• Published 12th Jan 2014
  • 2,469 Views, 41 Comments

Friendship is a Bang! - wille179

Deidara dies by blowing himself up while fighting Sasuke. Then he hatches from a purple egg. Hilarity ensues.

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Art is a Baby Dragon

As Twilight, Princess Celestia, and Deidara walked down the halls of the school, the latter asked, “So you’re telling me that I got reincarnated as a dragon in a world full of pastel ponies, un?” Deidara asked. “Now I’ve got to go make art. I’ve got to blow off some steam.” The bomber looked down at his clawed hands. He let out a sigh of relief when he saw all five fingers and two mouths. With a twist of his chakra, Deidara confirmed that his bloodline limit was still in place, to his even greater relief. “Got any clay?”

“So you are a sculptor?” Princess Celestia asked. “I would love to see your work. I am an art connoisseur myself.”

Deidara grinned wildly. “Then I’m sure that you’ll appreciate the beauty of a moment. Art it a bang, un!”

Turning to one of the faculty members, the solar princess asked, “Would you be as kind as to lead us to one of the art classrooms?”

“Certainly, your highness,” the unicorn mare replied.

Upon reaching the art classroom, Deidara sprinted as fast as he could to the containers of clay; having instinctively enhanced his movements with chakra, the incomplete shunhin made Deidara seem to flicker and appear next to the container. As he literally dove in to get the clay, the two unicorns and one alicorn found themselves at a loss for words.

“This is some good clay, un. It takes to my chakra real well. This’ll do.” After hopping out of the box, which was literally three times his size, Deidara turned and picked the heavy box up and carried it over his head to the door. “Nice arms. I think I could get used to this body.” Deidara paused at the door. “Well, are you coming? My art is done best outside.”

“Oh, of course,” Celestia said.

The horned trio followed the newborn dragon outside. Though the box of clay he was carrying was comically big, Deidara refused to let one of them carry it. “I’ve got to build this body’s strength up If I’m ever going to get anywhere in life,” he answered when questioned by Twilight.

Upon reaching the school grounds, Deidara set the box in the grass and climbed into it to retrieve a ball of clay. Returning with a blob, he set most of it down on the ground and pinched off a small ball.

To the horror of the ponies watching him, a mouth full of sharp teeth opened up on the palm of his hand. “GYAAHH!” the unicorn teacher screamed. “What in Celestia’s name is that on your claw?”

As Deidara began kneading the red clay with his mouths, he said, “The Iwagakure Kinjutsu. It gave me these mouths so that I may knead my chakra into the clay so that I can create the ultimate art! Twilight-chan, do you like butterflies?” Deidara held out his claw to show the sculpture he had just created.

“Oh, it’s very pretty. I like it!” the unicorn foal said.

“Watch this. C1: Butterfly.” The sculpture came to life. Flapping it’s small wings, the clay butterfly lifted itself into the air, much to the joy of the little filly.

“Hey, can you teach me how to do that? I want to make living art!” said Twilight.

“Very impressive. I’ve never seen a dragon use magic before. I can see why you call yourself an artist,” Princess Celestia commented.

As his creation gained altitude, Deidara watched it go. “First, I have no idea what magic is. I use chakra, un. I felt antsy, so I put enough chakra into that for at least a C2: Dragon. Second, it’s not the butterfly that is the art. That’s only my brush.”

“What do you mean?” Celestia asked.

“Art is something fleeting, something you only see for an instant. A flash of light, a brief sound, the beauty of a moment, creation and destruction in a second, un.” Deidara looked up. Deeming his creation to be sufficiently far by now, he said, “Inspiration is brief, un. Art… ART IS AN EXPLOSION! KATSU!

In the direction the butterfly had flown, there was an absolutely massive explosion of green flame, bright enough to make the sun look dull. Behind them, many of the school’s windows shattered, the tinker of falling glass going unheard by the ringing ears.

Deidara, the only one who had remained standing, commented, “Hm… For the amount of chakra I put in, it came out twice as big as I expected. The green flame is new. I love it, un.”

Princess Celestia, as soon as she stood up, galloped into the building to help the injured. Meanwhile, the voices of the filly’s parents drifted out of the damaged school. “Twilight! Twilight! Where are you?”

“I’m outside, Mom, Dad!” the filly replied.

Upon emerging, they raced towards Twilight. Her mother cried, “Oh, sweetie, we were so worried that something had happened to you.”

“I’m ok, mom.”

Night Light, her father, complained, “What is it with all of these explosions today? What happened here.”

“Too much chakra in my art,” Deidara commented as he shrugged. The adult ponies stared at the baby dragon, unsure of what to make of his strange comment.

“Oh! Deidara did it!” Twilight said. “He put this clay in his weird mouth thingies and then made it into an exploding butterfly. Can he teach me how to do that?”

“Diedara?” Twiligt Velvet asked. “How could such a small dragon make such a huge explosion? And NO, Twilight, you may NOT learn how to make explosions.”

“You have no respect for the art or the artist, un,” Deidara pouted. “I’m a reincarnated S-Class Iwagakure nuke-nin and I have the bakuton bloodline. I used to work with the Explosion corps, blowing stuff up, un. Explosions are my art!”

