
Octavia Melody is a young woman with an old chip on her shoulder. Turned into a vampire against her will, there’s no going back to her old life, only revenge.

Her partner is Vinyl Scratch, a carefree two hundred year-old werewolf.

They kill people.

Editing by 6samuelb

Chapters (13)

Fleur de Lis has recently found herself enraptured with Pinkie Pie and her partying ways. The problem: Pinkie is what Fleur's typical crowd would refer to as a "common pony," and her parties aren't exactly seen as the type of event a sophisticated mare should be attending. Regardless, Fleur is determined to get closer to the intriguing party pony, even if she has to sneak around to do so.

Chapters (14)

This story is a sequel to Blueblood Takes Over Equestria

Gilda has been in something of a rough patch lately, working dead-end job to dead-end job with nary a clue where to even find a dead-end job that doesn't completely suck. She's worked for complete idiots, she's worked for complete jerks, she's worked for stuffy tight-wads, but her newest boss is something else.

The trick is figuring out what that something is.

Reading the first story not necessary for understanding this one.

Chapters (4)

Four days after the defeat of "Nightmare Moon" and Luna's arrival in Canterlot, freshly-promoted Lieutenant Captain Shining Armor starts his new role as the commanding officer of the nighttime "Luna Shift".

But there are enemies everywhere. The emotional and psychological demons that pulled Princess Luna into evil one thousand years ago threaten to do so again. The Canterlot elite show a surprising degree of apathy regarding Luna or her problems. And there is also a danger within the Royal Guard itself - mavericks that would gladly derail Luna's rehabilitation and ruin Shining Armor's reputation to satisfy their own selfish desires.

Lines will be drawn and sides will be taken as all those good and noble prepare to fight for the future of Princess Luna - a fight with significant consequences for the fate of Equestria!

The Canterlot Chronicles: Season 1
Prev: A New Mission | Episode 3: The Luna Shift | Next: Cadance
New to the series? Start here!

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Anchor Foal: A Romantic Cringe Comedy

It's been over a year and when it comes to the little routines of labor and love, Fleur still hasn't managed to fully adjust. She needs to find some means of making it all last. And one thing she can definitely try to do is screen out anything which threatens to make her mate unhappy. Such as, just by way of very unwelcome example, the brother. Because Zephyr wants to be part of Fluttershy's life. He claims to have changed. But Fleur doesn't know whether change is truly possible.

Or if she's really changed at all.

(Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.)

Chapters (25)

Ponyville is a special town. Its ambulance requires special equipment.

A collaboration between Samey90 and Sockpuppet!

Authors' notes.

Audio reading (quite excellent).

Chapters (1)

Rarity prides herself on her work, and when letters start pouring in from Canterlot after the Royal Wedding she is overjoyed by the enthusiasm for her dresses. Drawing on her friend Fancy Pants, she is able to set up a temporary shop in Canterlot for one month, where she will do her best to turn out as many dresses and outfits as she possibly can.

She swears to Twilight and her friends that she won't fall for the allure of the big city again, and that Ponyville won't have to go long without her... but once there, she is quickly swept up in the grandeur and glamour of post-Wedding Canterlot. Her clients are rich, prestigious and famous, with clout and influence to burn...

...but it is one mare, a simple gray earth pony, who catches her attention. She doesn't behave like the rest- she is quiet, yet when she speaks she is witty and clever, not dull and droll like the others. She dodges Rarity's questions about her artfully, which only piques the white unicorn's interest and nigh-on forces her to dig deeper into the community to find out about this mysterious mare named Octavia.

But what does she hope to find? Why is she so driven to find out more about the gray earth pony musician... and what will she do with the information she gleans?

Chapters (15)

Modeling in Equestria was becoming more about Fluttertypes, more normal and down to earth ponies with endearing inexperience. Fleur de Lis, a traditional model, senses an ill wind, and tries to cope with it in her own way.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Friendly Fire

She has waited.

She has waited for years, and now the unlikely individual that captured her affection has returned, but not in the way she had expected. Now, she finds herself in love with a King. Surely, there will be something to separate them again, with his new position...

... won't there be?

(Despite the unfortunate post date, this is a genuine work)

Chapters (3)

Hey, you!

It's been awhile, hasn't it? I was hoping to say hello this weekend. Meet me at 2 o'clock this Saturday evening at Canterlot Castle if you're up for it. Dress warmly, come alone, and bring stories!


"Solid tragedy. This is criminally underrated."

Chapters (5)