• Published 21st Apr 2014
  • 4,287 Views, 248 Comments

It's All Downhill From Here - B_25

It's the annual Ponyville Game-Athon, where teams of two compete in fun events for a chance to win a prize. It's Spike's first year playing, and fate decrees he gets paired with somepony he doesn't even know.

  • ...

No News is Good News

Spike and Cloudchaser walked up to the front door of his residence.

“Now, I have no knowledge of whether it's clean or dirty or whatever, so don’t judge me,” Spike said.

“Don’t worry,” Cloudchaser replied. “It can’t be any worse than my place.”

Spike led her in through the front door.

“Alright, Cloudchaser, there's the couch. Go wild.” Spike showed her into the living room where she took a quick glance around before promptly hopping onto said couch.

“Don't mind if I do.” She let out a deep sigh as she sunk into the cushions. “Ahh, I could just die here and be completely happy. So comfortable! Why do you even leave your house?” She glanced over at Spike, a goofy grin on her face.

“A question that has baffled scientists for centuries,” Spike said. “Now scooch over and save a little piece of heaven for me. My legs hurt from all that running around.”

Spike leapt onto the couch next to Cloudchaser, causing her to have to sit upright, much to her displeasure.

“You know, there's a chair right over there,” she said, pointing a good at the easy chair across the room. “You didn't have to ruin my happiness.”

“Yeah, I kinda did, because you see, this couch is way more comfortable than that chair, even if I do have to share it with you.” Spike folded his arms and sank back into the chair. “So, we're here, now what should we talk about?”

Cloudchaser scratched her chin for a moment but drew blanks. “I don't know. What are friends supposed to talk about?”

“Well, in my personal experience, they talk about saving the world, defeating mega villains, traversing the land and the occasional cute stallion. But that all sounds a bit extreme, so let's start small.”

Cloudchaser chuckled. “Sounds good. Okay, so what's your favourite colour?”

“Purple. You?”

“Yellow. Favourite pastime?”

“Becoming the hero of the Crystal Empire. You?”,

“Sleeping in until three in the afternoon.”

“That would be a close second,” Spike interjected. “Alright, let’s take it up a notch, here. Why did you want to join the games this year?”

Cloudchaser blushed and shook her head. “Uhm, no reason. Just you know, games and stuff.”

“Eh, not buying it,” Spike said, crossing his arms. “Alright doll, spill the beans!”

Cloudchaser sighed and turned to Spike. “Fine, but you can’t tell anyone.”

“Oh my goodness, Cloudchaser. I won’t tell anyone. Just spit it out!”

“Alright, fine,” she said. “I kind of, I don’t know, thought I could impress Thunderlane if I played and won. I mean, I would’ve played anyway because competition and all, but that was a kind of a driving factor behind it. So, promise you won’t tell anyone?”

“Hahaha!” Spike blurted out. “Oh my gosh, the only way you’ll impress him is if you lift your tail about three inches higher and get a supermodel marefriend. Yeah, just playing in some games isn’t going to do anything for your chances.”

“Shut up, Spike,” Cloudchaser said, boxing him in the shoulder. “He’s not as bad as you think.”

“You’re right,” Spike said. “He’s worse. I was giving him way too much credit. When it comes to who he spends his time with, he cares about three things: Money, social status and immediate gratification. If he’s not getting at least one of those from being with a pony, he won’t be with them very long.”

Cloudchaser scowled and looked away. “You know what, forget it. Why did you decide to play the games?”

“Me? Well… I’ve been wanting to play for awhile now, but this is the first year I got around to actually getting in. Also, I kinda wanted to be on Rarity’s team.”

“Ha, I knew it. You’re in the same boat as me!”

“No! Well, yeah, kind of,” Spike said, scratching the back of his head. “But unlike Thunderlane, she’s actually really awesome. Thunderlane is a doof. And last time I checked, he seems to be a little more interested in your sister, if I’m not mistaken.”

“Ha, maybe, but that’ll change soon if everything goes according to plan.” Cloudchers snickered and rubbed her hooves together.

“Wow, evil much?”

“Hmph, a mare has to do what a mare has to do.”

Spike was about to come back with yet another well timed retort, when the front door handle jiggled, which was then quickly followed by the door swinging open, revealing a purple, pony princess.

“Oh, what a day!” Twilight blared out, collapsing through the front door. She crawled into the living area, ready to drop into the couch when she noticed its two current occupants. “Um, hello guys?”

“Hello, Twilight,” Cloudchaser said with a nervous smile. “I’m not in your spot, am I?”

“Meh, she can find a new spot,” Spike said, crossing his arms. “First come, first serve.”

“Fine, be that way,” Twilight said, hopping into the easy chair located across the room. She fell into the chair and eyed Spike and Cloudchaser. “So, what brings you two here? Or better yet, what brings you two to the same couch?”

“We’re trying to learn more about each other,” Spike stated. “After seeing how close Lyra and Applejack were and how well they get along, it appeared we were a bit lacking in that category.”

“Yeah,” Cloudchaser said, nodding her head. “And not to mention we needed a place to hide out after a particularly awkward lunch experience. Isn’t that right, Spike?”

