
Viewing 1 - 20 of 968 results

Getting back into doing fanfic readings and I need story suggestions! · 9:27pm Jul 4th, 2016

Hello everypony, Rainb0w Dahsie here!

As the title says I'm looking to get back into my youtube fanfic readings and I need suggestions!

And I don't mean the same fanfics we've all read a million times like Past Sins, My Little Dashie, Cupcakes, something something going out your door. You know, the ones that have thousands of hits.

I want stories that nopony has read before. Good, well-written stories that never got the recognition they deserved.

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When You Write Epic--Expect Work To Be Epic As Well · 12:36am Sep 21st, 2015

When I first tried writing fan fiction many years ago, I tried to be ambitious--I wanted an epic story that will involve many characters, a storyline that would make the X-Men storylines seem like children's story. Needless to say, it didn't go well. Although I did have a set of core characters, having just that many characters pulled in from different genres had become so complicated that the story began to get unwieldy. My vision was not just to write 10 or more chapters, but it would span

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Report Milliardo5 · 321 views · #fanfics

Cool Abby Fanfic Thing · 2:42pm Jul 21st, 2018

Heyyo, a fan by the name of Productive faffer wrote a little fanfiction/alternate ending kinda thing for Twilight's Royal Abby. I'm very pleased by this, so I thought I'd share it with y'all. It's a little snippet and not canon to the overarching Abby-verse, but it's definitely worth giving a look.

Here it be

Report LewdChapter · 376 views · #Fanfic

Fanfic 'Seed of Doubt' posted for FiMC:C · 9:21pm Oct 21st, 2018

Hi everypony!

Currently, I'm working on a side-story as part of an art trade, so the next chapter may be a little while. In the meantime, however, Equimorto has written a lovely little fanfic piece that riffs on the current Consequences storyline, entitled Seed of Doubt! I was pretty intrigued by it; hope you enjoy :twilightsmile:


Report Wintermist · 666 views · #Fanfic

Finally · 7:59am May 29th, 2023

Yesterday I finished writing my Kristall Snö fanfic in Italian, now it's only a matter of time for me to translate it into English.

Report Kawat3ngusan · 100 views · #Fanfic

The Fanfiction Drinking Game · 4:58pm Aug 6th, 2020

Take a shot (of soda, if you prefer) every time:

-A chapter ends with someone passing out unconscious.

-A paragraph is needed to describe the appearance of a new character.

-Two people speak in a paragraph instead of separating them out like you should.

-Pinkie Pie breaks the fourth wall to the reader.

-Discord references Jean-Luc Picard or Q.

-Someone uses warnings in the description of a story.

-The author says "It gets better later on."

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Report BradyBunch · 390 views · #fanfic

The ghost cat of Equestria · 10:45pm Oct 22nd, 2018

I getting help now so NEXT STOP GET IT DONE!

Report Firestar Dragondell · 291 views · #FANFIC

Update · 12:02pm Sep 29th, 2023

I'm back to translating my fanfics, from today on I will write updates when I post a new chapter, and today I posted a new chapter for my fanfic Kristall Sno, the name of the chapter is Fenrir.

Report Kawat3ngusan · 72 views · #fanfic

A hint? · 3:39am May 13th, 2023

Does anybody or anypony know if someone in the net invented parents for Somnambula? It s because I m writing a fanfic about her past with a friend of her (an oc of mine) in my alternative universe, I Ve never made a description and I call them Just the mother and the father of Somnambula.

Report Kawat3ngusan · 73 views · #Fanfic

Making A New Fanfic · 5:01pm Sep 26th, 2015

I have decided to make a new fanfic. Actually I am in the process of writing about 3-4 fanfics, almost at the same time, with of course different storylines but ultimately building up to one story arc, except maybe for one or two stand-alone stories, which will have no bearing on the overall story arc, not directly anyway. While waiting on 'Friendship Games'--well, lucky for those who will be able to first watch it--I'll be doing my fanfic. The first one I'll submit isn't the sequel to my first

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Report Milliardo5 · 321 views · #fanfic

Just got done writing my first fic. · 5:41am Mar 7th, 2018

I finally decided to try writing and needed a prompt, so I asked for one. I got the words romance, Whirlwind, and spaghetti. The fic is spaghet tornado, go read for about 1,200 words of entertainment.

Report JiffyButter · 329 views · #Fanfic

What should I do? · 2:36pm May 14th

Hi Everypony,

So as I mentioned in the author's note of my new story, I've been sort of conflicted lately over what to write about for the fandom. On one hoof I've really been inspired to write 'The Blood Doctor' as I love Vampire stories and media and I have a full vision of where I want the story to go.

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Sparkle in the Darkness Reading · 1:14am Mar 26th, 2019


Hey, hey you! So, uh... ol' Darkle has a reading now in progress by Skijarama over on his YouTube channel. So... you should go listen, Sombra commands it! :pinkiecrazy:

But really, go give the guy some love (or likes if you prefer), he does a great job.

Find it below:


Behind the Scenes · 3:10am May 23rd, 2019

Sorry for no updates, as usual (at this point). I've been having some real life stuff happen. TL;DR is that my grandpa is basically nonfunctional from cancer, my grandmother is overworking herself to compensate, and I'm the glue keeping them from falling apart at the moment.

Here are a few updates concerning my fics.

I'm canceling The Day The Show Reset.

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Dazzling story by Nova Quill · 3:28am Jul 12th, 2016

Nova Quill has put down the digital pen for a moment and picked up the digital typewriter... or something. She's writing a collection of Dazzling shorts called Putting the Fun Back in Dysfunctional.

If your a fan of my Dazzling stuff, I highly recommend checking her story out. Plenty of the girl's weirdness awaits!


I Just Had The Greatest Idea · 4:18pm Jun 9th, 2017

Okay so, I decided to sleep in today since the kid i watch doesnt come today, and I had the sickest dream ever dude and I think it'd be a good fic.

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August 21st is the Fanfic Writers' Appreciation Day · 4:17pm Aug 21st, 2019

Hello everyone! Today, let's all celebrate fanfiction writers, and be good to them. :yay: Here are some ideas what you can do to make things nicer for your favorite authors!

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New idea · 3:02am Apr 25th, 2016

So I was thinking that I could start a blog series where I review fan fics, and I want to know what you three think about it, would you like to see that. Comment your thoughts plz.

Report Dragon Eye · 330 views · #FANFIC reviews

Art Rquest Status: Fail · 3:24pm Aug 14th, 2018

If any of you are part of the Art for Fanfiction Group then you probably know that yesterday I made an Art Request. The only problem is this, I am an okay writer but I have yet to make a story that would really dazzle the world if you catch my drift. I have a feeling that my current story in the works will do just that, not that it needs to, I'm happy with it being a somewhat well known story, but I'm also pretty sure that the artists there already have an idea of what kind of writer I am,

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Report TRIBOT 4000 · 211 views · #art #fanfic

Audio Reading... · 10:23am Aug 1st, 2019

After much debate, I decided to do a reading of my story, Am I Really Their Friend?

The quality isn't the best in the world but then again, I don't have the best equipment in the world. Anyway, click the link below to go to the video:

Hope y'all enjoy.

Report pabrony · 273 views · #Fanfic reading
Viewing 1 - 20 of 968 results