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Delayed Action · 5:23pm Jun 30th, 2019

Well, it's been a busy couple of months, and I find myself still trying to get things worked out. Physically, I'm still dealing with small issues related to my recent operation. Mostly the small annoying things that come as the result of prostate surgery. (and no I will no elaborate) Story wise though, I'm looking over the progress I've made on chapter 2 and I can't help but wonder if what I'm doing will make sense for other readers. In times like this, the lack of any real canon regarding

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Report CoyoteXray · 317 views · #thoughts

Why Are BOOKS Becoming So TERRIBLE? · 12:29am Apr 25th, 2019

Report Disavowed ASH · 276 views · #thoughts

The next big thing · 7:58pm Sep 5th, 2019

I've gotten a good start on my third story, which will be used at least partly to introduce a character that features prominently in my second story (yeah I know, nutty isn't it?) The new story presents an interesting challenge for me, how to write a story with Rainbow Dash. I've never tried making her a principle character in a story before. She's in opposition, at least initially, to my new character, and I'm wondering if I'm going to be able to do it without making her into a total a-hole in

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Report CoyoteXray · 279 views · #thoughts

Hitting Pause · 3:43pm Aug 25th, 2019

Decided today to acknowledge the obvious by putting "Danger Close" on hiatus. I simply haven't been getting anything done on it of recent, and I've been tempted to go in a new direction. I still plan, as of now, to tell the story, because I think that I've got a potentially interesting character who has an interesting story. But I think that she needs a different introduction.

Report CoyoteXray · 251 views · #thoughts

Ayeeeee · 11:58pm Oct 12th, 2016

It has....been a while, since I've generally been on here. And yeah, it's also been awhile since I last updated any of my stories, (don't worry I haven't forgotten about you guys. I'll be updating them as soon as I get the free time), but I think most of my followers and the new ones that I've noticed join, got some kind of explanation for my dilly-dallying in the sweet sweet making of words on a document, that are later delivered to your glorious eyeballs.

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Report Black Hailstorm · 454 views · #thoughts

I'll never understand some people. · 3:14pm Apr 19th, 2016

For the life of me I don't get people that hate the source material, but will stick around in a fandom just to complain about it. And I don't even mean people that are kinda meh towards the show, finding it somewhat enjoyable but not all that, and believe that the fanworks are better. That's fine and all.

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Report Rainedash · 666 views · #thoughts

Friendship is complicated · 10:25pm Aug 26th, 2015

So. I know i'm not much of a poster here. I'm more of a reader and lurker. But I appreciate the conversations and stories I find here. One of those I follow here is Applejinx who recently wrote a blog post about friendship and the process of it which resonated. It had to do with the site feature of being able to follow people and how it shows your network in the site. As someone who is more of a lurker it mostly shows that people

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Report KireiShojo · 395 views · #thoughts

Got a better idea for that Kuroko no Baske Two-Shot · 2:08am Dec 17th, 2016

So I just saw the Kuroko Birthday Special, and I've picked that for the KnB part of the Two shot, to introduce, Kagami's girlfriend. Either that, or when they're facing off against Rakuzan. Still thinking, but back to the Special one.

It'll be a set up, where she was going to show up the day after, but she came early, and comes towards the end of the episode, just after Kuroko smiles.

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Report Nasha Rei Kun · 408 views · #Thoughts

Update - 8/02/2017 · 6:07am Feb 8th, 2017

Will I or will I not l not split ch. 6 up into two sections. That's the question.

I’ve read stories with 10,000 words in a chapter and it can be quite the trek to get through I know. So yeah, thinking to keep my chapters away from hitting over the mark in a single chapter.

