• Published 4th Oct 2013
  • 4,298 Views, 30 Comments

The Nightmare Night Party - Scantrel

An Equestria Girls story: Halloween is just around the corner, so what does that mean? A costume party of course, hosted by Pinkie Pie. Rarity offers to make each of her friends a costume for the nightmarish night bash. What will each of them choose?

  • ...

Rarely in disguise

Sugarcube Cafe was buzzing, which was typical in the afternoon once classes had let out at Canterlot High School. Among the crowd of students enjoying the various beverages or sweet snacks were five friends, all seated around "their" table near the counter.

"You all know what time it is?" Pinkie Pie asked, slurping down the last of her double extra-shot mocha.

"Mmm....about 4:50?" Rainbow Dash deadpanned.

"No, you silly willy! I mean it's time to figure out all the details of our Halloween Party!" Pinkie answered. "I was thinking since we didn't really have a party last year, we should have a really superific costume party this year."

"Well, if it's a Pinkie Party, you can count me in," said Applejack with a grin.

Rarity had been thumbing through one of her textbooks, but suddenly perked her head up. "Costumes? Did someone say costumes?" she inquired eagerly.

"Incoming..." muttered Rainbow Dash.

"Why this is a fabulous idea, Pinkie, simply fabulous!" Rarity exclaimed. Jumping up out of her chair, Rarity dug furiously in her pack to pull out a design pad and pencil. "Now then, I'll need to take notes from each of you as to what sort of costume you want, we'll need to arrange fittings, make sure that no two are alike, all of that sort of thing." Rarity paused a moment to catch her breath. "This will be the most wonderful thing ever!"

"Oh Rarity, are you sure you'll have time for all of this with your homework and other orders?" Fluttershy asked quietly.

"But of course I will!" Rarity declared. "It's only five original designs for a little fĂȘte for Halloween."

"It's no big deal, Rare." Rainbow Dash said. "We can just stop by Goodwill or something."

"S...Stop by...by..." Rarity gasped, her hands flying up to her cheeks as she reeled in revulsion.

"Come on now an' breathe," Applejack chuckled. "You know Dash is jus' yankin' yer chain. It's right nice of you to offer to help us all with our costumes." Applejack glanced around a little furtively, then said, "I, ah...I think it might be best if we each jus' stopped by the boutique an' discussed our ideas one at a time."

Rarity had collected herself and pondered the suggestion. "That may be best, Applejack" she mused. "Why don't you all come by over the next couple of days and I'll work out the particulars with each of you. That should still give me plenty of time to finish all of the outfits and have them fitted before the party."

"That sounds very nice." Fluttershy said. "Oh, should we invite Sunset Shimmer? She probably would appreciate it." Fluttershy looked down at her lap and added, "But if you all don't think it's a good idea, that's OK."

Rainbow Dash looked up from her book, actually paying attention this time. "You know, I think that's a good idea. She and I have been hanging out some after Volleyball practice, so I feel comfortable asking her."

"Thanks, Rainbow! That's great!" Pinkie beamed. "I'll let you all know when and where once I pick a place."

Rarity made some additional notes on her pad and said, "Rainbow, do be a dear and pass on my offer to Sunset Shimmer to make her a costume. I will be happy to whip up one for her as well."

"Will do...though I guess demoness is off the list?" Rainbow Dash wisecracked and grinned at Rarity's scowl.

"Aw, give her a break, Rainbow," Applejack smirked.

"You're no fun, AJ." Rainbow shot back with a devilish look.

"Very funny, Rainbow Dash." Rarity said with an exaggerated dramatic huff. "Just for that, I should dig out that lovely poofy dress that you eschewed for the Fall Formal for your costume." Rainbow Dash's face actually paled a little and the other girls shared a laugh before finishing up their drinks and parting their separate ways for the evening.

A couple of days later, the little bell hanging over the threshold jingled as a customer entered the boutique in the evening. Rarity walked out of her workroom and into the main foyer. "Welcome to the Carousel Boutique!" she called out cheerfully.

"Hi, Rarity! I'm here for my costume design," Pinkie Pie said happily.

"Pinkie, dear, so good to see you. You're the first to stop by." Rarity said. "Do you have an idea in mind?"

