• Member Since 11th Oct, 2020
  • offline last seen 47 minutes ago


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  • 17 weeks
    New story

    My new story is out now, enjoy!

    0 comments · 34 views
  • 24 weeks
    Let's start over

    I gonna canceld two stories, don't worry, i am still make stories but that ones...is really thought, well, sorry.

    0 comments · 63 views
  • 48 weeks
    I am back

    Hey Hey hey!! My story "epic stygian" was updated, believe me, it wasn't easy, but if you want to help me, I'll appreciate it, enjoy.

    0 comments · 74 views
  • 150 weeks
    A need help

    Hi, I don't know if they will answer me, but does anyone know how to import a chapter

    2 comments · 130 views

New story · 1:12am March 27th

My new story is out now, enjoy!

Report Kilp · 34 views ·
Comments ( 41 )
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Thanks for favoring Spike's New Adventure!

Hey man! Thanks for the fav! Hope you're liking my story so far.

Thanks for adding To Cure Insanity Please Insert MORE Ponies to your favorites. I'll be publishing a new chapter every Monday.

Thanks for favoring my first story

Thanks for favoriting Kingdom Hearts: Spike's Rising

  • Viewing 37 - 41 of 41
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