Night Light blinked. “… I barely understood a word of that. However, I think you need to re-evaluate yourself if that is what you call art. You could have killed somepony! You could have killed my daughter!”

“I know. If people die in my art, then it’s all the more beautiful. I killed myself in my last life by blowing myself up,” Deidara stated, much to the horror of the ponies around him. “At least my art is better than that horror show that master Sasori calls art.”

“I’m almost afraid to know,” said Velvet.

“He murders people, then turns their corpses into puppets to use so he can kill even more people. Worst of all, he thinks art should last forever!” the little dragon ranted, ignoring the looks of shock on his audience’s faces.

Princess Celestia stared down at Deidara. At over five times his height, the sight should have intimidated the ex-human; however, Deidara was a shinobi and, more importantly, had fought Akimichi clan members before. Celestia’s giant stature did not faze him.

“You are lucky that there were no injuries in the explosion,” the princess said. “However, there was still considerable damage done to the building itself. This puts me in an interesting conundrum; how do I punish you? In the eyes of the law, you are most definitely a minor. However, you possess memories of your past life, meaning that you are older than you appear. Hmm… your sentence shall be community service. You will help repair the school building, and then you will remain in the castle and explain your abilities to us. If they can be taught, I want you to teach them to my protégé.”


Author's Note:

*Boom* Have a chapter! Just FYI, the rule of funny is in full effect in this story.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the anime, here are the translations and jutus:

Shunshun: Body flicker technique
Iwagakure: Village hidden in the stone.
Kinjutsu: Forbidden technique. Extremely dangerous to user, cause massive collateral damage, or violate the laws of nature. Iwagakure Kinjutsu.
C1: Click here for more. Accidentally mixed with dragon fire.
C2: Click here.
Nuke-nin: Missing ninja. A traitor to their village.
Bakuton: Explosion release.
Akimichi clan: Click here.

Skip to 0:36 to see a smaller version of the butterfly.

Comments ( 31 )

Oh poor Deidara. At least his punishment is getting off easy. I can't wait to see him grow along side Twilight and all that follows when she goes to Ponyville.

oh yeah now I feel for him but I'm still laughing:pinkiecrazy: at all the explosions:pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiehappy:

3778004 poor Ponyville, heck POOR Nightmare Moon

BOOM BABY! :twilightoops:

Awesome, we need Moar green fiery explosions!

I'm torn between liking pretty much everything you write, and hating you for giving yourself another project to update.

If I don't write them down, I don't sleep at night. Sorry.

3778491 I swear if twilight learns anything...

You are lucky that there were injuries in the explosion

Think you meant no or only.

Thanks for catching that. Fixed.

3778019 Let's prey that PINKIE doesn't learn how to make clay explosives or, Faust forbid, the CMC!!!

3780544 even the THOUGHT of Pinkie makes me almost need to run for the bathroom because of the very filled pants, the CMC, why bother? we are ALL going to DIE

ponies have magic not chakra so I say celestia asking him to teach might be a bust since chakra need training to the extreme physically and spiritually and magic doesn't count for experience and let face it ponies don't have the mentality to use the abilities for it right in fact It might kill them for there mistake it like making a civilian a s class ninja in a day and isn't his clay ability a blood line trait?

I'm considering chakra and magic to be the same thing, but magic tendt to be more demanding of spiritual energy while ninja chakra is more physical energy. However, both need both types of energy.

Ponies don't need hand-signs to use their magic. Only unicorns actively use their magic.

while i like a new crossover story there should be more stories where someone ends up in equestria and respons with a fuck no (more insults) and then proceeding to kill themselves :pinkiehappy:

Nuke-nin seems to be somewhat of a double meaning in this case

hey, that's really nice. mature character, not the most insane of those ninjas, not Sasuke-teme or baka Naruto. Faving and upvoting, hope to see updates frequently.

I am very curious of what will come next. But what will happen if Deidara were to be resurrected by the Edo Tensei? Will part of his will leave him or will he return to the world for the time being?

That's . . . they are surprisingly accepting of the fact that he's a reincarnated soul from a different dimension that can use clay to make explosions by using mouths on his hands. I mean, in today's society if someone went around saying they were a reincarnated soul from a different dimension that could make explosive clay using mouths on their hands they would either be killed or taken by a government to be experimented on.

I know it's love and tolerance, accepting one another but this is seriously pushing the envelope.

So much story poential
Awesome as THIS

Satisfying chapter.

I LOVE IT I MUST HAVE MORE :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:!!!!!!!!!!!

This is interesting. :pinkiecrazy: Hehehehe... If Deidaspike repairs the building, they're most likely going to asplode knowing his usual building material.

This is amusing and rather original considering the way you handled the concept. So I must request this story get added to

I'm.... actually, I'm not all that disappointed. While the quality is definitely lacking and this chapter not all that interesting, the idea is gold. I'm not going to follow this because of its glaring flaws, but you have something, at least. Good luck on future chapters.

This was made way early, when I was just starting out. I honestly also didn't put much effort into it, so...

Then later they find out Sasori was reincarnated too :pinkiecrazy: But now Deidara as Spike is a genius idea my friend. It's a great story and Deidara is my favorite Akatsuki(aside from Tobi) so keep up the good work:moustache:

Continue com essa história por favor tá muito legal mesmo eu amei essa história por favor

Please continue the story, ART !!!

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