For Friendship and Adventure

by Jamis

First published

“I have returned to spread peace and friendship throughout the imperium, no matter what the voices in my head say!”-Vulkan Primarch of the Salamanders

“On that day Pain and I became the BEST OF FRIENDS!”-Vulkan Primarch of the salamanders

Vulkan has been sent from his home in the imperium of man after diving into a WAAAGH! reactor. He awakens in a place that seems to be the exact opposite. This land of friendship and adventure, a place of magical talking ponies, and snoots to be booped.

This Vulkan is based on TTS Vulkan but comes from before the events of that wonder work of art.

AN:I said I would do it, I did it, kinda. Enjoy, and remember

Stomp stomp

Featured on: 4/8/2020. Again on 7/19/2020, 8/16/2020, and 11/15/2020.

"The real reason why Roboute Gulliman was the primarch brought back into play for 8th edition: Vulkan may be a terrifying gigantic monster of a man with glowing red eyes, who can literally keep pace with Dark Eldar vehicles on foot and beat their vehicles to pieces with crude iron hammers, while taking wound after wound after wound, literally refusing to die, or reconstituting himself from his component molecules when he gets close, but he's also the perfect example of the all loving hero.

If Vulkan were to be let loose on the modern Warhammer 40K universe, He would fix the imperium by literally bear hugging tthe grimdark out of it, until the only thing left was noble bright. Sanguinius would awaken once more. The eye of terror would spit out countless ponies chanting friendship is magic. The Necrons would decide life was all right and set out to nurture it. The orks would replace comedic sociopathy with comedic inability to cause any real harm. The squats would return. Black templars would finally remove that stick out of their asses. Slaanesh would start making anti rape PSA's. Kal Jerico would go back in canon, and make his living helping people get thteir lives back together. Gaunt's ghosts would find out a ridicolously wealthy rogue trader rebuilt and repopulated Tanith with as many residents offworld as he could find on a whim.

Dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria." -Ambosen youtube comment

1. Why am I Alive?

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Voices, thousands of them. No? There were hundreds of thousands, millions? Perhaps billions, no, uncountable. A chorus of individual screams but as a whole they seemed to converge. What were they saying? A word? A cry? What that, ‘WAAAAAAAAAAAGH!’ The sound vibrated through the man. ‘Who am I? Where am I? What is THAT SOUND?!’ the man couldn’t move couldn’t see anything other than light. His thoughts were muddled and being surrounded by other each seeming to say one thing to him. ‘I will not be bested by you beasts!’ he didn’t know how he knew they were beasts. The only he knew was that it from deep within himself. He found those words enter his mind as thoughts. His thoughts pushed back at the of screaming and strength he didn’t know he had, found him. His mind became clearer, his name came first. ‘Vulkan!’ his thoughts formed his name and he shouted into the sea of voices for them to hear. Ripples appeared, the sound that pulsed through him lessening. He in turn shook the collective shouts in his head.

Vulkan didn’t know how long he had been at it but he continued to fight the overwhelming army of thoughts he contended with. Where he was came to him next, he remembered tackling his opponent and himself into a reactor. That must be where he was, the reactor of that metal giant. As for that sound, his sharped mind found the answer soon enough. Ork reactors were powered by the WAAAAGH!. He was currently being blasted by the collective minds of billions of Orks, if not at least several hundred million. ‘I have to get out.’ he began to push against the force being exerted on him.

He couldn’t do it, he simply couldn’t contend with the gestalt consciousness of the Orks. He had so little influence on them, he couldn’t quite understand how to find a way out as well. They continued to battle, but Vulkan tired. His mind was not meant to take this kind of battle. But he couldn’t give up not when his people needed him, he had to keep going.

A pressure began to vibrate through him as his body responded to his command, “For! The! Emperaaaaaaagh!” Vulkan’s shout and conviction rattled and reverberated in the minds of the Orks. In that brief moment the Primarch had matched and changed the WAAAAGH! ever so slightly. Each of the parties was affected.


The commissar looked at the battle before him, his men keeping their position. It was a wild mess out there, the warp disturbances they were sent to expunge were small but still a threat. However it appeared that some Orks had landed on the planet a while back, now the chaos demons they had found were engaging with the Orks. They were close enough to hear the two armies clash.

However something strange happened, for a moment the Orks stopped. This was a massive collective stop. The commissar was confused. A wave of bright green light pulsed through the army. And just as they stopped a cry came from the entire Ork army, “FUR DA EMPARAAH!”

The guardsmen sat back and watched as the demons they had been sent to kill were being pushed back as the horde of Orks held renewed vigor. Half of them didn’t believe their ears, some of them wondered if xeno filth praising the emperor should be considered good or bad. And the rest found it funny to hear. A cry came from the Warboss of the army, “Purge em en Fyre Boyz!”

After the demons were dead the Orks seemed to return to normal, they were quickly hit with artillery and cannon fire. The Orks were cleaned up and the spores were destroyed. The officers decide that day that if they Reported everything that had happened they would be executed for suggesting anything like that happened. They would be accused of having their minds tainted by the warp demons. They simply omitted that the Orks had said some odd things before they were purged.


Vulkan opened his eyes, he had done it. He was out of that prison of screaming. he began to sit up and take in his surroundings. A small crater around him. Trees, a forest by the looks of it. They were not the tallest, though they were taller than him. He was 11ft(3.3m) tall, wearing massive green power armor with skulls placed on his shoulder and chest plate. His form was massive compared to other humans. Even his Astartes sons were much smaller than him. The only times he had ever felt small when compared to another human, was when he stood next to his father and brother Magus. And that was before his brothers’ betrayal of the imperium. They were shapeshifters so not entirely a fair comparison but his father and Magnus had the ability to dwarf him.

Vulkan looked around, the baldness of his head showed dark skin to the world. Hard to have hair when you were around as much fire as he was, that and his youth. He had left the hair competitions to his family,Fulgrim, father and Sanguinius mostly. He noted his hammer, Doom Tremor, was not in his possession, if he had it could find his way back home with teleportation. The Primarch began to walk around his surroundings. He mused aloud, “I am very much surprised I escaped that realm of non-sense, but I am on a world with breathable air too. I must find the nearest spaceport if this planet has one.” His voice was deep but not monstrously so, it held a friendly tone and an odd deep accent but not to the point of being incomprehensible.


The previous night

Twilight sat on her bed in the golden oaks library, she sat on her haunches and her wings were folded. The window next to her was open, a telescope pointed to the dark sky. Her eye gazed through the telescope, she observed the stars were gorgeous as ever. Princess Luna really did an amazing job, ‘How could anyone not love her night.’ Jab at the ponies a thousand years ago aside, she genuinely loved to learn about the stars, their science, and watch them. A bright red flash seemed to burn up in the atmosphere, ‘Ahh! A shooting star!’

This shooting star deep landed in the Everfree forest, even Zecora slept peacefully. If a Primarch lands in a forest and no one is around does it make a sound?

2. Why Would I Want To Be Dead?

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Vulkan walked through the brush and over small hills in the forest, it blended together like a tapestry. Very little of the forest was lush, most felt hostile and dark. To anypony this would seem to be a bad place to be, but he wasn't an anypony. Nor just anyone, he was a son of the Emperor. A light in the dark, a hope on the dawn. When men stood by his side, it mattered not where he was. Be it celebration, lamentation, battle, or anything else. His presence brought out courage in the fearful, and strength in the frail. A tower of metal and muscle. Crafted to present peek humanity perfectly. A site to see to be sure, but not all noticed this. A creature, which appeared to be a lion with wings and a scorpion tail rushed from the underbrush.

