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Double Feature: Flim/Aloe and Flam/Lotus Blossom

"Hey Flim?" said Flam.

"Ahhhhhh, yeah that feels good... Yeah broski?"

"We done goofed."

"Yeah, we goofed."

"Hey Aloe?" said Flim.

"Yes Mr. Skim?"

"Your massaging skills are amazing. Please never stop."

"Hehe. Don't worry sir. I love doing what I do, and you still have 40 minutes left."

"Hey Lotus Blossom?" said Flam.

"Yes sir?" she tittered.

"Today's been a rough day. How much is a happy ending?"

"Twenty bits."

'Twas money well spent.

Author's Note:

Pairing suggested by RagamuffinQ.

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