes sense doesn't it? Don't fret, this is a common mistake, it happens to the best of us.

This is it. The life or death moment

I really hate fragments.Now I'd recumbent changing that full stop that separates 'This is it' and 'The life or death moment' to a colon. Like this: Hello! Simple change and removes fragment, everyone's happy.

You breath a sigh of relief and remove the cardboard camouflage

Simple spelling/grammer error. Change to 'breathe'

You don't know if your heart can take it if you let her release the flood gates.

Floodgates is one word! Who'd a thought! No one, that's who!

"Ok ok, I'm sorry. Just please don't cry." You feel yourself start tearing up.

Place a comma between these two, okay? Otherwise it is just a repeated word, not an actual piece of the sentence.

You two just sat there in the alley way, bawling your eyes out.

Alleyway is actually one word. Sorry.

Every inch of your being told you to run and hide. You hear shouting behind you.

Change to 'tells' otherwise it is not what occurred, it is an order, meaning you'd have to change 'your' to 'you're'

"But princess, what about the king and queen?" She starts to pet your head. It feel good to be comforted.

Um… I think you meant 'feels' Right?

She leans in a whispers in your ear.

Final error. Simply change to 'and'

I can honestly say I liked this… quite a lot.Not many fics have you in the POV of a child and it is very nice to see refreshing new POV for a change. I liked how quickly your character warms up to Celestia, very nice. I also eagerly await the next chapters. A definite 9/10 (Which it only gets because I prefer first or third person stories. So consider it a 10, okay? :twilightsmile:

Could of been more creative with the name of the human
Otherwise this seems interesting

Just when I thought I saw every variant of a HIE...

Please, do go on.

Good stuff! I want more.

hmm I like this:twilightsmile: But id like it if you added some more detail to the surroundings and emotions.

i'm intrested in where you're going with this, so i'll fave it for now.

allthough we haven't read much of the story yet, i think this story could be much better without the sex tag; because not all romance stories need one.

4408455 anonXtia '_' i bet

4407858 I will take a look at that when I get the chance. Thank you :pinkiehappy:


I like the concept of the story, I think I've only seen one other like it and I'm interested to see where this one will go, its not a bad first chapter but I wouldn't say its a good one either. There are a few things that are holding this chapter back, at least for me.

Something I found out of place is the guards are ashamed of having friends and family where Anon lack's both of those, not that they almost killed and innocent 'creature'. It's also difficult to believe that Anon could survive more than 2 months living on the streets if the beatings and such occur, not to mention the lack of protein he would have access too.

Why does Luna speak in ye old English and everyone else in modern English? Strange that a filly would speak in something that can be considered another language,

Can you please clarify how old Celestia is? When Celestia said "W-Why are you s-so mean." it sounded like something an 8 to 10 year old would say, this is supported by the quote "this little filly", but when she said "Do you have any idea on how that makes me feel? Knowing ponies could be so heartless." I would place her more in her mid to late teens.

How would a homeless kid receive a letter about an offer to join a circus? If its the case where a pony hands him the letter what is the point of the letter in the first place if said pony can simply tell Anon about the offer.

How have the King and Queen not heard of Anon? One would think they would be informed of an unknown species in their capital city, and that's disregarding the fact magic seems to have no effect on him.

ThatFriendlyGuy has already pointed out all the spelling and grammatical errors I could see and some I didn't so I won't go through that.

As I said before not a bad chapter but not good either, until I see some improvement I'm going to hold off my like for the story. I hope this helps in some way or another and I hope I can put my like up there soon. Can't wait to read more.

This poor kid is only 10 years old! I hope he finds an adequate home soon or he isn't going to last very long on his own! :fluttercry:

I enjoyed reading this. I urge you to continue this story, my friend.

4408874 Alright. Let me answer some of your questions/concerns

Something I found out of place is the guards are ashamed of having friends and family where Anon lack's both of those,

My thinking is was along the lines of, if you knew someone who lost everything while you were able to still live happily, would you not feel bad. It isn't about them being ashamed for having family, just sad about the other person's loss.

It's also difficult to believe that Anon could survive more than 2 months living on the streets if the beatings and such occur, not to mention the lack of protein he would have access too.

There are a lot of kids that live on the street... more than we are care to talk about. Yet, they still get along and adapt.

Why does Luna speak in ye old English and everyone else in modern English?

I just threw it in for giggles.

Can you please clarify how old Celestia is?

She is one year older than Anon and Luna is one year younger.

How would a homeless kid receive a letter about an offer to join a circus? If its the case where a pony hands him the letter what is the point of the letter in the first place if said pony can simply tell Anon about the offer.

I got nothin' besides preference of communication.

How have the King and Queen not heard of Anon? One would think they would be informed of an unknown species in their capital city, and that's disregarding the fact magic seems to have no effect on him.

That is up to the reader. I have not thought that deep in the story to be honest.

As I said before not a bad chapter but not good either, until I see some improvement I'm going to hold off my like for the story. I hope this helps in some way or another and I hope I can put my like up there soon. Can't wait to read more.

I hope I will be able to get you to press that green thumb. Thanks.

Please. Please, continue this!

"My name is Princess Solaris Celestia.

Umm, Solaris is actually a common name for Rule 63 Celestia. Just Saiyan.:trollestia:

This kid's an idiot :facehoof:

4409389 :pinkiegasp: You posted on my story. I feel so honored!


It's a good premise, I haven't seen one like it in a while.

But, despite being scared, this kid is a bloody muppet. And it befuddles me as to why he didn't even say so much as "Hello".