"Mmhmm, I sure do!" Pinkie beamed. Reaching into a little bag she was carrying, Pinkie pulled out a comic book and thrust it at Rarity.

Rarity pulled her glasses down from her hair over her eyes and held the comic book up to the light. "Oh goodness...are you absolutely sure about this?" Rarity asked dubiously.

"Sure as sugar on a cupcake, that's what I want." Pinkie replied.

Rarity took another close look at the cover. "Is that...spandex? The colors are a bit...clashy, all yellow and black and blue. And are those claws?" Rarity started making mental notes, still uncertain this was a wise choice. "So what made you choose Wo..."

Pinkie Pie suddenly zipped forward, shushing Rarity. "Don't say the name...it's copyrighted!" she hissed in a loud whisper.

"Pinkie, that's ridiculous," Rarity said with an exasperated sigh. "Why should that matter at all?"

Pinkie looked quickly back over her shoulder, as if she were afraid she was being followed. "Trust me...you don't want them to know you are making that. They have these huge machines they can plug their heads into and use their minds to seek you out anywhere on the planet. And if they find you..." Pinkie Pie said ominously.

"They come and blast you with their mental powers?" Rarity asked dryly.

"No...worse! Much, much worse!" Pinkie Pie said with a shiver. "They send...lawyers!" Pinkie curled up in to an impossibly tight little ball at Rarity's feet.

Rarity couldn't help but roll her eyes at this point. "Don't worry, I'll keep this top secret. Project Pinkerine will never be discovered until it's too late."

Pinkie Pie suddenly shot up, a large smile on her face. "Thanks Rarity! You're the best!" Pinkie then turned on her heel and bounced out of the boutique, singing a little "la la la la la la la" as she skipped.

Rarity took another look down at the comic, then towards the door Pinkie had just vanished through, then shook her head. Well, at least that was one down, four to go.

Just before Rarity was about to close the boutique for the night, Rainbow Dash walked in, carrying a long, thin case.

"Rainbow Dash!" Rarity said with some surprise. "You very nearly didn't catch me, I was just about to close up for the night."

"Yeah, I figured as much. I didn't want anyone else barging in and hearing about my totally cool idea for my costume." Rainbow Dash said, leaning the case against a nearby stool.

"So, what is it that you have in mind, Rainbow?" Rarity asked curiously. She had her guesses, most of which involved some sort of flying.

"I'm going to be Zorro!" Rainbow Dash stated proudly, striking a pose.

"Oh, wasn't that from that funny little movie several years back?" Rarity inquired, searching her memory. "Something about a 'Gay Blade' if I recall right?"

"What? No!!" Rainbow Dash sputtered. "Not that version. The real Zorro, from the old black and white films."

"Black and white? Now however am I supposed to do anything with only two main colors for you?" Rarity said with some exasperation.

"They weren't all in black and white!" Rainbow Dash objected. "But yeah, that was most of the outfit. I know you, Rare, you can make it look cool."

"Hmmm....I suppose it will be something of a challenge." Rarity mused. "Is the thing in the case part of the costume?"

"Oh yeah! Check this baby out!" Rainbow Dash scooped up the case, opening it and drawing forth a slender saber. Taking it up in one hand, Rainbow Dash entered an en garde stance then started to slash about.

"Careful with that!" Rarity exclaimed, ducking behind a counter. "You'll ruin the curtains!"

"Relax, Rarity. I never miss my mark!" Rainbow Dash said confidently. A few more flourishes and the saber went back in the case.

Rarity poked her head out and finally came out from behind her makeshift cover. "Very well Rainbow, if it's Zorro you want, then Zorro you shall be!"

"Thanks Rare, you are awesome!" Rainbow Dash smiled, then her grin turned a little sly. "Too bad Twilight isn't still here, she could go with me as Toronado."

"Toro-who?" Rarity asked.

"Toronado!" Rainbow Dash said in a badly-done thick accent. "Zorro's faithful steed!"

"I truly don't think Twilight would appreciate that, Rainbow Dash, considering who she really is. It's not like she would let you ride her!" Rarity scoffed.

Rainbow Dash just winked and said, "It's hard to turn down the Dash!" Picking up the case, Rainbow turned towards the door to leave. "Thanks again, Rarity, see you at school tomorrow."

Rarity followed Rainbow Dash to the door and then locked it, flipping the little sign to "Closed".