The creature let loose a roar that shook the ground near it, its voice heard by the forest and felt by the earth. It charged the man, intent to stay at the top of the food chain. This new threat would not stand in its way, no matter how tall. What the beast did not expect was for the man to match its charge. Each step from the green giant cracked the stone and rock of the ground. Clank after clank brought forth into the air by armor on the ground's form. The beast faltered somewhat before it resumed its charge. The two met in a roll of motion, the manticore attempting to find purchase on the armor. Claws and teeth not only incapable of sinking into the man, but dulled on the hard armor. In frustration it attempted to stab the man with its tail to poison him. The pair rolled and the Everfree's resident was unable to penetrate the armor or overpower the Primarch's strength. Through out the process of this battle the beast could hear its prey making odd sounds. It had never heard the sound before, it sounded loud, robust, and happy? "HOHOHO!"

As the two rummaged on the ground the manticore found itself picked up from behind. The beast's tail between the salamander's legs, incapable of reaching more than his armored back. The predator was confused before it felt a squeeze from behind. It let out a surprised squeak and began to struggle in an attempts to get away. "Hohoho, well aren't you the most playful cat I ever did see. That was some very good wrestling, I think you and I are gonna be the best of friends!" The manticore's savage nature was quickly stamped on by further squeezing it. It began to whine, "Do not worry fluffy one the hugs are nearly done, after that we shall go on an adventure together you and I!" Another round of near back breaking hugs later the manticore was on the ground, it filled its lungs with air that was squeezed out of it.

Vulkan was near by, he knelt next to the exhausted monster. The manticore didn't even flinch away when Vulkan petted its ears and head. Something in the action reassured the creature, "You wouldn't happen to know where the nearest space port is my friend?" a small audible crack was followed by a deepening of his voice, "GOTTA GIT HOME TA MY BOYZ?!" Both Vulkan and the manticore were semi oblivious to his change of voice. As for the monster itself, it seemed to understand the intent if not the words. It slowly got up and the pair walked to where ever the manticore was leading Vulkan. "SPEAKEN OF BOYZ ARE U A BOY?! I am uncertain." part way through his speech his voice returned to normal. The manticore huffed, and continued to walk. "Ah, so you are a girl then. The male members of your species must be even more playful in wrestling then you are." The sun broke through as the trees no longer covered them. The manticore and the Primarch had walked to a river, and it was in their path, the creature flew and landed on the other side.

The manticore turned to look at Vulkan on the previous side of the river. Her vision was met with nothing, she heard a bang and was startled, quickly spinning around to see he had jumped the gap. She blinked before she continued to lead, the manticore was merely surprised the man had jumped it so easily. She had expected to wait for him to find some other a way across. The forest was not as dark as the previous side though the difference was negligible. Soon masks and bottles came into view, the manticore left after Vulkan thanked her. "Hmm, not quite what I meant." Vulkan mussed as the a tree with a door came into view, "Perhaps the resident of this tree-house can tell me of this planets space ports... if they have any."

After considering possibility he walked up to the door and lightly knocked on it, "Hello!" He called out as cheerily as possible. He took a few steps from the door as he heard some sounds from inside. After a moment the door opened to reveal a most curious sight. A creature resembling a horse around four and a half feet tall, with large eyes, and black and white striped fur. The sight that met her eyes however was much more terrifying than odd. Her eyes fell on an eleven foot tall, green armored and hulking figure with black skin and red almost glowing eyes. The zebra paused mid step out of her door before he spoke again, "Hello horse friend."

Another moments pause before she spoke, "I fear my potions have caused me hallucinations, or perhaps I have drunken some beer. because never in all of my machinations, did I feel such great fear. Your form has startled me large one, my name is Zecora of the Everfree forest. It may be not fun, but I am not tourist. What is your name? I don't mean to play a game, but this visit quite the surprise. And I have never seen red glowing eyes."

"My name is Vulkan, Primarch of the Salamanders. And I myself have not met your like before, a talking horse is quite the surprise. Even if you are a little small, your speech and rhymes are very unique in my experience." the man sat down his legs semi bent, and his feet still planted on the ground as he planted himself lower. "Would you mind telling me about this planet, I happen to be a bit lost.”

3. All of My Friends are here!

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"Remarkable, for a country to maintain a thousand years of peace is quite the accomplishment. In my life the vast majority of my time was spent dealing with a conflict of some kind. Even if not directly in battle." The giant sat and leaned forward to hear his host. While he could not fit into her house, she had decided to bring out some tea regardless. Zecora was had explained the basics of Equestria to Vulkan, he had asked simply questions and now held a understanding of his location.

No where, no where in the Imperium for that matter, but that mattered little at this point. The dominant species on this planet was the ponies of Equestria. Other sapient species were but not limited to Yaks, Dragons, Zebras, Minotaurs, Griffins and many others. The planet of Equis was rather lush with life and hosted vast troves of gems and gold beneath the surface. War was near unheard of, and magic was common place. The Primarch had asked about magic as much as possible. He had to abate his worries on the subject. Once he was satisfied the man allowed Zecora to ask questions. All the while she spoke in rhymes, basic things, Vulkan had a harder time to explain his story than her. She could barley wrap her mind around the of the Imperium, let alone the scale of humanity. Not that she was stupid, it was just a massive jump, she lived on a feudal world and had no idea just how large the galaxy truly was. Nor the technology he casually spoke of, nor the danger. He didn't wish to scare her with the knowledge of what was truly out there, so he left it at '...many aliens are not friendly, and the galaxy is home to unspeakable horrors.'

After many hours of question exchange between the pair, the two of them saw the light start to dim as the sun lowered. "Ah, it is time for the Princesses to raise the moon and lower the sun. But it feels that our conversation has just begun."

"The Equestrian Princesses? What do you mean?" Vulkan turned his head to look at the sun and raised an eye brow as he look back at Zecora.

"They are responsible for ruling and controlling night and day. It has always been this way. Celestia moves the sun, and Luna the moon. The two of them are in-tune. They are not goddesses though they are strong, if any say they are, then they are wrong. I suppose you would not have known this. They are respected all over Equis. Now if I may ask, who is up to the task. Of moving your sun or stars, do you you have somepony like ours?" At this the man frowned.

"No one moves the sun or moon of any planet. Night and day are the result of a planet spinning. One side is night the other is day. You cant control that. All planets orbit around their star, this causes the seasons since it is rare for a planet to have a vertical axis." As Vulkan spoke he ball his hands into fits, one stationary and the other in motion around it. From here their views clashed, each insisted on their view. Zecora swore that when the princesses were kidnapped they could not change the sky, and the world sat in a twilight till they were rescued. The pair argued for a long enough that the sun finished its descent.

“Look the moon rises, just as I have said so there are no surprises.” the man saw she was correct. The moon took its place in the sky remarkably fast. Vulkan continued to gaze at the sky, possibilities ran through his super human mind. He was no Magnus, but he wasn’t a dunce.

“When you spoke of magic earlier you mentioned that some of the ponies of Equestria can manipulate the weather.” Zecora nodded before she spoke. She talked about the pegesusai, and their talents. This lead to a short history of Equestria. She had failed to mention the differences between the three pony tribes in her previous history lesson. As brief as these classes were, Vulkan started to run out of ways that this planet was normal. The ponies controlled the weather, the seasons, and the plants in their realms. And allegedly the Sun, moon and stars as well. After some more discussions Vulkan decided to end the disagreement, “I have not seen what you consider normal anywhere else, lets just drop our star argument and talk about something else.”

