• Member Since 15th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Aug 21st, 2017


I post about weird stuff i come up with when I should be sleeping. I figure someone might enjoy it or maybe get a story idea or something.

More Blog Posts7

  • 423 weeks

    so i've been reading a ton of SCP entries and tales, now somewhere near a total of around 3000 including deleted content. Two things that stood out to me were SCP-2480 and SCP-1730, both of which feature pictures of real world buildings, which i have found to actually still exist, so if someone wanted to go find it, they could. I have actually found a vending machine in my building's basement

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  • 424 weeks
    another stop on the train of thought

    so what if we are actually all those classic 'you cant comprehend its true form' kind of extradimensional beings, but we dont know it because our senses only give us information about the first 3 dimensions. or what if a ton of alien species have tried to contact us, but we just couldn't percieve them so they left without anyone noticing they were there. Or better yet, what if we eventually

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    0 comments · 252 views
  • 425 weeks

    so writing down all my random thoughts seems to be helping me focus, so im going to keep doing it despite knowing that maybe 10 people are going to see them. For those that do, i hope i gave you an idea, or that you just enjoy my ramblings. either way it helps my anxiety and my grades so why not i guess.

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  • 425 weeks
    still thinking

    if a character in a game were self aware, wouldn't that just be a self-fufilling existence? They know exactly why they exist, and they have the ability to achieve their purpose, so imagine how content they would be, as something that will be able to do the job that only it can do. Then consider a really bad game, like Sonic '06; imagine the pain of knowing that the you are doing a bad job as a

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  • 425 weeks
    more thought

    What if when you die you forget everything and move to the next person, such that every single person who ever lived is just a single person who keeps forgetting all their previous lives. If so, what number would you or I be?

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another stop on the train of thought · 12:48am Oct 14th, 2016

so what if we are actually all those classic 'you cant comprehend its true form' kind of extradimensional beings, but we dont know it because our senses only give us information about the first 3 dimensions. or what if a ton of alien species have tried to contact us, but we just couldn't percieve them so they left without anyone noticing they were there. Or better yet, what if we eventually achieve some kind of cool future sci fi technological advancement... and nothing bad happens at allbecause people did their jobs and followed safety procedure. Also they decided to not feed meat to the self-replicating bugs for good measure.

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