"Turn down the Dash, indeed. Hmmph!" Rarity said with a huff.

The next day at school went well, though everyone was wondering why Pinkie Pie kept saying "Watch it, Bub!" Applejack approached Rarity at lunch to ask if she could come by the boutique after school and Rarity eagerly agreed. She had started to take a genuine curiosity as to what her friends would choose.

True to her word, Applejack arrived within an hour after classes let out. "Howdy, Rarity." Applejack said as she walked into the store. "I'm...ah, well, I'm a mite nervous about all this."

"Applejack, please, there's nothing to be nervous about. The point of Halloween costumes are to be whimsical or fantastical. You get to be anything or anyone you can imagine." Rarity said soothingly.

"Alrighty...well, I wanna be a Princess." Applejack said at last.

Rarity had to force herself not to gasp, she hadn't seen that one coming. " A Princess?" She repeated. "You mean...like royalty? With a lacy formal dressing gown with all the frills?"

"I'd thought about that at first, but nah, I'd never hear the end of it from Rainbow Dash. So I came up with the idea of bein' Princess Leia,"

"From...oh, yes, of course. Well, certainly that won't be difficult at all. Were you thinking of the more regal style robes, or the adventurous look?" Rarity asked.

"Aw shucks, I hadn't really thought all that far. I guess the more fancy ones, but not too fancy." Applejack said with a slight blush.

"Leave it all to me, I'll make it just right." Rarity promised. "Oh, and if you like, I'll be more than happy to do your hair in the twin buns before the party. You'll just have to leave your hat at home for the evening." Applejack reached up instinctively and Rarity chuckled.

"Is there anything else, Applejack? I daresay yours is the easiest outfit on my list so far." Rarity asked.

Applejack's face started to turn crimson and she scuffed her boots along the floor a little. Finally, with what sounded like an effort, she said, "Well...if'n you're offerin'...Could you do the slave girl outfit too? You know, the one she wore on the barge?"

One of Rarity's eyebrows shot up and she said a little salaciously, "Why Applejack, you certainly aren't planning on wearing that to the party, are you?"

Applejack's blush deepened and she said, "No. that's...that's fer another day."

Rarity nodded, but filed that little tidbit away for further investigation. "I'm sure I can come up with something." she said with a little grin.

"Much obliged, Rarity. I'll leave ya be in case someone else comes by." Applejack said, backing up and scooting out the door.

"My my my." Rarity said to herself as she watched the cowgirl walk back to her truck.

Rarity had just finished dinner and was surfing the Internet, looking for pictures of Zorro when she heard the front bell ring. Walking up to the front, Rarity saw Fluttershy standing in the boutique parlor. "Fluttershy, it's wonderful to see you!" Rarity greeted her spa partner. "Are you here about your costume?"

"Oh, yes, thank you again so much for doing this." Fluttershy answered softly.

"What have you decided on then?" Rarity asked, picking up a design pad and pencil.

"I think that I'd like to be a pirate." Fluttershy said, then looked down. "If it's not too much trouble that is."

"A pirate sounds rather fun!" Rarity said cheerfully. "Tell me, do you think you can pull off the swagger and all?"

"Oh, I don't know. I guess I can try." Fluttershy admitted.

"Let me hear you talk like a pirate then. It will help me visualize the design". Rarity requested.

"Uhmm....arrr?" Fluttershy said quietly.

"Well, it's a start." Rarity offered. "A little more?"

"Sh...shiver me timbers, me hearties." Fluttershy managed, her voice not one bit louder than before.

"No, no...give it some gusto, dear. Think of...hmmm...think of your animals as your crew, talk to them."

Fluttershy nodded and took a deep breath.


Rarity's eyes were just about at the top of her head as she looked back at Fluttershy, completely blown away. "That was...very good, Fluttershy" she managed to squeak.

"Oh you really thought so? It was a great suggestion. Maybe I can get Angel Bunny to sit on my shoulder? I don't think I can get him to eat crackers, though."

"Yes, well, I think I can take it from here, I'm already getting the perfect picture in my head." Rarity said as she unruffled herself.

"Oh good, thank you Rarity." Fluttershy said with a smile. "I need to head back home, Angel will be getting angry if I'm not there to fluff his tail twice like I promised."