Zecora smiled before she rubbed her eye with her hoof and stretched, “Actually I find myself rather sleepy, it has been long since the sun’s set. Though I would be happy, if tomorrow we met.”

“Ahh, of course my apologies. I am capable of going days without rest, I sometimes forget that others can not. But...” the man spoke and seemed to deepen his voice suddenly, “SLEAP GOUD. I would be remiss to deprive you of it. I shall find my self a place to stay for the night.” While Vulkan was semi obvious to his change in voice the brief laps in character was only picked up for a moment by Zecora. After he continued his normal jolly sounding speech she dismissed it.

“If you like you could stay, my home may not be large but being near will keep dangerous creatures away.” the zebra motioned to her tree house, he was nearly as tall as it. Perhaps just as heavy, but he could easily lean against it to sleep. Vulkan smiled for a moment.

“I won’t refuse such a kind offer. Though I sincerely doubt you could find a single creature that could cause me permanent harm.” Zecora rolled her eyes before she smiled to herself, “Judging by your smirk you would disagree.” Vulkan spoke in a mirthful tone as if he didn’t care that she didn’t believe him. The fact that she found humour in it was enough for him to also find it funny.

“You may be tall, armored, and strong. But even you can be wrong, when it comes to danger. This forest has no other contender. From a rocky cliff to a timber wolf pack, I would quite sad if you did not come back.” Vulkan’s smile was wide, her concern was quite the tender gesture. “Timber wolves are as tall as me, and they are no cup of tea. There are many packs of of these unnatural creatures, and each has there own terrorizing features.”

Vulkan walked to the before he sat next to it, “If only to reassure you, I will tell you that I am taller and stronger that most of my family. And even then one of my brothers grew up on a frozen world filled with wolves as large as eight feet tall. I have faced far worse monsters and larger than those you have here, things even larger and stronger than me. But I came out alive, I do appreciate your concern though. It just means you care.” Zecora had a hard time thinking of something larger before the hydra and dragons flashed into her mind.

She smiled and nodded. ’It would make sense that he has met larger monsters, though he should still be carful. A spider can be the size of your nose and have a bite which can lay you to rest.’ The pair exchanged there goodnights before the shaman enter her home to rest.

4. Being Alive Is Fun

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Dawn, not only a great soap developed in the second millennium and now known only to the emperor and the gods, but also a time of day. And on Equis in Equestria it was dawn, and as much as a certain draconequus would like it to be, the country was not soap. The light from the sun shone through the trees and over fields, it lit the land in its bright glow. However not all of the land was so bright, there was a patch of land which seemed to defy the harmony of the rest of the country. The Everfree forest, quite the nice place. If you were unkillable, as it just so turns out there was an unkillable man there. In fact he was the only man in Equstria, at the current moment Vulkan laid up against a large gnarled tree. He was asleep, his dreams were actually quite uneventful. Perhaps it was because he was simply too tired, he had not realized it the night before. But when you have to fight something like “the Beast” it tended to exhaust one’s body, if not at least from the length of the battle.

Zecora walked out of her hut and moved to look at the side of her home. After a moment she felt a small smile creep onto her face. The giant was quite peacefully asleep, funny that he should appear so approachable despite his size. As if on queue the man stirred, he opened his eyes. The leaves and sunlight that showed from them was almost alien to Vulkan, sure he had seen plants. He had seen more plants in so many different forms that it would seem impossible. But after so long away from a forest, whether he be on a barren wasteland planet, in a ship of metal, or anywhere else. It became difficult to remember a tame world from his memory.

The primarch glanced at the zebra, her smile still showed, he returned the smile, “Well, I would assume it is morning. So good morning, how did you sleep?” the man’s accent practically oozed positive emotions.

“Quite well, though I am sure you can tell. I will head out to find some plants. Though you I can tell you didn’t intend to listen to my rants.” the rhymes were almost instantaneous. She was quick witted to be sure.

"That is quite alright, would you like some company while you do?" the father of the Salamanders asked. Zecora nodded after a moment and walked away from her hut. The pair walked for several yards before the zebra picked up a flowered plant and continued to walk. She placed it in a basket on her side. As they got farther and farther from her hut she was able to find more of each plant she wanted before each type was eventually left alone. She had filled her basket and had placed it down.

"I always find more plants the farther I go from my home, but it becomes more dangerous as well. But with you are here to roam, we are safe as far as I can tell." the universe had quite the sense of irony it seams, a manticore sprang from the bushes. Zecora froze for a second before she attempted to reach into her bag for a potion.

"Oh! Hello again my fluffy friend!" the manticore visibly recoiled after it realized it hadn't been stalking just a zebra. Through leaves and bushes white stuck out. And despite his size, Vulkan's steps were softened by the ground. Large he was, but green and quite enough that he had gone unnoticed since he was down wind of the manticore. In mid air as it flew at Zecora it tried to turn away from the pair. But too little too late, Vulkan was like a cobra. He thrust forward and latched onto the manticore with his arms, it struggled for a moment before it began to whine in high tones. Like a house cat that didn't want to be picked up.

"Uhhh... What are you doing? That is a manticore, they do not like hugging. How-" Zecora's questions filled her throat for only a moment before it died there.

"I am grateful to you fluffy one. You should be grateful Zecora. we would not be friends if Fluffy here had not shown me your home." the giant man seemed like a child holding on to a large stuffy.

"You gave it a name? And how do you know this manticore is the same? There are many in the Everfree, and it guided you me? Unless what are telling me is true, last night I may have eaten spoiled stew." Zecora seemed to go through a mental check list to make sure she was alright.

"I can assure you that this is the same one I met yesterday. Do not worry, she may be a bit feisty but she will not harm you with me here." Vulkan motioned the shaman over, "Not only is the this creature female from the lack of mane, but she also shares the same scars on her paws." He motioned to a series of diagonal patches of lighter fur on top of the manticore's paws. Vulkan put the manticore down as it whined, "That and her whines are the same."

Zecora took a step back from the predator, when the beast didn't move she relaxed slightly. Vulkan pet the head of the manticore for a bit before he stopped and she got up to leave. Vulkan waved and the manticore simply looked back before she walked faster. "I think it would be best if I head home, but you may continue to comb."

"Actually I shall head back with you, I would like to talk more before I eventually leave." Zecora picked her basket up and the pair walked.

"So you intend to leave soon. Are you sure it is almost noon." Vulkan shook his head.

"I do not know when I will leave but, when I do, I would like to be prepared. So I hope my questions are not a bother."

The zebra returned her companions shake of the head, "It is no trouble, just as well I help you not cause rubble." But as they walked toward the shaman's house a russle came from the bushes. Almost unbeknownst to the pair they were stalked. By the very same manticore, though it was from curiosity more than hunger. Twice now she had been released from her betters hold, and despite the crushing hug she came to no harm. The giant was kind to her and she had a hard time to figure out why. Though if she knew that Vulkan did know she was stalking them, she would have left the moment she started.

5. Besides, I Tried Being Dead

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The pair of zebra and man had reached Zecora's hut, she had began to walk into the building and put away her various herbs when she heard the giant sit down outside. After a few minutes the mare joined Vulkan outside with some fresh tea. Though he had to be gentle with his strength lest he break the cup. Silence was present for a few precious minutes before the two began to exchange stories, Zecora didn't feel comfortable talking about her past and thus her family. However, she was more than happy to talk about her friends their adventures and the lovely visits she had gotten from them. "Well, they do sound quite nice, I will be sure to say hello if I run into them in my travels. I do intend to see this land since I am here, I believe that tomorrow at the earliest. You have been most helpful with your answers to my questions. I just hope, THAT I WON'T SCARES THEMS TOO BAD!"

