
Viewing 1 - 20 of 660 results

Cannibalism: Plagiarism Spelled With A- "Regina Stop Eating Your Own Work!" · 1:50pm Aug 2nd, 2015

I was getting really close, in the back of my head, cannibalizing parts of In The Midst of Dreams for another story. A horror story.

And when I was thinking that, I realized that I should just post the DAMNED thing and get it out of my face.

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I just need to vent my anger · 11:36am Jun 23rd, 2020

I find it offensive that my oldest sister's attitude towards gender is ignorant and close-minded. And she had the audacity to say that I should carry the heavy stuff because of my gender and be a gentleman.

To me, that term is both a compliment and an attack on gender. Clearly, it's the latter. If she learned to be sexist from her pathetic and abusive father, shame on him! And then her husband had the nerve to tell me about this "man should protect woman" bullshit.

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Svenska Dubben - Around 20%... · 8:16pm Apr 13th, 2018

Since I'm gravely autistic, I went and decided, "Hey! Since nopony has went through and catalouged which voice actor voice which character in the Swedish dub, why don't I do that!!!"
I started with just a word document, and then I went full R and said "Hey! Wouldn't it be much better to make a video, so you can hear the different voices instead!?!! Hurr durr I'm a fucking idiot lolz!"

And since then, I've had it as a side project for months now.

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Hiatus, Hiatus · 12:29am Aug 3rd, 2015

Wow, I written quite a few drama-filled blogs posts, haven't I?

Again, I'm moving and again, I'm a real mess right now.

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Report Regina Wright · 347 views · #fuck

Now (I) Fucked Up · 10:51pm Sep 7th, 2020

So guess who’s a fucking dumbass who though not meaning to and with good intentions, managed to freak out and piss off Peter and Amy New?

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Report Super Trampoline · 389 views · #Fuck

Mandatory Megadeth #2 · 4:59am Sep 7th, 2018

Goddammit, is it September already!? Welp, so much for that summer.

Anyway, it's hard to believe its been over a year since I put 'MLP EG Forever' on hiatus. I feel like I haven't accomplished much since I started back up in January, and compared to last year, I really didn't. From January 11th to August 10th, 2017, I published 79 chapters, but this year, from January 28th to now, I've published only 23.

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Paris · 4:27am Nov 14th, 2015

Fuck fucking Dammit! What in the fuck? What the hell, man?

And is it cold that I'm already considering the political implications of this? And what is anyone supposed to do about this? Literally all I can think of is to send a letter to my congressman or something about how we're frankly probably going to need to pick up the slack on the number of refugees we take in. The professional xenophobes are going to make hay out of this, I promise you.

Report Ragnar · 332 views · #fuck

I Fucked Up · 1:17pm Mar 13th, 2018

Had a psychotic episode and caught myself before I could fuck up too bad, but the next update on everything might be late. Right now it's just a matter of getting my Meds right and keeping cool until I'm square, so don't panic or anything. I'm not allowed to die until Max is, Dammit.

Report Ringtael · 296 views · #Fuck

I don't really have any words · 11:29pm Jan 8th, 2021

Like a lot of people, I'm sure, I'm still processing what happened on Wednesday in the US Capitol building.

(Like I literally almost had a heart attack because of watching the news that day. It was bad.)

It doesn't take a lot of processing to know that what happened was beyond "wrong", going clear into "unconscionable".

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Report PresentPerfect · 1,485 views · #fuck

okay so uhhh where the hell did my stories go · 8:50pm Apr 24th, 2022

so i just got a message that they were revoked because of the plagiarism rule... so... uh, if you were able to read it in that time then good for you.

not entirely sure of my avenues of getting them back up. i dont wanna add a password and share it to get around it and changing the story would kinda defeat the purpose of the whole thing...

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Report Gamerboygaming · 201 views · #fuck

Plans going forward · 3:26am Nov 23rd, 2015

So it looks like my laptop is officially fucked.

I can't get it to turn on, and short of a full reset, there's nothing I can do about it. We're going to keep trying, but it doesn't seem likely that we can get it to work.

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Report Dusty Old Qrow · 293 views · #Fuck

I can't do it · 7:16pm Apr 12th, 2016

Or at least I might not be able to after tomorrow.

Effexor is evil. Pure evil. I've been reading patient experiences with withdrawal online and most of them say it takes months for withdrawal symptoms to dissappear.

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Report Captain Wuzz · 626 views · #fuck it

Why I'm never going to be a great writer at this rate · 6:06pm Dec 20th, 2015


all I fucking EVER fucking do is fucking procrastinate and it fucking hurts me because I miss deadlines and wait until the last minute to do stuff fuck I just got to sit down and fucking write and stop fucking about on tumblr, on porn, on facebook, on being a lazy shit on everyhting fuck I'm really angry at myself because I thought the deadline for something was an hour later than it really was and fuck when will I ever learn to stop waiting til the last second gahhhhhhh


Report Super Trampoline · 390 views · #fuck

Ive had a very rough night but i love you all. May those of you at Everfree Northwest have a blessed weekend i love you all so very much. Be good to yourselves and love each other and drink water. · 8:11am Aug 11th, 2023

Astral Mouse and WhatDidIJustRead reached out via text and asked if i was/would be at Everfree. I replied

"I'm broke and struggling to not be homeless with my disabled girlfriend. I really wish we were. She's a pegasister. Next year. <3"

They sent their regards and I replied

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Report Super Trampoline · 149 views · #Fuck

Fuck my life · 2:16pm Nov 14th, 2016

I'm not allowed to do shit. My classmates are going out having fun every weekend. My siblings got to do more things than when they were my age. It's all because of the fucking car accident. My school has this thing called senior privilege. I don't get to enjoy it because of the accident. I can't drive with friends because I get too excited in the car. Now I don't have a fucking car. It doesn't help that I rarely get to see them. I really want to run away but if I do that I'll

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Dear North American Continent · 10:50pm Mar 13th, 2016

How about we all take a hint from most of Arizona, cut the fucking bullshit, and abolish Daylight Savings Time?

It serves no purpose in this day and age.

Want another hour of daylight? Get up a fucking hour early.

Report milesprower06 · 485 views · #fuck dst

So this is my Monday. · 10:23pm Oct 3rd, 2016


back to the ER · 11:40pm Apr 30th, 2017

My left pupil suddenly dilated for no reason... Gotta go back to the hospital.

Report Foals Errand · 420 views · #fuck #not again

I’m so done with this bullshit! · 6:29pm Mar 15th, 2018

Current mood;

Context; (Too P-Od, Will keep it short)
Since December last year, my boiler has been having problems that mainly result in leaks.

We’ve had to call the landlords boiler repair people TEN TIMES OVER THREE MONTHS!

They are FUCKING ADAMANTLY denying us the right, which we clearly can have, to a new boiler under the reasoning of;

“If we can keep fixing it, we will.”

One problem:

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Report darkstone57 · 314 views · #Fuck this shit

Reasons why China is the most hated country in the world · 12:30pm Sep 8th, 2020

1. They have rude, obnoxious, and uncivilized tourists

2. They have prisons/camps that persecute Christians and Muslims

3. They produce and sell fake foods that contain ingredients unfit for human consumption

4. They denigrate other people and treat them as inferior

5. They are a bunch of entitled snowflakes who can't take a joke and whine when they don't get what they want

6. They have crazy restrictions and censorship laws imposed by the government

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Report Anthro Fanatic · 322 views · #fuck china
Viewing 1 - 20 of 660 results