Fluttershy turned to leave and Rarity could swear she could hear Fluttershy softly singing to herself, "Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!"

Rarity sat down on one of the stools to take stock of her work that she had ahead of her. She had a superhero costume, complete with claws, for Pinkie, a Zorro outfit for Rainbow Dash, a Princess Leia costume (well, two actually, Rarity reminded herself) for Applejack, and now a pirate outfit for Fluttershy. Rarity already had her own Cleopatra costume planned out, so all that left was Sunset Shimmer. Rainbow Dash said that Sunset had agreed to come to the party and to send her thanks to Rarity for the offer of a costume. But so far, Sunset hadn't said anything about it to her. She could probably whip up something last minute in a pinch if it came to that. But for now, she had her work cut out for her, no pun intended.

As the party date loomed closer, Rarity was spending more and more of her evenings working on the costumes. She'd started with Applejack's since it was the easiest and watching the movie again for design ideas had been fun. Rainbow Dash's outfit had called for a little ingenuity, since Rarity knew that Rainbow Dash wouldn't be able to resist flailing about with her sword. Rarity didn't want the seams to burst at the first lunge, after all.

Pinkie's costume was more distasteful to create, the colors really were so garish. However, the challenge of integrating the spring-loaders into the gloves for the claws had been interesting. Rarity made a note to herself to remind Pinkie they were just for show and only intended to pop out once. That had left Fluttershy's pirate outfit.

Rarity had sketched several designs and her workroom floor was practically littered with discarded drawings. Finally, Rarity had given into her little spirit of whimsy and created an outfit that bordered a bit on the saucy side, still complete with tricorne pirate hat, tall leather boots, and a bit of lace to go along with the swashbuckler motif. If nothing else, Rarity mused, it might draw Fluttershy out of her shell a bit more to wear it.

Rarity had started to tidy up the shop a bit when the entry bell rang. Walking back out to the front, Rarity was pleasantly surprised to see Sunset Shimmer standing in the parlor.

"Hello Rarity," Sunset Shimmer said in greeting and Rarity could hear the edge of uncertainty in her voice. Even after accepting Sunset's apology for the Spring Fling, their relationship was still much cooler than Sunset shared with the rest of her new friends.

"Good evening Sunset," Rarity replied, putting a generous smile on her face. "Are you here for us to talk about your costume?"

Sunset Shimmer nodded in answer. "I really don't have much interest in costumes and I don't have a lot of depth in pop culture here so I'm going to have to rely on your creativity." Sunset confessed.

"Oh? Have you never worn a costume before?" Rarity inquired.

Sunset Shimmer shook her head slightly. "Not my thing. Back in Equestria, I never took part in the Nightmare Night festival. It just seemed silly to me to dress up so an old legend wouldn't gobble you up. After all, everyone knows that the Mare in the Moon is just an old pony tale."

"Err...right." Rarity said, trying to sound as if she understood. The idea that Sunset had been a pony from another world was still a little unsettling to her. "Well then, if you truly have no idea..." Rarity lifted her hand up to her chin as she pondered. "I've got it!" she exclaimed suddenly, causing Sunset Shimmer to take a step back in surprise.

"Sunset, have you ever been to a circus?" Rarity asked with a gleam in her eye.

Sunset gave a little frown and replied, "No...I don't think so. What are you thinking?"

"Given your colorful ah....history...here, I think your costume should be something that radiates fun and frolic, a way to show you have a lighter side." Rarity said enthusiastically. "I think your costume should be a circus clown."

Sunset Shimmer considered that a few moments, then finally said. "I suppose...I have to trust in your expertise in this. Thanks Rarity, when will it be ready?"

Rarity smiled, hooking her arm around Sunset's and leading her back to the boutique entrance. "Just leave it all to me, I'll have everything ready a couple of days before the party for you to pick up, along with the makeup." Reaching the door, she opened it for Sunset Shimmer and beamed a smile as Sunset exited.

Once she was alone again, Rarity's smile curled into something sinister and she rubbed her hands together conspiratorially. "Oh Rarity, you simply are a genius." she cackled to herself.