The zebra was a bit surprised by the sudden shout but she figured that was a joke given what he said. "I would motion you to be patient. If the tale of my friends and I's meeting has been latent. I ask you to be careful my friend, lest you find your self at a sharpened end(weapon). The ponies of Equestria are welcoming, but they fear, what ever is strange when it comes near."

"I am no stranger to being feared, even if I didn't desire it most of the time. I am sure I can figure it out." The man smiled broadly and it was returned by the stripped mare. Vulkan exchanged some stories of his own, a lot of shenanigans can happen over a life that was as long as his. Though it was rather hit and miss, Zecora had little stomach for the idea of him fighting another sapient race, even if they were eldar, and he had really good reasons, really, really good reasons. The subject fell to friends and family, he sighed and decided to make it short, "Family is complicated, and I out live most of my friends."

She nodded, "If half of what you have told me of your home is true for those around you then I would assume life can be short. And I myself admit that family is also not my forte(Yes, it is pronounced this way, everyone is just wrong, it really is pronounced like fort, and if you make the 'a lot of people say it this way' argument then Imma have words with you).

The afternoon past in a rather pleasant fashion, Vulkan had the idea to ask about the types of games Equestria had. This jumped into a conversation about the various similar traditional childerns' games their kinds shared. Tag, Hide and seek, Marco polo, though neither of them knew who that was. Seemingly omnipresent and ancient traveler aside, it was good to know all you could. Children's games included.

At this point the manticore had slunk off to find some food, though Vulkan did not pay enough attention to know when exactly, he did know she was no longer there. 'I shall have to come up with a name for my fluffy friend.' It was at that moment Vulkan quietly chuckled to himself, 'Lion El'Jonson, she is a lion, but my brother's name is too masculine.' After a few more moments he brainstormed out some possible names, '...El'Jona, hmm not quite, El'Johncena, no I can't see that as her name(get it?). El'la, Ella Jona? I suppose that could work, not that I have a better Idea.

Evening was approaching now, the light faded ever so slightly, "I hope you do not mind," Zecora held up some herbs and roots, "but I wish to grind. To make a compound, with what I have found. My potions are essential for life here, I must plan ahead as I am not sear. See the future I can not, but I can plan for it and what ever it has fraught."

Vulkan smiled and motioned her to her hut, she thanked the man for the company but said she would likely be inside for the rest of the evening. Once the zebra had entered her hut Vulkan stood slowly, while wasn't about to leave the forest he could chart his path. His sight was still excellent at night, he would be able to find the edge of the forest and do so again even better when he did leave. Vulkan's steps were noticeable but not thunderous as his size would imply, as such once he reached the treeline he stood rather unnoticed by anything.

He could see the village Zecora's friends resided in, just in view, less than half a kilometer away. Odd that a town so close to a forest with creatures such as these seemed to have no walls to speak of. He did not see any such fortifications in the newly risen moonlight. Rogal would have had the villagers each slapped for their insolence. Then destroyed each of their homes..... before he took the pieces he had from deconstructing them and rebuild the houses better than before. His brother really liked to build, improve, and many other things of a bland but nice nature. He remembered that once or twice Rogal had told him that he was read textbooks on architecture by his guardians as a child.

The villages lights were visible from here, most houses were still awake as night had only just fallen. Something caught the eye of the Primarch, another hut, though this one was not a tree. It's small frame stood between the forest and the town as the closest building. Perhaps Zecora knows whoever is so daring to live there. One last glance around the plains around the town and he moved back into the darkness of the trees, his green armor blended quite well with his surroundings, even if he didn't blend quite so well.

Once the trek through the forest was compete. A odd but welcome sight met the behemoth’s eyes, there close to Zecora’s hut in a bush was the manticore. She had yet to notice Vulkan, she was far too busy. All of her attention was on her kill, the monster ate at a slow pace. She was content to enjoy the food slowly. It was a fresh corpse of a quadruped, of non-Equine nature it would seem, from the structure of the carcass. Once he was close enough to for the dinning beast to notice him she quickly sprang to her paws. Vulkan spoke in a reassuring tone, “Hello, don’t worry, I don't want your kill if that is what you are worried about.” The soft accent seemed to add to his honest and gentle words as he spoke, “I do have a question for you though, would you like a name?”

At the sound of the large man’s voice the manticore tensed slightly before her body seemed to calm. Strangely the cat hybrid only wanted to eat, or it appeared that way once she returned to her food. She gave the question no mind, not that Vulkan’s word’s didn't hold more than intent and emotion for the beast. “Well, I for one think you should have one, how does Ella Jona sound?” The ears perked for a moment before a low short growl came from the chewing mouth of the new dubbed Ella. Vulkan moved, and sat next to Ella for a moment. After said moment he started to pet the top of her head. A louder growl escaped her maw and she turned her fangs sharply toward the giant’s offending limb.

“Boop.” the obvious response was to poke her nose with a finger. The manticore snout condensed and she huffed, the hand swiftly returned to pet her head. Low growls of defeat came from Ella before she began to naw on her kill yet again. A sort of kinship had began to form at there first meeting, and here it was solidified. A unique relation between two beings to say the least.


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The sun rose into the sky, Ella Jona had left to find her morning meal. The primarch for his part was in conversation with Zecora, "Yesterday I walked to the edge of the forest, I saw a small cottage between me and the town, do you know who lives there?"

Zecora paused, she hadn't expected the question but the answer came to her almost immediately. "If I am not mistaken, and if I am I will be quite shaken. That the resident of that house, whose temperament could be described as a mouse. Is my dear friend Fluttershy, I would ask that you not make her cry. The shock of your form would do her no good, I don't wish to be rude but am I understood? Her name is rather apt, I fear you would leave her of all her strength sapped." the man nodded slowly after a few moments.

"If you believe so, then I will not seek her directly, but if I may ask. Why then does she live so close to this forest? It seems to be the place for someone the opposite of what you have described." he tilted his head to accent his question.

"Fluttershy is the pinnacle of kindness and care. Because of that it is all she can do is to share. Her watch presides of the animals near here, from mice, bears, and dear. Medical aid, and feed they often need. Without her I am sure many would fade." Zecora's opinion was clearly quite high for this Fluttershy.

"Hmm, well, since I am leaving. Do believe you could give me any advice on how to approach the town? If nothing else, I would like to meet some new faces." the giant's question was common sense if there ever was such a thing as 'common sense'.

"As I said before those in Ponyville are easy to scare, if you do go there seek out a certain mare. Twilight Sparkle is the curator of the tree library in town, and also a princess of great renown. She and her friends are friends to lend, so to you they are friends of a friend. Simply say my name and you will be fine, just be sure not to cross the line."

The man thought to ask why a princess would be in such a small settlement, but thought better of it. She may be well known and liked but she, unlike the rulers he had heard about from Zecora, was not seen as responsible for the very raising and lowering of the sun and moon. "I do not plan to, thank you my friend. I hope I can return for a visit some day." a genuine smile graced her lips. The man stood and walked over to the zebra, after he went to a knee the two exchanged a hug. "I'd give you a better hug," the primarch stood and began to walk back a step before his voice became a little louder, "BUT I DON'T THINK YUZ WOULD DEAL WITH IT WEL!"

