This story is a sequel to From Dust

Twilight Sparkle is many things, but above all else, she is a friend. Her most recent acquaintance is, however, a most unusual sort.

Never before has Equestria played host to a traitor space marine of the Adeptus Astartes.

As an armor-bound soul with a body burned to naught but ash and dust, how will this former being of war fit into the love and harmony of the pony domains?

Surprisingly well, all things considered.

A Warhammer 40,000 crossover.

Chapters (20)

This story is a sequel to Iron Hearts: Book 2 - Ferrous Dominus

An MLP/Warhammer 40K crossover, part 3.

The formal negotiations between Equestria and the Iron Warriors have failed. Yet peace and even cooperation between the harmonious ponies and the corrupted militants blooms in the dark corners of Canterlot and the open streets of Ferrous Dominus. The Elements of Harmony are safe, trade flourishes, and cautious meetings grow into lasting friendships as an unsteady calm descends upon both forces.
Even the Tau threat seems to have mysteriously vanished as the Iron Warriors refuse to assault their hideouts and risk springing the traps of the Fire Caste.
But the Tau have not vanished. The Lamman Sept of the Tau Empire, the Fire Caste's hidden dagger, have come to grips with the slumbering giant looming over their doorstep and have moved forward into the final phases of their plan. Fleets ply the void, hunters stalk the orchards, and in the depths of the badlands a strange device is rapidly assembled for purposes unknown.
The Tau alone know that time is running out, and more than just the fate of Centaur III hangs in the balance.


(Dark humor warning; minor grimdark)
(Cover art by Ahrimatt)
(This series now has its own TVtropes page!)
(This series is a contestant in the Tournament of Canterlot, a charity event to raise money for Syrian refugees! Go here for details and donations!)

Chapters (12)

By Eywa's eternal stars, we cast thee to oblivion.
~War-cry of the Stars of Twilight Legion


Disclaimer: the Stars of Twilight are a custom Legion/Chapter of my own creation.

Twilight Sparkle never expected that she'd become an Alicorn Princess, but decided to make the most of it. She faced many hardships and struggles against the Nobles that opposed all the changes she tried to bring. Her friends, family and fellow princesses always gave her their support, but it wasn't enough. No, of all people, Twilight got her reassurance from a godly being that she met and befriended in a pocket dimension she accidentally found one day. Worried for His new companion, the being decides to make contact with one of the Lost Legions. He may not have appreciated it then, but now He was thankful that the worlds ruled by His XIth Son were unknowingly worshipping the youngest Alicorn as their Goddess.

Main theme of the story is a loose adaptation of the Assassinverse stories made by The Sinestro Joker, except that in mine Twilight doesn't die in the first act.

Chapters (2)

While traveling through the magic mirror between worlds, Sunset Shimmer touched upon the realm of Chaos, her course diverted. Rescued by unknown forces, Sunset awoke on a world besieged by daemonic incursions. While running from a daemon, Sunset comes across a dying member of the Order of the Cerulean Chalice, an Ordo Minorus of the Adepta Sororitas. Entrusted with a holy relic, Sunset is given the choice of taking it to the other members of the order, or dying on the doomed planet.

Suspicions surround Sunset on reaching the order, many questioning her nature and whether or not she was sent by their God-Emperor. Some loath her, seeing her as a xenos at worst, or a tainted mutant experiment of the planet's deceased lord at best. Others believe her sent by a Saint, or claim she is merely some form of abhuman. But none of them fully trust Sunset.

To prove herself, Sunset is placed among the scholla within the convent, all while coping with the loss of her magic, and in a new body. There she'll make friends and rivals, and either prove her worth to the Emperor, or die.

Burn the Heretic. Kill the Mutant. Purge the Unclean.

Chapters (15)

This story is a sequel to Entrenchment

Boarding actions are often frantic, desperate assaults. Men are launched directly into the greatest bastions of the enemy while guns that can level city blocks roar around them. Boarding soldiers are swarmed in minutes by all manner of defenses and opponents, trying to wreak what havoc they can within a vessel's belly before they're overwhelmed and extinguished. Incoming fire from their own ships continue to pound away at their target the entire time. Depressurization, incineration, and rad-flensing are all common ends to the life of the boarding trooper, and as often as not their death comes as a result of their own sabotage.

Pity these courageous souls who take their weapons to the hearts of giants.

(Dark humor warning; grimdark themes)
(Cover art by EZTP)
(Featured on 8/4/2019!)

Chapters (3)

A Warhammer 40k Crossover. Not a brutalization fic. A Brony's First Warhammer fic. Gore will be as light as possible.

In the nightmare future of the 41st millennium, there is only war. There is no hope in a galaxy filled with terror and fear. When three fillies from the magical, peaceful land of Equestria are suddenly thrust into this living nightmare, they must adapt in order to survive. They will sacrifice everything they know and love in order to keep themselves alive.

