• Member Since 13th Apr, 2023
  • offline last seen July 3rd


Konnichiwa, I'm the River Tengu, I've been writing MLP fanfics since 2014,I wrote them only in Italian, now I'm translating them into English.

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  • 43 weeks

    I'm back to translating my fanfics, from today on I will write updates when I post a new chapter, and today I posted a new chapter for my fanfic Kristall Sno, the name of the chapter is Fenrir.

    0 comments · 72 views
  • 56 weeks

    Sometimes I don't understand some people, what drives them to put a dislike right away? Do they read stories well? At least they wrote a comment to find out what they didn't like, or maybe I have to wait longer to get comments or likes? But one thing that makes me angry the only two comments I've had are just two stupid links to advertising sites. However, I have to start reading some of your stories, I have collected quite a few and I have to start reading them.

    0 comments · 74 views
  • 60 weeks

    Yesterday I finished writing my Kristall Snö fanfic in Italian, now it's only a matter of time for me to translate it into English.

    0 comments · 100 views
  • 63 weeks
    A hint?

    Does anybody or anypony know if someone in the net invented parents for Somnambula? It s because I m writing a fanfic about her past with a friend of her (an oc of mine) in my alternative universe, I Ve never made a description and I call them Just the mother and the father of Somnambula.

    0 comments · 73 views
  • 63 weeks
    Happy birthday

    Looks like I got another year this month, but even of I m grown up, my brain Is the same when I was 18 year old

    1 comments · 83 views

Update · 12:02pm Sep 29th, 2023

I'm back to translating my fanfics, from today on I will write updates when I post a new chapter, and today I posted a new chapter for my fanfic Kristall Sno, the name of the chapter is Fenrir.

Report Kawat3ngusan · 72 views · Story: Kristall Snö · #fanfic
Comments ( 6 )
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You're welcome 😄👍

Thanks for the follow

Thank you for following.

There's one thing I want to say...if you find errors in my fanfics, it's because they were dialogue fanfics and I had to adapt them because this site didn't accept them, but also because to translate them into English I used Google translate to save time, you must know that in my family no one knows about this hobby of mine, and if they knew they would force me to delete all my accounts, but art can't be stopped, too many fools in my life have prevented me from making art.

Comment posted by Kawat3ngusan deleted Apr 13th, 2023
  • Viewing 2 - 6 of 6
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