"You truly are a strange fellow. Though I fear you are right, you would turn my bones to jello." a laugh was shared between the two before the salamander turned as he waved goodbye. The human left the hut in the forest and moved to where he was just last night. The edge of the forest was quite the sight, light from the sun met his skin. The warmth was pleasant, Vulkan's ears strained at the movements of Ella. She had began to follow him not too long after he had left Zecora's hut. He presumed that the manticore had found food and eaten already. She moved to his side after a moments deliberation. A smile chuckle escaped his lips.

"Come Ella, lets go make some friends." the pair walked out of the forest, Ella Jona walked a few paces behind the giant with a slight unease in her step. Clearly she didn't venture out of the forest often, if at all. The scorpion tail twitched as her wings tensed. The two of them continued even as the cottage which apparently belonged to a 'Fluttershy' came into their vicinity. Not wanting to scare the supposedly mild tempered pony he and his companion shifted past and went to enter the town's out circles. The eighteenth primarch could see the large tree near the center of the town from his position, so with his destination in mind he began to slow his walk and thus his approach. It seems a few of the townsfolk had noticed his presence, they were not blind at the very least. He saw a large amount of them ran and yell toward a large building, 'Panic, Zecora was downplaying their reaction. Though I suppose that is partially my fault.'


Twilight was currently reorganizing her books, again. Spike huffed as the two set to work under her new model system of organization. She had been doing this more often now that she was a princess. He didn't think she was even aware of it, though perhaps she was subconsciously. It may have been her own way of dealing with the new image, even after both her friends and the whole of Equestria had accepted her new title, she was still adjusting. 'Well, at least she kept it mostly the same this time. i could really go for a-' the young drakes thoughts were interrupted by shouts and screams. The startling sounds had sent him off the ladder he stood on and to the floor. "OWww." the baby dragon stood after a moment and Twilight rushed over.

"Oh my Celestia Spike are you okay? What is going on out there?" the concerned tone of his familial figure was tinged with worry. "I better go and see, come on Spike!" the young princess lifted the dragon onto her back between her wings for support. She began to run out of the library, what met her was what seemed like the entirety of Ponyville running for the Townhall. "What is going on?"

"Twilght!" the princess turned to see her friends approaching. Apple jack and Rainbow Dash moved as a pair from the direction of Sweet Apple Acres. Rarity and Fluttershy ran as another pair from the spa, their manes were freshly styled and each worry deep worry on their faces. Apple Jack spoke again for the group, "Twilight what's going on?"

"I don't know, wait where's Pinkie?!" the distress from the question was quickly shattered as Pinkie appeared in the faces of her friends.

"Twitchy leg! Twitchy tail! Itchy nose! And creepy shutters!" the earth ponies shouts were quickly responded to the purple alicorn.

"What does that mean?!" Pinkie turned to her and shouted in semi-excitement.

"I don't know! It's never happened before!" the rest of the group didn't share her excitement, especially after a someone heading for the hall shouted.

"It's huge!"

"Come on girls! We have to see whats going on!" Twilight directed earning determined nods from her friends and assistant. The group ran towards the edge of town and was met with a sight that stopped each of them in their tracks.

Before them stood one of the scariest creature Twilight had ever seen. A manticore stood proud and strong with its eyes squinted toward the group but what scared the heroes was the thing in the foreground. It was easily twice her height, nearly three times actually. The metal was clearly armor but, its sharp angles were nothing like what the guards wore. The green was highlighted in gold that went unnoticed as the skulls of creatures adorned its armor. The massive dragon like skull that lay on its shoulder served as a stark and grim sign of strength and terror. Its exposed head was black as night, the eyes a fiery red. The group barely noticed as Spike fainted. All of them nearly joined him after it spoke.

"Hello. I am looking for a Twilight Sparkle." the deep tone and strange accent seemed to cement the sheer dread that came into the princess' mind at those words.

Quietly she spoke, "Oh, sweet Celestia."

7. I Want to Boop

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The man stood and watched as the small purple lizard fainted, after he had spoken he heard a small voice from the lead of the group. A small purple pony with wings and a horn. Vulkan quirked his brow as the pony in front of him spoke in a quite tone. His super human hearing easily heard the words and recognized the phrase's meaning given that 'Celestia' was one of the names Zecora had told him of. It would seem that just like his own father, a none god was used/seen as a deity in language. Even if it had only started because his father was the smartest and most knowledgeable human to exist before his near death, the phrase, 'Emperor knows' was walking the line of what was allowed in the imperium before hand, now it had fully crossed it. Another few moments past before the giant spoke once more, "Would any of you know this 'Twilight' I am looking for? I was sent by my friend Zecora to meet her and her friends before my journey." The group was tense but seemed to ease up if only a small amount at the mention of Zecora's name, 'How right that little zebra was it seems.'

The lead pony spoke once more, this time in a much more confident voice though it was still tinged with worry. "I am Twilight Sparkle, you said you know Zecora?" the mare looked at the manticore to Vulkan's side in worry. He responded by smiling and sitting down rather more gracefully than one would think from a being of his size.

"This is true, allow me to introduce my self." the man placed a hand to his chest and voice almost sung sweet with his words, "I am Vulkan, Primarch of the Salamanders, and this here is my friend and companion Ella Jona." The man's hand left his chest and moved to his side, the aforementioned Ella was now on her haunches with a bored expression on her face.

The group were out of their shocked states and now stood there muted as Twilight spoke again, “N-nice to meet you, umm, so what brings you to Ponyville hehe?” the laugh was nervous and short lived but the smile was genuine. All Twilight saw was his smile which made it hard to return one.

“I wished to see some new faces and establish a better understanding of this world. And after that, perhaps travel to see new things, and seek adventure.” the brief explanation was met with varied expressions. Twilight was a little surprised but still trying to gain an understanding of the situation. Rarity was almost horrified, though how much of that was due to Vulkan’s attire we may never know. AppleJack was quite unhappy with the two scary outsiders being so close to her friends and home. Pinky was shocked, shocked that she hadn’t run off to prepare a welcoming party yet, really why couldn’t she make herself move. Rainbow Dash teetered between crying out about how awesome Vulkan looked, and trying to pick a fight to protect her friends from the giant...thing and the manticore. Fluttershy for her part while scared out of her mind was glad he seemed friendly, and was interested in the new named Ella, always with the animals it seems.

“So, you’re here to meet ponies?” the princess felt like an idiot for feeling the need to ask but the reason seemed so minor that even if she was once assigned to the very same it seemed odd.

“Yessss, I feel we will all be the best of friends! Now who wants a ‘meeting my new friends‘ hug!” the group seemed to be unprepared for the proposition.

“MEEEEEEEEE!” five of the six ponies turned their heads to find their sixth yell out in glee. She rushed forward at a lightening speed, that blurred her form into a near invisible dash.

The moment before impact the jolly green giant got out two words in a different voice, “OH ZOG!” The pair crashed backwards as the momentum from the baker’s charge resulted in a few tumbles, Vulkan’s armor clanking against the stone of the path. Ella turned her head behind her as Vulkan went from her side to behind her, the manticores eyes widened slightly in surprise with her brows pulled back. A moment of silence passed before a throaty laugh sounded, “Haha! It has been quite some time since I have been surprised, you are strong little friend of pink!”

“Yeperoony, I work hard to stay strong, must be all the flour I lift for the bakery.” the hyper voice was one of pure joy.