Hmm, I'll be waiting for an update. I rarely judge on the first chapter, so here's hoping it captures my interest :derpytongue2:

I understand him being afraid now, because he is young and has had awful experiences. But I do hope you don't overdo the amount he fears the ponies. As he gets older, fear would turn more and more into hatred. And a teenage or adult human that is immune to magic can be a very violent and very powerful fighter in the pony world.
I do like the fact that he started here young not many fics I know of follow that concept. And I do think you characterized Celestia correctly, can't say for Luna because I haven't seen enough of her.
Overall a nice fic so far, I look forward to more! :twilightsmile:

This is great, i am really enjoying the story. Keep it up!

Keep it up,great story for now! :yay:

Dawww, so nice. She should probably tell him to take a some though, I'm sure someone would notice. A job hmm. I could see it.

Celestia gonna lose something C:


Great Story. Please more!

But now the questions raise:

Will this play in the "past" from the show?

Or will something happen to bring him in the "present" time of the show, where he will maybe meet Twilight and her friends?

Maybe he gets turned into stone by mistake and has to wait for a thousand years?

Or is even with Luna together banished to the moon? He could have helped Celestia by holding Nightmare Moon in place till the elements ready.

Hmmmm I guess Anon forgot that his probably very dirty from living in a dump for so long.

4410435 ooh, I like how you think!

[youtube=m.youtube.com/watch?v=kIfOjkB17BA] nice

Loving this so far, keep it up! :twilightsmile:

I give it ten mustaches. :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:

4410462 You don't want to know how I think... believe me, even I fear sometimes from my own thoughts.

Another idea I had is: He will become Discord. Maybe by a failed spell from Celestia how wants to keep him (After some years of them dating and... other... things... :trollestia: ) and had to use forbidden magic for that. CHAOS MAGIC!

To prevent him from death, the magic had to change his body.

The first years where all good. But then the Chaos Magic gets more and more control over his mind and he gets more and more... random.

Until he becomes a danger for Celestias citizen and she and her Sister have to prison him in stone.

He could even be Sombra with a similar story.

i give it ten yay's so far :yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay:

So...this is set in the past, right?

No chance of Anon somehow surviving 1000 years unless discord gets involved then, huh?

Hmmm...not the most sophisticated story I've ever seen but I'd really like to see where this goes. My advice would be to watch your pacing (which hasn't been too bad thus far) and consider using more contractions when writing dialogue. It'll make those bits sound a little less robotic and sound better overall. Anyhoo, I'll fave and like this because you've intrigued my curiosity and I'd love to see your writing improve and evolve over the course of this story.

I think you should add the "Alternate Universe" tag.

4410556 The idea of him being imprisoned on the moon is a really good one, but would he be alone or able to interact with nightmare moon? And will she be angry/violent towards him? Will it be 1000 years of fighting for his life?

4410862 Oh don't worry. I will warn you guys.

Most importantly, you tell her how he is all alone in the world and all you wanted to do was help.

I'd recommend changing this to 'was' instead of keeping it as is. Other wise you would have to make 'all alone' into 'all-alone'

lunch time.

Lunch time is actually one word. I know right? Who'd of thought it.

"Tia! What is thou thinking! This is where the monster foalnapped thou!"

Now despite the language being archaic, use of the word 'is' is incorrect, you should make it into a 'are'

She isn't liking the looks of this alley

I'd recommend changing the sentence structure just a little. I'd change it into this:

She doesn't like the look of this alley

It makes more sense like this.

It is either that, or have her call the guards again.

Same problem as before, just an odd sentence structure. Here's a more sensical version:

It was either that, or have her call the guards again.

You really don't know how the fact you can talk make a filly giddy with joy.

Same as before.

You really don't know how the fact you can talk makes a filly become giddy with joy.

"Well, no... but they could." Luna chimes in with her opinion.

Change into a capital letter.

"...maybe." She gives a giggle

Make into a capital also.

"It will be different this time. I promise." She gives you a warm smile. That smile starts to wash away all your doubt and insecurities

Now I'd recommend changing it to this:

She gives you a warm smile, a smile that begins to wash away all your doubt and insecurities.

"Wait for it... Wait for it... Wait fo- Now!" You charge straight for the gate, making sure to stay a bit behind because you have no idea where to go after you get past the gate.

Just remove this capital letter. Then it's all good.

"Let's get this over with." You wait for the caterers to leave the cart, and then you make a dash for it.

Place an 'and' here.

"Stairs." You give yourself a mandatory facepalm.

These are two are actually separate words, regardless of he contact.

You really do not liking her ideas, but you don't have much of a choice.

Add a 'do' here, removing the 'are' from before 'really'

You end up facepalming again. They wouldn't get hand gestures.

These are two separate words.

When you open the doors, you are greeted by a dinning room fit for at least a hundred ponies.

Change to:

When you open the doors, a dinning room fit for at least a hundred ponies greets you.

Mom and Dad were talking about some royal business.Aka, boring grown up talk.

Just a space here.

Licking your fingers, you savor the sweet sweet taste of frosting.

Add a comma between these two words.

And the work is chapleted and finished. I only have one gripe with this fiction and its the seemingly unorganised writing structure. So instead of just colouring text when a character is speaking, just try to specify what character is speaking in the fiction instead, even if it just a small snippet of text. That's all.
I really want to like this fiction, I really, really do. But I'm just not adapted to the second person and lack of connectivity tot he character. I do like the premise, just not the character I'm supposed to be. I'm so very sorry for this outlook, I really am. Regardless, I hope to succeed in all future works.

Great chapter, keep it up mate.

4410798 It's not say Luna was with her body there. Luna and Anon maybe were turned into energy and the Moon was holding this energy.

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