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Report Morpheus Sandman · 277 views · #Thoughts

Who's on who's side in "The Truth Behind My Little Pony" · 3:27pm Apr 27th, 2018

True Monsters
Pinkie Pie
Rainbow Dash
Mrs. Cake
Big Macintosh
Trixie (maybe)
Silver Spoon (maybe)
Diamond Tiara (maybe)
Nurse Redheart
Shining Armor


Lyra (kinda)

Report PenHeart3 · 256 views · #Thoughts

So about my inactivity... · 9:55pm Jun 3rd, 2023

I can't lie, I was massively astonished with how well Swallowing your pride has done over the past few months. I know many people are expecting a new chapter and one has been in the works for awhile now. I'm about 3k words into the chapter but I've encountered a nasty case of writers block. Or rather, I've written myself into a corner and I honestly don't know where to go with the plot. The first chapter was written while I was under a weed fueled haze of lust and degeneracy so I initially had

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Report Bootymeister · 136 views · #Thoughts

First Fanfiction thoughts · 12:09am Aug 25th, 2022

Feels nice to see positive reception of my fanfiction. Thank you to all of those who liked, favorited and commented thoughts. I guess next up is for me to write another. Not sure what it will be, but I hope it at least receives well.

Report GreenChocolate · 143 views · #thoughts

Hey, remember that random, off-the-wall blog I made about continuing to live in a parallel universe? · 3:41am May 19th, 2017


I just found out that there's a video about that now. :pinkiecrazy:

For reference, this is the blog I'm referring to.


I just noticed something · 12:55am Sep 27th, 2020

Just noticed that I hit 60 followers! Thanks guys I'm glad I made it this far😊 my hope is that I continue on this path. On the other hand I noticed that my stories so have followed a NSFW and then SFW pattern. I didn't do this on purpose it just happened. I should keep it up this way, that way it won't get boring. Anyway, have a good one guys. I should have something new soon so stay tuned for that!

Report darkwalker787 · 160 views · #thoughts

First blog, first story, first... Uh · 11:12pm Aug 10th, 2015

Anyways, anyone reading this has probably already seen my "story" Defiance, honestly I've got the ideas, the characters... Not a storyline. I think it my be better off if I could be a co-author, I could come up with a storyline if I took the time (I think), and like I said I've got backstories, OC's, diologe, prologues, heck I've even thought of a crossover. It's putting it all into a coherent pice of writing, that's the hard part.

Report TG Growl · 300 views · #Thoughts

Writing Thoughts Review #1 · 10:01pm Mar 8th, 2017

So I've been thinking very recently.
(Always a dangerous thing to do because of ideas.)
If a story is a retelling of a pony's life (in any POV) if it surpasses 40,000 words would that make it an adventure?
After all, the more detail there is the harder it gets to say that it's JUST Slice of Life and/or Adventure.

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The Loud Neighbor · 10:52pm Mar 8th, 2016

So my neighbors make a little bit of noise. Sometimes a lot of noise.

That’s fine. I’m okay with this. They have several kids. They live above us. Sometimes they have parties and want to play music. They laugh, they watch movies, they have an ordinary life. Sometimes that ordinary life is a little loud.

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Report Viking ZX · 594 views · #Food for Thought

S7 Premiere Thoughts · 4:57am Apr 16th, 2017

I might as well do this. After all, I watched the premiere, and I figure you guys deserve to know my stance on the episodes. Will I do this for every episode as they air? I dunno, depends on if I remember (though it's probably best if I skip the thoughts on Rock Solid Friendship, as that would be me throwing a tantrum about a certain character I cannot stand).

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Random thought that I had while switching classes · 5:10pm Jan 18th, 2017

I just realized that if my brain was a hard drive I'd have a folder labeled revenge plots against nonexisting enemies. :derpyderp1:


Just a random thought that's been brewing at the back of my mind. · 3:11am Apr 25th, 2017

What if...

Whenever you die, you die in the universe you currently are conscious in, but in the process of doing so, your perception shifts to a parallel universe where you don't die, and you just don't notice?

I mean, sure, it's a wacky way to explain near-death experiences, but who wouldn't want to hop into a different reality every time they're about to die?

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