Twilight and friends seemed to let go of a breathe they had not known they had been holding, the situation and tackling hadn’t gone bad. “Are you two okay?” the little yellow pegasus asked.

“Why wouldn’t we be?” the party thrower asked.

“Do not worry about me quiet one, I am quite incapable of being harmed.” Vulkan stood this time with Pinkie in a hug, after a bit he played down the mare.

‘Seemingly indestructible, overly happy, Vulkan is starting to sound like a scary Pinkie, well, a Pinkie that is immediately scary.’ the alicorn did not have long to contemplate that line of thinking for long though.

“I do not mean to bother but should you not check up of your fainted lizard friend?” the man pointed to the princess’ back, Twilight’s head swiveled at a frightening speed to see her number one(and only) assistant still on her back, but hunched over unconscious.

“Spike! sorry, can we move to the library I need to get Spike somewhere better?” the group nodded, rightfully more concerned over the baby dragon then anything else. After all the scary threat was not a threat at all, thou scary the giant was friendly.

“Of course,” the six ponies walked with the large pair closely behind, occasionally one of them would turn to look at them, Vulkan didn’t mind, this was as close to a warm welcome as he could expect.

“I will be right back, then we can talk more.” the princess of friendship said in a explanatory tone as she entered the door way to her tree.

“I will be here with Ella, we will introduce ourselves to everyone else, no need to rush princess.” though she didn’t say anything she internally cringed at the title. She didn’t bother thinking on how he knew she was one, ‘Zecora told him about my name, why wouldn’t she mention my “job” title.’ her thoughts turned from this to her assistant who was like a brother to her.

Outside the pair of large scary stature sat at the base of the library. “So, who would like to start with introductions?” the smile on his darkened face while comforting didn’t stop the sudden anxiety that came from suddenly having to speak after someone else had done all the talking for you. The silence lasted for what felt like a few minutes before a voice spoke up.

“Ummm,” it was quiet and hesitant, “I’m Fluttershy, and if you don’t mind I would like to sit with Ella, I’ve only met one manticore before.”

8. The Snoot

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Vulkan nodded, "She can be a bit grumpy, but do not fret over that too much shy one." Flutteryshy nodded before she hovered over to the manticore as Ella lay on her stomach. Vulkan turned his attention back to the remaining four of the group. As his head was turning he found that it met the face of the hyper and pink pony he had been tackled by before. Her nose was lightly pressed against his as he turned back. ‘How had she slipped past my senses.’ the answer seemed to elude the man as a moment passed.

“HI! I’m Pinkamena Diane Pie, but everyone calls me Pinkie Pie. Seriously, its almost like the writers-“ she found herself pulled off of the Primarch by her tail. “-AppleJack why did you do that? I was introducing myself properly.” the pink mare turned to her orange compatriot who possessed a hat.

“I would hardly call that proper darling.” the mare who spoke with an accent which vaguely reminded Vulkan of Nobles of the imperium.

“Imma hav’ta agree with Rares on this one Pinkie. You were a tad rude there.” a stronger accent, it brought to mind the speech of the working citizenry of the Imperium.

‘To have both accents in the same place, it speaks(Hehe) to a lack of a divide between the upper and lower rungs of society.’ these thoughts passed his brain by before he decided not make assumptions of what the accents meant, yet.

“Well as my rather excitable friend has just said, she is Pinkie Pie.” the white furred mare gestured her right hoof to the party mare, “I am Rarity a fasion designer and seamstress.” before the purple maned unicorn could continue another form came into view in front of his, though admittedly this pony was farther back then the previous one.

“I am Rainbow Dash, fastest flyer in Equestria!” this one was a pegasus with blue fur, and a mane to match her name. “I bet Zecora has told you all about me.” Zecora had in fact not mentioned her specifically. But it never hurt to at least attempt to be agreeable every now and again.

“Ah! It is good to meet you, you will have to show me your flying skills then. I have no doubt you shall show me a most interesting show of skill.”

Vulkan leaned to the side till he caught the eyes of the last mare. “My name is Applejack, as Pinkie said earlier. I run the near by orchard and farm with my family.” the human nodded.

Rarity spoke again, “As I am sure you guessed by Pinkie’s party obsession she does plan and run such events.”

“Yeparooni! I also make sweets and other stuff at the bakery, it’s called Sugercube Corner and-“ the curly maned mare burst into his sight shoving the fashionista aside slightly as she did so. A hoof was dantilly placed on her mouth by Rarity as Applejack spoke.

“And Fluttershy takes care of animals.” as the farm pony spoke, the four mares and one man glanced over at the yellow furred caregiver. She was lightly running her hoof over Ella’s head with her hoof, both seemed rather contented with the silent companionship. Just then Twilight exited her home.

“Sorry, Spike is brave but I think this was just a bit too much for his baby dragon heart.” the apology was not needed in Vulkan’s eyes but he nodded none the less.

“It is fine, I have been introduced to your friends, would you like to do the same? Or would it be best if we start our exchange of questions now?” Twilight’s eyes seemed to gain a small sparkle at the proposition of answers to her many, many, questions.

“If you don’t mind I do have some questions.” the group seemed to understand without words that they would have to get comfortable outside, there was a simple size and shape issue with doors and their new guest. Vulkan looked around the group, Applejack sat simply and seemed to wait for the back and forth to begin. Pinkie was next to her munching, on... something. Fluttershy had turned her attention from Ella and now next to her as the Mantacore lay down fully. Rainbow Dash was sat on a cloud... it seemed that Zecora was understating the control of weather the pegusai had. Rarity was gone from his sight, as he looked for her Twilight pulled out a paper note book and began to write in it with a quill before he spotted the designer. Just as she sat down on a red high end couch, where she acquired that on short notice.

‘There is weirder back home’ Vulkan commented on his his situation with honesty. And a small inhale before he heard Twilight speak.

“So, I hope this isn’t too forward but what are you? Species wise that is, I haven’t heard of anything like you before?” her quill at the ready and eyes inquisitive.

‘Species wise hmmm? Well.’ the man nodded before he answered the question, “I am a human, though don’t take me as an example of what a human looks like, since I am very different from any baseline or variant human.”

Twilight quirked an eye brow at that, “How so, how are you different from a normal human?” the others leaned forward slightly as he began to speak.

“Too many to list off now, but the most obvious would be that I am twice the average human height.” the others nodded, now if they had said he was half the average human height they would have freaked, but he was taller than most so it was fine. Did beg the question as to why he was so tall in their minds though.

“Ah,” after some writing she asked another question, or perhaps a series of them, “so your species are close to twice our height when standing then? What is your species diet? I noticed your teeth when you smiled you’re not a carnivore correct?” she almost sounded hopeful when she spoke, her friends also a bit uncomfortable. Fluttershy seemed a bit more at ease strangely.

“My species are omnivores, dairy, grain, fruits and vegetables. And yes meat, don’t worry I am not going to eat anything that can talk. And that does include mutes. Everything is on the table, everything not poison, and some poison for other species. As for me, almost anything is eatable, though dirt isn’t very nice to eat.” The six of them seemed to be glad he had specified he wouldn’t eat meat, at least meat that they cared about(ie ponies and talking animals). Though they still were not comfortable yet.

“You eat dirt?” the pink member of the conversation asked with a small grin on her face.

Vulkan turned to her as the rest of her friends made faces of confusion between both of them. “Not normally no but if I was desperate for anything to eat I could eat and get nutrients from stones.” at this Pinkie lost her smile looked introspective. “Though I do admit to liking actual food and sweets much more.” the young mare brightened immensely.