The big night had finally arrived and Rarity was scurrying around to take care of last minute adjustments and details. She had booked Applejack for 6:00PM to do her hair and 7:00PM for Sunset Shimmer to drop by to help her with her makeup and wig. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy had already come by the boutique after school to test the fit of their costumes, both had only required minor adjustments. Both girls had been very pleased with the results and Rarity gave herself a mental pat on the back.

Applejack arrived right on time for her coiffure appointment, much to Rarity's expectation. As expected, Applejack was still wearing her hat when she entered the boutique, prompting a minor scolding from Rarity. "You'll simply have to leave that in the truck when you get to the party, or all of this work will be for nothing."

Applejack nodded and plopped down in the chair while Rarity fetched the hairpins and mousse. "Help me, Rarity, yer my only hope." Applejack said with a grin. Rarity set about fussing with Applejack's blond tresses, and eventually was able to coax them into the requisite spirals. "There, now don't call them 'buns' around Pinkie Pie, I won't be responsible if she thinks she can eat them and messes this all up."

"Now that's just plumb silly," Applejack started to retort. "Pinkie Pie wouldn't dare try to...Oh...right, Pinkie Pie. Gotcha."

Rarity finished up her work and held up a small mirror for Applejack to take a look.

"Whoa, that looks right outta the movie. Great job, Rarity, Thank ya kindly!" Applejack said with a smile.

"You're most welcome, dear." Rarity replied. "Oh, and one moment." Rarity stepped back behind the counter and gathered up a bundle that she brought to Applejack. "The other outfit you requested."

Applejack's cheeks turned a little red as she took the bundle from Rarity. "Thanks, Rare. I owe ya one."

"Not at all, Applejack." Rarity grinned. "However, if there's a story that you can share at some point, I'm all ears."

Applejack gave a nervous chuckle and then left, once again offering her thanks. Rarity just smirked to herself and tidied up the makeup area, setting out the face paints for Sunset Shimmer. It was SO going to be worth the repercussions.

By the time Rarity had finished with Sunset Shimmer and gotten her own costume put together, Rarity realized she would have to hurry to make to to the party on time. Knowing full well that Pinkie Pie would likely have smuggled in some Apple family cider to the party, Rarity elected to take a taxi to the venue.

When she arrived, she saw Applejack's truck and Rainbow Dash's car outside. With a little spring in her step, Rarity went to the door and rang the bell. After just a few moments, Pinkie Pie opened the door a crack and peered through the opening. "What's the password?" she asked ominously.

Knowing Pinkie Pie, Rarity thought, this could be anything. "Password?" she repeated.

Pinkie Pie's face stretched into a broad grin. "Close enough!" she said and opened the door for Rarity to enter.

True to her form, Pinkie had outdone herself with decorations. There were black and orange streamers and balloons everywhere, and a fog machine was spewing out a thick mist along the ground. Various spiderwebs and ghouls and ghosts had been strung about, some hanging on threads from the ceiling.

"Hey Rarity!" Rainbow Dash called out, waving her over.

"Howdy Rarity," Applejack said as Rarity walked over to her friends. "May the Force be with ya."

Rainbow Dash snickered, "I guess were going to hear that all night, huh?"

Applejack turned around and snorted. "At least I didn't cut up one o' Pinkie's curtains."

Rainbow Dash shrugged, "That was totally an accident."


Rarity jumped at the sound behind her, turning to see Pinkie Pie standing there with her claws extended. Various treats had been speared on them, some of which were threatening to drip off.

"Hors d'oeuvres, Bub?" Pinkie asked in a growling tone, then broke into a grin as the girls all shared a laugh. The doorbell rang again, and Applejack volunteered to answer it. It was Fluttershy, along with a very irritated Angel Bunny on her shoulder. As Fluttershy walked up to her friends, Rainbow Dash let out a slow whistle. "Looking good, Shy!"

"ARRRR! Watch yer tone, wench, or I'll see ye clapped in irons!" Fluttershy sneered.

The others just gaped at Fluttershy as Rarity supressed a little snicker. It was certainly fun to see Fluttershy playing the part.

The doorbell rang again, and Pinkie went to go answer it. In moments, Sunset Shimmer walked into the room. Her normally fiery hair had been tucked under a multi-colored fuzzy wig, her face was completely painted white save a huge red smile and stars around her eyes. Her nose was covered in a big red ball and in one hand she held a bunch of balloons. Her outfit was a yellow and red striped jumpsuit with suspenders, clearly too large for her. To complete the look, she wore hugely oversized red shoes.