War will change them.

And the Marks of War will stay with them forever.

"It is not the Horror of War that troubles me but the Unseen Horrors of Peace."—Imperial Thought of the Day

Chapters (32)

This story is a sequel to Iron Hearts: Book 3 - The Sept Lamman

An MLP/Warhammer 40K crossover, part 4.

The Tau threat has passed. The fleet that once thought to sweep aside the tainted pirates of the 38th Company has fled the system. The Lamman Sept is broken, demoralized, leaderless...
... And victorious.

With Lamman's plan put into motion, an alien horde hurtles through the Warp toward the Centaur system, its soldiers without number and thirsting for violence. Equestria's heroes must find a way to stop them, or the entire planet will be overrun with ease and its inhabitants butchered. While they could afford some pretense of neutrality and disinterest in the fight between the Iron Warriors and the Tau, now it is their world that lay in the crosshairs of the foe. Ponykind will need help to survive, and they look to the forces of Chaos for aid. But is there any hope to be found in the darkness?


(Dark humor warning; mild grimdark)
(Cover Art by Ahrimatt)
(This series now has its own TVtropes page!)
(This series is a contestant in the Tournament of Canterlot, a charity event to raise money for Syrian refugees! Go here for details and donations!)

Chapters (9)

“On that day Pain and I became the BEST OF FRIENDS!”-Vulkan Primarch of the salamanders

Vulkan has been sent from his home in the imperium of man after diving into a WAAAGH! reactor. He awakens in a place that seems to be the exact opposite. This land of friendship and adventure, a place of magical talking ponies, and snoots to be booped.

This Vulkan is based on TTS Vulkan but comes from before the events of that wonder work of art.

AN:I said I would do it, I did it, kinda. Enjoy, and remember

Stomp stomp

Featured on: 4/8/2020. Again on 7/19/2020, 8/16/2020, and 11/15/2020.

"The real reason why Roboute Gulliman was the primarch brought back into play for 8th edition: Vulkan may be a terrifying gigantic monster of a man with glowing red eyes, who can literally keep pace with Dark Eldar vehicles on foot and beat their vehicles to pieces with crude iron hammers, while taking wound after wound after wound, literally refusing to die, or reconstituting himself from his component molecules when he gets close, but he's also the perfect example of the all loving hero.

If Vulkan were to be let loose on the modern Warhammer 40K universe, He would fix the imperium by literally bear hugging tthe grimdark out of it, until the only thing left was noble bright. Sanguinius would awaken once more. The eye of terror would spit out countless ponies chanting friendship is magic. The Necrons would decide life was all right and set out to nurture it. The orks would replace comedic sociopathy with comedic inability to cause any real harm. The squats would return. Black templars would finally remove that stick out of their asses. Slaanesh would start making anti rape PSA's. Kal Jerico would go back in canon, and make his living helping people get thteir lives back together. Gaunt's ghosts would find out a ridicolously wealthy rogue trader rebuilt and repopulated Tanith with as many residents offworld as he could find on a whim.

Dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria." -Ambosen youtube comment

Chapters (10)

Lug wasn't the smartest. He knew that. And he was fine with that. As long as he had a club to swing or a ripper gun to fire, he was content, and there wasn't much thought needed beyond that.

And like many other Ogryn, he was content to serve the Imperium and it's interests until he died.

Until one fateful space skirmish with the forces of chaos, a drop-pod sent him careening through the warp, and soon after, into the Land of Equestria.

A world made up entirely of xenos, most of whom were small, fluffy, and colorful!

Lug likes it here already.

[Inspired by Warrior Tier's 'Ogryn Story' video.]

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Entrenchment

An Age of Iron story.

At last, Ferrous Dominus is (mostly) secure.
Centaur III has been (largely) pacified.
The enemies of Chaos and Equestria have finally been crushed (probably).

But victory is merely a prelude to the next war. The Imperium of Man and the pitiful, far-flung holdings of the alien await the Iron Warriors and their new allies, ripe for conquest and plunder. With a new home world and a new ally under their thumb, the 38th Company at last turns its attention on a galaxy ablaze with constant war, seeking new victims to fill the bellies of their ships. The gentle but resourceful equines of Equestria travel with them, taking to the field not out of malice or avarice but gratitude in at last fulfilling their grave debt to the Legion.

But in the depths of the void, far beyond the fleet, beyond the veil of the Materium itself, Chaos is not idle. Plots advance, blood spills, and ancient evils seethe.

The light will be extinguished.

(Dark humor warning; grimdark themes)
(Cover art, and pretty much the rest of the art too, by EZTP)

Chapters (14)