In a flash of speed the party planner reached behind her and pulled a tray of cup cakes from seemingly no where. Vulkan was beginning to sense a theme with these ponies. “Who wants some cupcakes while we talk?!” the minor lapse in joy was quickly smothered.

9. History Leason

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The cupcakes were passed around as the giant and company continued their exchange of questions. Twilight spoke in a factual tone, "So to summarize. You are twice the height of a normal member of your species, your species are all omnivorous, but you can eat anything. These are the main differences?"

The primarch munch on a muffin as he listened to the young alicorn, "Yes, but there is also the fact that I am immortal." the group grew completely silent at the statement. Sure they had some experience with the idea of immortality. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were both as close to the definition as one could get. But to hear it said so calmly was a bit of a shock. "And unkillable."

The second statement sent Twilight into mental frenzy, trying to parse the implications when Pinkie spoke interrupting her thoughts. "Aren't those the same thing?" the pink and happy pony having finished her distributing of baked goods set to eat those left over.

A small chuckle at the mare's tone lead to a reply, "Immortal is to live forever, unkillable is to not be destroyed. One can live forever theoretically and still be killed despite that potential for lifespan. I will live forever, and regenerate from all damage."

Twilight began to making furiously fast notes on her book when Rainbow Dash spoke, Twilight thought as she did, 'I really needed to learn to get my questions in faster.'

The blue Pegasus bolted to a hover in front of the man's face, "Ah yeah? And how do we know your telling the truth, we've meet a lot of ponies who claim to be able to do a lot. Why should we believe you." the interrogation sparked doubts in the group mares. Given how strange the 'human' was they hadn't thought he was lying.

The majority of the mares turned to their orange friend, her head and hat looked at all the expectant eyes before she sighed, "Imma be honest, I don't know why Y'all see me as a sort of lie detector." her accent hardened by minor frustration. "If I'm being completely truthful I think we can give the benefit of the doubt here, not like we can't just call em out if he was lying."

The blue furred mare rolled her eyes and snorted, "Sure, that works for now." she returned to the cloud she had previously occupied.

Finally seeing her chance to get back to her questions the lavender alicorn quickly jumped at the opportunity, "What can you tell us about your species, what is there social structure, where are they, how did you get here, what can you tell us about their history, whe-" her list reading was promptly silenced by a hoof. The princess looked at offending limb before she saw it lead to Rarity who had gotten up from her couch to stop the questions before they all drowned in words.

The fashionista quieted the annoyance in the alicorn with her next words, "Dear, you need to give him a chance to answer." the giant let out a small chuckle before he responded.

"Well, I will try my best to tell you. The first question is complicated but we are over all an empire. The Imperium of Man is vast, so vast in fact. That to answer the question of where we are from." the man pointed upward, "I would have to generalize and say millions of planets in the galaxy. I my self am from a planet called Nocturn, as for how I got here. I am not entirely certain but I suspect a great deal of complicated phenomenon caused my arrival." the six ponies quieted to an even further degree, it was one thing to claim to be immortal but another to claim to be from the stars.

It was so ridiculous all those present simple sat and listened to the next words to come. Even Rainbow Dash had a hard time willing herself to make a rebuttal. Hard to rebut something you clearly can't understand. And the sheer size of a million planets was one of them. To be fair, for most beings, a planet was too big to fully grasp.

"As for the history of the Imperium, it is too long to recount fully. That is over two thousand years alone. And the whole history of humanity even more so. After all that is over thirty two thousands years of history much of which is not entirely known to anyone but father." the ramblings brought forth a question almost automatically from Twilight's lips.

"Who is your father? Some historian? Is he important, you said it was an empire. I don't know much about those since I know of only two. They were a lot like a kingdom except they were constantly attempting to expand. Was he some royal scholar in the Imperium's court?" the question made the man turn and listen through her monologue, "Also you introduced yourself as 'Primarch of the Salamanders' is that a noble title or something?"

The human nodded at the inquiries, "Well, I suppose I could explain how the command structure works within the Imperium. At the bottom we have the citizens of the Imperium, the vast majority of humans fall here for obvious reasons, from simple laborers to scribes. These are also the people who volunteer for or are conscripted into the Imperial army. Each regiment is unique, usually based around a common planet of origin." The mares listened with interest.

"My heart goes out to each person I meet, those who work or sacrifice as the common folk do. Above these are the rich and nobles of the Imperium, the only defining factor of these individuals or families are money, power and status. Many are horrid, and should never be allowed any responsibility over others lest they abuse their power. Others are in fact quite noble and worthy of respect." his words about nobles seemed to ring a cord with many of the ponies if their faces and slow nods were any indication.

"Above even the elites are the planetary governors, each are different in their styles of ruling. And as the name suggests they rule over a planet. I have met many good and altruistic ones in my time. Many more who are simply selfish, though it doesn't always effect their people. And unfortunately I have met and deposed of a couple monsters who held the position." the group seemed to catch on that if he was deposing of people who ruled planets he was of higher station.

"Next to planetary governs are various Imperial commanders. There are also the various organizations which comprise the Imperium. The Imperial army, Imperial Fleet, Officio Assassinorum, and Rogue Traders. At this level there is an automous branch of the framework which is the Adeptus Astartes. The Astartes are the most skilled and enhanced soilder the Imperium has to offer." the this talk of soldiers started to show just how military centric humans were to the ponies.

"There were once twenty legions of Astartes, Space Marines as some call them. But now there are so many different smaller groups of space marines called chapters." a sigh escaped his lips, "That naming them all is impossible. Each Astartes is a human who is genetically enhanced by the gene seed of a Primarch at a young age. The Primarch's represent the peek of humanity, and as such are special." the word perked the ponies' ears.

The group went to ask a question before he stopped them by holding up a hand, "Please, I am not done. Putting aside the Astartes who have their own unique rankings. The next rung in the Imperium is filled with various essential groups, including the Adeptus Administratum which encapsulates the previous rung. There is also the Adeptus Costodes who are the Emperors body guards. These two and the unnamed groups fall under the Adeptus Terra. Named after the home world of humanity." Twilight made note of that fact before the Primarch continued.

"In this rung is the Adeptus Terra is joined by two others, the Adeptus Mechanicus being another. The Mechanicus is a semi-autonomous section of the Imperium, they are the manufacturers of almost all of the Imperium's weapons and tools since they have a high understanding of technology. Though to them its is a religion." the idea was odd but then again the ponies were silent due to the seer amount of information being displayed. It was Twilight heaven.

"And the rather recent, at least to me addition to this tier is the Adeptus Ministorum. Despite the Long and complicated reasons the Emperor set atheism forth in law. Another equally complex history resulted in the ignoring of such laws. Which lead to the result of a state cult, the Imperial Cult worships the Emperor as a god. They do not get along with the Mechanicus, since they are different religions. Both worship the Emperor, but for different reasons, and very differently in practice." the idea of a 'god ruler' was quite familiar. Due mostly in part to their ruler, whom many in Equestria quietly worshiped. All respected her though, hard not to.

Even Twilight found herself very formal withe the princess, despite the fact she was a lot like another mother to the alicorn... The fact that she was now so close to an equal with the princess didn't quite help with that. Both of those things being true didn't stop formalism it seemed.

"The highest command in many of these organizations are members of the High Lords of Terra, twelve members, nine permanent seats. The only other branch from the Emperor is the new Inquistion. Whom I personally do not like, they are suppose to be watch dogs. But they are, to put it short, horrible most of the time."