Her new friends stared in shock, until finally Rainbow Dash could hold it in no longer.

"BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHA HAAAAAA!" Rainbow Dash chortled, having to grab at her sides from laughing so hard. Applejack lost it moments after Dash, the two of them hanging onto each other for support as they cracked up. Fluttershy tried her hardest, saying "Oh, Sunset...that looks very...nice!" before she collapsed in a fit of giggles. Pinkie Pie was curled up snickering by the door.

Sunset Shimmer looked at each of the girls, until her gaze finally settled on Rarity.

"Spring Fling?" Sunset asked accusingly.

Rarity just grinned back, nodding. "Spring Fling."

"You know you are so dead, right?" Sunset Shimmer growled. Even so, the corners of her mouth had quirked into the start of a grin.

"Mmhmm, I do." Rarity confirmed. "Totally worth it!" she said in a loud stage whisper that set everyone off again, this time Sunset Shimmer couldn't help but join in the laughter.

As everyone collected themselves and wiped the tears of mirth from their eyes, the lights in the room suddenly dimmed and Pinkie's voice, greatly amplified, rebounded around the room. "OK everyone, we're all here so let's PAR-TAY!!"

As the lights came back up, Rainbow Dash said admiringly, "Wow, nice sound system Pinkie Pie."

Pinkie Pie gave Rainbow Dash an innocent look. "What sound system?"

Applejack chuckled and said, "Yep, this here's gonna be a Pinkie Party alright. Who's up for some cider?"

The party lasted late into the night and everyone had a fantastic time. Eventually, the guests started to drop off, one by one. Fluttershy was first, soon after followed by Applejack. Rainbow Dash offered Sunset Shimmer a ride home, which Sunset gladly agreed to.

As Rarity was gathering up her things to go, Sunset Shimmer pulled her aside. "I have to ask," Sunset said. "Why Cleopatra?"

Rarity held up her head regally and said, "Well, she was one of the most powerful women of her time, eventually ruling all of Egypt. She was beautiful, had a commanding presence, and is said to taken several of the world's most powerful men as her conquests."

Sunset Shimmer blinked. "Hey, when I tried to take over MY world, you all blasted me with rainbows!"

Rarity just chuckled. "Timing and presentation is everything, dear. Now don't keep Rainbow Dash waiting too long or you'll have to catch a bus looking like that."

Sunset Shimmer actually gulped at the thought and quickly turned to catch up to Rainbow Dash. "You're fun, Rarity. I think we should get to know each other more." Sunset said as she hurried to catch her ride.

"I look forward to it!" Rarity called after her. A smug little smile settled on Rarity's face. This certainly had been a night to remember.

Comments ( 30 )

Good story! :rainbowwild: Looking forward to seeing more! You now have a new follower.:twilightsmile:


Thanks, and I'm flattered. :)



Thanks a lot !


Thanks :) It was fun to write :)

bra jobbat! :) (good work):yay:


Tak! (I think!)

3301503 haha!! :D almost it's ''tack'' but close enough :rainbowkiss: and tak means roof actually!

Ah man, I can't believe you fell for that, Sunset. :facehoof:

Another good story!


Rarity is soooo in for it.

Thanks :)

An enjoyable, fun little story. Thank you for it. :twilightsmile:

I liked this. It made me smile. Sometimes that's all I want from a story. Thanks for this.:twilightsmile:

Fluttershy is best pirate :yay::rainbowkiss:
And hmm...what was Applejack planning? :rainbowhuh:


Glad you enjoyed it :)


Aww thanks, glad you liked it :)


If I can ever bring myself to write a shipping story, maybe we'll all find out :applejackconfused:

I love your Equestria Girls stories. You shall be my second follow so that I can watch for more.


Thank you so very much! I am glad you are enjoying them :)

Fluttershy rules Discord drools

Feo review! I'll do this for the whole series, since this one's a little fluffy for a whole review.

The good:

Simple but effective characterization. You don't throw a lot of curveballs, and you don't radically change the characters, but you credibly explore how they would interact with each other, and there are hints that those interactions may be changing. It's fun to watch.