“Like I said, it was an accident! I was on the spot!” Spike called out.

“Do I want to know, or am I happier in my ignorance of the situation?” Twilight asked, bringing her hoof to her face.

“Oh please, I hope it doesn’t get around,” Cloudchaser said.

“Okay, then,” Twilight said, shaking the thought off. “On a slightly different note, how is training going for you guys? You think you’re ready for the games?”

“I would suppose that depends on your definition of ready…” Spike stated.

“Love that confidence, Spike” Twilight said.

“Well, we tried out flying,” Cloudchaser said. “I guess Spike is afraid of heights.”

“Not heights, just the inevitable fall from those heights,” Spike corrected.

“The point is,” Cloudchaser cut in, “progress is slow. But, I’m pretty sure we’re gonna kick some serious tail, am I right, Spike?”

“Oh yeah, totally,” Spike said.

“GUYS!” With an explosion the door burst open revealing Rainbow Dash. “I need your help!”

All three of them jumped up from their respective seats in surprise.

“Rainbow, what’s going on? Are you in danger?” Twilight ran over to her friend, eyes wide. “Is it a friendship problem?”

“Oh Twilight, she’s out there. Somewhere, and she’s looking for me! Nowhere is safe!” Rainbow dashed around the room, searching in and all places, ready to hide at any moment.

“Who’s out there?” Twilight asked. “Chrysalis? A changeling? Who!”

“Trixie! You have to hide me!” Rainbow jumped behind the couch, poking her head over the edge to keep a lookout. “At first, it wasn’t so bad. She was bossy, sure, but we made it work. But now, it’s every waking moment! Making her food. Running circles around town. Twilight, she made me file her hooves! And she said it was vital to our training exercise, so I couldn’t just say no. Help!”

“Oh, is that all?” Twilight said, shaking her head. “Rainbow, you have to learn to work with Trixie. She’s not that bad, and she’s a changed mare from how she used to be.”

“You don’t know, Twilight! You haven’t seen what I’ve been through! You don’t know the struggle…”

“Rainbow,” Twilight said, frowning at the shivering ball hiding behind her couch. “You can’t hide from your problems behind my couch. That doesn’t set a good example. You’re gonna go out there, face down Trixie and find a friendship lesson to learn from all this!”

“No, you can’t make me!”

“Oh, really?” With a quick blast of magic, Twilight grabbed Rainbow by the back hooves and dragged her from behind the couch.

“No! Don’t do this to me, Twilight! Please! Spike! Cloudchaser! Help me!”

Spike and Cloudchaser just turned to each other and laughed.

“Sorry, Rainbow, I already helped you once,” Spike said with a snicker. “You’re on your own.”


“Sorry, Rainbow, but it’s for your own good.” Twilight popped open the door and tossed Rainbow outside, quickly shutting the door behind her. “Well, that was interesting.”

“You know,” Cloudchaser said, looking at Spike. “I don’t feel so bad about our chances anymore. You wanna go train some more?”

“Sounds like a plan to me,” Spike said with a chuckle. “Let’s do it.”

“Have fun, you two!” Twilight yelled as they ran out the door.

Author's Note:

It's been awhile, but I'm going to try and finish this thing by the end of the month. With Heart Invasion out of the way, I have time to work on it now.

Comments ( 16 )

Fun update!:moustache:

6698772 Yeah. In truth, this is probably my fave story of all of the one's I've written.

6698812 I can see why. It's lighthearted fun with little drama and a lot of comedy and character development for all.

Plus I love stories with more dialogue than narration. Gives me a better connection with the characters.:moustache::twilightsmile:

P.S. Good luck, Rainbow!:rainbowderp::trixieshiftleft:

6699257 This one is a lot better, in my opinion.

rainbow is screwed

Dude! You really need to finish this story. I really want to see what happens and it's been months since the last update. (a similar problem I have with my own stories)
I really really really want to read more of this story! :pinkiehappy:

Well Spike and Cloudchaser, whenever you think you're not that great of a team, just look no further than Rainbow.

6700467 whats at the end of a rainbow, gold, nawww, much better, a trixie

Rainbow Dash. Aka, drama queen of the century.

What the hell?!! Rainbow Dash is so OOC right now. The first time Trixie tried to boss her around, she would have made Trixie repeat herself. After she did, she would have got in face and told her, in no uncertain terms, that Trixie does NOT boss her around, and the next time she tries, Rainbow will make her regret it. Rainbow is acting more like Fluttershy. Also, Rarity wasn't even a candidate for the games.

6709571 Rainbow is trying to play nice to get on Spitfire's good side.

And Rarity wasn't a candidate, but what Spike is saying is that he originally hoped he could get on Raritys team if she were participating.

I'll try and reword it to make it more clear and/or understandable. Thanks for the heads up.

Please write another chapter soon I want to see how this turns out

Sooo...why is this fic listed under a completely different author? I've checked both authors' blog posts, and neither seems to mention it. What gives?:rainbowhuh:

6951789 Stole it for the Lols.

Rip, another good story canceled

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