"The Emperor is of course at the top, his word was law and none stand above his station. He is an immortal shapeshifter and the most powerful Psyker in the galaxy. With a thought he does what you would see as magic, to the fullest extent. None surpass him, it is said he united Terra and concurred thousands of planets in the great crusade to unite Humanity again from its fall. He is currently incarcerated on 'the Golden Throne', due to a long and complex civil war. It acts as life support, though it is hard for me to say much more on that." the ponies seemed to realize that he was done with the hierarchy. The idea of such a powerful 'mage', and what was that about a fall?

"Wow, that is more complicated then I was expecting." the understatement of the century by Twilight. If felt like reading an encyclopedia. Rainbow Dash was nearly asleep. And Ella was, since Fluttershy had been petting her the whole time.

The blue Pegasus chose to but in again "So, you are important but low rung is that right? Since Your only above normals and nobles."

"Rainbow Dash! That is insulting, I am sure Vulkan garners great respect even from others above him." the man had a full body laugh, it was a jolly thing.

"Apologies I may have given you a misunderstanding. The rungs are just the various sub orderings of the groups under branch. The only thing that determines rank, is actual rank in your organization. A member of the Mechanicus would not be capable of commanding a member of another branch directly. And no Rainbow Dash." the pegasus met his eyes which held a light in them.

"I suppose I was not clear on what a Primarch is. We use our genes to enhance our Astartes, our sons. But we are not just the best of humanity, there were eighteen Primarches before the civil war. Only nine remained loyal to the Emperor. Many of my brothers are dead, betrayed the Imperium, or both. I do not know where those who are still alive have gone. But if any of us we to resurface we would be given rule of the Imperium." the last sentence shook the ponies.

"What?! Why, I get that you're 'the best of humanity' what ever that means. But how does that take precedent over the leaders of all those organizations. Don't they trump you?" Twilight seemed to speak for the group yet again.

"Because the Primarches are the sons of the Emperor." the sentence surpassed the previous statements in shock value.

"You’re a prince?!" Rarity was about to have a heart attack from the fact that this was just relieved.

10. Prince?

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The question was barely passed Rarity’s near shrieking lips when Vulkan began to steadily chuckle. It evolved into a throaty laugh quickly before a sharp untick in volume and depth occurred, “Hohoho! HOHOHO! YUZ PONIEZ AR FUNNY! I MOIGHT BE TA BIGGEST BOSS YA EVA DID SEE, BUT I AINT NO PRIZY PRINZ!" his tone and voice the increasingly more common form of outburst. "It would be much more accurate to say myself and my surviving brothers would be the best suited to leading the Imperium. Seeing as my father is a spooky half living skeleton right now.” On the flip of a dime the primarch's voice regained its much more normal tone.

The others looked like they wanted to speak but their words were stuck in their throats. Ella for her part woke up at the loud noise that came from Rarity's voice. The manticore looked up still sitting in annoying mood, Fluttershy looking at the man absent mindedly petted Jona into a near sleep state again. In this silence Pinkie broke the walls down, "BOO!"

Vulkan looked at the earth pony to his right, "Did I scare yea, you said your dad was spooky was I thought it lighten the mood! So did it work?!" her smile was very broad. The brick wall was in barely standing with a hole in it.

'Was that wall there before?' the remaining seemed to look at Pinkie instead, their shock temporarily forgotten to collectively sigh.

Applejack spoke as she turned back to the giant, "Well, Ya say ya aren't a prince. And you sure don't act like any we know," Rarity started to shudder before she clamped down on her thoughts, "But being the next in line for a ruler is the best comparison we have right now." Her accent seemed to be rather clear despite the difference from Vulkan's own.

"I mean what else would everypony even call you if not prince?" Rainbow Dash spoke in a confident tone and gestured with her hooves pointing around then at him.

"I would assume most if not all would call me 'my lord'." Rainbow went to contridict him but fell silent before putting her hoof to her chin slowly nodding.

"Yeah, checks out I guess." as she spoke Fulttershy left Jona's side and hovered over to stand next to the giant. A rather brave move given her demeanor.

"You said earlier you said that many of your brothers were dead or missing, is that true?" her tone was not one of innocence so much as confirmation.

"Yes, and I miss all of them..." his eyes took an air of calm, "Even the ones that hated everyone." at those words the pegasus stepped forward and tried her best to hug him. Pinkie quickly joining her a small comforting smile that seemed almost alien on the hyper ponies face after his small amount of interactions with her.

After a few moments the primarch chuckled, "Thank you." when the two let go of him he looked over at Twilight. She had put down her note pad met his eye. "Do you have any more questions?" The alicorn shook her head and spoke in a tone of sympathy.

"No, I think that is enough for now. So you intend to travel? Where will you go? When, will you go?" several questions all at a much slower pace compared to last time. Her eyes showed minour concern, though one could suppose it was both for the human and anyone he scared.

"WEZ WANT TA GO EVRY WHER! I plan to see as much of this strange land and its people as I can while I am here. As for when I will go, DONO!" slipping in and out of the odd voice seems normal for the giant. And while they didn't understand. The group had all seen weirder than that with just Pinkie. At this point Fluttershy returned to Ella who stood and stretched by raising her hind legs and lowering her front. Afterward she let her back legs fall and pushed up with her front legs.

Twilight took the lead again, "Well if you don't know when. Would you like to stay the night in Ponyville? If nothing else I could give you a map." she paused after a bit of thought on what he might need, "Though, maybe a paper with my mark explaining your reasons would be better. It could at least stop you from getting attacked by the guard in certain towns."

The man stood slowly, followed by those who were still sitting on their haunches. "If you don't mind my presence for a night. And a map would be nice. "

Twilight nodded as she thought, "Where you would stay tonight is the issue right now. Not many places that would be big enough. And that assumes any of them would take you." Vulkan opened his mouth to say that wouldn't be needed.

But before he could speak Applejack spoke again, "Well, ma family farm has space in the barn for you and yer friend. A night's stay ain't much, but I can't leave somepony hanging when I can help now can I." small smiles exchanged between both of them when Rarity bumped in.

"You know, despite your oddities you do have a noble air about you, you being the heir to an empire makes sense." her voice held the same regal tone as always but that didn't stop an eye roll from her blue pegesus friend.

"Oh yeah, I bet. Say, how about you and I have a race before you leave to go on your...road trip. With how long your legs are I bet you can move pretty fast!" the primarch turned to see she had devilish smile on her muzzel.

"YUD BE SORPRISD!" as they spoke, Vulkan found his sight blocked by Pinkie who was looking at him upside down. Her hooves on the man's shoulder pads. '...this must be normal to a degree, no one has commented on how she somehow got onto me without drawing attention.

"SOoo, who wants to have a welcoming party!" her shout and smile were almost infectious, her friends seemed to smile after she said that. "Cause I for one think you need to enjoy some Ponyville hospitality!" she jumped off of the giant.

"Of course Pinkie, we should probably also check on everyone who is hiding. Otherwise we could have an issue." Twilight sounded almost like a older sister. Though that took a pause when the door to the tree house opened and Spike walked out rubbing his eyes. After a yawn the young drake started talking still half asleep.

"Hey guys, you aren't gonna believe the dream I had there was this HUGE thing that was next to a manticore and-" he stopped after looking at the others all around the subjects of that sentence. "... I am going back to sleep." the dragon turned around and started to close the door.