Planned-out plotting. You're developing elements piece by piece that may not pay off for quite a while, and although I'm not sure exactly where this will go, you definitely know what you're doing.

The bad:

Language may be too clear and straightforward. I don't want to press this too hard, because you're a beginning writer--clarity is a good starting point for a new writer, and attempts to find beauty in the words can be overdone and lead to confusion. Still, I tend to find myself skimming the description and exposition in these stories to get to the parts that feel interesting.

The verdict:

You're starting where a beginning writer should start, taking interesting characters and matter-of-factly telling their stories. It would be a good idea to slowly work on flow and rhythm, trying to find more interesting ways to describe situations and characters, but don't go overboard with it--it would be counterproductive to obscure what you already have. For now, thumbs up!

Oh dear goodness, Applejack, just what do you have in mind? :twilightoops:

Well, that was fun! It was nice to see the ice between Sunset and the others broken a bit further, and the costumes were all fun. Flutterpirate should be a thing. :twilightsmile:

omg that "Close enough" bit made me laugh a little too hard. good stuff, I'm glad Rarity got her revenge and they can put it behind them now :yay: ... but I'd be interested in a prank war :raritywink:

Comment posted by Indefintehiatus deleted Mar 9th, 2022


Oh dear goodness, Applejack, just what do you have in mind? :twilightoops:

I focused on that at first, but then I saw...

"One of Rarity's eyebrows shot up and she said a little salaciously..."

:rainbowlaugh:I see what you did there, Scantel. Clever bastard.

EqG Tag.

This was cute and nice. I absolutely loved the bit with Rarity's plan for Sunset's costume. :rainbowlaugh: Even when I figured out what was going to happen, the moment of seeing it was still quite entertaining. XD

"Incoming..." muttered Rainbow Dash.

This, this was funny and totally in character for Rainbow Dash. Nice job!

"S...Stop by...by..." Rarity gasped, her hands flying up to her cheeks as she reeled in revulsion.

Note to self never mention goodwill to Rairty.

"Will do...though I guess demoness is off the list?" Rainbow Dash wisecracked and grinned at Rarity's scowl.

Damn I'm rainbow you just had to. :ajbemused:

"Very funny, Rainbow Dash." Rarity said with an exaggerated dramatic huff. "Just for that, I should dig out that lovely poofy dress that you eschewed for the Fall Formal for your costume." Rainbow Dash's face actually paled a little and the other girls shared a laugh before finishing up their drinks and parting their separate ways for the evening.

lol a good way to get back at her.

"Alrighty...well, I wanna be a Princess." Applejack said at last.

Say what now :pinkiegasp:

Applejack's face started to turn crimson and she scuffed her boots along the floor a little. Finally, with what sounded like an effort, she said, "Well...if'n you're offerin'...Could you do the slave girl outfit too? You know, the one she wore on the barge?"


"I think that I'd like to be a pirate." Fluttershy said, then looked down. "If it's not too much trouble that is."

Huh never thought she'd want to be that.


Yep she fits it perfectly :twilightoops:

"Err...right." Rarity said, trying to sound as if she understood. The idea that Sunset had been a pony from another world was still a little unsettling to her. "Well then, if you truly have no idea..." Rarity lifted her hand up to her chin as she pondered. "I've got it!" she exclaimed suddenly, causing Sunset Shimmer to take a step back in surprise.

You get used to it after awhile.

"Given your colorful ah....history...here, I think your costume should be something that radiates fun and frolic, a way to show you have a lighter side." Rarity said enthusiastically. "I think your costume should be a circus clown."

You've got to be kidding me, out of all the costumes she should dress up as she think sunset should be a clown, I have so many questions why though since I don't think she'd make the picture.

Applejack nodded and plopped down in the chair while Rarity fetched the hairpins and mousse. "Help me, Rarity, yer my only hope." Applejack said with a grin. Rarity set about fussing with Applejack's blond tresses, and eventually was able to coax them into the requisite spirals. "There, now don't call them 'buns' around Pinkie Pie, I won't be responsible if she thinks she can eat them and messes this all up."

Don't have to remind me twice.

"Mmhmm, I do." Rarity confirmed. "Totally worth it!" she said in a loud stage whisper that set everyone off again, this time Sunset Shimmer couldn't help but join in the laughter.

Well that answers the question why she thought Sunset should be that, noted.

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