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another stop on the train of thought · 12:48am Oct 14th, 2016

so what if we are actually all those classic 'you cant comprehend its true form' kind of extradimensional beings, but we dont know it because our senses only give us information about the first 3 dimensions. or what if a ton of alien species have tried to contact us, but we just couldn't percieve them so they left without anyone noticing they were there. Or better yet, what if we eventually achieve some kind of cool future sci fi technological advancement... and nothing bad happens at

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Two Tales of Chris vs. a Foreign Culture · 12:25am Dec 17th, 2022

A couple of weeks ago, one of my sister's friends recommended that I try watching a new anime, Akiba Maid War; I was bitching about what I didn't like in another anime, and he suggested that Akiba was well-animated, had a nice balance of violence and humor, and wasn't full of uncomfortably oversexualized underage girls.

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alright now. let's see if i can crank this ol' machine back up. even for just a little bit. (also massive author status update) · 6:12am Mar 7th, 2023

EPony-Me™: Rebooted
What happens when you realize that your life is a simulation? Well, you put the headset back on. A rewrite of 2017's Pony-Me.
TheMajorTechie · 26k words  ·  133  10 · 2.1k views

It's been almost a full year since I've actually written new content for Pony-Me. That chapter published back in August was the very last chapter I had in my little stash of chapters that I originally intended to have serve as a buffer zone between moments when I'd be unable to write for whatever reason.

Haha, who could've known that they'd be the only chapters I'd write for a long, long time.

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A Stupid Idea · 3:48am Jul 22nd, 2021

For some reason, one thing I absolutely love to death is JRPG tropes. I’m talking stuff like Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy, stuff concerning party composition, storyline tropes, and all that jazz.

It’s apparently gone so far that I want to write some MLP JRPG thing. It includes all this party composition, enemy tropes, and stuff like that. This may be because I’m playing through Dragon Quest VI and I honestly love it a lot.

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New SASS Story is Up! - "In The Pale Moonlight" · 10:47pm Oct 10th, 2023

A murder, a manhunt, and a malicious modicum of martyrdom plague Princess Luna in this tale proposed for "Suggest A Story September." Don't forget to give it a like and leave a comment, please! (After all, it's my first new story in 7 months!)


Every Album I Own (For the most part.) · 2:48am April 8th

The two things I've enjoyed the most over the past year are, well, the obvious, and music.

I started getting into both at about the same time, which wasn't a coincidence. I don't have the space to talk about it here, though.

These are all of the albums that I own that I actually listen to, and I will update this list when I obtain more.

(Please only look through all of this if you're actually interested enough.) Sorry that the pictures are gigantic.

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A Dash Of Warmth · 5:29pm Dec 3rd, 2016

When something happens to one of Fluttershy's animals, she is devastated. But when Rainbow stumbles upon her, she takes Fluttershy back home and Rainbow does her best to calm and soothe Fluttershy's aching heart.

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POTTERY · 2:50pm Mar 18th, 2016

I was bored one day and decided to watch four episodes of the Pokemon anime where this character appears:

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TSJ: Horse Warning Zeta Action Squad · 6:43am Jun 11th, 2017

There are certain chapters of TSJ that are... special, for a particular reason. The three most prominent examples are The Dinner, Family, and The Clubhouse. There are a few others, though.

She just looks so happy!

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I need an artist... · 12:24am Jan 11th, 2018

For.. a slightly odd commission.

As a gift for a friend (Who i love to tease) I'm gonna get him a custom body pillow. But the picture I want is an anime style young Stalin. It's a slightly complicated story.

Anyone know folks who can do a convincing anime style?


So I just marathoned the entire first season of Gravity Falls... · 10:33pm Nov 3rd, 2017

And I have only three things to say:

1: Why have I never watched this show until now?

2: Mabel is my spirit animal... person.

3: My favourite episodes, before anyone asks, are The Deep End, Headhunters, Land Before Swine, The Inconveniencing, Fight Fighters, Summerween, Dreamscaperers and Gideon Rises.


State of the Human, October 2017 · 3:06pm Oct 3rd, 2017

First off, pony movie soon. Super hyped to see it, and if it gets spoiled for me I'll be devastated.

Now that that's out of the way, a quick update on where I'm at.

I put out an entry to the Barcast's Rarity contest on Saturday, which was immediately buried by the Saturday flood of stories. Check it out, I'd love to get some feedback.

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So I've heard this song and I've gotten a great idea for a story for Unique to be in! · 11:08am Aug 15th, 2015

I was really really surprised to learn that this came from the Power Rangers TV show. No, seriously! It's from the Wild Force generation, and I remember hearing it before so it's really cool I've finally found this song again.

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And I oop-- story and life stats that nobody asked for at 3 am · 6:18am Jun 22nd, 2019

June 22nd, 2018 I reposted So Many Words Never Said. What a good excuse for a blog.


It's been a year. Quite a thought year, actually.
I dropped out of University, which was the main reason my depression hit like a wave after two years. So. Fucking. Hard.
I had forgotten what it was like to have suicidal thoughts almost 24/7, really.

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Downvoting stories without reading them - quality control or prejudice? · 12:24am May 14th, 2018

Okay, normally it takes a very special FIMFic story to move me to either upvote it or downvote it. Askre and I have talked about this subject a few times outside of FIMFiction, but in the context of snap judging a story without reading it. I’ve expressed my extreme distaste for people who hit that thumb up/thumb down button based on their own bias towards the subject matter. I am sure all of us have been there…seeing some tags just push our buttons the wrong way, whether it be on the subjects

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Christmas Advent Calendar 2018 Day 17 · 5:46am Dec 18th, 2018

On the 8th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me... 8 dead bodies hanging from a tree somewhere in Japan...


A thing I need to do is speaking more..... particularly, speaking up. · 8:05pm Sep 21st, 2020

So, first, sorry that this isn't about writing. I know that many here wait for updates on my stories and some recent events make it increasingly difficult to get back into a proper writing schedule, but these updates will come as I am slowly getting things back in order. For now, I need to speak about a few things and say a few things that are important for me to say and, frankly, have always been important to say.

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I wouldn't normally do this, but: My very first childhood best friend, what happened to us and why I'm still sad about it · 1:07am Jun 9th, 2020

Okay, I'm not going to beat around this one. I'm sad. So sad I'm miserable. Why? Because I miss someone.

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Happy 2022 · 4:09am Jan 2nd, 2022

Today is January 1th, which means that 2020 part 3 has just begun. Y’all looking forward to it?


Had to work yesterday, and the news about Betty White was proof to me that 2021 wasn’t going to go down without a fight. Luckily, somebody on the internet put it in perspective for me:

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Intelligence Factor Complete! · 1:35pm Sep 30th, 2021

Hello everyone! Just a quick blog post to let you know that my Pokémon story Intelligence Factor just completed. It's not my usual type of story, and the quality isn't as high as my grand adventures. But I'm still glad I wrote it and have come to a conclusion. So join me and Dr. Julian Bashir (from Star Trek) as he investigates the claims of pokémon sapience on the planet of pokérin and comes to some wild conclusions.

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Viewing 1001 - 1020 of 1,105 results